It was a while before there was another sound, and this sound was only a name.
"Kyouri? Kyouri!"
Silence, and then an yell, as there were some shots. Then Axie let out a high, loud growl, and this could have been taken as a warning for both parties.
Kyouri himself was running for his life, with the two kids in his hands. He had too- there was a large bite on his hand, and it was not pretty. Something, and it looked a cat bite of sorts, had done this, and maybe threatened the kids, so he was making his way to Sora's when the renforcements caught scent of his loacation. HE sworn he heard Axies voice, but by the time there were gunshots, he was too far away to hear any more.
Kyouri laughed a bit. "Im fine. There.. a wildcat of sorts, god knows why it chose this time to come out of where it was hiding, and it bit me. Allergic to cats... I had to run."