Long-Lived Oldies Hatch IV Log here!


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Today marks the end of Raiden's long life. He was 83 today.
So Raiden has become another little angel to join Tama Heaven. I'm sure he'll have plenty of stories to share up there. 83 years is quite impressive and both of you have a reason to be proud. You really did bring quite allot to this hatch and I do understand why you are bring it to a close. Perhaps you may feel up for another one day, but that will come at the perfect time.

Even though I have a feeling the logging here might dwindle, I'll still continue to log till Sotilde passes. I've been behind due to school (and behind in that too) but I do have a recap log that is nearly ready. Sotilde's 39 today and will be 40 tomorrow. The details of her past days will come soon ;^)

Thank you! I really did enjoy the hatch it was fun and impressed myself. I am on the fence about another oldie... We shall see in a few days...

oday marks the end of Raiden's long life. He was 83 today. With a heart heavy with sadness I tell you he will be truly missed and even though he has been gone for a few hours I still feel the sting of checking on him only to find that the death God had taken him away. Death is universal it comes for us all, it was only time for Raiden to depart this world and move on to the next. Celebrate his life, it's what he would have wanted. He was always full of joy and happiness. He was fond of making funny faces and helping me write, design bracelets, study magic, do science and ease me back to health. Raiden and I shared our fair share of memories and I never truly imagined a future without him.
and I have decided I will not be doing another oldie hatch on my Keitai as such this will be my last log post I wish you all luck! So long and thanks for all the fish (50 points if you can guess that reference! 100 if you are Slytherin and proud)
Sorry about Raiden. He lived long and I can tell he lived it with the very best person to take care of him. Thanks for joining this Hatch. I wish you luck with your tamas.

(By the way, I love your reference to "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".)


Shelly died and so onto a new beginning. I hatched another egg a a few days ago. A little girl came out and I named her Mary-Jane. I call her MJ like from the first spider man movie.

She is turning 3 tonight and I did pause her twice, each for around an hour (I'm not really going for a record so I am not worried about pausing). She has gotten sick twice as a baby and none as a toddler or an adult.


2 years

32 lb

2 hungry hearts full

3 happy hearts full

Right now she is the character with the one swirly hair coming down on her face. I have no idea which character she is.

I am having a bit of a challenge with this hatch, and its been fun, but once my tama at this moment dies, I'll stop doing the hatch.

Good luck Knighttchi's Ballad!

@UMR - Thank you, and good luck to you as well! You got that reference right off the bat while I at first thought Rorys_Tamas was referring to Club Penguin :wacko:

Now it’s time for the third major recap log with (hopefully) just one more to go.

==Lundi Juillet 3rd==
{Note: Lundi (lun-dee) means Monday and Juillet (jwee-yeh) means July.}

At 11, the vendor showed up selling escargot. We already had this so we refused. Around 1-ish, I took Sotilde and Araz (my V3) on what I believed to be a walk. That merged into doing different things with my mother outside. Eventually I came back in around 3:30. At 6:48, I paused Sotilde to take a shower. I unpaused her at 7:50 and set her 2 hours off so I could have her around for longer. At 9:04, I set everyone and Sotilde up to watch a movie but due to fixing headphone problems and dinner descending on me, the movie never happened. Sotilde winked out during dinner, likely at 10.

==Mardi Juillet 4th==
{Note: Mardi (mar-dee) means Tuesday}

At 1:36, Sotilde was paused along with the rest of my brood because I went to play badminton with my mother. At 2:47, I came back and unpaused. The vendor, at the right times, offered things we already had so nothing was bought. Sotilde had an average day, eventually winking out in the late evening. I showed my brother my “sleeping hedgehog”.

==Mercredi Juillet 5th==
{Note: Mercredi (mair-cruh-dee) means Wednesday.}

1:04, the vendor showed up with the same folded pastry. We refused him. I paused Sotilde shortly after as my mother wanted to play badminton. At 2:05, I unpaused Sotilde and kept her 2 hours off. She had an average day and winked out at 10.

==Jeudi Juillet 6th==
{Note: Jeudi (juh-dee) means Thursday.}

At around 10:35-40-ish, I took pictures of Sotilde and her connection with Wostilde Ampersand, my Akai (named after Wostilde the deceased). They played some kind of betting game and Wostilde Ampersand won the first, but Sotilde won the second.


Sotilde was 24 that day (also including her c-click animation).


At 1:01, the Vendor showed up with the same balloon, again. I speculated that maybe he had some old stock he wanted to get rid of. At 7:03, we were offered a roll (“rool” in my notes) thing by the vendor. We refused since we already had it. I took Sotilde out walking in the evening. My notes read “She stayed in a stand with my V5”, which I presume is after the walk, since I don’t think I ever took my tama stands with me.

Sometime later, I entered Sotilde in two races, set my hopes on spot number 1, and she won both of them! I gave her a thumbs up, as strange as that sounds. She later winked out around 10.

==Vendredi Juillet 7th==
{Note: Vendredi (vawn-druh-dee) means Friday.}

I entered Sotilde in a race around 1:06 and she out ran the other competitors by a HUGE margin. So I let her celebrate with a victory drink, which caused her to stagger around. One heart was filled and adding alcohol into these versions (Keitai, Akai, and Hanerutchi) was quirky and a touch disturbing. But Sotilde, at the impressive age of 25, is definitely old enough to drink.


I guess there is some partial hypocrisy/irony that I never want to drink but I’ll let my tamagotchi. Although, I’m sure somewhere down the road I’ve eaten something cooked in alcohol.

At 7:06, the vendor offered the same roll and we refused. A little before 8, I went looking for my father to see about my walk. I went outside and noticed the torrential downpour, indicative of a thunder storm. I later got Sotilde and my Akai to take pictures in front of the window.


I had to used artificial light and monkey around with the angle so that I didn’t block the light. Her buddy winked out on her and I only really liked these two shots and heavily prefer the one when they are out of the stand. This was also around the time I got shots of Sotilde’s current age.

==Samedi Juillet 8th==
{Note: Samedi (sam-dee) means Saturday.}

At 10:54, I paused Sotilde and took a shower. I later unpaused her at 1 and at 3:30ish, took her along with me to the church picnic. It was a bright, sunny day and she stayed in my hand, getting a good view of the car. It was only me and my father going, but we were commanded by my mother to bring back food for her and my brother. Eventually we arrived around 4 at the camp site and I put Sotilde in my secret pocket in my shorts.

I don’t go to the Church picnic’s for socializing but rather to help out my “boss” and the other refreshment team. Due to her husband suffering an accident shortly after we arrived, she went with her son to a clinic and left her daughter-in-law in charge. I knew her daughter-in-law well since she also helps in the ESL program, and we quickly got to work preparing hamburgers and hotdogs. I checked on Sotilde during breaks, pulling of my disposable plastic glove to handle her. She was as manageable as always and I actually played a game with her openly at one point (sound off, though). Later, after most of the people had been served dinner, my “boss” showed up with her husband and her son. Her husband had gotten 11 stitches in his ear and looked like Frankenstein at closeup.

Later, when most of the packing up had been done, I walked over to where my boss was. For a good amount of time I had wanted to show her my tamagotchis but was never quite sure. So with little premeditation, I think I told her I wanted to show her something and then I pulled out Sotilde. “Do you know what this is?” I asked. She tried to say “Tamagotchi” and mentioned that they were big things in her childrens’ times. Along with that she also asked if my Hanerutchi was expensive, obviously having heard something of tamagotchis, and remarked that I must have been really young when I got one (definitely, those were my brainless days).

Later her husband appeared and I showed Sotilde to him. Right before I did, Sotilde went to the bathroom and I quickly cleaned her up, averting my most feared disaster experience. So my old girl got to be shown off like a prized pony ;^)

Me and my father then returned home, Sotilde out on my lap listening to my remarks about the event. At home, things were average and she probably conked out at 10.

==Dimanche Juillet 9th==
{Note: Dimanche (dee-mawsh) means Sunday.}

I took Sotilde and my V5 to church with me. As usual, they sat beside me in my bag in their special box. A short time after the service, we all got in the car and headed to the apartment of the couple who had invited us over for lunch. They were quite elderly and had a fair bit of church history. My mother was worried about her table manners because she, and supposedly me and my brother, did not “grow up white”. My father apparently did, and all that really means is he ate with a knife and fork as opposed to his hands (hence he always leaves allot of meat on the bones, compared to us who tear it off). I wasn’t worried about my table manners since I did know how to use a knife and fork, even though I had been so rarely given them.

