Suck-a-Gotchis? really? what has the world come to? I almost laughed when I read that. That was the weakest insult I have ever heard. Don't give up! if they say "DOHS TAMAGATCHI THINGYS ARE STOOPID" just ignore it or say, as if you are really interested in their feelings, why so? most will be stumped, or they will have a weak argument such as well theyre for eight year olds. or nobody plays with them anymore. just keep grilling them till they've got no resources. try not to get mean though. just be strong, and soon you will be accepted. usually people don't make fun anymore, some say: dude UR obsessed and I say: Why yes I am.
(doesn't it annoy you how everyone calls tamagotchis tamagatchis? it annoys me.)