Christmas was great this year.
We all woke up at 8:30a.m.(later than usual on Christmas) and my boyfriend, mom, dad, and brother and I first went through the candy in our stockings. I purchased and filled a stocking for my guy on Christmas Eve and he didn't know it. ^_^ Then, we gave our animals all of their presents before doing ours.
I gave:
*2 pairs of beautiful earrings
*really cute kitty-print pajamas from Victoria's and matching slippers
*a Santa Claus figurine(she collects them each Christmas
*$50 Macy's
gift card
*a few other things
*Three Nike hoodies, differet colors
*A pair of new tennis shoes
*he's tough to buy for
*A new thermal Billabong shirt
*Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2 PS2 game, he likes to shoot virtual animals
*A matching super-soft polar fleece robe and lounge pants set in grey with black bears on it(the least old man-ish one)
*a Kansas University super-soft polar fleece-ish blanket( he LOVES KU things)
*KU thermal and longsleeved shirts
*Trinity Blood 3
*Japan and Starry Night V3s
* a pair of candy cane boxers/sleep shorts that came with a Santa hat

Couldn't resist a little humor
* and a few other things
*his ULTIMATE present was a 44 inch long authentically handcrafted Samurai sword with dragons on the handle. He LOVES Samurai anything, and he loved this present so much!
I received from my family:
*DS lite Coral Pink(yay!)
*Pokemon Blue Rescue, Pokemon Ranger, and Pokemon Emerald(triple yay!)
*some great BeBe clothes and Japanese Cherry Blossom perfume from Bath & Body Works
*Bride and Prejudice DVD
*a very rare V3 color I just happened to find at KMart-plain matte black with pinkish-reddish crackle and buttons. Never seen it before or since
*a white Morino and a Brown Morino. Now I have all three colors!
*beautiful authentic Chinese porcelain pottery from my friend from Beijing who sells his wares at a Chinese market over here
*some great insect biology and identification books
*an RC tarantula
*perhaps my ultimate present was the life-size cardboard cutout of Steve Irwin holding an alligator. I saw it and really wanted it to put with my reptiles.
From my boyfriend:
*a red Chibi Tamagotchi(japanese Mini)
*Japan V3
*Union Jack V3 Connexion
* Tamagotchi calendar from Japan. So cute!!
*Two virtual pet beetles he found when he was in Taiwan. The egg case is actually a big beetle, very realistic!!!
*some dance movies
*Bride and Prejudice movie soundtrack!
*Poseidon Whale Shark Beanie Baby
*new Pokemon movie we watched together(we're both in our 20's but often act like big kids! hehe)
*new collector's edition complete Pokedex
*the ultimate present was a book called rainforest. It is a big book filled with the MOST beautiful rainforest animal photography I have ever seen!

I saw it when we were out together weeks ago and I loved it. Didn't think he remembered!!
I got lots of amazing things this year, and I had the best time with him and my family.