More for Teen-ish girls/boys


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Lets see... Well today (May 1st), This boy (like 14, I turned 12 yesterday) Was looking at me and my bestie in highschool, he said "Woah, She's hot!" and some girl said "NO SHES NOT!" Me and my bestie laughed after they were out of sight. But ever since we started highschool this year, I've got some "looks..." though. Weird.


Yeah, A lot of guys dont like me because I have small breasts :)
More and more guys like natural ****s more than bigger ones now, cause hardly any bigger ones are real anymore.

previous post before this: 12 in high school? wth?

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Haha! Well, I'm 14...And alot of people ( Guys ) think I'm 15, kinda odd...Oh well..Anyways, there's alot of guys at my school that like me, and they always stare at me. One day I was walking down the hall and these 8th graders where behind me whispering, but actually they where talking, they where talking about me. I turned around and I looked at them, they said "Hey, how you doin" and I was like "hi...good.." and I was walking off and one of the 8th graders says "Dang, she's hott!" >.<

Then last Saturday I was at this book store looking for a Itunes Card, but they didn't have any, ( dang it ) so my parents and I where leaving and there where 2 boys that where my age, they where looking at a bird book that made noise, so they where playing with it, and laughing. I looked at them and they looked up and droped the book. The guy says "Dude, pick it up!" and they look at me and start to smile and blush. I was like "aw how cute" and while we where walking out my mum was like "did you see those boys? They where checking you out" I was like "really!? AWESOME!" lol :)

A few days ago I was walking by my friend ( a boy who is in the 6th grade ) and I say "Hey!" and I waved and smiled, he goes up to me later that day and says "Hey Alina" and I say "yeah.." he says "You know what" and I'm like "what?" he says "your really pretty" I was like shocked, it came out of no where! I was like "!"

Good times good times...

Good Post Meowbark! ;) I have alot more storys to tell, but I don't just want to keep on talking about it..Not unless if you want me too. ;)


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Haha! Well, I'm 14...And alot of people ( Guys ) think I'm 15, kinda odd...Oh well..Anyways, there's alot of guys at my school that like me, and they always stare at me. One day I was walking down the hall and these 8th graders where behind me whispering, but actually they where talking, they where talking about me. I turned around and I looked at them, they said "Hey, how you doin" and I was like "hi...good.." and I was walking off and one of the 8th graders says "Dang, she's hott!" >.<
Then last Saturday I was at this book store looking for a Itunes Card, but they didn't have any, ( dang it ) so my parents and I where leaving and there where 2 boys that where my age, they where looking at a bird book that made noise, so they where playing with it, and laughing. I looked at them and they looked up and droped the book. The guy says "Dude, pick it up!" and they look at me and start to smile and blush. I was like "aw how cute" and while we where walking out my mum was like "did you see those boys? They where checking you out" I was like "really!? AWESOME!" lol :)

A few days ago I was walking by my friend ( a boy who is in the 6th grade ) and I say "Hey!" and I waved and smiled, he goes up to me later that day and says "Hey Alina" and I say "yeah.." he says "You know what" and I'm like "what?" he says "your really pretty" I was like shocked, it came out of no where! I was like "!"

Good times good times...

Good Post Meowbark! :lol: I have alot more storys to tell, but I don't just want to keep on talking about it..Not unless if you want me too. B)

xD Nice.

Today I was a little edgy because I couldn't tell where this one 7th grade guy was looking. It's really no big deal, we're at eachother throuts alot of the times, but it still makes me on end- or edge, or whatever the phrase is. xP

Especialy if I keep my legs out in the aile [how do you spell that?].

oh. Even though im twelve, i just though of something.

There is a boy in my grade who has liked me and my friend since like, 4th grade. (i've told him i don't like him but he doesn't care, it is hilarious.) We were having night games, and we were playing toilet paper tag, and the girls didn't want the boys going under them, so we decided that they just touch your shoulder and walk around you to un freeze you.

He came and touched me, but on my chest!!!!!! so i crossed my arms, and he just stared at me, and me and my 2 friends laughed and ran off.

talk about too young.

oh. Even though im twelve, i just though of something.
There is a boy in my grade who has liked me and my friend since like, 4th grade. (i've told him i don't like him but he doesn't care, it is hilarious.) We were having night games, and we were playing toilet paper tag, and the girls didn't want the boys going under them, so we decided that they just touch your shoulder and walk around you to un freeze you.

He came and touched me, but on my chest!!!!!! so i crossed my arms, and he just stared at me, and me and my 2 friends laughed and ran off.

talk about too young.
That's nasty. O.O

Did he do that on purpose? I really hope not!

To be thruthful, yes.

My older sister and I were walking back from Blcokbuster (we live so near it we are allowed to walk to it ^^). We weren't exactly dressed to impress... Both wearing jeans, loose shirts, and flipflops. Some boys were riding their bikes up the sidewalk, and they saw us and one of them wolf whistled. 0_o Talk about uncomfortable, but funny when I think about it now. :D Anyway, yes, it does make me feel 'important' or noticed in a way. :D Even though I didn't even know if they were whistling at me.

Wow! I love this Topic! Haha! :D

I actually like it when guys like you...I mean like they flirt with you. It's so cute! You probley think I'm weird now, but whatever! :)

Oh my gosh Ta9394! That's pretty odd...That happened to me, but it was a little different...

See, I was walking down the hall to go too Choir, and there's this corner that I have to turn. So I turn and this guy who likes me, Trips me, and I'm flying in the air, and my other friend ( Codey ) who also likes me, catches me, but he catches me by touching my chest o_O But after he was like "Whoa! You ok?" It was cute! :D


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Well if you count... ummmm.... Talking to you constantly, running you into a desk(Happened today) and "Flirting with you" looking at you then yep about 9999999999999999 times a day, and GOD my Best friends have feelings for me...its annoying but i like the attention you know?

ok then... I guess so. (running you into a desk? What the heck...?)

I was on the bus, and some guys on another bus across from us blew me a kiss and put his number against the window. I gave him the loser sign.

Some guy drove by and yelled "Your fine!"

Different stuff like that, it's dumb, im pretty ugly anyways/

Yeah well i hate when other boys stare at me but when my boyfriend stares at me I don't mind... lol

[SIZE=21pt]This isn't really similar, but it has to do with boys. I am in fifth grade, and a whole bunch a fourth grade boys like me. (The fourth grade boys in my school are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY cuter than the fifth grade boys in my school, so I don't mind.) There's like a whole buncha them that are always staring at me. It doesn't annoy me at all cuz they fine as what. I love one fourth grader, but have tiny crushes on other ones. You may think I'm crazy, but when you see the fifth graders, and compare them to the fourth graders, you'll understand where I'm comin' from.[/SIZE]

*edited - no need to stretch the page :rolleyes: *
Lol i actually don't find firth or fourth

graders hot. o.o and if i did...I think

something would be wrong with me.

Yep, it happens whenever I go to my cousins house.

She lives in a neighborhood full of cute older boys and we like to go on walks.

They always come up to me and ask me for my name. Some even whistle at me.

I think its funny, actually.

Just because someone it looking at you and smiling doesnt mean they liked you.

They could very well be picking on you behind your back.

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