Marshmellow Delights


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YATTA! A Girl! Gen 5 an its my first girl! YAY!!!!!

Baby Girl: Where's Daddy >>>> ? ... Feed me! ... Play with me! I'm a chick! Yay!


Its a rectangle girl.... Aww. I'm happy. I married the Mushroom hat girl...

Pineapple girly is so cute. I'm curious to what she will turn into. I love this...........

I don't see how people can't. But that is just them. Oh well.

In a few minutes my tama should change. Lovelitchi! Yay! So cute. It beat me to the punchline. I will add more later...

I've been kinda wanting to turn on another tama. (In addition to my IDL) I'm thinking my V3 or V4.... or V4.5 Probably leaning toward a 4 or 4.5 though... I haven't played with them in a while.

I'm also thinking about another Mini or a Nano... I rarely play with my Mini though.... Since there isn't any games on it and its a CR2032 battery too. I'm not sure what since there are other things I want to get....

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Muuhaahahaa! The IPaq works! I'm going to use this as a beaming toy now... and I can put a pretty Chip inside it..... and I have one. Ha LA Looouuu Ya! Yay, no buying a phone after all. Now I just need to figure out how to install and import all my goodies on it..... again. I have a Palm V... It doesn't charge. Curses, the one that is mine to play with. Oh and Mars Still Needs Cows.... I love that game. Its one of my favorites....

Otherwise... Lovelitchi is totally going to be 4 today. Next question is to whom will she marry and will she have another girl perhaps I can change into Meloditchi next? Someone make a growth chart please....? I'm giving the cute anime eyes....

Cant. Find. Evil. Book. Thingi.

Found another book that ranbles alot though..... Its about a cat.


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Yesterday was nice... I got the IPAQ to say "Done" (With the Beaming...) Not sure if the IDL found it or was just confused over the whole... OMG, She's Beaming cute stuff in... sort of thing. I sent two different ones... But I'm not sure which one is correct anymore since I have 6 or so of the same image saved. (Um Ooops) It sent the JPG over and said done... But I'm not sure where and if it saved the other file stuff needed to be able to put it into the IDL. I'm sure I'm going to be link diving sometime soon...

Another thing about that lovely old IPAQ... If I hook up the internet... Wi-Fi wise... and am able to get into the IDL site... The games and stuff... Oh I hope I can get those. I wonder if there is more Wallpaper there and stuff.... Oh this is exciting... I'm getting really close! I was afriad I would have a language/program error or issue.... Nope. Found the IDL RIGHT away. Which made me queel like a little 5 year old. Guilty.

Next fun part is probably going to be getting the Internet set up on the IPAQ to try to snoop.

I have a Memory Card with my image of JPG 16 bit ... I'm pretty sure its 16 anyway... (The SM one on the first page) Its in the card, was attempted to be beamed and sent to the IDL... Where does it go and how do I get my IDL to play with the image too? Lol. Next questions... Good ones.

I'm stuck on Ebay meow... Should I buy it knowing it might not work? x2? Or just one...? I am good at the fixing.... of broken, unworking toy items...

Scratch that, I bought one of two things... I hope its worth it.... I have to buy in country for a while. I used my Outta country ticket on my IDL. hehehehe. Its Japanese though... Not a Tamagotchi btw.

Oh I need to work on my new pouch (Of hopefully Melodytchi)

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I have a boy... I'm making him fat with perfect care... See what that does... I'm hoping not like what the Tama-Go does... Lol. I never let them get THAT fat... But this guy is pretty rice-filled right now... not to mention candy....


Found Treasure, not mine.

Good day Minna San.

So I mentioned I had a boy. Married Lovelitchi off. Had a leafy nest boy. Just fed him and didn't play with him... Made sure I took care of the most basic stuff... Then he turned into Big leafy cuteness. So... He was still fat and changed not under my watchful eye for a while. I didn't check him much, Then he changed into the Star dude. Very cute. Now I think I will lighten him up as much as possible... Not like I won't have another chance to make another boy fat... That sounds kinda mean... EH...moo.

Well I bought something I think that is cool... I have a tracking number already... Last I checked though it wasn't active yet. That's okay. I know its in process mode. I hope to have it fairly quick. I hope it works... It may or may not work as it hasn't been tested and its sorta old? Or not? Otherwise its a nice little keychain if it doesn't.

I am so hyper right now. Maybe its that Sailor MLP:FiM image I found. Its awesome... But not what I came here for. Uh.

----> Only Ligit Log part Oh yes, again with the female room. *Shrug* Maybe its a good thing this time... hehehe. Yup, I mean that. Be quiet. :lol: I as of right now have no clue what the guy will turn into... Oh please let it not be a Mametchi this time.

