Moonlight War


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After a while, he let go, and his hand reatched for Willards face again....he had forgotten about his attempt at escape.

"" He whispered, kissing her nose again. "..or...or death...infection...."

Willard smiled slightly.. "hey there.." He said, taking Luneth's hand in his, kissing it.

Sorrow raised an eyebrow.. "how, can i get an infection?"

He didnt laugh, like his sister might have. He just staired at him with wide eyes.

" open up a part of your a time, in a place like this..its not the best thing..." He whispered.

Willard smiled.. "whaaaat?" he said, tickling him gently.

Sorrow thought about it.. "true, but.. one more time?" she said, "please?"

Luneth finnaly let out a little pathetci squeak of a laugh and his legs kicked, franticly.

Kyouri looked into her adoring eyes and could nto resist. "...fine....fine, okay, my love...once more."

Willard laughed and kept tickling him, he sounded and looked so cute..

Sorrow smiled, Parade was alseep.. "what are we going to rest her on?"

He thoguht, and then pullled off his shirt as welll, and laid it out for her. "..Seince she had my jacket already."

Luneth squealed a little louder, drowing out Axies new snores. His face was turning a bit red.

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