Memetchi <3's Log


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:mimitchi: June 22nd 2010 :mimitchi:

Thought I try a new font color today, so far this log is looking good. B) But no fan mail yet. :( Anyway, today's entry is gonna be different, I'll be giving links to good logs to read. ;) Anyway, Megatchi is 4 years old, still an ugly looking duck. :p I played Heading with him but failed to even hit the ball! (the buttons are horrible so it explains why I lost) :rolleyes: I decided to play Bump instead hoping that it's easier. And it was, except that my thumb hurts quite a bit. -_- (I pressed 'B' in the entire game with my thumb :lol: ) I finally unpaused my Music Star just to feed it, it had 15 stress level. :furawatchi: So that's it for today! Thanks for reading! B)


~Memetchi ;)


Other great logs to read:

Jasen221's log

Analei's Tama Diary!

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Tamagotchi Log

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log

Enjoy them! ;)

P.S. I didn't make those logs, just this one. :mimitchi:

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:D June 23rd 2010 :p

New font color today! Now I'm red. B) Anyway, I finally decided to un-pause all of my Tamagotchis. :D My blue MS evolved to Hitodetchi! :D I went to Preschool(I call it Sunnyside Daycare XD) And I played jump rope with a Kuribotchi and Tamatchi. :lol: I won on both of them. I fed Allegra(my Hitodetchi) baby food and baby milk. Tomorrow when she's a teenager, I'll use this cheat to get food with out using my points! B) I want to thank the person who made that cheat. :D Anyway, my other MS is named 'B' for some reason. :D She also evolved to Hitodetchi(it seems like all my TMGCs are Hitodetchi lovers) My V3 Megatchi Lef, is 5 years old, tomorrow or in two days he'll get married! :lol: Then starting on the 2nd Generation. :p So that's what happened today! Thanks for reading! B) PM me fan mail and I'll put it in my next entry! :lol:


~Memetchi ;)


Other great logs to read:

Jasen221's Log

Analeis's Tama Diary

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Tamagotchi Log by HanatchiHannah!

Desi's NEW Fabulous Tamagotchi Log

Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one. :p

I got fan mail! Let's see who it's from:


i really like your log!!!!keep it up!!!

- kuromimitchi12
Thank you Kuromimitchi12!
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:D June 24th 2010 :lol:

Great news! My dad says I don't need to have a no computer day! :D Happy day! :D Anyway, I heard that you can get a good character by doing care misses, I had NO care misses and I still got Ringotchi! :D :D On both! :D I'M SO MAD!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, oh yeah my Tamagotchis are gonna talk for a bit!


Megatchi: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz(he's asleep)

Ringotchi 1. I don't know why I'm Ringotchi, but I LOVE Mametchi! :)

Ringotchi 2. I LOVE Mametchi more then you!

Ringotchi 1. NO I DO!!


That's enough! Sorry about that. :p So that's it! Thanks for reading!


~Memetchi :D


Other great logs to read:

Jasen221's Log

Analei's Tama Diary

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log

Enjoy them! Please don't reply to any logs, as the Tamagotchi Log Rules say. I didn't make them! Just this one. :lol:

:lol: June 25th 2010 :mimitchi:

Great, Allegra (the not any longer Ringotchi) evolved to Sebiretchi! :angry: Luckily I had a Girls Destiny Star. :D ★ ★★★WHOOSH!★★★★ Star shower! Now she is a cute Dazzilitchi! B) Her band mates evolved to Onputchi and Masktchi. :ph34r: Still a love-able band. ♥♥♥♥ Oh and Lef died. :( I got a baby girl still leaving her name to Lef, to lazy to change the name. :D So that's what happened today! See you all tomorrow! ;)


~Memetchi ♥


★ More great logs to read ★

jasen221's Log

Analei's Tama Diary!

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log

Desi's NEW Fabulous Tama Log


Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one. :mellow: ♥★


NOTE: Woo hoo! Almost to my 700th view! :mimitchi:

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:mimitchi: June 25th 2010 :mimitchi:

Woo hoo! Over 700 views, and FAN MAIL!!!!!!! Let's see who's it from:




Thanks! Anyway, Dazzilitchi (Allegra) still didn't get pro debut yet. :p Still hoping that the Judges will do 3 Os. But my hopes are WAY too high. :D I played Sound Block with her, I always win that game. I went out to play with my friend today (which is why I updated this so late) It was fun, back to the Tamagotchi. :ichigotchi: It seems that Dazzilitchi wants to talk! Don't be too rude!


Why do you always ask me that? I'm as nice as can be! Oh hello readers of my owners log!!!!! :wacko: Don't listen to her, she NEVERS get the details right. B)


Hey! Stop lying! :angry:


Hmph. So life is fine, but I hate that :ph34r: in MY band! She plays horrible, Onputchi is fine, but Masktchi! :angry: The one Tamagotchi I don't want in my band.