I checked my Tracking number again and it said my item is accepted. Wheee! I bet I'll get it pretty quick... Weather it comes boat or plane... its just a lake... NO! Its a oddly shaped land formation! Whatever. I will be super happy if it happened to arrive ToMo... But its only Tuesday. Ya I know its Monday.... Mondays are always weird...

Time to play "May Cause Sezuires" on albinoblacksheep... As I said before... If you are looking for a game... I like it but not everyone can take all the seriously serious blinking/lights in the game... With a clear warning... If you go to snoop... Fair warning, if you are even the slightest prone... Don't. Its bad for your eyes! ... and mine are already crap, so, bring it on! Muuhahahaha...

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He changed today... Into a ShimaShima cousin.... hahaha. I am completly ignoring the character list..... If you have one, you know whom I am talking about. I'm happy he isn't Mametchi. hehehe. Now to figure out what stuff this not so little dude likes. Next little boy will probably remain fat... (Kutchipatchi probably?)

I still haven't started my new Tama-Pouch yet... I just need to get started and I will probably finish it fairly soon. I have the colors... I will probably post a picture of it when I'm done... But its all the question of when I want to sew next... I haven't been sewing for the last few days. Not out of it, just focused more on my Tama IDL.

Oh and my package should be here ToMo based on what I am reading on the tracking notification thing. Basically says... "Processed from Home Address and travelling to destination" I like tracking packages... From Japan, those are the best to track. They hop around so much, so quickly...

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My cute little... er... not so little dude got a full house change. All Jewels... yup. All the happy stamps but the very last one I have. I have a cheat sheet... hehehe. I posted it in a status earlier.

He refuses to share that lollipop I see in his hand! I'll steal it from him at night... he woke up with one. Lol. I do have one for myself, I just haven't eaten it due to the size. Yum.

I got my Sailormoon thing in the mail. The person wasn't sure if it would work... It worked. It just needed a new battery which I happened to have. LR41, Muuhahaha. I stock batteries at random. It has some scratches, but one can just assume it was on a kids bag before it got to the seller I just bought it from. Whatever, as long as it works... I might clear paint it to protect it a bit more... Its a watch. Like I need another watch... *Counts Tamagotchi* Ya... I think I have a few... Not to mention my normal wrap around my wrist ones....

Tsu ski ni Ka whaaaa Tae! O Sho Ki OH.!.


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Low Disk space... and I just cleared it... Boo! Now what should I clear....? I guess I could Disk Defragment... Boring.

My boy, the cute shima-cousin... He will marry today. Next surprise is who and what he will have. Hope they like the "All Jewel" theme in the house. I have to wait until afternoon though because I was busy last time when they usually marry. Oh well. I don't mind the wait.

I turned on my Mini since I haven't had it on in a long time. This is part of helping me make up my mind on a Nano. If I don't pull the battery out early... Then I might get a Nano. My poor mini doesn't always make it past a few hours... let alone a few minutes because I don't care to run it.... because of the CR2032 inside it and it isn't a full tama. (No game)

Aww, its so cute next to my IDL.... I have it in one of the smallest pouch I have ever made. Its Knitted in orange...

My Mini is Blue, Pink, Green and has yellow buttons... It sorta wants a sibling....Mini or Nano.....?

If I get a Nano... I'm stuck between colors... Red with Hearts, The Purple one, The white with purple and stars, and the Snow Crystal one. The one I saw first was the Red with Hearts.... I was waiting for a while and saw the Snow Crystal... Those I think are the ones at bat. But I do like the others too.... I think I need more Red in my collection.... Then again, I have one purple....

Um my Celeb v5.5, Is the Red with White Stars (Counted as Red) and then my V1 is Purple with little designs on it.... My only other Purple............

I would think it would be a bad idea to attach my Mini to my IDL considering its not a ball-chain keychain... Easy fix if I had a small one available... I do have my Angelgotchi's, but I'd rather not.


My mini is still on... I'm surprised I left it on. I wonder how long it will be on... It will be a surprise to see what tama I got on it. I've only got Mametchi on it, multiple times. Othertimes its not made it to adult.

I made my pouch today too! Its pretty cute but I'm not sure how close I got to the Real Melodytchi. I've been using a pretty tiny image of her. I used fleece and a pink button... It wasn't a music note but it still looks good. I had a bit of trouble with the eyes, but I think I will settle with what the finished product is. I may take a picture and share it. It can fit a Tama-Go... maybe two if I put them in carefully... But I would only put one in... I will probably place a coin purse inside just to protect the tama more. Like a little round one... Its sitting on my laptop hanging from the hat.

So IDL, They got married... Had yet another little boy of the nest. He grew into the little leafy guy. Went to bed... I'm not sure whom I am going for now, but I am adding on the weight...

