Long-Lived Oldies Hatch


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I'm not at school today! :D !!

I got new wires on my braces and now I'm at this facial place waiting for my g-ma to get done. But I have news on my tamas! So if you read my log you'd know about BETA, right? Well he FINALLY left his baby after five days! I changed the time to see if he would leave and he did! I know I'm not supposed to be happy about this but I am. :) I named the baby boy Chuck, and after half an hour he evolved into a hitodetchi.



I can't stay though, I going out to eat! :3

So sorry about not updating!! :(

I've been really tired, and had studying, and well, personal matters to attend.

Yesterday Chalk evolved into a sweet Gorumetchi and started school with the flower teacher. I really wish I could read the mails he gets, as the seem to be a central part of the tama. I'll just have to practise my kana, and one day I'll get it all. :D

Sadly Chalk fell asleep before I could take pictures of him, but he's doign well anyway, and I have a picture of him on my school tama as I sent him over yesterday. :p

Also thank you for all the nice comments about the pouch, and all of your tamas are just adorable!!

I'll update more later!

:wub: :wub:

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Debby and Berta evolved!!!

I'm so happy! :D ! And dissapointed, but happy! Debby evolved into a Ura Violetchi, just like her mom! But Berta evolved into purimatchi. :( Oh well, it's fine. I'm going to play alot of games with them to get them good jobs! :)



Until then... :3

Just a comment about the v6, I love how when they get to the adult stage when they play with their instrument they actually interact with it, like you see them like actually pick it up. I'll show you what I mean with Zebra. :D .



I'm sorry about the quality of my photos, I'm not sure where my camera is right now so I'm using my crappy phone camera. :x.

I was very excited to see that Wilf evolved into Mametchi today! Suddenly filled with inspiration, I spent quite a bit of my down time after work playing games to increase the skill points to a total of 450, at least 350 of these in the Intelligence category in order to get...Tensaitchi! Welcome my very first 'special' character to the hatch! :3 Good to see everyone's Tamagotchi's going strong.


Concratilations everyone!!!!!

Your Tamagochis are all so beautiful!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

hello there ! It's been awhile ! I've been sick those days and couldn't upload :( But Mamie kept me busy while I was in bed ^^ here she is :

she is so cute, i always loved that character ^^

your little babies are really cute too ! I love the music star , so pretty ! :)

edit : I said "cute" 3 times in my previous post... XD

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Why not? Just you will have to run a bit your tamagotchi!!! :)

Today I reached past 100 glamour points, which means Chalk's future carreer is secured! :D

Oh my god sorry about not posting!!!!

Either way, my Music Star is 6 years old, and a girl Sebertchi!

She wont get married, the matchmaker will never come!

Cant get pics right now, sorry D:

Could I join this hatch, or is it too late? X3
I don't see why not - the point of this hatch is to run the Tamagotchi as long as possible (reach the highest age). It could go on for ages so it's not really a disadvantage to start late. Who knows, you might outlast us!


Today chuck evolved into a Daiyatchi! He has high funny points so he may become a Ura Mametchi!! I'm really excited.


As for Debby and Berta, They are 4 years old. Tomorrow they'll get their first matchmaker visits. Speaking of tomorrow, ABBAB will evolve into an adult! :3

My v3 finally arrived yesterday and I started it up straight away. So, introducing my baby boy, Milo who was born at 6:05pm on 7/2/13!

Here he is as a cute little baby:


And an hour later after becoming a toddler:


Again, I really hope we're not too late to join! I'll be creating a log about him too so check it out :)


(sorry, my webcam is bad quality. XD)

Alrightie. Hatched this little guy today at 3:15PM EST.

I decided to name him "Clay" due to it having the meaning of "immortal" and also, blobby little Tama babys are kinda like clay, they mold into anything depending on how you raise them. :D



Clay molded into Hitodetchi a few hours ago, he was mid-roll while I snapped the photo.

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Exciting news - Milo is now a teenager after evolving into Young Mametchi!


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