Marshmellow Delights


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Back on the Tamagotchi Nano train again... Stuck on a shell design. Made up my mind finally and bloop... the one I want is gone. Figures. I want the Snow Crystal shell design... When it came out, I wasn't sure if I wanted that or the Red Sweetheart one..... Same set according to the wiki-page... Not interested in the newer ones with the characters... Now I did like the White with Purple and little stars... but going with my IDL... I don't want white really...

Found another thing I've been looking at buying for a while... Pencil Case, not one of those whimpy ones...One of those you wish you had as a kid. I never had one... Still would love to have one... As I carry my pencils in a plain sandwich bag so they don't rub and hopefully break in the bag.... That and I could shove tons of stuff inside it... Maybe a Tama... (Doubt it, but one could hope) That is in the USA too.... Which leads to the next question...

Japan vs USA... ? Almost always Japan wins out.... Eh. Don't mind me pounding my head...

I should just get a Nano... I've been wanting one before they go higher in price. Corse, my poor Mini barely gets turned on at all.... Let alone runs more then an hour.... considered very lucky if it changes the next morning. (Usually, no...) Which is making me think it would be ran once and the battery will be removed and serve the same fate as my Mini.

You know... Its not like they have nice pencil boxes on SALE in a LOCAL store... I should just cross my fingers for a nicer one... Even one that is still a good size I can cover and change to something I like.... Its cheaper anyway... No shipping charges... and I can daudle a bit more on the Tamagotchi Nano thing....

Decided to wait on the Nano, Buy a pencil box in my local world... Cover it if I don't care for the design... Maybe use the new stickers I randomly found for sale online. (Two notepads with stickers of Sailormoon...)

...What, I like Glossy stickers.

Does any of this seem like its becomming a novel? (It seems long... this post anyway, Lol)

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If the world works correctly today for me... I will ponder on my last post again... But more-likely to wait on the whole thing. In short.

I think my Sticker Notepad got sent out. Whoo. It might be akward to get them in a box though... Its in a Neighbor state, Ironic or something. So ToMo or Monday. I don't think I have a tracking number... But then again, It could be its just not updated.


Nyan. Don't bring Nyan cat into my house, I will out "nyan" you. Nyan! ... Its Tokyo MewMew's fault for that... Not the Poptart cat...


I married Lovelitchi (I put chu instead of Chi, Lol...) She married a KuroMametchi and had a Boy. The Snow hat one. Turned into a Sharrif dude.... I think I will treat him as I did in the beginning and go from the Teen.... Change it up so it hopefully ISN'T a Mametchi... That would be halrious to me. It was a pretty early morning so I was like what the heck... Lets marry them and have an early start. That means change time is around 10:30ish in the morning... With my wanting for slightly less care tamas... I think this might help a bit.

Foaming from the mouth over that 15 years anni Tama IDL... ! Nyao!

I knew my gut was right about something but what at the time, I didn't know. 15 years of kawii... and a Santa character is in that! I wonder if I saw a devil in there too? I didn't it very long for my own safty.

Then I am thinking I will get my Sailormoon things today Monday... Unknown since they were sent later in the day. I totally forgot it was Friday yesterday.... It felt like Saturday....

My IDL is going to change in like 2 minutes... I forgot I changed the time I married. Lol. Now he is the Pink Haired dude again... I gotta watch how much I play with this guy now... I perfer no Mametchi this gen.

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My IDL went to bed... Trying not to play much with it to get a different character... I think I've had two misses, but I can't be too sure until the change in the morning.

Meanwhile, I turned on my v4.5 ,I thought many of the games on (Near) current tamas are on the 4.5, Yup. Shapes is Chamametchi's unlocked game on the Tama-Go... They have a pattern one I think on one of the 4s... I really think many of the games Music Star and higher have been on the v4/v4.5 Maybe others have found out this... While Tama-go figures have the games, but the original is cheaper... get a 4/4.5 ... sad ne?

