Makikona's Tamagotchi Log!


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They are Toddlers!

Daisy = Female Tororotchi

Alfie = Male Mattaritchi

Kitty = Female Belltchi!

And my nintendogs plus cats are fine! <3 <3 <3 <3 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆

~!Fwoggy, Daisy, Alfie, Kitty, Bruno, Blaze and Squiggle!~

My my my! That thing is getting long and sorry for the mega short update!

Happy third page people! My little toddlers are due to evolve at 8:15 tommorow, I might end up being asleep. Im on the computer so I can do colour! ! I kind of have nothing else to say, so yeah. Um...

Zig Zag Zig Zag Zig Zag Zig Zag Zig Zag Zig Zag Zig Zag Zig Zag Zig Zag Zig

My nintendags want to say something!

Bruno: Hello! My name is Bruno and I'm a bouncy, licky dog!

Blaze: *Hisses at Bruno* My turn to speak now, I'm Blaze and I'm the coolest Cat in the whole of nitendogs + cats!

Sqiggle: What about me???? I'm a mega cool cat, I wear a top hat!

Me: Will you shhh a little bit please! I need to say my last bit! I can only post photos on the computer at the moment, so on the 3DS I can't and I might have to find out someway, so I will try to post a photo every time I go on the computer. There is my speach!

Bye earthlings, see you in space!

~!Fwoggy, Bruno, Blaze, Squiggle, Daisy, Alfie & Kitty!~

Heyyaaa! Im exited because the teens will evolve into ADULTS! Yay! Well... Hopefully but in an hour! I will try to tell you after school but don't get your hopes up! Might speak to you soon!

~!Fwoggy, Daisy, Alfie and Kitty!~

My Teens evolved into Makiko, Uhyotchi and Potetchi but I'm afraid I'm going on a Tamagotchi Break, so I will update on my nintendogs instead. Only untill Dazzmina's V5 is on 8th generation. Got to go now! :(


~!Fwoggy, Daisy, Alfie and Kitty!~

:( I'm really upset. In the morning I unpaused my tama and got my Makiko married to a cute Furikotchi (I think) then they had three babys, 2 girls, Freya and Jenny and 1 boy, Nick. Then I put it on changing the date mode and went to school. I came back and saw a spaceship and tried to see what had happened. I then got really worried and googled 'Is my Tamagotchi dead?' and found a topic on tamatalk and it said that a spaceship had came on their V5 too. People posted replies saying that their Tamagotchi had died. Most people say that they had never cried when their Tama had died. I did. I got up to 9th generation and now I'm back on first.

I'm in tears still now and I don't feel gret at all! I will miss you Fwogy family and I hope my new Fwoggy family is just as good as you!

~Fwoggy, The new Freya, Jenny and Nick~


Sorry about the mega long no update, I was just really upset about,, Y'know ^^ (read the post before this!) I did have it on generation 1 but soon to be two as I have adults.

Helen = Female Potetchi

Cougar = Male Mukugetchi

Sybil = Female Makiko ★

I'm kind of upset with these characters but oh well. I'll have them get married either today or tommorow!

My nintendogs + cats now. Bruno went to the dog hotel because Lammy (Chiuwawa) was bought because he was just adoreable! Then I tried the competitions with him and of course he came last. I can be quite competetive when it comes to dog competitions, I hated that he didn't win so I just decided to get Bruno and take him home! (Lammy is in the dog hotel!) I got Bruno into the nintendogs cup in disc competition and he is already a champion at the lure coursing!

Happy nearly christmas!!!!

~!Fwoggy, Helen, Cougar, Sybil, Bruno, Lammy, Squiggle and Blaze!~

Hello, I haven't logged for a while because Iv'e been really busy recently. I going to try the dating show today, for my babies names (which I have perfect ones for!) Katniss, Peeta and Rue. And yes, I am reading the EPIC Hunger Games at the moment! It is really, really cool! I love it so far!


Imma sign off now!

~!Fwoggy and my still first generation V5!~

Hello, my Makiko got married to a... Um I actually can't remember! They had two babies?! Don't know how they had two but oh well. The babies ended up being a Futabatchi and an Omunutchi, and thier parents are Majorite and Papapatchi!

Now as toddlers they are:

Peeta = Male Mattaritchi

Katniss = Female Belltchi

Named after two characters in The Hunger Games.(Which I am reading and LOVING!!!)

Im meant to be in bed now so,

Sign off time now!,

~!Fwoggy, Peeta and Katniss!~

HELLO! I'M SO SUPER MEGA HYPER ULTRA SORRY! I wish I had updated every day, but i'm attached to my book and all so i'm starting with my new generation 3 babies.

Michael = Male Futabatchi

Prim = Female Futabatchi

Oliver = Male Omunutchi

That then evolved into:

Michael = Mattartchi

Prim = Tororotchi

Oliver = Mousetchi

I would post loads of photos but im on my 3ds and I don't know how to :( does anyone know?

I'm really really sorry again! And on my last generation I got ninja family. I was really ashames of myself... This time though Im gonna get perfect shmurfect characters! I really want to know who reads my log cos' it really feels like noone is reading it... PM me or comment on my wall... Please!?!?!?

~!Fwoggy, Michael, Prim and Oliver!~ xx

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