What I’m implying is that I’m mixed since my mother is East Indian (from Trinidad) and my father is white (from Canada). Yet despite this, my mother often mentions neither me nor my brother are Trinidadian, and also she does not want us to set foot in Trinidad. (To this day, the only time she has used the appeal of my heritage is when she wanted me to come with her to hear steel pans at a park.)

Anyway, the building the elderly couple lived in was quite ritzy and when we got into their apartment, it was right out of a magazine. Half of the living room walls were windows and one could look out and see the city and the rippling, endless mass of water. They also had an enclosed balcony which looked like it was the perfect reading nook. Everything was so artfully and neatly arranged with little trinkets scattered about the room (you know, in the kind of so-neat-and-detailed-nobody-lives-there). Now my tamas were with me since I took my bag also, but they didn’t get a chance to look around because of the circumstances. But, I did check on them occasionally and very discretely.

We had a typical Sunday lunch (which is not so typical for my family because we would of had leftover Chinese food XD). There was some conversation drifting around the table and it was a bit confusing for me talking to the man since my mother referred to him with “pastor” and I wanted to call him by his first name (probably should have used Mister <last name>, but I sorted of avoided using his name at all). Thankfully he did have a sense of humour, which made things less threatening. The conversation was partly the past church life and mostly how the man met his wives. He had been married twice before and ended up marrying his current wife when she was 62 and he was 65 (I wouldn’t mind ending up like that). We stayed a long time and my cold was acting up that my father managed to get me excused to go attend to myself. I don’t remember when we left but I’m guessing mid evening. I was exhausted when I got home so paused my running tamas and slept from at least 8:30 to 1 a.m., having a few awake moments before I slept the rest of the night.

I really have no clue if I unpaused anyone or not.

==Lundi Juillet 10th==
An average day where I was still a bit sick, so I wasn’t particularly attentive. But I think Sotilde fared fine since she has never been needy.

==Mardi Juillet 11th==
At 1:00, the vendor showed up and offered a 1200 gotchi melon. We didn’t have enough, to his “astonishment”. At 7:00, the vendor offered the same bumpy pastry that we already had. Sotilde, as has been the case for the past days, hung out in a stand while we ate dinner and watched a movie. I turned off her light sometime after 10 and tomorrow will mark her 30th day.

==Mercredi Juillet 12th==
An average day where Sotilde was eclipsed by glitch findings in my Dream Town. The vendor offered us things we already had so there was no spending that day. I did intend to celebrate her 30th day but that really didn’t happen, but I imagine my hedgehog is the patient sort.

==Jeudi Juillet 13th==
At 1:02, I bought the trumpet! Sotilde now had a new toy, which actually really fit with her singing c-click animation.


At 6:59, the vendor showed up offering a roll, which we already had. Earlier we donated 180 gotchi to the King. We would have done so earlier but I didn’t know that the amount were 10-90, and not everything we owned. She had an average day, but made a bit more special with the trumpet.

==Vendredi Juillet 14th==
At 6:59, the vendor offered a 1100 gotchi lobster but we didn’t have enough. Previously he offered something we already had. Sotilde was 32 and hand an average day.

- - - -
Chopping here because this is a decent length. I’ve been backed up by schooling and my note taking has suffered, but I hope to make one final recap post before logging more consistently. I would really like to do consistent logging because something rolls around that is just so interesting but it ends up getting buried in a recap post.

All righty, I plan to make this the final recap post before hopefully getting back to a normal frequency of every 3 days (I’ll still be recapping, but this time it’ll be fresher).

==Samedi Juillet 15==
I’ve mostly been feeding Sotilde a variety of things but I like giving her bentos and slabs of meat the most. After some training of smile-ball at 12:15-ish, I put her in a running race. I hoped for number 1 and with effort but swiftness, she won first place! I gave her a thumbs up as usual. We then donated 180 gotchi to the king. At 12:58, the vendor came offering a trumpet. We refused since we already had one. At 2:20, I paused Sotilde and went with my family to get food from a nearby community event. I would have taken Sotilde but I didn’t have any pockets. I later unpaused her at 3:40. Because my family was outside, I could leave her sound on. I missed her beeps.

Around 9-ish, I took Sotilde with me to the dinner table. Later, I propped her up with my V5 to see the TV. We were watching Shrek and later Sotilde conked out around 10. I think we donated 200 gotchi to the king earlier, nearly bankrupting ourselves. But with free food, balloon “rides”, and unlimited trumpet playing, how could bankruptcy spoil anything?

==Dimanche Juillet 16==
I took Sotilde to church with me. On returning, I grabbed my tablet and took some pictures. She was 34 that day.


I also got pictures of her toys and the pictures of her playing the trumpet (from the past log).


I took Sotilde walking with me around 7 and she later fell asleep around 11, due to being 3 hours off. She had an average day.

==Lundi Juillet 17==
An average day where I paused Sotilde around 5 after a short walk and went to the ESL. The program had taken a usual two week break and had then resumed. There were quite a few familiar faces and I spent nearly the first half of time there writing on the white board, as I was doing the wrap-up (basically an end of class activity where we can nicely say, “Good job. Go home.”). I did get to help out in a class (at the low-intermediate level, instead of my regular intermediate class) and I guess one of my triumphs was when I understood that the Japanese man was trying to say “snow globe”. I returned home around 10 and unpaused Sotilde. I messed up the hours so she was still awake and thus I had to advance her time and then she went to sleep.

==Mardi Juillet 18th==
An average day where I took Sotilde walking in the evening and we donated 200 gotchi to the king.

==Mercredi Juillet 19th==
At 1:02, the vendor offered some delicious looking pasty for 550 gotchi. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough. Around 2-ish, I went outside to work and took Sotilde and my V5 with me. The weather was comfortably summer-like and we eventually settled on the picnic table. I didn’t bring stands so my two got to gaze upwards at the sky, how relaxing. The problem with being outdoors is the bugs (and the people, but it’s not that noticeable in the backyard). There were a couple swatting matches with some flies and I killed two of them (with my sandal). Around 3:30-ish, I went inside, returning Sotilde and my V5 to their usual perch in front of my computer.

Probably average for the rest of the time and I likely took Sotilde for a walking, put her up in a stand after dinner, and she winked out during a movie.

==Jeudi Juillet 20th==
Nothing was bought from the vendor this day. I took Sotilde walking with me in the late evening where she – as always – rode in my pocket. Perhaps she heard me and my father jabbering about geology and perhaps she also felt me and him carrying back two tables we found, thankfully not as much as my V4 (the table was right at the level of my pockets). As usual, I took her to the table while I had dinner and then to the couch after I finished. She got to hear some of the Putin Interviews and eventually winked out during them. She was 38 that day.

==Vendredi Juillet 21==
Sometime around 1, the vendor showed up selling a lobster but we didn’t have enough. At 2:38, I started donating points to the king and I reached 1000. The number started to flash and then the typical object that appears after successful games – a ball that splits to release confetti and a large piece of paper with Japanese writing – showed up on the screen. After that I think some curious music began to play and the screen inverted, a white figure descending onto a black screen. He revealed himself to be samurai – any simple, pixelized idea of an unarmoured samurai will work here. I think he fidgeted back and forth and then... uhh... left a large pile behind him (through his pants!?).

Then that dignified – well, not anymore – and impressively crafted – not in manners – samurai left. Sotilde walked over to the pile (not your obvious sign of great caretaking) and then it stood up and revealed it was alive (oookaaay). They both jumped for happiness and then our new servant covered himself with a crown. So this new development should make things a bit easier. I wished I had gotten picture but my description will have to do. Thanks, Rorys_Tamas!

At 7:02, the vendor showed up selling a trumpet. We refused because we already had it. I took Sotilde to dinner as usual and then we chilled on the couch, watching some of the Putin Interviews with most of my family (kitty included). Most of it requires some pondering to grasp but my father’s comments do help. Sotilde eventually winked out during the interviews. I observed that little servant a few times throughout the day.

- - - -
Woohoo! All caught up (consider yesterday’s, today’s, and tomorrow’s part of the next update). I might post more frequently depending on what I have to post (pictures do delay me a bit because of the editing process).