On my v4.5, since I just downloaded it... (It was 9:00am,1/23 and not sure what year.. It wasn't on this year....)I have Primatchi... I think... Blah. Its the ballerina. Oh how rusty am I on tama names? Pretty rusty... and I call myself a hardcore tama fan... Not if I forgot a good chunk of the names.

Mail sent me a snake. Boo!

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I did't get Mametchi! Whoo! I got KuroMametchi! Yush. It was so hard to ignore the little guy for that long... And I think Kuro is just 2 care misses... I have yet to look. *Gonk* Its SO hard not to want to play with him! (I am now...)

My v4.5 had its baby... A boy with a UsaMametchi. (Whats with all this Mametchi? hehehe) I think I want my v4 to catch up... For now, I just took the battery out. Boo me! Really I wanted to play the games... The job I had kinda ucked though... Matching utencils in a restaurant. :mellow: Really? I choose this job? Probably will be back on once I marry Memetchi on my v4. Perfect destraction Tamas for when my IDL needs tobe left alone............ Which I might not do in the end.

I need to work on my Doll outfit some more... I haven't done much since the beginning of the week. I'm not really wanting to play with the fraying fabric right now.

Well today I finally went to my Target. I bought a new metal pencil tin. I plan to convert that into a puffy top lid... box. Then see how much foam I have left to use on the inside... Atleast this one I know my Tama will fit into it. I checked. (DUR.) I probably saved a few dollars since I have the vynil... decorations for the top already. hehe. I'm so bad in some sense... Too bad I kinda like the tink on it. I will probably make the top removable from the lid. It was that or the Hello Kitty one... I liked the Tink coloring better.

I think I know what I want to put on my case. Probably Suite Precure. A (current) group image of them after henshin... I will probably put Sailormoon on the inside of the lid. I probably wont see the bottom inside of the lid...

Got my cat(s/z) some cat treats. One is highly questionable on if she is really a cat... Mine is... The other... well... I think she was raised by dogs or wild animals...

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My KuroMametchi is so cute. Gave him a little sub in his room... Loved it. He woke up needing a bath though... He didn't want to lastnight. I let him have his fun... He likes Overalls? hahaahahaha. Thats funny. I thought he liked the suit better. Its a happy stamp. Freebie!

My tin box.... It was a pencil box. hahaha. Not anymore. I fit my IDL inside it. It Marshmellow's pouch. Its called that... Then put foam over the opening of my pouch for it. Then stuff on the side so it doesn't slide inside. I put a pouch I made last year. I'd love to use it but the stuff I put inside it might be more loose then I like... Fits my Tama-Go inside perfect though.

Okay, My brain keeps telling me to turn on my v4.5 again. (I didn't want baby/mommy care the day I married it...I wanted to play games) Then I want my v4 on too so they can connect together.(v4) Memetchi hasn't married yet so, she needs to catch up by a few hours. (Yup, I'll set the clock wrong and marry her that way...) v4.5 has a boy tama comming up next.

I can't wait until my little Sailormoon Notepads come! Nyao! Oni-GAI! I hope they'd fit in my new tin. (Before I even bought the tin, I planned to get the tin when I got to the store....) They'll fit... I got them, but they are longer then I thought they'd be. Like 6/7inches? Those are cute. I think its Korean though based on the text. 1992! Really! and its Stars? Wowza. Totally un-used. Glossy-major. The stickers... Now to put them in my tin or no...? Humm.......

They have stickers....Which BTW, I broke down and used some of my stickers in my new tin. I got some precure stickers from my Suite Precure Gashapon modules... This dude SHOVED extra of stuff inside the box. He thought he was late, He thought wrong... It was the Earthquake time frame. I used some heartcatch stickers and some bubbly suite precure stickers on it. Then made a fresh precure symbol too. I need to get my Splash Star stickers out.... If my one that was for a DS lite/Gameboy Advanced skin (Perma-skin?) Its not big enough.... it would be so cute. Maybe I could get a skin... Idea. But I have puffy stickers too of Splash Star. I feel bad not using them for so many years. The part I hate of using the stickers... They don't come off. Or atleast they shouldn't come off. I have a larger Cure Moonlight sticker too.

