Haha! Well, I'm 14...And alot of people ( Guys ) think I'm 15, kinda odd...Oh well..Anyways, there's alot of guys at my school that like me, and they always stare at me. One day I was walking down the hall and these 8th graders where behind me whispering, but actually they where talking, they where talking about me. I turned around and I looked at them, they said "Hey, how you doin" and I was like "hi...good.." and I was walking off and one of the 8th graders says "Dang, she's hott!" >.<
Then last Saturday I was at this book store looking for a Itunes Card, but they didn't have any, ( dang it ) so my parents and I where leaving and there where 2 boys that where my age, they where looking at a bird book that made noise, so they where playing with it, and laughing. I looked at them and they looked up and droped the book. The guy says "Dude, pick it up!" and they look at me and start to smile and blush. I was like "aw how cute" and while we where walking out my mum was like "did you see those boys? They where checking you out" I was like "really!? AWESOME!" lol
A few days ago I was walking by my friend ( a boy who is in the 6th grade ) and I say "Hey!" and I waved and smiled, he goes up to me later that day and says "Hey Alina" and I say "yeah.." he says "You know what" and I'm like "what?" he says "your really pretty" I was like shocked, it came out of no where! I was like "thanks....lol!"
Good times good times...
Good Post Meowbark!

I have alot more storys to tell, but I don't just want to keep on talking about it..Not unless if you want me too.