Moonlight War


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but i'm so pale, my skin is bad (not pimples, just.. weird), my nose is big, and i'm too skinny

i really want to gain weight.

like 10 pounds

"your such a happy, virbrant one. do you sing, like other birds?" He smiled.

to skinny!


I weigh 90 lbs.

.9 lbs lost, and im going to be put in the hospital (If healthcare finds out.)

My nose is large. Well, long, not fat.

and I have acne on my forehead.

The way my eyes are positioned gives me a bad profile- my brother, actually three of them, and my closer friends, they tell me im not really attractive, and probably wont be. I have no ****s, no *ss. My teeth have some sort of weird thing going on wher their deterriorating from the inside out (Molars first, and we could have stopped it but my mom wont take me again so here I am with sick teeth, just letting them rot away in my mouth WHICH I do brush, floss, rinse, polish, its not my fault). My hair is terribly colored- once a nice, strawberry blond, now a mutt color of every shade of brown ad dark red nobody wants because its unattractive. I sweat to much on the body (Not the face) and my f*cking period hit me every time we have a holiday- I have a discolored hand and a bad foot, almost no eyebrows, which makes me look sick, scars all up my right arm. Not from cutting. My glasses make me look young, my face looks older then I am, on of my ears is larger then the other, if slightly, its noticable- I just have a bad body.

I had a stalker because I was the only f*cking person who spoke to him, which I only did out of annoyance, once, before I knew he was a freak, and he never left me alone.

I am not pretty, attractive, or even someone you want to be around or date.

So I have to be personable.

Which im not.

Im weird.

Ive had a few friends who stopped hanging out with me just because the way I think scared them, after they got to know me.

So now I have what I always had- the freaks, the weirdos, the perverts.

My last good boyfriend was f*cking blind.

dont come to me with that.

If people say your pretty, your pretty.

She nodded, smiling. "would you like to hear?"

from pictures of you i've seen, i think your pretty.

that's mean when they say your not attractive Dx

i'm sorry, i should shut up really.

sorry if i made you angry,

i just have really bad self esteem no matter what.

i can gain it, and then someone messes it up by calling me anorexic or that my hair is ratty, or my teeth are ugly, and stuff like that. i'm just easilly hurt.

sorry, if i like made you mad or something Dx

but really, from pics i've seen, i think your pretty.

(i have a bad profile as well. my cheeks look fat and i look gawky)

"yes yes yes yes please~" He nodded, smiling.

How many pictures have you seen of me.

Two? Three?

And its at an angle, or partially covered and shadowy and blurrey.

I look a lot better when im not smiling.

....The pictured actually make me prettier the I am.

Puffy cheeks are okay. Their better then no cheeks at all.

Honestly- You look a lot better then a lot of people I know..

My brothers are being truthful. they dont say things like that to be mean.

she sung

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well, i still think your pretty.


sorry if it angers you

nanana, that's not just it about my profile.

i like like a sleezy guy o_O

my eyes look weird, and my lips..

stick out.

Nathaniel listened, amazed.

We had a snow day today.

And apparently we're having another one tomorrow. Excellent. ^^

Avi randomly sat down on the ground and smiled.

lol, im in a better mood today, sorry about last night.

Yha... I look like a guy, from the side of me that has short hair.

Like, not a good looking guy though.

I dont know...

She finished up, and frowned. "Its not as good...."

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I think everyone is beautiful in their own way. ^^

Except for Michael Jackson. He's kind of creepy. Oh, and clowns. I HATE clowns.

I like the way he used to look.

He was very beautiful.

Meanwhile, a newcomer to these woods (or wherever they happen to be) wandered alone, completely and utterly lost. She stumbled around the undergrowth, but she felt like she was moving in circles, around and around, endlessly.

I wasnt to fond of how he used to look, but I like... how he looks now...



He was watching from the trees confused and lost as much as she but at least with the common sense to keep away from the view of some danger..

The third time she passed him, he gave up and decided to help.

So he jumped out quickly and landed with a muffled thump behind her, standing straight.

Ah well.

We'll just have to agree that he is... who he is.


Duuuude, Gandalf is AMAZING!

She whirled around and stared at the stranger. "Who are you?" She asked, perhaps a bit too calmly.

X^D How so?

He blinked at her, himself with a cool, gray tint to his skin, and dark, black eyes.

"...May I ask, who are you, wandering around like a poor lost soul in this very... dangerous.... forest?"

Everyone in Middle Earth knows OF him.

And, he's got powers beyond compare! He's a coolio old guy!

The girl started at him, one of her eyes an emerald green, the other switching colors periodically. She looked too clean for someone who was wandering around in the woods for days and days. Her chocolate brown hair had luster and shine, her clothes were still neat and unwrinkled. Her skin, almost the color of milk, was spotless. "I asked you first."


I, personally, couldn't care more or less about him

"Unfortunatly, your female." He said, raising his chin to her. "Ladies first."

He was f avarage hight and thin, nimble, with pointed ears like an elf and white-blue hair, only just lighter then his skin.

He had a smaller set of ears below his first, and they swivled round, as if they were the ones who could truely hear.

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*le gasp* You'd better hope Gandalf didn't hear that! He'll transform you into a froggy!

The girl said, "My business is my own. I want to keep it that way, thank you."

Oh no! You'd better hope he doesn't hit you with his staff!

The girl blinked, and then her right eye changes to a deep shade of purple. "I'm sorry if I offended you." She said quietly.

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