Makikona's Tamagotchi Log!


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HELLO! Congratulations Dazzilitchigirl for your new V2!! YAY! Im so exited for you! Anyway, my tamagotchi characters are fine and feeling in a great mood because at school, Dazz and I want to marry our characters! Unfortunatly our Tama characters are not good enough friends yet! :( But oh well!


Im not posting a photo today because it is to dark now and I can only just see the keyboard from the light on the computer! Oh well..


Lots of love,

~Fwoggy,Sam, Lauren and Jake! :puroperatchi: :mimitchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi: :wub: :D :p ;)

Helloo! THEY GOT MARRIED!! Well Sam did... To a super cute Violetchi! Here are the babies and the toddlers! :babytchi:

Tom = Male Mousetchi (as a baby he was a Futabatchi)

Shona = Female Sakuramotchi (as a baby she was also Futabatchi)

Harry = Male Mattaritchi (as a baby he was.. :( I forgot im SO-SUPER-SORRY!)

Photo next time!

~Fwoggy, Tom, Shona and Harry! xox

:newmametchi: :puroperatchi: :wub: :furawatchi: :ichigotchi: :mimitchi: :wacko:

Hey all! Im at Dazzmina's house right now and my Tamagotchi characters are great!

Ahhhh! Catchi!!!!

Shut up Tom!

Yeah Shut up Tom!

You shut up little brother!


Sorry about that................

Ummm... Smelly face :)

~Fwoggy, Tom, Shona and Harry

Hello! Im super sorry I havn't posted in AGES! It's just the computer was in Mum's room and I couldn't find it anywhere! Anyway the Toddlers evolved:

Tom = Male Mamekatchi

Shona = Female Chamametchi

Harry = Male Bakutchi

Im super happy so here is a photo!



~Fwoggy, Tom, Shona and Harry :newmametchi: :puroperatchi: :mimitchi: :ichigotchi: :hitodetchi: :wub: :furawatchi:

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SORRY BUT I HAVE ANOTHER URGENT POST! Binary has posted a photo of some rare items and here are the codes.


Go to the heart button on the top right corner and go to special. Next type in any of these codes. Then go to your item box and click on rare. You will find the item you chose and now you can use it! Thank you all!

~Fwoggy xox ^-^

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Hello everyone! My adults are fine! Im sort of new to this site, so I don't know what Fourms are best for me to post in! Message me on questions about V5's and answers to the following question, What Fourms are best for someone like me to post in?? Thank you!

Im really exited for friday, because Dazz is coming round and we are planning to marry our V5 tamagotchi characters! Mumutchi and Sunnytchi! < Did I spell that right?? Anyway, yeah! Have a nice day!

~Fwoggy, Tom, Shona and Harry! :puroperatchi: :furawatchi: :newmametchi:

Hello!, My tama characters are fine! I'm in a good mood and tommorow Dazzilitchigirl is coming round as a sort of marrying bonding sort of thing! And tommorow is children in need so we are wearing spots all over! Yay!

<3 <3 <3

~Fwoggy, Tom, Shona and Harry!

Hiya! It's Dazzmina AND Fwoggy here! And I HAVE A NEW BABY THAT IS GOING TO BE A SUNNYTCHI WHEN IT'S OLDER! Here he is!:

John = Male Iwatchi (soon to be Sunnytchi)

Im am on my V5 but when it's a space character it is only one character!

~Fwoggy and John!

P.S. sorry.. I had no time to do colour!

Hello! How are you? John is now a Sunnytchi and I am checking the dating show everyday, waiting for him to be at the right age for marrying!

Sorry for the shortness of this update but to cheer everyone up here is a photo!


~ Fwoggy and John! x

Hola! John is fine and HOPEFULLY tommorow he will get married and have three babies! Anyway on the ~Meloditchi and Makiko~ account Dazzmina & I will find a photo and got a profile picture! Yay, will do that as soon as I update my log! I invented a mood thing and here it is! :

John = Male Sunnytchi

Mood = Happy but exited for when he gets married!

Fwoggy = Female Human Bieing

Mood = Normal (HYPER and Happy!)

Like it?


~ !Fwoggy and John! ~

Hiya! How are you? I'm confused because my Sunnytchi got married to a Violetchi and they turned into Planetchi and Mamametchi. They had a baby Mimifuwatchi (Girl) ? I don't understand because this is a V5/Familitchi and there is no family. Is she going to be another Sunnytchi or a special character? HELP ME PLEASE! Anyway... SHE has a name:

Clara = Female Mimifuwatchi 6th Generation baby

Mood = Happy but really needy as she is a baby!


~!Fwoggy and Clara!~ <3 <3 <3

Hello! Im so super sorry for not being on for AGES! It is not fair on anyone! Anyway, Clara evolved into a Sakuramotchi and then into a Itchigotchi! Thats how long I haven't updated! Im so super sorry again!

Im on the internet on my 3DS and it is the coolest! I bought Zelda 4 swords 25 aniversary for FREE on an application called E-Buyer. I'm so Super Mega Hyper Ultra sorry! ☆★☆★☆★☆

~!Fwoggy & Clara!~

Short update today but, Clara evolved into a adorable Makiko! I hope that she will marry on friday! Yay! Well done Dazzmina for your DSI!

I can't do colour on the 3DS but oh well!

~!Fwoggy & Clara!~ ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ ♭♪ :) :p

Hello!! How are you? Clara has now got a logging buddy! My nintendogs + cats! Bruno, Blaze and Squiggle. Bruno is my dog and Blaze and Squiggle are cats! Im afraid I have to get out of bed now!   :(


~!Fwoggy, Clara, Bruno, Blaze & Squiggle!~

Hiya, short but urgent update. Clara got married to an adorable Kutchipatchi and they had three babies.

Daisy (named after my real dog) = Female Futabatchi

Alfie = Male Futabatchi

Kitty = Female Omututchi

YAY! ☆★☆

Thank you for reading!

~!Fwoggy Daisy, Alfie & Kitty!~

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