Maple Story?


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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What is Maple Story? Is it like Pokemon? Or is it a completly new game? Do you like playing it? Is it fun? What's it about?

Its an online RPG. Thats as far as I know. :p No, it isn't like Pokemon, though. Pokemon isn't the only game 'round.

i for one play maple story - and love it!

no, maple story isnt like pokemon

maple storys rly fun

u create an avatar and fight these cute little monsters!

u can b a magician, warrior, rogue, or bowman

u can buddy ppl, do quests, chat, fight, ect.

maple story has lots of great features

and its totally addicting!

i want the ds game when it comes out! ^-^

No, Maple Story is nothing like Pokemon. O.O" NOTHING.


It's an MMORPG(Massively-Multiplayer-Online-Role-Playing-Game).


The game is both good and bad, addictive and repelling at the same time. xD (Depending on someones views. @.@)


[SIZE=14pt]Good things about Maple Story[/SIZE]

Some good things about MS are...


-You get to create your own character and customize it! :]

-You get to choose what you want to be. Like a "Magician, warrior, rogue, or archer".

And when you get to a higher level, you get to upgrade your job to something better!

For example If your a rouge, once you get to level 30 you can upgrade your job to either a Assassin or a Bandit. And if you get to an even higher level, you can upgrade your job once again!

-It's easy to make a lot of friends! And there are a lot of cool "Party Quests" You can do with your friends or even with complete strangers to get EXP. :3

-The attacks and skills you can do are pretty cool

-The graphics are very well done

-There are over thousands and thousands of items to customize your character with. ^^"

-The world of Maple Story is quite large, and theres always new places to explore

-You can even get married to someone in the game! O.O" Lol. I married my boyfriend. :]

-You can even get pets to train and take care of in the game


[SIZE=14pt]Bad things about Maple Story[/SIZE]

Here are some bad things about MS...

-To tell you the truth. There isn't a real meaning to the game other then LEVEL UP. So it can get boring. Fast.

-A lot of the cool looking items, and clothes in the game you have to BUY. With real money. Soooo that gets annoying.

-Some people can be pretty rude. But yet, thats life.

-The game can get hella repetitive. X_X"




And well, thats pretty much it! xD

But I must say, the good qualities of the game overrun the bad parts of it.

And it is a game I suggest you get!


If you want to download it, go to


:]~♥ Enjoy!

It's nothing like Pokemon at all.

I reccomend not joining if you don't want to get addicted - everyone I know in real life who have joined became addicted to the point where that's what they do with lots of there time.

It's fun though. Don't get suckered into buying too much NX like I did.


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