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I'm afraid it's now down to one. MJ died because I went to a store that was 45 minutes away, spent an hour there and didn't take her. When I came back I realized what had happened and thought that she wouldn't be dead. But I was wrong. Sorry for being so awful at this. MJ didn't even make to an adult. Say nothing about an oldie! So after that I figured I'd just do a no-stress just-for-fun time with my v3. I debugged it and now I'm having a blast! I have Decotchi! (He's way cuter than any picture! ;) ) Love him! So thanks for being in this

hatch. I guess it's time for me to say goodbye to this thread! See yah! And good luck!

Ahh, so I'm the last one again, but I don't mind since I'm not out of place. Thanks for starting this UMR, and I wouldn't really be too hard on yourself for your tama caretaking. Decotchi is one of my favourite tamagotchis because he's (or she's, I got a female one time) so dorky! Decotchi's limited expressions just add to his charm. The first time I got one I thought my tamagotchi evolved into a piece of meat. Thank you, and good luck to you as well!

As a short update, Sotilde's 42 today and destined to have a short day, but we'll see how that goes. She hasn't got a care mistake yet so I wonder how long a life she'll have and whether her programming will allow her to live past 99, due to a rumor I read (but I'm getting ahead of myself). I'll update fully (hopefully) tomorrow.

Well here we go, a timely update (by technicalities).

==Samedi Juillet 22cd==
[in case you’ve forgotten, Samedi (sam-dee) means Saturday.]

At 1:25, I got Sotilde’s age shot and she was 40.


I connected her to my V4 and then they had an eating contest and balloon blowing contest, of which she won both. Perhaps out of sympathy, she gave Balo my V4 a cone. I didn’t get too good shots nor did I get a good one showing how Sotilde shows up as an Otokitchi. (I hope to in the future, though).


At 7:02, the vendor showed up with the old faithful: the balloon. I had forgotten how much that dogged us in the early days. We obviously refused, as we had in the old days. I the evening, I took Sotilde walking with me. I felt my conversation with my father may have gone over her head but, since she was 40, perhaps she has learned a great deal.

During dinner, we got to watch an episode of Star Trek (from the original 1966 series). We (my family and I, Sotilde wasn’t born yet) hadn’t seen one in a long time and it seemed to be one we hadn’t seen. The premise was that the ship’s transporter malfunctioned and would send up (or “beam up”) two copies of a person: their usual self and their opposite. Captain Kirk (William Shatner) went through the transporter and his opposite followed after he left the transporter room. His opposite was a (western) wild man – wearing eyeliner (it makes his eyes look narrower, but it’s still funny). Sotilde conked out during that episode due to the lateness and the delays.

==Dimanche Juillet 23==
[in case you’ve forgotten, Dimanche (dee-mawsh) means Sunday.]

I took Sotilde to church with me. I was busy with my kitchen duties that morning and thus went directly up to church after finishing, forgetting to turn off Sotilde’s and her companion’s (my V5) sound. I was a little anxious about them as I didn’t check them either but I had to wait for music to discreetly turn off their sound. At the children’s dismissal I had the opportunity and soon they were in the usual setup, looking up at the ceiling from my bag. They were well-behaved, as usual.

After church – which was a good while due to my kitchen duties – Sotilde and my V5 were with me when I had lunch. I distinctly remember letting her blow her trumpet, which would not have been sensible if she wasn’t a tamagotchi (I now fancy turning off the sound really turns off the outside speakers while the sound inside the vessel is as loud as ever). We watched a black and with gangster film while we ate.

At 5:36, Sotilde was in her usual perch in front of my computer. She’ll have to forgive me for how bad I’ve been at smile-ball lately – let’s hope she doesn’t get ideas about getting another coach. In the evening, I took Sotilde for a walk (I’m sure we all know I can’t walk her like a dog, so she rides in my pocket). Later we had the usual dinner and something to watch and at 10, she went to sleep.

==Lundi Juillet 24==
[Following the pattern, Lundi (lun-dee) means Monday.]

I went for a walk in the afternoon with Sotilde. The weather was lovely being overcast and cool. I paused Sotilde at 5:53 and went to the ESL.

The ESL went great, as usual. I was co-teaching a class with the Guatemalan woman who spoke 5 languages. We shared the responsibility equally as we had agreed to, even though the supervisor singled her out as the owner of the class (doesn’t bother me either way). One funny occurrence was when the Japanese man read “brand” and seemed to give the definition for “bland”. So I wrote down “bland” and the Korean woman next to me said, “Oh, it means you can’t see”. We all chuckled once the other teacher said that was “blind”. I came home allot earlier (around half an hour) and delayed unpausing Sotilde because she would go to sleep anyway. She missed a good movie, Monsters Inc.. When I did unpause her, she went to sleep instantly.

Seems late in the night is when I’ll be updating, which I don’t think is too much of a stretch since the current day’s long entry wont be compiled till the morning, at the earliest.
==Mardi Juillet 25th==
At 11:03, the vendor showed up selling a delicious looking pastry for 550 gotchi. We bought it so now my hedgehog has another little treat. At 1:24, I was startled when I looked at Sotilde’s screen and saw she had been replaced by a short black character. She then appeared and I was relieved that I mistook her for our servant from the mannerless samurai. I feared she had changed because of neglect, which happens (as far as I know) only in the V5. She was half-hungry so I fed her a piece of salmon roe sushi and a hamburger. Very cross-cultural, ‘eh? (At this point, I wished I could feed her butter tarts because I’m Canadian.)

In the evening, I went walking with my mother and took Sotilde. Because Sotilde had been set to real time, she winked out during the walk. I plan that when I pause her I will then set her back, as that is the least meddling way to delay her clock. I’m not sure if I should set her 2 hours off to wink out at 10, of 3 hours off to wink out at 11. I might try 11 just to see how that works.

==Mercedi Juillet 26th==
In the morning, during the time I was sleeping just a little longer, I heard Sotilde beep. I was confused because earlier I fed her that delicious pastry we bought yesterday because her happiness was low. Her meters were fine so I guessed I heard our little servant. Later, I decided I should get her age snaps so I hunted around for a convenient place. I found the best spot was the sunny windowsill in my room where the shade of my tablet didn’t affect anything. So here are some super-clear pictures of her 44th year. I also let her go on a “balloon ride”.


Directly at 11, the vendor showed up selling a trumpet and we refused him. In the late evening, I took Sotilde and my V4 to go walking. It shortly began to rain so we headed back, my stopwatch registering 5 minutes upon being inside. I realized when me and my father were setting out that I would probably very rarely pause Sotilde, so I paused her 15 minutes before her bed time. I planned to unpause her at 10:45 or later to allow the time to be off-set at the amount I wanted. At 11:13, I unpaused her and set her clock to 8:13. She went to sleep instantly.

==Jeudi Juillet 27th==
I wasn’t quite sure about what time Sotilde wakes up at, but I thought (on real time) it was 8 or 9. That morning I thought she was ambling about at 10 but I wasn’t sure. I checked her clock and while here was a minute difference, she was definitely 3 hours behind. She’s the only tama I’ve ever offset because I wanted her around longer, since my other were offset for practicality. I ended up stumbling upon the realization that staggering the time between my versions actually made them easier to manage. Perhaps one day I’ll make a guide on raising multiple tamagotchis at once, but it’s up there with a comprehensive post on Group Hatch statics, useful topics index pages, and a Tamagotchi recommendations master list (that last on I so want to pitch to the community, but I have organize my idea first).

Some other things I’ve noticed (since I want to continue with this reflection) is that Sotilde eats slowly. Like the other oldies, her eating animation has extra frames. I speculate its because she has less teeth (although I would imagine that happening in her 60’s, but it seems tamagotchis might age twice as fast as people). Along with that, I have yet to see her do any routine animations, although now that I think about it, I’ve never seen an oldie do those (so thus they all have bad teeth). I’ve though of two other things about Sotilde but let’s hope I remember them in the next reflective mood.

Oh yeah (yes, I wrote that down), Sotilde was 45 that day! Soon she’ll meet the big half way milestone. She’s still as hedgehog-ish as she always was (did I ever mention I dreamt hedgehogs found my V3? A bizarre coincidence now, heh).

Around 1:40, I managed to take Sotilde, Balo, and the tablet up to take pictures. My window sill is the best place for picture taking not just because of the light, but because no one is going to bother me there (unless it’s 9 o’clock and I’m being yelled at to get up...).

So I got Sotilde’s age snaps at 45 and a picture of that mouth-watering pastry.