I kinda want to make a hat like Melodytchi's for my head... Its cute. I'm not sure, but the pouch is hanging on my laptop corner still. Geeked.

Playing with AMV stuff...

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So I took pictures of tamas I hadn't took a picture of yet. I will add those later... See what pictures I have and such... Tryied to put them in a smaller picture together since I didn't want to pull out the whole collection.

Using my Melodytchi pouch I made yesterday. I think its very cute. Looking at some pictures... Its not totally right, but if you were a tama fan you could probably figure out who it is. Unless you are totally American Tamas....

My mini turned into Masktchi I think... and I still think... I haven't looked at the characters in a rather long time. Not a Mametchi finally. Its sorta funny looking on such a tiny screen. I am so not used to I am not used to the Tama going staying on screen.

Lol. IDL, I love you.

Goin' for the blue star guy again. Then go from there to see what guy I get. I printed out those lovely growth charts. I love you for making them. They are REALLY tiny how I printed them. (To fit in a smaller notebook I had) Readable, but still very tiny.

My v4 has a battery inside it... but has the tab in it too.... I'm tempted to run it. It has Memetchi as the current character. I had to pull the tab just to look at who I had. That was yesterday when I turned my Mini on. I had my v4 on for 5 minutes or so? Played a game and recieved mail.

Aww tama-guy says Hi. (No he didn't but he does)

I love how I have the hat come off and I dig inside the face to get my IDL out... Its not ackward at all no... Not at all. Its strange...(My Tamagotchi Melodytchi pouch I made)

Trying to ignore my IDL, but its sorta hard. Going to change later.......

My mini is off... I failed at keeping it on very long at all. Guess the Nano is going to have to wait.

Precure people, I love you. Awww, I got a mention in a log, Yay! I'm Precure nuts.... hehehehe. I get that way about SailorMoon too.

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So... Ended up not doing anything else with my "custom" sailor saturn doll... For any moonie... They know she is one of the hardest to come by, let alone perfect... and a pretty hefty price tag (usually)

Basically, I have the Fuku "Done" but I am not sure if I am going to redo the very top part. I rushed through the top... I probably wont in the long run re-do it. I can't (Don't Want to) cut the hair to the new wig I got... Close enough for me anyway. I like how it looks. Then it has perfect earrings in its ears already... Need the Tiara, the Glaive and Boots yet. Those shouldn't be too hard. I'm going to let my Liv Saturn barrow my Winx Club' Stella's sun staff... hehehe. (Not ruining it, just for a staff to use for size of the glaive... The boots probably will be fabric, not like the plastic ones on the real Sailormoon 11/12 inch dolls. I don't want to paint them.... I also need to do sleeves and gloves... I will probably barrow Sailormoon's gloves... I don't have a Mercury doll I can barrow from....

Back to the log, I got Mr. Potato again. (Shima's Cousin/Brother.... etc) He will marry ToMo... Yay.

I turned on this weird Soccer/Football (Really, soccer...) game I have. It runs like a Tama... sorta. Feed it at X time... When X is, I completely forgot. Then I set the time incorrect this morning... No wonder it wasn't letting me select food. I will probably just reset the thing since I set the date wrong too. *Facepalm* Atleast I got it for $1.00 at Walmart instead of its original $19.00, which it is not worth... 7 games, 2 that are pretty much the same... "2008 Matchmaker, Games LTD, Made in China...."( !Go Figure) It was to go with the world soccer games or something... The store had them for a year and a half atleast, probably longer. Available in Light Blue an Dark Blue... Had an IR feature.... Flip top... about the size of a Tama-Go.... flatter.... etc.

I owe pictures... Yup. Decided I will get a better picture with my camera not my phone.... although it is easier to send it since I have them... I'll try to get a picture of my Liv as Saturn....

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Busy day today... Went out.

Finished my main outfit for my Liv Saturn doll... Next up is the boots, sleeve rolls, gloves and the glaive. Those shouldn't be too hard. Although I think my last top peice of the Fuku looked a bit better... but it was only glued.... I think it will still look nice. I love how it looks so far... too bad none of the liv dolls have violet eyes. The nearest color is blue... so that will have to suit.


Went and got my guy married. Married a Chamametchi, had a girl. The white puffy girl. Then turned into a paint board... again. Oh well. Trying for a Melodytchi now. Two miss cares? Really? I can barely get away with one....

The Soccer game I have... I fed it in time, it napped.... I have no idea what the dude ate. Stuff to keep the health up I assume...