Next question... Do I use the SM stickers? Maybe I'll use the Splash Star ones once I find them. (Put away) I have Digimon ones from Digi-Dawn.... But I'm not using those. Not to mention I have a sticker maker too... I would have to use the glossy paper. It looks so much cooler glossy.

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Oh ya.... Tons of people looking at my awesome case. Lol. People in the book store were looking at my metal tin with my IDL inside. One person said... um... wha the he..y... If he poked it he would have died. He had his finger out pointing at it. It was sorta funny... But not if he touched it. It looks like a Bento for my IDL... hehehe.

I haven't put stickers on the outside of it... But I do have a Lucky Star one, but I'm not sure if I want to use it or not. It would fit nicely but it might only show the twins... The other two are still on it. They are in cheerleader outfits hugging. Its a Jumbo Carddass, I think its #16 of the top of my head...

BTW. Your Mp3 is MINE if you find me the English opening (Lucky Star) someone had on youtube... I have a 1.51 long one... but I'm not sure if there is a larger/longer one out yet. That is so awesome.... I want it as a ringtone too... Like the... Da Da Da Da Da!!!! *Point* part would be sweet... People might murder me when it rang though. Bring it!

I need to learn how to make ringtones for my LG Rumor2... seriously.

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What can I say... People inspird me to do it... What? Tamagotchi Nano. I was trying to be good and wait for the Crystal Snow which I should have bought a few weeks ago.... Didn't come so... I figured I better jump on the boat before I loose all the designs I like... 1red, 2pink, 1aqua, 1blue... I got one of the pink ones since many of the ones I liked were purchased. Lol. Daudle much do I? Its one of the first designs I think too... Not 100% sure... But its the one with Memetchi, Lovelitchi and Mametchi.



KuroMametchi had low battery lastnight. I'm glad I did one more check... It was already 4 hours behind normal time when I put batteries in it again... So, a few more hours, he should have his last symbol... Wonder what I will marry him to?

I married him to Melodytchi! Yay! Had a girl! Double yay! Hope to turn her into a Melodytchi too.

You know... I could facepalm myself to death... I never opened the Lucky Star "sticker" I had... Not a sticker. Pretty peice of plastic with Konata eating rice. Lol. Then I couldn't find my Splash Star stickers... In one of the most obvious spots I would put them... In my special lock box... Duh. I put one on my tin... then some Sailormoon ones on it too. I found one of my little card things I got from a seller... A Sailormoon card with Neptune/Uranus on it... Come to find, its a sticker too! So I stuck that on the tin too! Removing the sticker.. there was a card with a shiny Mina/Minako on it...(school uniform)...then found some of my Cinnamoroll stickers, my Chibi-Maru stickers... I almost cosidered my rainbow bright ones... Nay. But of corse... I have more stickers. I minor in collecting stickers...

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My Nano is in the mail... Thats fast... I wounder when it will get here. I'm sorta excited to get it, but I don't think its quite the same excitement getting my IDL...

Part of that is probably because of my Mini... On one day... for a little bit and then its off fairly quick. It normally doesn't get a chance to change.

I turned it on again BTW... It was sometime yesterday afternoon... a few hours after I bought the Nano. I wanted to try to keep it on as long as possible. (Or reset it to keep the "Not Generations" going) This is going to be a challenge for me... I just hope its not a Mametchi. I'm keeping it in the Tin with my IDL.

Now, My IDL. I'm trying to keep the good characters up for the girlies. Then when it turns to a teen... I'm going to try to do the samething I did with KuroMametchi... to get Melodytchi. I seriously want to call her Chantotchi.... but thats another tama.... 2/3 caremisses. That would be simple... Get her bored... 1 game... get her bored again.... ignore... then continue with fun/good care. I think that is what I did before. Her mom was a Melodytchi...


