Memetchi <3's Log


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Yay! Today is the first day of May, and my 200th views! :D Today Samus evolved to Sebiretchi. :p For some reason, Zelda hasn't evolved yet. She's probably using her magic to make her a child forever! :D :D Come back here today to see what Zelda MIGHT evolved to. :lol:

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Hooray! Zelda has evolved to, Ringotchi. :) Again, next time I'll have to spend my day playing and caring for my Tamagotchis. I won't post the stats here! :)

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Zelda died. :eek: :) But the good news is that Samus is still alive. :angry: The egg hatched and I got a girl, I named her Nokama. About 2 hours ago, she evolved to Hitodetchi. :D Come back tomorrow for more on Nokama! :(

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Samus died! :eek: Nokama is fine,which is good. Well, so far Nokama evolved to Ringotchi. :p And I named the girl, Memetchi. B) She also evolved to Hitodetchi. :D Nothing else happened today. :D

ARG! Both of my Tamagotchi's evolved to Ringotchi AND Sebiretchi. :p :mellow: I am sick of them! :huh: Nothing else happened to them.

Aww. Nokama and Memetchi died. :eek: I got a baby girl and boy, I named the girl AK8425, and the boy, CE1329. :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :eek: Anyway, AK8425 evolved to Hitodetchi, Chamametchi, and Mimitchi! :eek: I paused CE1329 so I could concentrate on AK8425. :eek:

-Memetchi :huh:

Yesterday AK8425 got married!
She married a Togetchi.
I got a baby boy which I really want now. I found CE1329 and unpaused him, for some reason his stress level went down by it's self without playing games, being praised, or play with it's toy.
Oh well!


Aw, AK8425 left. :) I named the baby boy ME2620 for some reason. :ph34r: Anyway he evolved to Kuchitamatchi yesterday, nothing happened today. :wacko:

~Memetchi :D

Aww man, I left my MC at my friends house. :( But I'm glad that it's on pause. :) I activated my brothers V3, it was a girl already married with a baby girl. :p

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! J died! (The V3) :eek: :eek: I got a baby boy and I named him Led for some reason, anyway he evolved to a child, I'm not sure what child but I'll look it up! :D The child is Mizutamatchi! ;)

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:mimitchi: June 5th 2010 :mimitchi:


My other Music Star ran out of batteries. :( And my other MS is still at my friends house. -_- Today I unpaused my V3, still a Mizutamatchi. :) I played "Bump" with Lef (the Mizutamatchi)


Round 1. Pyonkotchi WON!

Round 2. Puroperatchi Lost


I bought an omelet and fed Lef. :) That's it! I'll post later today! :furawatchi:




Hungry meters: OOOO

Happy meters: OOOO

Ib: 42

Age: 1

Training bar: l


~Memetchi ;)

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:furawatchi: June 5th 2010 2:07 P.M. :mimitchi:


My Mizutamatchi evolved to Nikatchi! He looks like a lemon with teeth. :( -_- I played the game 'Flag' with him.


Round 1. WON

Round 2. WON

Round 3. LOST


I fed him some tarts and bread to cheer him up. :) That's it! I'll post on Monday! Or tomorrow maybe! :mimitchi:


~Memetchi :)

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June 7th 2010

Aw man, I can't find my Tamagotchis. :( :eek: I have to find them soon or else this will be a dead log. :eek: I don't want that.



;) June 9th 2010 :D

Yay! I found my Tamagotchis! :D I put fresh batteries in my Music Star, except for the fact that she was a Tamatchi that was 1 year old. :p I still had Lef, the Nikatchi. Still happily bouncing, I played Heading(even though the buttons were horrible :p ) I lost, only having 0 Gotchi. :( And the best thing is that Lef will evolve to an adult in a day or two! :lol: That's all for now! Thanks for reading! &lt;_&lt;


~Memetchi ;)

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:mimitchi: June 10th 2010 :mimitchi:

Today I played with Lef, I played Bump with him.


Round 1. WON

Round 2. WON

Round 3. WON

Round 4. WON

Round 5. WON

Round 6. WON

Round 7. WON

Round 8. WON


I bought him Music as an award. :D And AK8426 evolved to Ringotchi. :angry: :angry: That's it! Thanks for reading! :) :furawatchi:


~Memetchi ;)

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:D June 14th 2010 :D

Yesterday, my friend brought back my MS, but she killed it! :( :D I was pretty upset that she got Nonopotchi and killed it. :D :( Anyway I got a baby girl named by my name. (I'm not telling! ;) ) I paused her, and Lef evolved too.... I'm not so sure what kind of Tamagotchi it is so I'll find out later. :D And AK8426 is Sebiretchi. :D That's it! Good night! :)


~Memetchi ;)

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:chohimetchi: June 18th 2010 :ichigotchi:

Today was OK. My friends came over to play which was fun. :angry: My computer wouldn't let me on the Internet but my mom fixed it thank goodness. -_- And I drank a Caprisun that was more of a slushy.(not important! :) ) Anyway, Lef is still a Tamagotchi I don't know. :mametchi: And my TMGC died. :nazotchi: But not my baby girl! :( She is on pause cause I'm lazy now, my family complain that I go on the computer WAY too much. (which is true :pochitchi: ) Anyway, nothing much happened to my Tamagotchis today. :furawatchi:


~Memetchi :nyatchi:

:mimitchi: June 19th 2010 :mimitchi:

Nothing much except that I'm really tired from last night. -_- I went to church yesterday and came home at 12:00 A.M. :p I've stayed up MUCH later though. Anyways, my V3 evolved(finally) last night, he evolved to Megatchi. :p Ugh, I don't like that duck. :D My Music star (sebiretchi) died unfortunately. :( I haven't hatched the egg yet since I'm so lazy. :blink: And my other MS is still paused, I'll unpause it at the right time so I can probably get Mimitchi again. :mimitchi: ;) ;D And I had brunch today, still very stuffed. :lol: So that's what happened today! I now take fan mail or questions, PM me and I'll reply back on my log! ;) Thanks for reading everyone! :p


~Memetchi ;)

:angry: June 20th 2010 :angry:

Yay! First fan mail! :eek:

You have a good log too!
Thanks! B) Anyway, Megatchi or Lef played bump. But I paused it after the game. :angry:  

Round 1. WON

Round 2. WON

Round 3. WON

Round 4. LOST


Okay, Lef is 76 pounds, I think. :( And I still left my Music Stars paused for some reason. :( Stats, I'll probably do later, or tomorrow, or the day after that. :( Anyway, nothing much happened after that. :( Thanks for reading! :eek:


~Memetchi :eek:

NOTE: ALMOST TO MY 600th VIEW! :( :D 600 VIEWS! :D CAKE TIME! :angry:

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