Music Star!


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Todays been awsome! As you know Luna evolved. Then, at school, I sent luna to school. I saw that the other members didn't evolve, but then when they saw Luna the were suprised then they evolved! They are Violetchi and a thing that looks like a bumblebee. Then they had the tryouts in front of a panel of judges, and they got 3 O's! They were awsome! A minute ago they had another one, but Nazotchi apeared and the mad beep came up. The 3rd tryout should be comming any time today, so keep your fingers crossed! Thats all, bye!

Luna had another concert. People showed up this time! A Mumutchi, Chantochi, and a Makkiko showed up. They ranking is 22th and they have 27,760,049 fans! Thats alot of tamas! I guess thats all, bye!

Solar had another consert. This time they were in a ampa theatre. The croud was amazing! Thier ranking is 5th now!! They are working there way up to the top! Thats all, bye!

Luna just woke up, and she took a poo. I'm going to pause Luna today, because I want to unpause my v3. I've been playing with her and neglecting them. I might unpause her today,after school, or tommorow morning. Bye!

I did pause my Music Star today, but I regreted every minute of it. I missed Luna so much! Well, when I got hime I ran to my room paused my v3s and un-puased Luna. A few minutes after a talking guitar came and gave Luna 700,000gp. Seeing how she is a pop star I think thats reasonable. So thats all, bye!

I have to pause my Music Star for a while. Some things came up that I'm not supposed to talk about, and I need a simpler tama. I'm going to raise my v3s. I'm really sorry, but as most people know we can't control life... Ok, bye...

PS I'll still be updating my other log!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I wanted to just mate my v3s. Ok, nothing new with Luna. I guess 2 or so days until she gets married. I don't know how that works, so I'm excited! Shes a little heavy, 43lbs. What I hate is that you have to buy all your food at the teen and adult stages. When they are a baby/toddler you can just feed them baby food and baby milk. But I guess since Luna is loaded it doesn't matter much. Thats full, bye!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I paused Luna for a while. She is 4 years old, and still a Mimitchi. Maybe the matchmaker will come tommorow! I gots some fanmail!:

Hello, I just wanted to say, your log is awsome! And, one more reason... well, I am so excited to get a music star, and they're not out yet where I live.... so I'm wondering if you can please PM me the instructions? Thanks. (It's okay if you can't get them over....)
Sorry my scanner is broken :D

I'll update later!!!!

Luna is mezmorized by Christmas treess O.O Anyway, Luna got two trophies today! One for rock 'n roll, and one for pop. Shes is five, so she should be having a baby soon! I can't wait to see how it happens! I'll post more later. Bye!

The band manager came!!! He serves as a matchmaker. He brought a Gozarutchi! It turnes out the mate stays on the screen! They has a baby and it was a baby! So on the sccreen is the baby petitchi, Goazrutchi, and Luna. Such a happy family! I'm thinking of a nme for the cite little baby. Got any you want to share? PM them to me! Thats all, bye!

Sorry I haven't updatd in a while. I had to pause my Music Star this weekend along with all my others. This weekend I had to do some last minute shopping for my cousins. I didn't have time to check up on my tams. I unpaused Luna and her family, though. Nothing new... Here is some fan mail I got:

From midderslife:

Hi Hi! luv the tama v6 log! Also here are some names:
Boys: Girl:

Dust Fai

Sorow Maddi

Koke (Coke)* Greta

Sky* Moon

* = Can be used for either boy or girl!

Hope I helped with your naming daze!

I HAVE A BOW! --> --> 0o0
From Tamaguy 20:

Hey Shiba! It's so exciting to read your log! I don't own a Music Star yet, so it's great to hear what you have to say about them! Thanks for the details! Your log rocks!!!!!!
Thankyou guys! I really am thankful for your mail! Thats all, bye!

Luna and Gozarutchi left the little Petitchi. I'm very tired from staying up all night so I'll play with him later. I'm going to probbly use one of midderslife's names. Do you have any of your own? PM them to me! Thats pretty much it.... Oh, I wan to give another thanks for ther fanmail from tamaguy 20 and midderslife! It realy makes me feel better. Ok, bye!

I named the baby boy Lief, because love that name! I took him to Music City and I loged in and got to run around as a petitchi. Everyone followed me around ike they've never seen a baby! It was cool to have a fan-club, though. I want to buy a micro-phne there. I want him to be a singer, but right now he plays the violin. He hates the Ducky AND the doll house. I'll have to buy him a better toy... Anyway, I'll post when he evolves. Bye!

More fanmail!

Your log is awesome! I'm starting my own about my purple and black flames music star. What design do you have? PLease continue : )xXxEvilKittenxXx
Thanks! Good luck to you with your log!

Lief evolved! He is Kuchitamatchi. I'm going to Music City. If anyone wants to meet me there my username is BB1996.

I got back from Music City! I bought a micro-phone! I don't know how to get it on my tama, though... If you know PM me! Thats all, bye!

NEWS FLASH!!!! The pre-school teacher came and gave Lief a train. It's a train! He loves it! Yay!

Want to see what Luna's evolution was? Click Here! A member from Tama-Zone made it for me. Bye!
