I knwo you think connexion1s don;t connect with connection1s, but they do, so have no fear of owning all kinds! On ebay, most V2s go for 35-40 dollars, though the first release connexionV2s from europe are going down in price to closer to 30 (american dollars here). I spent a little more to get the exact colors I wanted from the aussie V2s, but your idea of getting them in the UK is very good, as they are so much cheaper there, even when you consider the almost 2:1 exchange rate. You can probably get them for 25-30 American dollars there. I gotta say the Aussie colors are my favorite, though I do have the euro red with white arrows design... I specifically wanted that one. The American V2 is out in the UK for some reason... you can get Connection2s on ebay from the UK and I have one, blue with pink bubbles. These are the same ones advertised at toywhiz which you can preorder.alrighty, time to add my two cents:
So to put two together, the US is getting the V2s in late summer, early fall, but so far only the UK, Australia and Japan supposedly have them available. Does anyone know if the V2s from the UK can be used with the V1s from the US? i know the UK V1s wont.... i just wondered if it would be a good idea to get one over Ebay or not, since i only have the US V1 versions.
Also, could someone post the average price in their currency for the V2 Tamagotchis (be it Pounds or Dollars and whatnot)? i had made plans previously to travel to the UK, and want to know if the conversion is worth getting one while i'm there.
Not to mention, i agree with all those who say the shelves are empty at the local toy store. when i got my first Tama back in Fall 2004, no one cared. then X-mas came about and there wasnt a Tama to be seen... i even purchased the last known Tama in TOWN around my birthday in January. i wish they would get a heck of a lot more shipments in, considering the outragious demand. *imagines Bandai swimming in pools of money*![]()
I noticed some aussie V2s going for cheap because they were in australian dollars and were not in the actual tamagotchi category, let me find them...Ah, my daddy (yes, even at 20, he's still my daddy) let me make an Ebay account! now i can get the cool colours from Australia! i have my eyes set on a couple, but i dont know if the seller will like me bidding since i have no score/feedback.... so i sent him a message introducing myself....
if anyone has V2 Tama's they are selling on Ebay, let me know! i'm looking for rare colors/special editions that most likely wont be found in Canada...
And yes.... i am a proud Canadian, but right now i wished i lived in San Fransisco... i likes the chinatown there... and i miss my grandma...![]()
Erm... excuse the randomness![]()
Nope, i live in a place where the leaders are perma-drunk and the military use plastic butterknives....heyversion 2 has already come out and its radical <_<![]()
i have got it u must not live in Australia if it didnt come out yet!!
yeah, when u connect it asks you which one u are connection withOkay I would like to apologise if this has already been asked and answered (this is the first thing I have read in about a week!) but will V1 and V2 be able to connect???
so it takes alot more to raise them? in terms of time that is...![]()
hey i got the tamagotchi vertion 2 and it has shops and points and u get 4 games and they come as u get older ther a new jump bump heading and slot, and they dont grow a year old daily they grow a year old every three days. and the matchmacker comes when its 6