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Do you play MS?

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Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score

I play MS. If you want to know who I am and want to add me on your buddy's list, tell me in a pm alright? And I shall add you.

That is all.

Why would you waste real money for an image on a computer screen?


Why do you have to assume an MMORPG is pay to play, when it's in fact free?






Anyway, I don't have Maple Story installed on my laptop, but it still might be on the downstairs computer.

I didn't play it much though, it takes to long to level up.

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Why would you waste real money for an image on a computer screen?Sad.
Hahah. Do your research, then complain.

anyway, yeah, it does take a while to lvl up, but i like it. And my friends give me stuff cuz one is lvl 65 or w/e and one is 45 or w/e lol. They are both rich. Lol.

Hahah. Do your research, then complain.
anyway, yeah, it does take a while to lvl up, but i like it. And my friends give me stuff cuz one is lvl 65 or w/e and one is 45 or w/e lol. They are both rich. Lol.
what is the maplestory?

I used to play that when it was in beta- I never knew it still existed!

what is the maplestory?
To yesenia: it is an online game that you download (FREE) and you play as a chibi character. You kill things, talk to friends ect.

To TwistAudio: well it does exist still! lol

Awhhh, now I gotta go play it again! Hmm... I think i'll be a Warrior this time...

Why would you waste real money for an image on a computer screen?Sad.
It's free.


Actually know what your talking about before you call us sad next time, ok?

I play, I will go play right now actually!

I love MS! although im only level 12 :D and am a ninja i dont know how to use my abilites. :huh:

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