Well-known member
With it now being summer, I had begun reminiscing to when I was twelve (which was three years ago) and how obsessed with Tamagotchis I was. If I remembered correctly, I had about 19, two of which were Japanese. But then I turned thirteen and started becoming obsessed with boys (thank you, hormones), so I sold most of my Tamagotchis on eBay. I still had four, and they began collecting dust, their batteries dying, and they were forgotten until just yesterday.
I wanted my two Tamagotchis that I started up (because I bought two new batteries) to be able to connect, so the Music Star that I owned was out of the picture. The v3 was busted, so I thought "Why did I keep it?" I threw it out. The only two remaining were my first-ever Tamagotchi - a v1 - and a v4, which I never used (but why did the batteries die? It's still a mystery...) because my parents got it for me for my 13th. I also wanted one to be a boy and one to be a girl, because I abhorred that matchmaker. It took three tries, but my v1 had the girl, whom I named Vera, and the v4 had the boy. His name was Edwin. I know they are weird names, but I'm a weird parent for them. At least I didn't name them stupid names celebrities often give their kids like Apple or Egypt.
They were very easy to take care of as babies, while I was brushing off my untouched care-giving skills. I would tend to play a little more with Edwin, because the v4 was, of course, the more complex Tamagotchi. I have a strange way of donating to the king, too: For each day's earnings (points on this day minus points of day before) I donate one tenth of it, rounded up to the nearest whole point. I know I'm a math geek, but that's how I got into a 10th grade course (Geometry) for freshman year. Anyway, Vera turned into (the obvious) a Marutchi, and Edwin into a Puchitchi. I love saying that, Puchitchi, especially putting emphasis on the "chit" syllable. hahah... I know I'm bored. That's because my darling Vera is up and Edwin isn't. The boy would sleep in, as far as I know from my experience with human boys.
So as of right now, Vera's stats are:
Hungry: ♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥♥
Training: 1 bar
Age: 0 yrs, Weight: 12 lbs, Name: VERA
Gender: Girl, Generation: 1
While in the process of typing Vera's stats, I fed her (mmm... yummy bread. Don't have too many carbs, Vera or you'll turn out like me.) and she needed to be disciplined. As for Edwin (even though he's still asleep):
Hungry: ♥♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥♥
Training: 1 bar
Intelligence points: 6, Style points: 23, Kindness points: 16
Age: 0 yrs, Weight: 12 lbs, Name: EDWIN.
Gender: Boy, Generation: 1
Points: 1,359 points (last night it was 1,510, so well y'know.)
So until next time, live, let live, and enjoy the heck out of the time you have
Love, MR. 13579, Vera, and Edwin
I wanted my two Tamagotchis that I started up (because I bought two new batteries) to be able to connect, so the Music Star that I owned was out of the picture. The v3 was busted, so I thought "Why did I keep it?" I threw it out. The only two remaining were my first-ever Tamagotchi - a v1 - and a v4, which I never used (but why did the batteries die? It's still a mystery...) because my parents got it for me for my 13th. I also wanted one to be a boy and one to be a girl, because I abhorred that matchmaker. It took three tries, but my v1 had the girl, whom I named Vera, and the v4 had the boy. His name was Edwin. I know they are weird names, but I'm a weird parent for them. At least I didn't name them stupid names celebrities often give their kids like Apple or Egypt.
They were very easy to take care of as babies, while I was brushing off my untouched care-giving skills. I would tend to play a little more with Edwin, because the v4 was, of course, the more complex Tamagotchi. I have a strange way of donating to the king, too: For each day's earnings (points on this day minus points of day before) I donate one tenth of it, rounded up to the nearest whole point. I know I'm a math geek, but that's how I got into a 10th grade course (Geometry) for freshman year. Anyway, Vera turned into (the obvious) a Marutchi, and Edwin into a Puchitchi. I love saying that, Puchitchi, especially putting emphasis on the "chit" syllable. hahah... I know I'm bored. That's because my darling Vera is up and Edwin isn't. The boy would sleep in, as far as I know from my experience with human boys.

So as of right now, Vera's stats are:
Hungry: ♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥♥
Training: 1 bar
Age: 0 yrs, Weight: 12 lbs, Name: VERA
Gender: Girl, Generation: 1
While in the process of typing Vera's stats, I fed her (mmm... yummy bread. Don't have too many carbs, Vera or you'll turn out like me.) and she needed to be disciplined. As for Edwin (even though he's still asleep):
Hungry: ♥♥♥♥, Happy: ♥♥♥♥
Training: 1 bar
Intelligence points: 6, Style points: 23, Kindness points: 16
Age: 0 yrs, Weight: 12 lbs, Name: EDWIN.
Gender: Boy, Generation: 1
Points: 1,359 points (last night it was 1,510, so well y'know.)
So until next time, live, let live, and enjoy the heck out of the time you have
Love, MR. 13579, Vera, and Edwin