I then connected Balo and Sotilde and got pictures too. First Balo visited Sotilde and gave her a present... of droppings. She threw a fit, a rare occurrence (she only cries when she loses a game). She then visited him, her sprite placement being messed up so that she was a quarter off the screen (this sometimes happens and I remember one of the best care characters on my Akai got translates as a Masktchi – quite humorously – and was a head at the bottom of the screen). Sotilde gave Balo a hamburger and then departed back to her device.


Isn’t Balo cute? I love his hip wiggles and how he waddles up to me in his closeup (and that he’s someone new). I also got pictures of Sotilde’s entry in Balo’s friend list, so you can see how she translates to some English models.


At 2:01, the vendor offered us an octopus-shaped hot dog (octodog?). We already had this so we refused. When I looked at this entry in my notebook, I though that this’ll be quite a log.
I took Sotilde walking in the evening (late evening, as usual). We then went through the usual routine of eating dinner and watching something. I know she winked out at 11 and I think I heard her beep to be put to bed. I’m not sure if I did anything else with her during that time.

= = = =

P.S. TinyPic was having some trouble uploading photos and I got a bunch of broken uploads. These log photos seem to be displaying okay and I hope they stay visible.

I was delayed in posting because I had an important test to prepare for. Now I would add the 31st into this update but because it is especially long, I’ll save it for another update (if I’m not posting it on its own).

==Vendredi Juillet 28th==
In the morning, I took Sotilde and company down stairs where they lay on my desk, looking at the ceiling. They would’ve been in stands, but the stands were upstairs on my newly installed bedroom desk. After finishing some downstairs work, I took them to my upstairs desk to do some upstairs work (predominately French exercises, the only thing that is currently offline). I felt that setup was going to work wonderfully because it was in front of my window with lots of sunlight, and I could keep my tamas’ sound on because it was my room! Of course practically, it was convenient and quite and pleasant with the open window. Also because I was right next to my doll shelf, I speculated that I might have them pose with Sotilde. I was sure Sotilde would enjoy the environment greatly.

At 2:01, we were offered escargot by the Vendor and we refused. Later, we all moved back downstairs but with the sound still on. At 5:45, I was going to let Sotilde play her trumpet till I found in the items menu a crown that was identical to the one our servant had. I made her use it and she was happily talking to it, or maybe remarking upon it. At 6:10, I observed Sotilde’s hearts were fully filled and thus concluded the crown may fill max hearts, either because it was a joy to look at or a great conversationalist.

I took Sotilde for a walk with my parents. The weather was mild and we walked on the road in a different route, I welcoming the change. I kept Sotilde’s sound on and I later heard her beep, the vendor paying us a visit. He was peddling old faithful the balloon. After the walk, we went through the usual evening routine and saw an episode of Columbo. Due to Sotilde’s late hours, she got to see all of it. Directly at 11, she crawled into her warm den and beeped at me to put her to bed, her round nose bobbing above the basket.

A little later I looked through the saved remnants of all the pictures I’ve posted to TamaTalk. It really was like looking through a photo album and perhaps I felt the flutter of my heart. Sotilde was in most of them and I really do have an illustration of what she was like from birth, to childhood, to adolescence, to adulthood, to her quiet ages. We’ve come so far haven’t we, my little hedgehog and I.

==Samedi Juillet 29th==
At 2:08, I answered the vendor once I realized he was still standing on the screen, yelping. Old faithful was peddled again and we refused. Sotilde had 500 gotchi – quite a savings – and was 47 years old. She definitely surpassed my most accurate record of 44 days, as my Sunnytchi’s birth date is undetermined (I’m sure I’ve had her for 5 months). Hmm, if Sotilde reaches the milestone of 100 days, that will mean she’d be 3 months (at 30 days each), 1 week, and 3 days old. Or 14 weeks and 2 days. Dividing the amount really doesn’t make it seem any smaller to me, since I live by weeks (aka schedules).

I took Sotilde with me for lunch (which I usually do anyway). Because it was the weekend, we watched a movie rather than a history lecture. So Sotilde got to mostly hear the 4th Shrek movie (which I saw in theatres, the rare times I actually went to a theatre). It was then a trip back to my downstairs desk when Lunch was over. In the evening around 7:30, I took Sotilde walking with my parents. Conversation-wise, things were fairly general, a bit stagnant, and my mother made the remark that we were three difference races walking together. I tried to persuade her it was really two since I looked racially like my father, but that didn’t go anywhere, not that I truly cared about such things anyway (only a person’s character is important, not their genetics or nationality). I checked on Sotilde a few times and the vendor did show up with old faithful.

Dinner soon commenced after we got back and because my mother didn’t eat with us, we watched The Putin Interviews. I’ve always found the Russian language beautiful and having seen some of these interviews, I feel a little more inclined to visiting the country. Sotilde sure was getting quite an insight into the world through both the interviews (and telepathic relay for the subtitles ;^) ) as well as my Father’s comments. He remarked that The Putin Interviews showed more about America then Russia, and rightly so.

Sotilde did a bit of travelling between upstairs and downstairs and eventually winked out at my desk at 11 p.m..

==Dimanche Juillet 30th==
I took Sotilde to church where I guessed she would wake up just as the service started: 10 a.m. She was asleep all the way to church due to being set so far back, so I didn’t need to tend to her before the service, aside from turning off her sound. She noticeably more low maintenance than my V4, who got sick with his daughter (I wonder why this has been happening lately). At lunch, we saw more of the 4th Shrek move and after, by my mother’s request, a motivational presentation by a limbless man. I was able to hold back my emotion (at the limbless man, Shrek is not that touching), making me wonder in retrospect if I’m superhuman.

The rest of the day was average and we went for a walk in the lat evening, joining my father. In trying to remember that walk, I got it mixed up with another and started thinking “what if I had some weird Twilight Zone experience?” Ha, ha... I’m not crazy after all. Anyway, at dinner we watched and finished The Putin Interviews. At one point I turned Sotilde to face the screen because it got very interesting – Putin seeming a bit more stressed. Later, I heard her beep and put her to bed. She was 48 that day.
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Today, Sotilde is 50! We celebrated and I’ll give a full recap when I post the log of that day (since the day is still in process). Because I’ll be a bit more busy this week, I’m not sure when I’ll be posting the next log but it will be soon.

Well I am back and I do have a log so please check there if you want any details. I started up my V3 and at first had no real plans and I decided to start logging him... and now he's an Oldie. So meet Cecil, today he is ten and it's his first day as an oldie

his Growth: Teletchi - tamatchi- obatchi- billotchi

He has had decent care I don't think he's had a care miss only had a meter empty once so all in all not a horrible life if you ask me


For this update, I’m just going to post the log from the 31st since it is just as long as my normal updates. Also, it fits in well on its own since not only was it the last day of the month, but it was also a rather special day for both me and Sotilde.

==Lundi Juillet 31st==
Sometime in the morning, I drew a more accurate drawing of Sotilde in my notebook, next to the one drawn from memory (that one has a nose, not a smile).

I was thinking of drawing her and a pair of hedgehogs, whereupon I got a bit grossed out when I came across a picture of a hedgehog with ticks. I quickly searched “hedgehog cute” to avoid those kinds of pictures – although I’m not very squeamish, I eat chicken feet after all. I also planned on taking Sotilde with me to the ESL, but tucking her away in my bag. She was 49 that day, and at the time I wasn’t sure if I would get her age snaps because I was going to be busy.


The above is a drawing of a realistic Sotilde and her distant likenesses, which I drew on that day. I speculated on drawing a stylized version more accurate to her sprite, the hedgehogs following suit as well.
At 2:06, I found the vendor on Sotilde’s screen and he showed us old faithful again. Although I could have skipped the process, I deliberately had Sotilde refuse so that he got the hint. Later around 4:30, I took Sotilde and my Akai walking with me. It was mild weather again with a patch of dark clouds. It was also noticeably quiet, the silence held back a little by a bird or the beep of my Akai. I didn’t make a sound because, for a rare occasion, I could be alone with my thoughts. I later came back in and got dressed and paused everyone but Sotilde. I then grabbed an Altoid tin, placed her in it, filled up the empty space with a handkerchief, and we departed for the Esl. Sotilde spent most of the time in that tin, unpaused, while I checked on her occasionally. I was impressed with how good she was and how she only needed a fill up once and even then she was only half-way down on one scale.

