More for Teen-ish girls/boys


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oh. Even though im twelve, i just though of something.
There is a boy in my grade who has liked me and my friend since like, 4th grade. (i've told him i don't like him but he doesn't care, it is hilarious.) We were having night games, and we were playing toilet paper tag, and the girls didn't want the boys going under them, so we decided that they just touch your shoulder and walk around you to un freeze you.

He came and touched me, but on my chest!!!!!! so i crossed my arms, and he just stared at me, and me and my 2 friends laughed and ran off.

talk about too young.
Lovely how you did nothing

More and more guys like natural ****s more than bigger ones now, cause hardly any bigger ones are real anymore.
previous post before this: 12 in high school? wth?
Well to explain, I live in Australia, We start high school in year 7. we dont have middle schools. ^_^


Yea teenaged boys have done that to me (and my ex-friend). Ok so me and my now ex-friend were walking to a convienent(sp?) store to get fries and stuff. She's in 5th grade and i'm in 7th. So when we came out of the store we were waiting for her mom to pick us up. We were standing by a mail box. Then this boy (probably about 16+ because he could drive) comes up to the mail box and starts kicking it like a frwak and screaming "How do you work this thing?!" Me and my (ex-)friend looked at each other laughing. Then my ex-friend said "You open this and put the letter in." Then he was like "Oh thank you sweetie!" We looked at each other again laughing really hard. Then he started skipping back to his car. Then me and her walked across the street. He was in his car at the edge of the sidewalk sticking his head out the window and smiling at us. Then he started to drive away slowly and like 2 or 3 girls stuck their heads out the windows waving to us and they all said (the boy too) "You guys are hot!" We looked at each other again and I said "What the heck was that all about?! He comes up to the mail box kicking it and saying he doesn't know how to work it!" Those teenagers (i'm almost 13 too! :blink: ) were really weird. :blink:

Lets see... Well today (May 1st), This boy (like 14, I turned 12 yesterday) Was looking at me and my bestie in highschool, he said "Woah, She's hot!" and some girl said "NO SHES NOT!" Me and my bestie laughed after they were out of sight. But ever since we started highschool this year, I've got some "looks..." though. Weird.
Ok. First of all, sorry to post 2 times in a row.

But 12 and in highschool???!!! :blink: That's like, litterally impossible!!! :blink: I'm 12 and only in 7th grade. Unless highschool for you starts in like, 6th or 7th grade, then it seems like you could be lying. But unless you're really, really smart and skipped at least 3 grades, then I don't know... :blink: :blink: :)

More and more guys like natural ****s more than bigger ones now, cause hardly any bigger ones are real anymore.
previous post before this: 12 in high school? wth?
And urm in Canada they have 12 year olds in High school ^^ Yay

Ok. First of all, sorry to post 2 times in a row.
But 12 and in highschool???!!!  :D That's like, litterally impossible!!!  <_< I'm 12 and only in 7th grade. Unless highschool for you starts in like, 6th or 7th grade, then it seems like you could be lying. But unless you're really, really smart and skipped at least 3 grades, then I don't know... :D   :huh:   :huh:

In australia right, we have it like this:

Kinder, Primary then secondary. THATS IT! Im in 7th grade and In Australia secondary goes for 7th to 12th.

Do you got it now? We dont have middle school.


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Once, i was walking back from my trumpet lesson (Its in da middle of 5th period) and i had straightend my hair, and had a bit of make up on, and these yr 10's (i am younger, but cant say what yr), were leaning out the science windows on the top floor saying things like "Your fit!","Will u d8 my m8?" kinda thing. I wont go into details, but I made a few gestures at them

I wear a uniform to school, like the stereotypical schoolgirl outfit and we have to wear it even in winter. The attention we get is so insane I hate taking the subway or just walking many guys stare/comment/whistle/ whenever I drive I honk at good looking guys just for some payback hahaha :angry:

some gangsters in a black car honked at me, then waved with a smile... it was kind of creepy since i had no idea who they were

it was 8 and i was walking home alone.

im 13 btw.

After reading all these posts... :rolleyes: Don't you guys feel stalked? I mean, really, you're at the beach, and then a bunch of guys stare at you. If that happened to me (and I actually noticed it), I'd be paranoid for days.

Then again, I don't really have much body figure or anything. Kinda weird, 'cause I'm 10 and I still haven't hit puberty yet...

I've got to tell you what happened today. As I was walking out of school (a bit late) this afternoon, I was the only one there except for this groupo af three guy. They started to wolf whistle at me and so I looked at them like 'oooooookay'. Then, as I was getting on my bike one of them a said, "That chick's got a fiiiiiiiiine a**!" And another said, "D*** right she does!" And I just ignore them. Then, as I ride past them on my bike the third one is like, "Mmm-mmm! Oh baby!" I can't pretend I'm not kinda happy that someone thought I was cute, but I was kinda creeped out at the same time. :mimitchi:

I've got to tell you what happened today. As I was walking out of school (a bit late) this afternoon, I was the only one there except for this groupo af three guy. They started to wolf whistle at me and so I looked at them like 'oooooookay'. Then, as I was getting on my bike one of them a said, "That chick's got a fiiiiiiiiine a**!" And another said, "D*** right she does!" And I just ignore them. Then, as I ride past them on my bike the third one is like, "Mmm-mmm! Oh baby!" I can't pretend I'm not kinda happy that someone thought I was cute, but I was kinda creeped out at the same time. :p
Sounds like those guys were deliberately trying to get a reaction out of you. No guy I know ever admits to doing it that loud lol.

Only as a joke. Once I was walking from the bathroom at school and these guys kept whistling at me but I knew they were joking around, because they were all laughing, and it angered me. ALOT.
Yeah I've had that happen. But even someone as ugly as me have been checked out before. By a boy I REALLY like. Connor. Yep, I've seen him look at me. I don't mind him doing that because he is hot. I've seen ugly boys check my ugyl self out too. I don't know why but I kind of like that. ^.^



I've got to tell you what happened today. As I was walking out of school (a bit late) this afternoon, I was the only one there except for this groupo af three guy. They started to wolf whistle at me and so I looked at them like 'oooooookay'. Then, as I was getting on my bike one of them a said, "That chick's got a fiiiiiiiiine a**!" And another said, "D*** right she does!" And I just ignore them. Then, as I ride past them on my bike the third one is like, "Mmm-mmm! Oh baby!" I can't pretend I'm not kinda happy that someone thought I was cute, but I was kinda creeped out at the same time. :huh:
They could have meant that. I go to a ghetto school (I'm not ghetto) and all the wannabe gangsters always say out loud to a girl they think is fine who passes by.



Kinda.. well there's this one guy that was pretending to check me out (Twas a joke. I KNOW) while I was checking out my crush (not the guy that was checking me out)

I dont really like people checking me out. Unless it's a guy I like :lol:

I'm ten, people think im like 15 or 16 since im reeeeeeally tall.

I was at the mall with my sis, (shes 16), we were going to see a movie, and she went to the bathroom, with me holding the drinks, and these 2 boys, probably about 15ish, walked by me and said, "hey you look fine". I ignored them and i walked towards the bathroom and they left.

I have a secret plan for when guys (pricks) try to feel you up, or do something innapropriate

Plan A: Sock him in the gut

Plan B: Yell RAPEIST or RAPE!!!!!! As loud as you can.

Works like a charm.


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