Jade turned around and said, "I'm looking for someone right now, and if I don't find that person...." Her voice trailed off, and she looked at the ground, in a forlon, dismal sort of way.
Terra... Seemed distant, away from Everett. Her eyes showed no emotion, as she thought about an old friend. It probably had been a year since he died, or something.
Jade said, "I was told to look for a young woman named Aviance. She's good at finding things, apparently. I need her to help me find my older brother."
Jade said, "Well... all I have is this sound recording." She pushed play and, sure enough, there was Aviance's voice. She was speaking in rapid, happy Greek, and even laughed a couple of times. "This was all the man I talked to would give me."
Terra sniffed. "he was my first friend. young, but still a nice guy. he died.. not too long before you came along. remember how sour i was when we first met? his death was the reason.."
Croy reatched out an took it in his long nails, listening intelently.
At first it seemed no progress on his ears, but after another play, his eyes, however blind, lit up (Showing that they were still windows to his emotions) and he nodded. "I heard this one before."
"You were a mess." He whispered, stroking her. "Im so sorry, for what happened to him and you to put you in such a state."
"No, for comfort." She said quietly, "I wanted someone to be there for me, besides Willard. Everett, I didn't need a replacement. I needed to move on."
Terra winced. "Everett, I didn't love him like that. He was merely a friend. But you, I fell in love with at first sight. Don't you remember how giggly I was? How I would always try to be by you? I thought you were sweet, nice, cute, helpful.." Terra braught her hands to his face, "It was never a lie."