Long-Lived Oldies Hatch IV Log here!


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[SIZE=11pt]May 15th [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 16 years old and still kicking, and no he has not got his own driver’s license with no car it seems pointless. His age hasn’t slowed down his thirst for knowledge. Today he learned that there are some days scientists whine that they have to work, he learned that someone in that lab is gonna get yelled at real bad (psst and it’s not me I do hope I get to watch), deadlines are a very ral thing and this real world thing he has heard so much about makes no sense, which gave him a headache, he also learned that every one in a while there is a golden moment in a the life of a scientist and that is something finally going right. And yes there was smack talk, Raiden helped with some of it, and no it’s not really appropriate [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden has also been helping me write, we worked on a story that I was stuck on and today he helped me work out a wicked awesome dream into a half decent inkling of a story and hopefully we can make it great. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So all in all today wasn’t a bad day, we finished my poster and it won’t be in pieces or have a smilie face on it. We missed a torrential downpour by minutes. Even when he was neglected his hungry hearts only dropped by two. Today he munched on hot dogs and pie. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]We even learned when he falls on his face he has to be on the left side of his screen and he looks both ways then bam he’s falling flat on his face. And he sleeps in none other ooogie boogie!!![/SIZE]

So its been a couple days.... so here is a recap! And Raiden still lives!

[SIZE=11pt]May 16th [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today is Raiden is 17 years young and still kicking. He has witnessed the start of Cecil and the marriage of Cecil and watched as Cecil had a baby. We have no idea what we will name her, hopefully we will come up with a name tomorrow when Cecil leaves. Today we had an action packed day, we ran from lab to the registrar's office back to the lab to the cashier's office and back to the registrar. Raiden slept through all this running and I am very very jealous. After that we had to deal with a minor hiccup with my poster, and then do some science, check on my pink slime (no growth yet but still optimistic) and then we did the really cool thing and make [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]E.coli[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] suck up DNA!! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]When we got home he helped me focus on my defense and my sinuses aren’t killing me today. He even talked me into giving him back the original pikachu, the new one is too bright to match his shell. He loves the glowing bright mew but the pikachu just didn’t match so he has two pikachus. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Raiden has been my longest lived tamagotchi (generations don’t count but longest run I don’t quite know… 27 generations on my Anniversary IDL. Just over 5 months straight on my P’s or the 3-6 months I ran my mixes when I first got them (melody and spacy). But Raiden is the longest lived tamagotchi I have ever raised. And he is very much a part of my life now. He is part of my routine. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]May 17th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today Raiden woke up a strapping lad of 18 years and he was there for the first moments of Cinna. Whom I swear he is going to spoil rotten. Today we did the typical onslaught of lab work. We learned that in blue/white screening you want white colonies (and most of mine were white so I am a super scientist) and when these colonies were tested all 9 tested were positive so random dance party![/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]We finished scrubs (the last season really went down hill they should have ended it at 8) and Raiden urged me to start another show so we started Grey’s anatomy a show I adore and with 12 seasons (and longer episodes) this one will take us a bit longer. Raiden has decided that we are going on a TV show binge mission. Movies are one thing but shows show real commitment. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]All in all today hasn’t been all that bad. Raiden had no less than 2 happy hearts (only happened once) and 2 hungry hearts (again only happened once) all day. He continues to be easy to care for, which gives me great hope for my upcoming conference (we leave friday and return Wednesday).[/SIZE]

Sorry again for not posting. I'm afraid I have bad news. Fam has died, I slept in to late today and he was not cared for for a very long time.

He was 15 tama-years old. I hope to hatch a new tamagotchi tomorrow. It'll be better to wait a day or two before hatching a new baby.

Sorry, but does anyone feel weird and sad when their tamagotchi dies? This is the first time I have felt this way about a tamagotchi.

Thanks guys. Fam certainly was a Long-Loved Tamagotchi.

I am so sorry to hear that! I'm sure your next one will go better!

So i don't have much to stay about Raiden we have had a very busy few days we worked in the lab drove for 4 hours crashed in a hotel finished the trip to my parents place and then woke up and made our way to the conference and we checked in and met some people and now we are working on my poster presentation (and my thesis defense while watching supernatural) he is 22 today and still going strong. I can leave him for about 4 hours without anything bad happening. He got a bit pudgy but we are slowly bringing his 33 pounds back to 15

Okay... So I am not sure sure what happened to the other hatch members..... But Raiden is still going on strong! And Since I am home i thought lets update Raiden's story in the group hatch log... If people have left.. I would like to know..... Just saying this is turning into my second log...Anyways without further ado!