Ahem. :furawatchi:


Oops :mellow: Bye bye everyone! :D


Ahh, the life of Dazzilitchis. ;) So that's what happened for today! Thanks for reading! PM me for a comment! No rude comments please! :lol:


~Memetchi ♥


★ More great logs to read ★

Jasen221's Log

Analei's Tama Diary

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log

Septmeber's Tama Diary

Zack's Tama Log

Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one.♥

:mimitchi: June 27th 2010 :mimitchi:

Well, if you have read my post in Introductions and Departures, I will be gone for quite a bit. :( So my Log will be a bit empty for a while. :( In the mean time, read the Logs below, cause they are REALLY good! :D


★ More great logs to read ★

Jasen221's Log

Analei's Tama Diary

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log

Septmeber's Tama Diary

Zack's Tama Log

Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one.♥


Good bye everyone. :(


~Memetchi ♥

:rolleyes: July 1st 2010 :eek:

Readers, you probably saw that I was going to leave, I found out that I can have computer breaks!!!! :D So I will be able to go on for a bit, like what I'm doing now. ;) I put my TMGCs in storage, so this Log will be empty till I get a Tama-go! (maybe :p ) So I just wanted to let you guys know, see you. B)


~Memetchi ;)


★ More great logs to read ★

Jasen221's Log

Analei's Tama Diary

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log

Septmeber's Tama Diary

Zack's Tama Log

Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one.♥

:( July 5th 2010 ;)

Yay! Back from the church retreat, and moved in my new house! :D I'll first start my trip to the retreat.... If it's allowed. XD Anyway, we went to a retreat called 'Cedarville University". It was OK. The food at dinner made me sick :p , but lunch and breakfast was pretty good. :D In my class, we played Dodgeball a LOT. My legs and feet are aching a LOT. XP :p Then the day we my family was leaving, some boys in my church played with the elevator. I was SO mad at them! :) Then my dad and some other people in my church including my little sisters went in the elevator and they got stuck?! B) I was SO scared, upset, and angry. Thank fully, they got out of the elevator. ;) That was an exciting 2 days. :( And my Tamagotchi? She is fine, just that she's been cranky and I don't want to have Dazzilitchi anymore. :pochitchi: So I'm gonna kill her and get a GOOD care character. B) That's it! Thanks for reading! B)


~Memetchi ;)


★ More great logs to read ★

Jasen221's Log

Analei's Tama Diary

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log

Septmeber's Tama Diary

Zack's Tama Log

Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one.♥



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:) July 8th 2010 :(

Sorry about yesterday! My mom got mad at me for NOT brushing my teeth and I couldn't go on the computer. :( Anyway, Dazzilitchi died and I got a boy. Great. I was hoping for a girl so I could TRY to get Ichigotchi. ;) :ph34r: I played 2 games with him, Sound Block, and Music Notes. Then I paused him. Not eagerly willing to care for him. So that's it, thanks for reading! :D


~Memetchi ;)


★ More great logs to read ★

Jasen221's Log

Analei's Tama Diary

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log

Septmeber's Tama Diary

Zack's Tama Log

Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one.♥



:mimitchi: July 12th 2010 :mimitchi:

Phew still on the 1st page in the forum. :) Huh? YES! Fan mail! :nazotchi:



| Fan mail |

| @jasen221 |


Hey, just wanted to tell you that your log is great. Can't wait to see more of it. :)

Thanks for the mail jasen221! :D Anyway, on to my Tamagotchis. -_- Well, I'm keeping them on pause for now till I get a Tama-go(or at lease TRY too :angry: ) cause my parents don't want me to get a Tamagotchi, even my brother won't appreciate it. Siblings... I don't have much to tell of my Tamas, so that's the end for today! Thanks for reading! :furawatchi:


~Memetchi ;)


★ More great logs to read ★

Jasen221's Log

Analei's Tama Diary

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log

Septmeber's Tama Diary

Zack's Tama Log

Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one.♥



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:D July 25th 2010 :p

Yikes! I haven't replied in a WHILE! :eek: So sorry guys! :( No fan mail yet. *sighs* &lt;_&lt; Anyways....... I have a lot to tell for VBS(Vacation Bible School) which is why I wasn't AS active through out this week. :mellow: So I'll start with my 5 days of ocean fun! :D


Theme: High Seas Expedition

Today we went to VBS at 8:00 A.M. :p Super tired. But someone was already there, there were 4 little boys and they were NOISY! I can't explain it but it was SUPER loud. -_- Everybody came and we sang some songs. We sang Vast Voyage(look up the songs on YouTube ) After the songs we split up into groups, I was in group SEAHORSE! :) We went to many activities, and had lunch and made some snacks. (can't really explain EVERYTHING :D ) And then we had a finale and went home. Tired. And on Wednesday was the BEST DAY EVER! We had a water slide and we slid a bunch of times! XD Plus that day had less activities then we dried off and put on fresh clothes and drank SMOOTHIES!!! B) I drank 3 cups of them, I got kinda of sick of it, but it was TOTALLY worth it.


So that's how everyday on VBS would go. (except on Wednesday) So thanks for reading goodbye!