Um... I had no idea when my girlie changed, but she did. Into the Cactus Character. Sooo.... Oops. Oh well, my timing on checking her today wasn't the best... Oh well, On with the show!

Mini turned into Kutchipatchi! Nya! I may reset ToMo or the day after....

An Idea just hit me. Bandai Japan would make tons of money off it. They make Tama CDs with the download items (a new snack/food, a new game or two, new clothes, and a random item to play with) They sell the CD in Japan, but we can import it. Then it comes with an IR stick to transfer the info from the CD. Just a simple cord with IR (Which is near dead here thanks to bluetooth...) Then a simple command in the CD program to send it over. Mostly, you would be paying for the cord and the simple command button to transfer it.

They would be rolling in the money. Not only would some Japanese people buy it, all of us without a transfer device (yet) in America (or where we live) would buy it too!

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I keep seeing this AWESOME lot of tamas... WHY hasn't anyone bought it? It has a Tamagotchi ANGEL in the lot. English! With a few other older tamas. (v3) Its not a bad price at all! I have my Angel, I don't need the others either... I'm wondering why you guys haven't bought it!!! Seriously...

My IDL has cactus-girl on it... It is on another branch of characters... Nyao-poo. So, this one will be a new tama for sure. I don't need to worry about care misses this time around. Haven't had any from that branch yet. They are cute too. This is my 3rd girl I think I've had... Two Lovelitchi and next... I don't know.

My Mini is still on! It has Kutchipatchi on it still. He is pretty laid back for me ignoring it a good chunk of the day...

I KINDA (Kinda...) want to turn on a Tama-Go right now... I'm not sure if I really will or not because they use the same batteries as my IDL... I have a few I already put in there put in my ... battery storage/screwdriver hide-away thing.... (AKA, another pencil box) Which color...? Blue, Green or my Purple one? Humm. I don't know where all the tamas are at in age. That is the fun part of turning them on. (and it doesn't fit in my tin, I confirmed that the other day)

OMG, YUSH. Good mood, much. I might need to have my IDL sleep ToMo during the day... It should be adult today so I don't have to worry about effecting the change at all. I will have something constructive to do ToMo! YAY! -goodness-

So... My Mini will probably be off for that duration.... and reset once its clear to. People will not be seeing my tamas... and... and... I might leave it at.... home?? I haven't left my IDL home yet at all since I got it. Its been on me all this time. People would make me SO sad to take it from me and I would be dazed to check it... and in the bathroom. hehehe. Less I be tempted by it at one thing I REALLY don't need to screw up.

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hahaha. I took my IDL with me. I couldn't help it at all. I just made sure it was switched to sleeping time. Its still sleeping but I will turn it to normal in a few minutes.

6 tropical storms or something like that...? Weird......

Peanut butter everything guys? hehehe. T'Was my lunch.

Shes back on, took me a bit longer since I was doing something else. I have the pretty girl in a Kimono with a green headpeice. Thats more care misses then I thought. I'll get them all eventually.

Got a Hello Kitty Gashapon thing. It had a Cell phone charm/dangle inside it. Its on my IDL. Not sure if it will stay but its there for now.

Yesterday, I was out and about. I visited the best Anime Store ever. New stuff, nothing much in which I wanted... I need to write them a list of things to look up and maybe buy a few things from. Atleast to follow some things that are popular in Japan... America is pretty big. We have a weapon we can watch Japanese TV too, Called the Internet. Dur. They need to process that a bit...

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I feel like listing my tamas again. (29 total)

P1-Blue/Pink and yellow buttons

P2- Black with grey (First)

P2- White with anime characters (JPN)

Angelgotchi- Pink pearle with white wing pearle (JPN)

Angel- White pearle with gold wing pearle

V1-Purple with swirls

V1-Pink with hearts

V1- Purple with blue dots

V1- White, had stickers, redesigned

V2- Transparent Magenta with diamonds

V3- Light Purple with angel hearts

V3- Yellow with stars

V4- Yellow with red code

V4.5- Yellow with dots

V5- Blue with fish

V5- Green with music notes

V5- Clear with groovy dots

V5.5- Red/White pearle with stars

V6- Pink with stars

V6- Purple/Black glam rock

V6- Blue music city

V6- White pearle with synphony symbol (Bundle)

V6- Green with drums (Bundle, Unopened....)