Continuing with the previous setup, I and another teacher led a beginner’s class. Our class settled down to two Brazilian women at the most basic level (probably my level in my first French course) and a man from China. We were down to the low, low levels but things went smoothly with the class being half in Portuguese because the other teacher spoke it fluently. We didn’t get beyond the basics (or to verbs, really) but everyone had fun, picked up a few things, and learned how to ask – and respond to - “When is your birthday?”. It was intense work, but very enjoyable.

I also led (again) the end of class activity, I suppose going two minutes over my temporary 3 minute limit. After saying our goodbyes, the teachers all collected to commence a difficult meeting. It got to the heart of being over-burdened, trying to fix that, a teacher needing a very well-deserved break, and losing both the coordinator and his wife because they were going to have a baby (technically only the wife, but I’m sure the husband will be as changed as she is that he might as well be having a kid too). It was probably an hour since I checked Sotilde so once I got out of that meeting and walked through the darkened passages to find my father, I gratefully flopped down on the couch and took a gander at Sotilde. She is steadfast, and that moment showed it.

While my father had skipped to the loo (can’t resist saying it that way), I stood on the overhanging floor and thought of showing it to Sotilde. Basically, in my church there is an upper level near the front door that has a balcony where one wall would be. This balcony overlooks the front lobby and by extension the street, because part of the front walls are glass. Being worried about dropping Sotilde, I kept her a good distance away from the balcony but held her up to see the night life. The sky was dark, the street was lit by circles of copper light, and the occasional car or passerby rolled along. I later left the building, remarking to my father how it was one of those elusive warm summer nights, and Sotilde saw the light of day again at home.

The usual dinner and something to watch commenced, at a later schedule. Sotilde was in a stand in front of me when she winked out, and I turned off her lights through a napkin. She was 49, and before my walk I got the age shots to prove it (and also her eating).


Well I did get a bit delayed, but I’m definitely not giving up on this log. Since we’ve started a new month, “juillet” (jwee-yeh) has been replaced by “août” (oot). Août, of course, means August. I suppose somewhat minorly, I've been having allot trouble with TinyPic with multiple broken uploads, yet it still works (could potentially be that they are reusing URLs or my internet, but I'm not sure).

==Mardi Août 1st==
At 10:02, I saw Sotilde was awake and I picked her up, her age reading 50 years old! I gave her that drink that made her tipsy to celebrate, and she still got tipsy (but then she hasn’t gotten used to it). I then let her play the trumpet. She looked truly celebratory with her trumpet held high. A little before 1, I got Sotilde’s age snaps.


Coming downstairs, I got pictures of her in a race. As usual, I set our hopes high on number 1 and she achieved it, I taking snaps of her victory.


At 2:00, the vendor showed up with a trumpet and we refused. I went walking in the late evening and took Sotildes. Sometime around 8-ish, the vendor showed up with old faithful. We refused to buy it. At 11, Sotilde beeped and I put my half a century hedgehog to bed.

==Mercredi Août 2cd==
At 2:00, the vendor offered squid and we refused. The rest of the day was average with a walk in the late evening and a movie with dinner. After dinner, Sotilde spent most of her time upstairs with me as I practiced French. At some point later in the day, I decided to reduce her weight (then in the high 30’s). I put her in a race and I chose first place as usual, even though I had a premonition. Sure enough, Sotilde came in last. I gave her a thumbs up anyway but her tears dampened it. The next race I chose first again, not feeling a premonition this time. She won first place. As usual, she winked out at 11. She was 51 that day.

==Jeudi Août 3rd==
I took Sotilde (and the rest of my brood) upstairs to practice French, as I had a test that day. It wasn’t as cool that day but, as we say in French, “aujourd’hui, il fait beau” (today, the weather is good [approximately]). However, since I would obviously be recapping that, I noted I should probably say “Ce jour, il faisait beau” (that day, the weather was good [approximately]). As a little aside, I’ll never really know what language Sotilde speaks as although her programming is Japanese, she’s been immersed in English.

Around 7:30, I paused my brood and soon took my speaking test. This tutor was definitely more rigorous than my previous one, which cause my hand to shake and myself to act a bit more timid. But I appreciated this deeper concern because I felt his blunt answers – even though they made me a bit embarrassed – would me me improve greatly. Surprisingly, he mentioned my pronunciation was good, which my Father pointed out is high praise. I got a good, good mark and later, around 9:30, I unpaused my brood. After dinner, Sotilde got to hear a bit about Charles Spurgeon in a documentary my Father found.

At 11, she winked out and I hurriedly put her to bed.

==Samedi Août 4th==
At 2:05, old faithful was peddled. Sotilde had a pretty average day. I didn’t go walking because there was a thunder storm and quite allot of rain, which I enjoyed. Sotilde got to see a bit and hear one of the old Startrek episodes during dinner. She was 53 that day and currently had 1500 gotchi (because the vendor kept bringing old faithful). At the usual 11, Sotilde winked out.

==Samedi Aoû1 5th==
An average day where the usual evening routine commenced. All the vendor offered we already had so Sotilde saved her money. She probably tucked in around 11, probably at my downstairs desk after dinner. She was 54 that day.

- - - -

I'll catch up in log entries soon but I wanted to say that Sotilde is 58 today!

Yeah, I know I’ve been away for awhile and now I’m stuck in backlogs. I even started debating whether this log was worth reading. But since the average days are short, I don’t think I ramble too much about my life (cynically, what is there to ramble about?), and we do have some good moments, this log shouldn’t be a bother.

On weird thing is that I took a bunch of pictures of a big connection between Sotilde and my Akai, but I’m not sure what day it’s from. I edited the frames I wanted on the 7th and I supposedly took the originals on the 4th. But I didn’t record the connection in my notebook so I don’t know where I should place them. So here’s the big connection, which happened anywhere from the 4th to the 7th.


Another note is that due to multiple broken uploads, I am no longer using TinyPic. Instead I moved to Imgur, and I regret ever mentioning TinyPic to anyone.

==Dimanche Août 6th==
I took Sotilde to church and she probably spent her first waking moments in darkness as she was in her travelling case, in my bag, in a cupboard. We got to church at a more relaxed time and since that week’s refreshment team was behind (and understaffed), I immediately helped. I stowed my bag in a cupboard for safety, which is my usual routine when helping in the kitchen (the church’s that is, as no one’s going to steal my bag in my house). Not only were we understaffed, it turned out both the freezer and the fridge were off! However, this worked in our favour as our cake defrosted faster and the freezer was cleaned out (the previous Sunday it was reorganized by another volunteer, with complaints about the unnecessary things). The problem was quickly fixed and around 10:30 – our church’s old start time, ironically – I grabbed my bag and went up to the service.

The sermon emphasized not joking about alcoholism – which made me feel a bit guilty about making Sotilde drink – and the opinions on alcohol are important, as well as keeping the Sabbath. All three had lasting impacts. As I’ve mentioned before (or at least said), I have no desire to drink (whether I legally can or not is irrelevant). I’ve always had this conviction, even before I realized that the families of my parents families have both been affected by alcohol (neither of my parents drink). Also, I’ve never really joked about alcohol outside of those moments with Sotilde and my Akai, and my only relatives who do drink I don’t really like – save for the uncle and maybe his wife. I was on the fence with Sotilde’s alcohol since I really didn’t have an issue since I rarely gave her any, and it was a trivial situation.

As for the Sabbath, the pastor mentioned even God rested and one is not more important, more needed, than God. I then realized I hadn’t really been honouring it, and since he mentioned that resting was basically not doing what work would be to the person, it would be a joy to take. So that day I honoured the Sabbath, both with the glorifying God part and the resting part. Sotilde and my V5 spent most of their time on my nightstand as I straightened up my room. Probably work to some people but for me, cleaning is on par with grooming and I was itching (and occasionally bemoaning my inability) to clean up my room. That worked wonders on my constitution, making me wonder if maybe part of honouring the Sabbath is mental.

It was a good day, rather relaxing for both me and my loveable hedgegog. I bet the next Sabbath is going to be great too. Sotilde probably was tucked in around 11, getting to watch mostly a film noir-ish Western in the evening. She was 55 that day.

==Lundi Août, 7th==
That day was a holiday, the generically named “Civic Holiday”. The vendor showed up with old faithful at 2. We have been dogged by it lately. Sotilde had been enjoying quite a few hamburgers. Around 2:37, I got Sotilde’s age shots. She was 56 that day and hadn’t got a single care mistake.