Ooohs, love for my Saturn Liv already. I'm trying to figure out a good way to keep the top fuku on without sewing the back... Her head is sorta bigger then the hole I cut around the neck. I might put the sleeves on the Fuku top itself so I can use those so the top will stay on. I have White and Vinyl I can use... I will probably do the "sleeve rolls" like normal (Or as normal as possible...) Then add the vinyl based on how the "rolls" look. I haven't done anymore since lastnight though... I need to find my thin ribbon... For the boot lacing and the top fuku part... OH and I need a Tiara.... I am not stealing that off a Real Sailormoon doll though... I'm afaid I would loose it.... No holes going into the dolls that didn't already have them.

I don't really want to cut the hair of the Liv' doll.... I don't think it will help much since its about shoulder length anyway... almost. Its black.... But I'm not 100% sure on that because one of my other dolls came WITH black hair... and it looks darker... I'm not sure if its the pink or what...

Oh and if you didn't already know... I have a Poseable Doll fetish.

Originally, I got an Obitsu 23cm for my Saturn doll... But compared to my Chibimoon doll.... It looked small. If anything, it was Chibimoon that is shorter then Saturn. I have the black hair on her already, I can always re-paint the eyes, but I think they are purple.... dark purple.... I could atleast find boots to fit my Obitsu. I have two 23'cm dolls. My fully custom doll... (Stole an older Silvermist's outfit... first, then found some barbie cloths for them) They are my babies... My favorites... I resqued one from almost certain garage sale drama. *Shiver* (My other Obitsu) Although, I do think currently my Liv Saturn doll looks a bit better because I made her the outfit...

Man, I really own you guys images... BOOO Me!


Pineapple. Not to be confused with Fresh Precure, Cure Pine!


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Well here is what I've added since... I don't know... I think Feb or March? I don't recall the last time I took pictures... No time stamp. :rolleyes: Oh well. Vvwa La!

The Pouch I made... more tamas and my precious IDL.


The Yellow one was from my trip to Kentucky... Found that at a random trip into a Walmart. I was in tama heaven, to only choose one was hard. This was on the way home so I had limited funds of corse... My First and Only V2, the Magenta one... and my Repiared Tamagotchi Angel... If you can somehow see... It still has my Eternal Sailormoon image inside it.

I took an image of my Liv Saturn so far... The Color SUCKS. Why on earth did I choose my Yellow over any other blanket I had? Usually its my Purple with peace hearts.... That would have been cammo for my Saturn fuku.... I'll take another picture... Probably when I have better light... Maybe outside.... No idea... Best light is normally outside.....

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I turned on my black P2. I do have another P2 with a back... yet I don't use it. I use my first tama. It hasnt been on long at all...

Thats crazy for me... I have this sorta rule with my Original Tamas... Don't switch backs, don't screw anything in without having proper screws (or originals) I don't want to get them stuck on another tama........... ETC. Although I will do it for my Connections since those don't get stuck. Not mine anyway....

Then my IDL should change to Lovelitchi or Melodytchi...? Um, I don't think I missed much... I might have gotten an extra miss yesterday but I'm not sure. I love my IDL. Its so hard not to touch it!

To plot my slightly lesser Tama on my IDL, I figure my p2 will help? But I was thinking more towards my Tama-Go, but its weird carrying a Tama-Pouch already, another one on me, plus my purse might be a tiny bit weird... I don't put my tamas in my purse... If I do, I have a special purse I can carry them in.

I think I found my original Tamagotchi Chain... I think its on one of my other digital pets... It was on the Nano Kitty, but I changed that one to have a pokemon Poke-ball keychain (From the spring opening balls that the figure could be a pencil topper) I came across in the other day...

Aww crap... My batteries fell out of my P2... Just enough to get it loose and reset. It wasn't in its pouch... I was admiring my black shell some.

No progress on my Liv Saturn Doll.

Lovelytchi has been obtained. Not Melodytchi... Need to figure out how to make her princess.... And the other royals/costume tamas....

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I'm snooping for my next investment... Which I probably shouldn't... Oh well. I am going to snoop anyway.


My Tama visited its Daddy and its Grandpa too. I was wondering how others were getting there... Then found it by accident. Then I was like... OH.... DUH. Then kept doing it every once in a while... Lovelitchi's Dad was making her Tamago on Sasauge? I'm not sure, but it was pretty good looking.

I haven't worked on my Liv' Saturn doll in a few days... I'm trying to decide how to do a few things... Let alone the main outfit is pretty snug on her body... (Sorta stuck...?... Not really)

NOW I remember what I was going to tell you guys. A Few days ago... The flat pans were falling out of the area they were in... I move them so they fit again.... Guess what I find. Pure random. Thought they were 100% GONE. NOPE. It was my Furby instructions! I was like HOLY Moo! Then my mom told me to toss it out... I kept them. Muuhahahaha.

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