[SIZE=11pt]May 18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today Raiden is the ripe age of 19, he is one day away from 20 my next goal! And this is why I have little goals they break the big goals down and makes things less intimidating and scary. I have full confidence that he will reach the age of 20. We do have the trial of my conference, but I have a feeling things will go just fine after all he is not the needy sort. After the conference he will be 25 (my next goal so I get two for one). Raiden and I have returned to Supernatural I heard Carry on Wayward son and that was it and he had to know why I broke out into ballad. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]May 19[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today is the day we leave, and travel the first half of our trip today, also Raiden is 20. Part of me really didn’t think he would live this long… but that’s mostly my doubts as I have had many tama deaths. We started our day business as usual, we went to the lab and spent the morning learning we wasted our entire week on a project. Then we drove for about 4 hours. It wasn’t too bad. And that is when we learned that Raiden can go a solid 4 hours and be just fine all on his own provided his meters were full when I started. We hung out in a hotel (his first time and well I don’t hang out in them all that often). We loved the towel people and the towel swan.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So far in his 20 years of life we have yet to have the meters empty, since he’s been an adult no random illnesses, and for the most part his weight never reaches 40 pounds. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]May 20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So today we finished the driving and this was the first time for Raiden to go to my home, where my parents live. We won’t be staying long but today he is 21 and met my little sister for the first time. She wasn’t so into him as I was (he is so cute how can I not find him totally adorable… but teenagers it’s either something mean followed by a long sullen silence or a long sullen silence followed by something mean)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]We had the BBQ dinner that became all about my Masters and… that was not optimal for me, but what can you do. Smile and nod you can’t cry while you’re smiling. Other than that we relaxed in the really nice summer weather that hasn’t hit where I live yet ( I am North and my parents live more south..) so that was nice. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]May 21[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today we woke up and had to pack up and then coordinate with the grand plan of dropping me off and getting to the conference and checking in and doing the meet and greet. It’s the hey i haven’t seen you for a year lets catch up or you’re a new face who are you? And it goes into what’s your project do you have a talk or poster while we eat free food. It’s great. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So Raiden spent the day in my pocket, not too exciting for a 22 year old but in tama years he is really old and needs to take it easy. He got to listen in on all the fun chit chat we had and the walk we decided to go on as it was hot inside and sooo nice outside. There was boughts of getting lost, giving up, and succeeding in our mission, all in all not a terrible day busy and chaotic but not bad.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]May 22[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 23 today and he spent the day in lectures, and talking to people and cursing the swill that they dared call coffee, and learning some pretty awesome stuff. It was really awesome, I took some basic notes (the lecture room got hot and so that’s how you stay awake in a lecture. Take notes). I won’t go into too much detail as for the most part no one really cares, or they won’t understand or whatever. But if you do care and are interested in an RNA conference then be my guest to ask me all about it. Today was also the first day that Raiden had an empty meter. It was filled before his attention icon turned off so I’m hoping that it won’t affect him in the long run. It’s hard to tell. It was his hungry meter his happy still had a single heart and he didn’t get sick nor did the icon turn off (as in I left it too long that he has given up hope that I care). So I am really hoping that everything is going to be okay.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]May 23[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today Raiden is 24 and we took it easy on him, meaning I made sure not to extend his 4 hour limit of alone time and things seemed to work out. Today we were much more tired than yesterday and the lecture hall that the talks were in was much colder and the coffee was just as evil and gross. So it was hard to pay attention but he also heard me present my poster and I had no seriously hard questions (which I was disappointed about). After posters we went on adventure and google maps got us lost and I almost died and finally we found the restaurant and much to my relief (and Raidens) I did not die. I may have been a little late in catching him going to bed (7 minutes so his attention light was still on so this is still considered a close call). But today we spoke with my new supervisor touched base on my new research project (for the PhD) met his other student and all in all it was a good experience and I am ever so glad Raiden was there with me and didn’t die.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]May 24[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]We made it home and today is the day we have had our first full fledged care miss. That’s right I am that person today. We had a long drive back and I knew I let him go a little long on his alone time. He can tolerate 4 hours and be okay. But he went 5. So his hungry meter was empty and his attention icon was off. He was okay other than that and had a single happy heart. So this counts as his first full blown care miss. So if there is a limit of 5 we will find out if not we will also find that out. But do I have the fear that the two close calls and the one full on will affect him later in life? Yes, Yes I do. Will I beat myself up about it? Already did and I have moved on.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But Raiden lived to 25 years old he is half a century. And he is also older than I am. He is my longest living Tamagotchi ever hands down. He has reached my next goal so what comes next getting to 30! Can we do this? Yes, I think so? Will my goals get longer? We shall see i like these goals every 5 days I get to celebrate. [/SIZE]

I haven't exactly left... I actually forgot to log her. Sorry :( I have hatched my v3 again and it's a girl! She is turning 4 today. I am keeping my own little sketch log of her, but I didn't take any pictures of her yet. Her name is Eowyn (once again from lord of the rings) and she evolves into an adult today! I'll be logging at the least twice a week here. Thanks guys, and sorry Rorys_Tamas that you thought that we had left. (I don't know about tamaninjacat though.)