Since I had a semi-free day, I speculated on doing more connections with Sotilde. That didn’t really happen and instead she had an average day (I also as I didn’t know what to do with my time). My whole family and I went for a walk in the evening, Sotilde and my V4 coming along. It was cool and although I have could probably managed with pants and long sleeves, I felt our summer weather was heading south. The sun was setting as we walked.

The usual dinner and a movie commenced, and I suppose I’ve gotten so used to it I couldn’t really imagine it any other way (and Sotilde has yet to see a contrary example, like the typical family meals). We finished the best western I have ever seen – Fury at Showdown (1957) – and started another one with interesting tensions between the main character and his enemy (all in one stagecoach). Sotilde didn’t get to see much of the second movie because things got late, but she did get to see part of a documentary on house cats (my mother always grabs something to watch between breaks).

At 11, in the midst of movies, Sotilde winked out.

==Mardi Août 8th==
At 2:04, the vendor offered us the folded pastry. We refused him. We currently had only 8 food options and I wished I had more, not that Sotilde would really notice. I was glad to say Sotilde was not lost in the fray of starting my gigapet monkey nor the arrival of my Tamagotchi Id – my first ever colour Tamagotchi!

Around 5:30-ish, my mother had the desire to go to a second-hand store to buy some business clothes, and both I and Sotilde tagged along. I would have taken Sotilde alone but I thought to be safe, I should give her some protection. So I put her in an Altoid tin, used a handkerchief to fill up the space, and stowed her in my pocket. I later heard her bumping around so I put some of the handkerchief between her and the lid. Throughout my time there, I checked Sotilde and she was content as usual. The venture was profitable and the only odd things were two employees who wore heavy gothic makeup (pretty, but intimidating), one woman was buying a questionable religious statue (I didn’t both to check how questionable), and one man asked me if I had seen any razor blades (I could not have been a more unlikely person).

Returning back home, I went out walking with my Father after a short break. Sotilde tagged along, possibly hearing snatches of politics. During dinner, we saw the house cat documentary from earlier, which was adorable (maybe because I love cats). Sotilde was on my desk when she winked out. She was 57.

==Mercredi Août 9th==
Sotilde was 58 that day and the day was average. The vendor didn’t offer anything we lacked and I gave Sotilde average care. We went for a walk in the late evening with my father and if my little hedgehog was paying attention, she would have heard of my family history and some discussion of the concept of marriage. As usual Sotilde rode in the pockets of my sanctioned “tama shorts”, seeing glimpses of the outside world when I checked on her. It was dark when we came back home.

At dinner, I think we watched a movie about a man and a woman trying to get out of Hungary during a war against Russia. There was quite allot of Russian spoken though the movie was in English, which was a plus for me. When I turned off Sotilde’s light, I wondered if I could get care mistakes for not turning them of fast enough.

==Jeuid Août 10th==
Like the previous day, this day was also average. Sotilde was 59, quite an accomplishment but I remembered what Rorys_Tamas said about oldies dropping in the 60’s, so I was a bit worried (or “wordied”, as my logbook reads). Sotilde was as low maintenance as usual, and I had gotten her weight down to a decent range. I think her base weight was 20, but I wasn’t too concerned when it was in the 40’s. I remember letting her play her trumpet and accidentally activating her c-click animation. She shows quite a different side of her ambling self in that animation, appearing rather talkative if not taunting someone in a sing-song voice.

In the very late evening around 8:30, I went for the usual walk with my father and Sotilde. We found my mother a gift from the curb: a wicker chair. Apparently my mother is quite fond of comfy chairs and if you imagen a grumpy cat in front of a fireplace clawing the ground, that would be my mother and furniture. When we got back, I sat in the couch under the car port watching my father dust off the chair. It was a surreal moment, sitting in a couch outside with the bright light of the side door illuminating my father and the chair, partially obscured by shadows. I pulled out Sotilde and checked her, getting more visibility than when I checked her in the dusk. At dinner, we finished the movie set during a war between Russia and Hungary. It became more melodramatic. Sotilde eventually winked out on my desk, her sound off.

Tomorrow she would be an official senior. During the next morning before Sotilde got up, I got her age shots. They’re accurate because they don’t update till she awakens.


- - - -
Chopping here because I think it is bulky enough. I’m still backlogged from the 11th but Sotilde has been doing fine, as always. She is currently 66 years old.

Well I was a little sneaky and recorded how many views I had when I published the last log. It’s good to know that a few people are reading it, not that I ever doubted.

==Vendredi Août 11th==
I recorded this days later. It was an average day, but noteworthy. Instead of a swig I gave Sotilde that delicious pastry, after it dawned on me she wasn’t as porky-ish. I did get her 60 years old age snap because I knew I had too.


==Samdie Août 12th==
I was changing Sotilde’s batteries and I accidentally hit reset instead of download. I was horrified and either came to a realization she was gone by trying to download her again, or right at that moment. I then tried a series of attempts to get her to resurface by just suddenly putting the battery in again. I went through a couple creatures, got irritated with watching my Akai’s intro of the King talking to the servants in the kitchen (quite nicely detailed), but I eventually got a creature that looked like Sotilde. I thought I could manage to transfer it onto another device by connection. That Sotilde was off, a little skinnier with poofy hair.

I connected my Keitai branch of tamas and it worked! The two switched places. But suddenly, they began to evolve and the Sotilde look-alike was replaced with a bat, similar to the pokemon Gliscor. Not only that, I had sent them to the wrong devices. I then remembered debugging and thought I could debug my Hanerutchi and get Sotilde back. But then I wasn’t sure about getting back her age, so I realized I had to give her up. As it sometimes happens to me, I imagined writing on social media about the death of Sotilde, which in this case was TamaTalk. And that’s where it all ends.

I awoke and saw Sotilde sitting in a stand on my desk! She was alive and I had dreamt it all! I grabbed her and saw she still hadn’t woken up because it was around 9:30. So that day she would be 61 and time would continue to recognize her. Usually I wouldn’t write this in first-person and I would have prefaced it with “I dreamt”, but for me that dream was real it might as well have happened.

It appears that despite that incident in the morning, the day was as usual. I don’t know if I went for a walk or not because one day it rained constantly. I did get her age snaps and also her conversation with a crown.


In any event, Sotilde went to bed at 11 and I tucked in her and her cute little nose.

==Dimanche Août 13th==
As usual, Sotilde came to church with me. We left early as I had my refreshment duties. I only saw Sotilde awake when I was in the service. We had the usual setup and her companion was my V3. The sermon was a meandering one about marriage which had some cute moments (the love of an elderly couple is always endearing). Sotilde probably wouldn’t have found the subject matter very useful and I suspect it will never be directly applicable to me. The sermon’s subject was probably on the mind of one of my friends when she made a joke that she had to cover up with something like, “forget it; it’s silly”. In retrospect, I was amused but I’m sure everybody else would have done a double-take, very understandably.

Going back home, we had a brief detour to get biryani (Indian rice and one of my favourite foods). On the way up, I gave Sotilde a fond look and the exact reasoning is lost to time. We saw a Western for lunch, as Sotilde was next to me as usual. Around 6-ish, my brood was at the upstairs dining room table with me, as I made the ultimate (to my abilities) tama stand. It took an hour and a half and was built to house six tamas with a Dream Town sized space and depth, sides to prevent any from slipping out, and notches in the middle of each compartment for key chains (extra stability). The whole thing was made out of cardboard and masking tape (twenty years old from my father’s old warehouse job) and was undecorated. (A day later I had to add some more tape because the masking tape wasn’t too strong). And I did all of this work so that my tamas could watch TV on my computer with me on my computer.

At 9:12, we finally began watching something. I chose to try Kirby Right Back at Ya reluctantly, choosing the English dub over a person’s recommendation. I prefer the dub of children’s shows because there is often a smarter story and the voices are less annoying because they are foreign. Surprisingly, Kirby Right Back at Ya was enjoyable because it was exciting and funny – especially Kind Dedede’s doltish behaviour. It was also perfect for my tamas’ age level as it was a kid’s show. I think otherwise I might have watched some Western cartoons or anime, which might have been a higher rating but my moral standards are decently restrictive, probably more than most people’s.

We then had the usual dinner and a movie and lights out at 11.

