Moll and Lora Obtaining Method Chart


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Mar 22, 2017
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Credit to the Tamagotchi Wiki for making the chart (original from X/Twitter here) and credit to rhubarb_pie on discord (rhubarb_tama on X/Twitter) for doing the hard work dumping the Mothra's ROM to finally uncover after 26 years how to obtain these two. On his website, rhubarb_pie has created a page about the method of obtaining Moll and Lora as well as other things about the Mothra's programming.
You're welcome, Birbplant! I just found out about this discovery yesterday morning (right before having to head off to church too, ha ha). The crazy thing about Moll and Lora was that they were so, so difficult to figure out that people doubted they even existed in the code at all. I was thinking that somebody messed up the code when programming them and locked them off but no. Instead, getting them is simple as forcing premature death - all under the hint of "take real good care of it!" - and keeping the weight 10-19 tonnes above the base weight - when no other evolution requires weight at all.

Even nuttier is the secret generational mechanic where repeating the steps to get Moll and Lora 5 times without pressing the reset button on the Mothra Tamagotchi will lead to Mothra Leo evolving into the living tombstone character dubbed "Lucky Haka-kun". At least that can be dismissed as an easter egg since Lucky Haka-kun actually doesn't have any unique sprite animations, similar to the Cactus Angel and Smiling Angel on the Angelgotchi/Tamagotchi Angel.