Eowyn is turning 7 tonight, yay! I have been logging her in my sketch journal. She is a Kurokotchi, by the way, and she loves popcorn!

I am starting to get used to seeing a Kurokotchi, it'll take a while for me to adjust to an Otokitchi. She is an oldie in 3 days! Wishing my best to all you tamafans and your oldies (or not Oldies).

P.S And, tamaninjacat, if you are still in the Hatch can you say something, because I have no idea if your still with us here, thanks.

Update time, short version Raiden lives and tomorrow he will be 30 years old! For those that like taking the long route here is his story from where we left off last time

[SIZE=11pt]May 25[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So we are back to our routine. Wake up to my alarm get breakfast coffee and dressed and off to the lab. It all worked out quite well until we got to 2:30 my time and that was it. Raiden felt his age and I felt like an old man. We are both dead on our feet tired so we called it quits and tried to work we really did… So we did other things. Working on the stuff in between draft 1 and draft 2 of a book that I have been working on for over a year, adventuring Unova winning a gym badge catching a munna…. (whatever that is) and trying not to sleep. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Right I suppose I should say that Raiden did not die today. He is 26 years old and had the usual stellar care that he had grown accustomed to. At most he was missing a single hungry heart and a single happy heart at the same time and that only happened once. All the rest it was down one and I topped him up. 4 more days until he’s 30 and we have reached our next goal.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]May 26[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 27 and celebrating friday. I don’t normally but this was a friday I needed. I am tired and I think I’m dying the sun is giving me melanoma and I might have spring allergies…. Ugh! But silver lining we did the one walk everyone should do once attending my University and that’s walk down the hill… it’s about 4-5 km so it was a good hour walk. Not too shabby I got to catch up on my Game of thrones book (I think I’m on book three near the end I can’t give more without spoilers -- also books are way better and the shows cut some major plot lines!!!!). I am one of those people who can easily d o2-3 things at once I can go up to five successfully which is why I can write a book, watch netflix work on my thesis defense learn a language and run 4 tamagotchis quite easily (also lab work is a thing I do). I thrive on chaos it seems…. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]So anyways back to Raiden this is his story not mine and I’m sure everyone is tired and bored with my ramblings. So we bought the 1200 gp melon, and that was pretty much all the cash he had. So he will be eating that melon until we have made that money back (and that should take some time as I have gotten into the habit of the sprint game and if you win 30gp if you lose 0 and there’s a 33.333333…. Chance of winning. Also I can press the B button a couple times and set it down and do my own thing. Wow this is longer than I had thought, so until next time![/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]May 27[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So today Raiden is 28 years old and he is doing well, we have had no sicknesses or deaths or anything like that. He was a tad chubby but at the time you are reading this or I am typing this, his chubs has been dealt with. He has no pooch for all the extra cookies. He is the perfect tamagotchi to have around when you take a nap, he doesn’t get mail or demand my attention during my nap (in fact I could have had a 4 hour nap before he would need me) so all in all he is my best buddy right now. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]May 28[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today Raiden is 29 years old…. And we witnessed our first lost magicarp…. Yeah that’s right you can get yours stolen by a pigeotto….. Well needless to day Raiden was shocked it was shocking. His beloved carp just up and vanished right before his eyes. (Don’t worry we have a replacement and Raiden is okay now). We worked on my Defense mainly working on my presentation first getting it within time limits and to stop stumbling over my works, we have time yet (a week and that’s it) but we are getting there I just have to stop stumbling on my dang words. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]In our breaks of me running through my presentation and cursing at a word I say or fixing my slides or whatever we took on the second gym leader in Unova and we won, even being under leveled. Now this run is for me to get to know gen 5. I don’t know who turns into what or their names really so this is how I plan to do it (rock monster and ugly fat purple cat dude are the sorts of names they get from me). So far we aren’t seeing seasons but this game is beautiful. [/SIZE]


Okay so another monster of a post so I think instead I'll summarize the best I can and refer you to my log all about Raiden if you want to know the long story

So where did we leave off? right Raiden turned 29....