==Lundi Août 14th==
It was an average day with no walk. I fed Sotilde a few “rolls”. I took her to the ESL and occasionally checked her, still aware that she was quite dependable. It was a semi-boring class due to only two students being there, the second student being added after the first half. There was quite allot of laughing in our after-class meeting, with my English rhythm poems called Jazz Chants (by Carolyn Graham) being some sort of humorous bother. The mood was further lightened when I told one teacher “I think I hit one of your students with the bathroom door”. Apparently there is a 50% chance of being hit with the bathroom door (apparently less worse than the men’s where one can get sliced in half, according to my Father). [in retrospect, if the sermon doesn’t pierce you the bathrooms will! XD] The whole group had a hearty laugh, which we were leading too quite strongly.

Sotilde got to stay up for a movie and winked out with full hearts. She was 63.

==Mardi Août 15th==
Nothin’ had been bought from the vendor yet. I took my brood upstairs shortly after I confirmed that my aunt and uncle were indeed coming that day. I was taken by surprise but it didn’t really matter since I had nothing to prepare, and they were staying only for a short while. Interestingly, my uncle (and I suppose you might add his family) gave me my first Tamagotchi. I suspected some schedule upheaval in the best ways but no tama pausing.

At 5:51, I topped up Sotilde, let her play her trumpet, and went to talk to my relatives.

I spent a good deal of time with my aunt and uncle, so much so I did no work. I had left Sotilde on the stands with the others because I thought I had no pockets. I then realized I did so I got her and my V4. I checked on them occasionally as my family talked. We had dinner at the dinning room table and after, I checked Sotilde and saw she was two down in happiness. I decided to play smile-ball and I knew that because my uncle was next to me, he would notice. I didn’t do too well in that game but after he noticed it, I asked him if her knew what it was. “It’s a Tamagotchi”, he said. Thus ensued a conversation between me, my uncle, and my aunt about Tamagotchis, my collection, and demonstrations.

Twice I connected Sotilde and my V4. The first time they had an eating contest and the second Sotilde gave Patty (my V4) droppings (which I awkwardly laughed off as “humour”). Sotilde was marvelled at and stood on the table when we played a card game after dinner. The card game was all about planting beans and bargaining, and I ended up the most money from my bean crops, achieving victory.

I was still glad that it was a positive experience showing off Sotilde, maybe because they knew that these were toys their kids had. And adding to that, they were surprised and recognized the V3 they had given me – the Tamagotchi that was my first!

Sotilde winked out on my bedroom desk and I put her to sleep at 11:14. She was 64.

==Mercredi Août 16==
Sotilde slept in her stand instead of hanging from a lanyard. In the morning, I went for a walk with Sotilde, my family, and my relatives. It was relaxing, a partially cool day. At one point we walked over a bridge over top of a railroad track. We watched a few trains zoom past and felt the vibrations. I would have shown Sotilde but I feared dropping her, even though there was a fence and I wasn’t really close to it. I checked on Sotile and my newly born Akai occasionally. They were both fine (I have to neglect the Akai to get new characters).

Sotilde stayed in my pocket while we ate lunch – the “normal” dining room style. My aunt and uncle then departed shortly after and we waved to them as they left. I suppose it was a good thing to be reminded about family relations, and thus not to forget how relaxed and friendly they can be. After they had left, my mother gave an etiquette remark – which I am frankly more surprised when I don’t get one than when I do. Ha, I suppose the only etiquette I have to give to Sotilde is turning off her sound, and even then she’s very quiet.

The usual evening routine – without the walk – proceeded. I think we watched a Western. Sotilde winked out at the usual 11. She was 65.

==Jeudi Août 17th==
At 6:14, I played a game of smile-ball and filled 1 heart. I gave Sotilde some fancy beverage to fill up the other heart. I think the rest of the day was average with an evening walk and lights out at 11.

==Vendredi 18- Samedi 19th, Août==
I’m guessing everything was average on these two days. In the morning I occasionally got lazy and let Sotilde play with her toys. The vendor had made us save by bringing things that we already had. Sotilde was fed a variety of things. We saw a few movies and had the same routine bed time. I generally take her everywhere with me outside.

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Well, we are not so much in a backlog now! Sotilde has been doing well and will be 71 when she awakens. I’ll fill you all in about it in the next update.

My posting is getting a bit behind from my intended every three days schedule. It seems to now be once every week. That was actually the frequency UMR intended so I guess this kinda fits, since Sotilde is definitely in her senior years. Yet I have a few long logs in contrast to the short ones, kind of making me wonder what I even put in them (or that it takes more space to write down mundane details).

I could also comment on my credibility, but suffice to say I never wanted to beat any record so it doesn’t matter that much. I did observe that with all the mundane details I’ve put into my logs and how I haven’t given it up despite some arguable absence, my motivation is obviously honest.

The interesting thing about logs is that the author never knows where they’re going. That’s true for me since I don’t know where I and my anthropomorphic, vaguely hedgehog-ish, LCD pixelized creature I called “Sotilde” will go.

==Dimanche Août 20th==
I took Sotilde to church in a tin with a hanky, as her companion was my ID (who wouldn’t fit). I got a bit nervous when I found her sound was on, but I quickly muted her. I doubt the routinely bored teenager behind me notices these small things, though I always imagined he would. The setup in my bag wasn’t as nice as the past times, since Sotilde was obscured by the hanky and her companion was lying in a heap. In retrospect, I should make or find her a better travelling case, which I put on my off-duty laundry list (things that need to be done but in my free time).

Later on the way home when my parents dropped in to buy Chinese food, my brother joked I needed “re-tama-bilitation” because of all the Tamagotchi’s I have. He’s tama-less currently, but one of the people we tama lovers have loaded with tama knowledge XD

We had lunch and perhaps out of annoyance of my mother snapping at me, I took my tamas to my desk while the rest of my family watched something else. Shortly after, I went with them on a walk that I thought would lead to the playground wings but actually let to picking wild plums. Sotilde came with me in her usual pocket, and I checked on her a little more and held her openly at the time I did. I had observed she was 69. The years had just crept up on me.

It was one of those spur of the moment ventures, the whimsical fancies of free time. I though about having Sotilde be with me during more them and how adventurous that would be, I imagining holding her as I stood on a breezy cruise ship’s deck. Sotilde has been a companion, but I always refrain from trying to make her more than she is. I don’t try to project my own views onto her but simply have her as she appears, undeluded. There is a tendency to try to make a Tamagotchi more alive, more feeling, then how they really appear as moving sprites on a small screen. They do suggest life, but I feel that manipulating oneself to treat them as alive as an animal or make them have deliberate view points and actions, is a distortion. I allow Sotilde her own autonomy and only state what might be probable if the event relies on her own ideas.

Perhaps that could be inflated to cult-ish ideology, but it is merely my own preferences. Once there is enough reinterpretation, Tamagotchis become characters in a story instead of virtual creatures. I want to avoid making up the traits of my Tamagotchis.

Before my Sunday singing to adhere with glorifying God on that day, I tried to fill Sotilde’s happiness. Once she was down to 17 pounds, she started shaking her head. I observed her pointed nose. That showed another side of my hedgehog, perhaps a bit more elegant. I gave her a delicious pastry for the last heart.

At dinner we watched a movie with an unlikely romance due to the age-gap (hehehe, I have a soft spot for those~). I missed the first half but I could still grasp it. I wonder what Sotilde thinks of romance, but I’ll never know. All she’ll ever see is from the movies, whatever that’ll bring. Near bedtime, I fixed her up with squid and late night trumpeting. She shortly was asleep in her basket and I turned off the lights, after blowing her a kiss. She’s a funny little thing and quite content, with mossy hair.

I rose to take an age snap, but my camera was gone. Go figure when it’s the family tablet. Sotilde was 69.

==Lundi Août 21st==
At 1:28, I gave Sotilde escargot and a folded pastry to celebrate her 70th year. Also I had her do her c-click animation. I brought Sotilde with me to the Esl where she had the occasional morsel and balloon or trumpet playing to keep her happy. I mostly let her be and she was quite content. One funny occurrence was two of my students from the beginner’s class tried to say “I am tired” and I heard “tired” as “carrot”. They both had a good chuckle once there realized what I meant. The class was half in Portuguese because 4/5 of the class spoke it and the other teacher was fluent in it.

I remember letting Sotilde play her trumpet on the way back home, in the highway’s sea of cars in the warm night air. I got Sotilde’s age snaps after she went to bed. She had reached the mile stone of 70, care mistake free.


==Mardi Août 22cd==
At 2:03, I got a good premonition when the vendor showed up and it proved true! We bought a melon for 1200 gotchi and Sotilde was then down to 1600. Either at desperate times or special occasions will I let her feast on it. At 5:48, I fed Sotilde a melon for the first time. She ate it slowly, paused, and then jumped up in happiness.

