Moonlight War


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X^D plants are wayyy to freaking complicated

a while ago, we were watching a video about plants. they made apples sound like evil geniuses.. and some animal's crap exploded everywhere o_O

Sorrow licked her lips.

X^D thats...odd, fut oddly funny.

I understand plants. I like to talk to them....

I like to talk to pictures more.

He kissed her while she was doing so. "you know, your daughters wanting you." He whispered.

i just, only like eating them

i don;t know why, but they make me mad o_O like pens

Sorrow smiled and walked back over by Kyouri, with them in her arms

My pencil smears, because I write at a slant. It smears and fades and I get low handwriting points- thats why I do pen most.

Kyouri laughed and kissed her. 'Hi, sweetie!"

Araya reatched up and tried to grab his moms nose.

ohh, so the pen is darker and is still visible?

Parade giggled.. "da, lah oo!" She hugged him

Sorrow licked her lips, and laughed. "Aray.."

and is a straight line though I write at a slant. Its just, easier for me.

He laughed, really hard. He always loved when his daughter showed him affection. "I love you too!"

He frowned. "Uh!"


I still like pens

and and


How do you get angry at plants!

I mean, I just see some fat guy staring at a plant that then attacking it because he got angry X^D

He hugged her back, and rolled around gently with her.

He frowned, cause he couldnt reach 'u-uhp!"

maybe >>


He grinned. "yhae...." he said, looking at the pool. "you want to go, for a swim, deary?"

Araya suddenly giggled when he caught her nose, completely interested in the weirdest thing.

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X^D fran= narf backwards. a wannabe narf! so you are a fran!

Parade giggled, and splashed the water.

Sorrow smiled.. "yes baby?"

oh yha? OH YHEA?


a fat old person making out with another old lady.

He laughed and got his int he face with the splash, he spit a bit out. "Parad-ey!"

He giggled at the funny sound of her voice while he held her nose and giggled, moving his hands away to clap.

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