~Memetchi ;)


★ More great logs to read ★

Jasen221's Log

Analei's Tama Diary

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log

Septmeber's Tama Diary

Zack's Tama Log

Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one.♥



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:D July 27th 2010 :mimitchi:

Not much of an entry today cause I paused my Tamagotchis. :p This is just news where I can't post anywhere else but my Log. ;) So here it is. MY DAD ORDERED A TAMA-GO FOR ME ON TOYS R US!!!!!!!!!!! :D :eek: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! MY WISH HAS COME TRUE!!!!! ;) *SQUEALS* Sorry, I'm just very excited, so that's it bye! :blink:


~Memetchi ;)


★ More great logs to read ★

Jasen221's Log

Analei's Tama Diary

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log

Septmeber's Tama Diary

Zack's Tama Log

Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one.♥



:) July 31st :unsure:

Hello again readers! So far no fan mail. :D But today, I GOT MY TAMA-GO!!!!!!! :D I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! :D So my dad put in 2 triple A batteries and I started up my TMGO. The egg hatched to a Nokotchi. :D I gave her my most excellent care I could ever give her, me and my little sister(she got a TMGO too) played 'Shoot the Bug' so many times. We loved that game. B) My little sister got Kinotchi. They took a nap after we fed, played, and connecting with them. They woke up and 10 minutes later they evolved to Mattaritchi &amp; Belltchi! YAY! We connected once again, and I had to fix up my little sister's time on the TMGO because she set it on 2:11 A.M. XD I got a blue with Memetchi TMGO if you hadn't known. ;) I bought her a room that was on sale at the shop (sorry no pictures) It looked very homely to me, but I plan on changing it later on. So that's it! Thanks for reading!


~Memetchi ;)


★ More great logs to read ★

Jasen221's Log

Analei's Tama Diary

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log

Septmeber's Tama Diary

Zack's Tama Log

Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one.♥

:) August 2nd 2010 :p

Well, yesterday was quite the most tiring day for me, and fun. I went to my friends birthday party yesterday, during that time my Tama-go evolved to Shelltchi! B) I woke up this morning and played a bunch of games with her. Mostly Shoot the Bug, I'm so addicted to that game. :D So anyway, I fed her and she weighed 99 pounds. But she wasn't the big fat disgusting drooling blob........ yet. So I played and went to TamaTown, there was so many people! More people that I've never seen before! ;) So, yeah I guess I'll edit this when she evolves in like 3 hours so bye thanks for reading! :p


~Memetchi :D

★ More great logs to read ★

Jasen221's Log

Analei's Tama Diary

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi

TamaMum's V4 Log

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log

Septmeber's Tama Diary

Zack's Tama Log

Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one.♥

Well, I'm sorry to say but, I quit keeping a journal, it's too much for me and I chat with my friends a lot so it keeps me from posting in my journal. So thanks for reading anyway though. :D

~Memetchi ;)

P.S. Be sure to read those logs I've posted!

:D September 15th 2010 :huh:

Well for some reason, I got re-attached to restart my log again, so I'm back! :eek: I hope TamaTalk can get an upgrade! Cause very soon we can post images! :D Thank you contributers! Anyways, I'm achieving to get Oyajitchi or Grippatchi on my Tama-go(My little sister has Ojitchi on her TMGO, and I have a girl so we can get married by connection) Hopefully I'll have either the two of them. :p Right now, she evolved to Chuchutchi at 10:47 A.M. today, I'm also trying to get Uwasatchi, or Kunoitchi. Here is my list of Tama-go characters I'm missing.

  • Uwasatchi
So that's it for today! Bye!!


~Memetchi ;)



★ More great logs to read ★

Jasen221's Log ACTIVE

Analei's Tama Diary ACTIVE

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi ACTIVE

TamaMum's V4 Log IN-ACTIVE

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log ????

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log ????

Septmeber's Tama Diary ????

Zack's Tama Log ????

Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one.♥

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:D September 25th :p

So sorry about the updates! I got grounded for 1 week of no computer so I couldn't keep track, but I'm back! So here it goes, I put fresh new batteries and activated my V4.5. I got a baby girl, I named her Meme. We had a good time, I played Climb with her, and I always end up in the middle of the cloud when I finish the game for some reason. :) Yesterday, Meme got robbed she lost 300 points. But I played a couple of games and she got more money then what she had before. :) Today she evolved to Young Ura Memetchi! :D She left Preschool and went to Tamagotchi School, she chose the Flower teacher to teach her. :)


My Tama-go is doing fine, today she evolved to Marotchi(Oh how I want Uwasatchi and Kunoitchi) So I'm going to let her get old and wait for my little sister's Tamagotchi to get old so I can get Grippatchi or Oyajitchi! :) So that's it! Thanks for reading!


~Memetchi ;)


★ More great logs to read ★

Jasen221's Log ACTIVE

Analei's Tama Diary ACTIVE

The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi ACTIVE

TamaMum's V4 Log IN-ACTIVE

The New Fabulous Tamagotchi Log ????

Desi's NEW fabulous Tama Log ????

Septmeber's Tama Diary ????

Zack's Tama Log ????

Enjoy them! I didn't make them, just this one.♥