She, and the rest of my brood, spent most of their time downstairs. I commenced my Geology lab assignment with my father, which was basically analyzing the traits of minerals. It was far less intimidating than I thought it was and it took long. During a break, I went downstairs and paused all my tamas except dependable Sotilde. As it got late, my father and I decided to go for a short walk. I grabbed Sotilde and headed out. An Ikea catalogue had come that day and it had a section on reducing food waste. That and other things in the catalogue raised allot of questions for me, and my father pointed out Ikea is catering to a certain kind of people – people who probably gag at broccoli and prefer convenience over making things themselves. Of course, it all depends on the circumstance for what is a good idea. Anyway, it was dark so I barely check my hedgehog till at home.

We had dinner and a movie and Sotilde went out sooner than I thought because it was so late. She was 71.
- - - -
While I would include the 24th in this update, I would have to process a huge batch of pictures which means this log would probably take two days or so to prepare. Thus, I’m going to be posting it like this because I want to put something up instead of potentially getting no opportunity till the weekend. Sotilde has been doing well and is still care-mistake free. Today she’s *slap slap* 77... and most of you probably wont get that joke XD And I’m the wrong generation for it too XD

I messed up the dates in the last log so it was really the 23rd where I had allot of pictures, not the 24th.

I don’t know if anyone even notices this, but I always try to maintain the tense that fits when events occurred in my log. I’m sure I’ve been inconsistent as although past tense fits, some things are just overall observations that don’t really need to be grounded. I know most logs are in present tense because it is the author recounting the past events at the end of the day, thus their impressions are current. I suppose I haven’t really settled on a tense and the only reason I am conscious of this is because of my French course.

Eventually I’m going to have to nail down how I should write so that I can write my raw notes like that, and I don’t have to keep altering my off the cuff remarks to fit. Although the weirdness with all of this is I’m sure you all know everything is in the past. Anyway, onto Sotilde.

==Mercredi Août 23rd==
At 4:32, I decided to do a batch of connections with Sotilde, especially because I was getting a bit bored. I also wanted to connect her to Witarrow (my male Memetchi on my Akai) in the off chance Sotilde could get a toy.

In the first two connections, Sotilde gave Witarrow a jumprope and then a love letter. In the next connection, they bet and Sotilde won. Oddly, they were out of sync for that connection. Witarrow then gave Sotilde a heart and it left her blushing like a schoolgirl! I had never seen that animation so it was sooo cute. I guess Witarrow is returning the cheekiness since Sotilde is more that 5x his age!


I set aside my Akai and selected Matld, my V4 maidtchi. They had two contest and each had a victory.


I decided to stop after that because of all the picture I’d need to edit and I had to do some work. Connections are barely a minute but the editing process is much longer. I’ve become a bit more streamlined but I still need to transfer, crop, resize, and compile them in a collage. The connection process is still quite interesting, making me glad I have a few connection tamas. Getting both my Hanerutchi and my Akai was unplanned, but I am so glad I did. The same version connection interactions are a bit more interesting, making me inclined to buy more. I do only have a V2 on my wishlist, but I have plans for getting a Hanerutchi 2 and maybe a V6. Sotilde will definitely get to meet them, save for the V6.

Sotilde was 72 and likely care mistake free. I speculated that if she was a bit needier she would have got some because I had a few close calls. It had been such a long time since I had heard an attention beep from her, if the vendor call wasn’t the same. I really couldn’t remember. That day I accidentally messed up my ID’s calender, so I found him talking to a Christmas tree and it was snowing outside. I internally apologized to him as I took away his Christmas and gave him back his clear August skies. In recollecting that, I felt the desire to spend Christmas with Sotilde. Not immediately, but when it did come. Oh when it would come, I was sure I’d be at peace and at full capacity to just enjoy myself. A Christmas break is a real break and I remembered how happy I made myself by singing Christmas hymns. Thinking of Christmas also drew up another commitment that didn’t really turn out that well, but I remembered the promise of this year.

Getting back on topic, I felt it would definitely be special celebrating Christmas with Sotilde and I could see her in fluffy white fabric or in the prickly boughs of our (plastic) Christmas tree. She might just have a companion because of a Christmas hatch or a new year’s hatch – which if no one would start one I will!
I then looked at my shelf and saw my holiday barbie, all decked out in a flowing Christmas dress. I wondered if maybe I thought about Christmas because of her XD

After another long mineral sample analysis, I went for a walk in the late evening with my parents. Sotilde was in my pocket and got to hear of all the furniture my father made, since I was still pursuing the Ikea angle. At dinner, we saw a few travel videos of one of my Mom’s favourite youtubers, and then finish quite an interesting movie about a fishing ship ship that picks up a boat hiding German missiles. When I looked over at Sotilde once the movie finished, she was asleep. I don’t think she got to see the end because she was so tired. I turned off her lights and she spent the night in a stand on my bedroom desk.

==Jedui Août 24th==
An average day (although not for me as I made a reasonable dent in my schedule). As usual Sotilde had average care, came with me to lunch, had a walk in the evening, and was next to me at dinner. I did observe that compared to my V3, her buttons are sooo responsive. Perhaps me V3 needs a cleaning although it works okay. I let Sotilde sleep in her stand again on my bedroom desk. I wondered if perhaps the night air would keep her comfortable since who knew how stuffy her vessel could get. She was 73 that day.

==Vendredi Août 25th==
I had another dream about Sotilde with multiple distorted traits. In this dream she had for some reason gotten sick and I cured her. She was at low happiness and I played a game that involved a battle between these two bird creatures. Her health bar depleted and she lost the game, which resulted in her death due to the circumstances. I was less upset than the last dream and I was prepared to give her up. I tried to remember how old she was, the number hovering around 30-40, and then I remembered she was older. At that point I woke up, a bit sad, till I realized Sotilde was still on my desk and it was a dream! I had stayed up late playing Kirby Superstar Ultra and trying to beat all the bosses in the arena, hence the Dyna Blade references. I was so tired and sloppy it was quite strange I made it up to the final boss before dying. I guess that was imprinted into my subconscious when I dreamed.

I found it weird that I had two dreams with Sotilde dying and I didn’t know I was that attached to her. But I guessed it made sense due to the other things I had done. I observed she was 74 that day and that she would be 99 in 29 days. That was 4 weeks, which matched up with Saturday September 23rd. I crossed my fingers that she would get there and supposed I did feel a little anxious – despite being generally rather emotionally subdued. I then realized that if my hedgy pet was alive on Christmas, she would have tipped the scale and registered... 93. That was so crazily unexpected. In total she would be 192, which also stunned me. Although, I did plan to marry my V5 on my Father’s next birthday (my reference point) which would mean she would have lived a whole year. But I wondered if Sotilde would ever match that, but I had not idea. But if she did, I would have achieved “crazy tama lady” status. Not like my other running 6 already give me that status, quite humorously.

Being reasonable, I decided I would be content with her reaching 99 because I read numerous oldies might die at 99 but I didn’t know if that was referring to Japanese connections (thus potentially being true, as it has been disproven with connection models).

At 5:09, I moved my brood upstairs. At 6:15, I got pictures of unchi-kun, in case someone wondered what he looked like.


Oddly, Sotilde steps off the screen in the same direction he cleans so I’m not sure how that works out. Uhh, I don’t want to know either. I went walking in the dark evening with my father and Sotilde. We talked about the history of the house, our house. Sotilde’s learning all these factual details about me, and I suppose that if she was more sinister she could use them quite menacingly, as the movies show. Coincidentally, we watched a creepy crime movie that night which went way past her bedtime.

==Samedi Août 26th==
It must’ve been an average day. I think there was a walk in the earlier evening, the weather having got a bit chilly. Funny, before I remember “chilly” being used by my childhood friend as she stood tall on a playground, gymnasium, bundled up in a coat. I was on the ground and I distinctly pictured a bean stew instead of icy breezes. I chopped a line here, as this log would look dominated by my reminiscing. Anyway, the usual happened and Sotilde went to bed in her basket, probably soon after she snuggled into it.

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Okay now we have four days backlogged. Well, not really backlogged since I more or less fixed this as my update pace. I don’t know if I’ll ever make daily posts due to the night time begin sucked up by last minute school work or having to go to bed. But the circumstances of today are more important because Sotilde is 80! And, as usual, care mistake free. 99 here we come!