V7- Blue Memetchi

V7- Green Mametchi

V7- Purple Memetchi



-Mini, Blue/Green/Pink with yellow buttons

-IDL, White (JPN)

-Nano, Pink with Memetchi, Lovelitchi, Mametchi and Kutchipatchi (JPN)

These are ONLY my Tama... I have many more digital pets.

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My neighbor called me to mow at 9:55am... Then I am over there in a little under a half hour... She said she called me again because her grandson is going to mow because he needs money badly... Collage, well uh... WTH. You did ask me this morning... and I got up just to mow for you early in the morning before it rained.................... When he may or may not make it to her house before it rains because he may sleep in. This isn't directly fair to me. She asked me and I came to do the whole lawn without any issues. This is so backwards. I wasn't up because of my day yesterday, so I took twice as long to get there. Usualy 15, it wasn't that much longer...


As that brings joy to my day....

My IDL should be 48 hours as an adult today about 3ish this afternoon. I never really got the change time, I just know its sometime around there.

I wonder how long my Nano will take to get here. I hope its soon... I'm getting more excited for it since I did keep my Mini on for so long (For me) and I was going to turn it on again. I think my one battery inside it is getting lower because it gets lighter (Pixels) sometimes in the Mini. I have 2 more I think... I see its takes the LR44s, I have those, lots of them. Get those cheap. Been 4 days since I bought it. 3 probably in the mail....... Most likely to get it sometime this week, doubt it today.

I have the Henshin Jo... (I seriously think its Henshin YO, not Jo... but m'kay) I'm not sure beside two characters what items to use... Then I can't find the list of items to have when you go there. I know Chamamatchi needs HapiHapi to dress like them and Mametchi needs a Crown to be Prince Mametchi.... Two freebies.... I think Melodytchi needs the Kimono in there to change... but I'm not sure of that one

I keep my tamas in a fancy tupperware thing my mom wants back... I need a much larger container now anyway. I'm not sure how I got 24 tamas to fit into it. (two sandwiches can fit into it side by side and another pair on top of them....) I will probably get that oversized pencil box I found at Target for them. All of them are in a pouch protecting them from sliding/hitting each other inside. (As IF they could) My Tama-gos don't fit, but they are in a purse until I use them. (un-used purse)

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I'm having my niece's party today. Whoop! Big 03! hahaha.

Yesterday, I was sorta busy... so I didn't have my cute girl marry... I did eventually, but it was 12:20am ish last night... 5:20pm once I woke her up again.... and set the clock... Why did I do that? Really? Its going to change late at night... eh. That will be fun I guess.

Had a little boy. He is a shariff now... I need him to be Haru.......well I lost it, I forgot is name. Pink haired dude with a visor. Nyao-pu. Then maybe get a random character after that... Not sure if I want Mametchi again.... but I hope to make him a prince... I know how to do that now. (DUR, to me) It will be a surprise as it always is. Last change for my girl was fairly random to me... why not random with the boy.

I wrap so pretty.... Even more so with tissue paper......... *Dies Laughing* oh well, atleast she can tear it open for once and its not taped all the way shut like C-mas or last birthday.... etc...

I am in a good mood today... On the side of crazy... So m'kay?


My Shariff changed when he woke up this morning. To Harunitchi.... omg, If I remembered... Well, that will be a surprise. I've been playing with him all day it seems. Put my IDL in my Melodytchi pouch again... I find with my Hello Kitty 1 inch charm (about that size) being on the side of my other pouch was annouying... My Melodytchi pouch is a bit wider and looks normal and not mis-shaped. (And I wanted to use it.... Lol)

I found an old sticker on a purse today... but it was after I went into the store and got everything I needed. One of those color your own stickers.... (From when I was 5-6 years old... hehehe....) It was stuck to the bottom of my purse. I think it came off of one of my sticker books or something... Not sure how it got there. Its a Cactus with a sun.... in the desert. Whoop. I saw that and became instantly confused for a moment. What is that doing on my purse? Let alone on one of my nicer ones.... I'm still a little confused actually.... I moved it to where people could see it. My neice will probably grab it and put it in her stickerbook if she sees it.

