lolz, I have a kitty hoodie (skelanimals, ftw.) and a MCR shirt with a wolf on it. I love to wear them together.
Dont ask me, I cant help you ^.^;
"...As far as I know." She said. "...I left them in....okay hands." She said. "...I had an older brother once, though..half as well." She sighed. "...Hes not."
It scared my 'tard cat when it showed it to her X^D
lol....Im running away now, deary.
this surprised her as well, and she looked up at him oddly. "..No kidding?' she said. "...Whats 'er name?" she was being lazy with keeping her accent in check.
Axie did keep her promise to herself. She laughed a little, at the increadably long name. " least no one else will ever have it." She said. "...Its unique, I s'pose."
how much does it weigh? If its less than 22 lbs my cat Pretty beats it out (Nikoma is the r-tard, Mikas the smart but gone)
"....Axie Alisia Amelie Nekura." She said. "....Im named after my grandmother and my great great grandfathers sister, and my moms old best friend." She said. "....Axie was the friend." She smiled. "...AAAN" (mines AMAP, but it was supposed to be AMP)