Name: Cotton Candy Bubblegum
Gender: Female
Species: Pegasus
Coat Color: Light pink
Mane: pink with blue streaks
Tail: same
Cutie Mark: cotton candy
Job(s): Candy salesperson
Name: Blu Skies
Gender: Female
Species: Pegasus
Coat Color: White
Mane: Dark blue
Tail: Dark blue with white streaks
Cutie Mark:cloud
Job(s): Plays pranks while sitting on clouds. Also has the ablility to make clouds dissapear
Name: Moonlit Night
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn
Coat Color: Black with flecks of gold.
Mane: Gold with black bangs.
Tail: Gold with black streaks and polka-dots
Cutie Mark: Moon and stars
Job(s): Makes the moon rise at night and set in the morning(If this is okay with SugaryGoesRawr already accepted by c3) (Is a relative of Nightmare Moon Hates her though)