My cat was talking to a bird a bit ago...... I should have recorded her. I do have a video of a crapload of birds in my... backyard in the winter...... Lots. Although I can't post it unless I get permission from my neighbors and all that yadda.

No Tama-Nano yet. I'm hoping ToMo, the timing seems right....

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I'm going to loose my mind... I swear. Due to some of the things currently on my mind.... -Ponys!- No... My current avatar. Stuie from Family Guy as ChibiMoon of Sailormoon...

and my mom is printing from her Ipad upstairs! Jeeze that freaks me out.......... New printer just so she could do that. Lol. Wait until she needs more paper and ink. Muuhahahaa. It plays music like AOL messanger does... er... did? I haven't been on AOL since I was in school... Maybe...

My IDL is sleeping.... I think I might have gotten one care miss, not sure... My poor little guy got sick. He got "bored" how he got sick from being bored... I don't know. I swear I just played with him a few times too... It will be a surprise in the morning...

Well I was complaining about my Tama being set at a weird time... It actually seems to be faster this way since I'm not waiting for it during the day... Its waiting for me to play or feed it in the morning... Going "Hi, I changed" I'm sure... I think it was saying something this morning.

Curse the text I can't chance to read... I could get it if it was like the English lettering. Oh well, Atleast I don't need to really read anything... But I would like to know what Gotchi Man is saying... Maybe that Round Phone-like character too... She shows up more when I am able to adopt a pet.........

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My IDL surprised me this morning by being KuroMametchi! Probably that double medicine.... for being bored.... cost it Mametchi. Whatever. I like him too! I wonder if he has a special character too... I'm not sure. I only have a small image of some. Not the best image either.

Will day-time tv ever start playing "new" episodes? Its been re-runs all summer.... puffft, thats what I get for actually watching TV.... Re-runs in Mass.


It Burns to watch re-runs....

I got my tamagotchi Nano! Nyao-Pu!!!! yay! The image doesn't do it justice... Its pretty. I think I had a girl. Big envelope, little midget Nano inside. Its very cute. I haven't tried the game yet though. I checked the mail and low and behold... a rather thick bubble envelope of white color that said "Airmail" then I look at the cornerd it said Japan... Then I was like, This sucker is mine. It was. I had a feeling I would be seeing it today. I will try to take pictures of this atleast. I might get some of my IDL, but with the color screen and my phone... its just a tad too epic when it moves around.

Its like a Magenta color with a mix of marble... and the ID rim around it. The tear drop around the screen and the screen is deeper down. I'm loving the color of it... maybe its better then the Snow Crystal coloring....

I'm not sure if I'm going to put it on my IDL as a keychain though.... I figure I will keep it ina separate place where it is safe. But I am SO happy now.

Meanwhile, my brain will be turned to mush by the Hub Pony. I sorta made a video of them yesterday, but it needs something... probably actual clips.... but I will probably make another when I get the actual video clips of it. Lol.


Pictures are in "load" mode. Prepare.

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The Phone camera... So, veiw in all its glory. My IDL too! But I wouldn't expect many of the IDL, let alone with the screen on.

My KuroMametchi "henshin"-ed. hahahaha. He went in a Kimono for grins... But I think he didn't need anything but the other happy stamps filled. He is a MetalKuroMametchi now. Looks pretty spiffy.

Tomorrow he will be 4 and I hope to find a pet for the guy. I need to record him so he will be around for another day.

You know... The Nano has a heartbeat sort of sound. Every animation, you can hear it. Its sounds pretty like a ticking watch. I love that sound. It maybe strange, but I do. It sounds like a V1-V3...

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