So on May 29th Raiden turned 30! I know not a huge record breaker but he sure is a mile stone for me so there is that. It was our first really hot day so he complained about the pools of sweat between his wrinkles


May 30th he turned 31 years old as he had spectacular care, he did get a tad chubby and we learned that the fancy pants melon that he wanted fills more than one happy heart. And that's about it for a short summary he dealt with my squealing over the next VDP+ (its a good one) and me grumbling about lab work and my thesis defense.... (gulp)


May 31st - the last day of May I know he made it I didn't think he would but he did and he's 32 today. And more working in the lab and working my defense. So There wasn't much going on.


June 1st - this makes it official I have been running Raiden for 1 month! Awesome! He is 33 today and in a mere two days he is going to be 35 my next goal. And we have had a crazy day of rain and hail and rain with sun mixed in for good measure. More popping into the lab and working on my defense and I feel like a stuttering mumbling baffoon.


June 2nd- Well he hasn't died today. He got his second care miss today. His hungry meter was empty and his back was to me so he wasn't sick which is good. The cause I think he just didn't have 100% full meters and so when he woke up he was down another one and then 2 hours later he wasn't so happy with me.


And that's that!

Okay, I am going to hatch again tonight since Eowyn died I haven't done anything yet. Okay! I'll post again tonight with my newly hatched tama. Thanks guys, and sorry I'm so bad at taking care of V3s. ;(

Alright so long version of the story i passed my defense and raiden is 38 years old today!

[SIZE=11pt]June 3[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today Raiden is 35 years old and I have not been very productive…. But I have decided to invest in myself and have full faith in myself in that yes I can do this. So that is that (also I was going to buy it anyways and it was on sale the it is a shiny new pink Ipod) and Raiden met my dear old friend my V2, I had hatched a boy named Albus. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Other than that I have nothing else to say today. But I am blood of the Viking I am not some saxon swine. I am blood of a viking (there is no way I can fail now Jeg er blod av vikinget ikke saxonsvin)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]June 4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today Raiden is 36 years old I know I know not as impressive as some others (*cough* 191 years old *cough*) but everyone has to start somewhere and we are right on our way. I had some other stuff but Raiden informed me those thoughts are why I am a terrible human being, so just assume I thought something horrible. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Raiden saw his friend evolve into an apple, and watched my mix grow into a very orange monkey, and heard me practice with less stumbling over my words and a tad bit more confidence. I got this I saw with a bit more certainty in my voice. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]June 5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden has lived to be 37 today, this is going to be a rather short update as my defense is tomorrow and I am doubting everything and I am sure I am losing my mind. Can I even do this? What was I thinking? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]June 6[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today is D day, or at least it is in the morning. Raiden slept in longer than he is accustomed to, but this was the only way to ensure that while I was being eviscerated that he would not perish. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So how did the day go? Well….. I PASSED! Hooray huzza! Blessed be however you want to say I have said it. I am now a Masters of Science in Biochemistry and dang that power feels good. Shh you feel that? It’s the power. Knowledge is power. Study hard be evil. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden lived and he is the ripe age of 38 today. 2 days until he’s 40. I think we can do this, and we have no more big trials until we move ( I may have to cheat with that. Not going to lie I am not sure I can keep him alive while dealing with my parents and moving house (moving to a different province I might add) and setting up my very first apartment, furniture, food and the likes. So yeah you have been warned and amply so.)[/SIZE]


Just to check in Raiden is 43 years old and still going on strong check his log for more details

Hey, that's great Rorys_Tamas! I had bought the wrong battery and so I couldn't hatch a new v3. :( But... the good news is that I finally found the new battery and I'm going to hatch a new one tomorrow! Any name suggestions? Good luck, and it's not to late to join the hatch! Byesies!

To go with the lord of the rings theme for a boy bilbo (Baggins) Or if you wanna go for a different one again Albus for a boy or Yoda For a girl... Old fashioned old lady names like wilma or Laia (Princess Laia) Noris (as in Mrs. Norris) Curie (Madam Curie) Or Molly (Molly Weasely)

I would go with a name that inspires you! Raiden is the Japanese word for the God of thunder (so like Thor) and part of me wants to do him justice for such a great name (also if you set your tama to sleep while you are in school its okay I will not fault you or hold it against you or is say you are busy and you know you can't take proper care of it.... and if you are like me and sometimes forget just set a timer and every hour check on it that's what I did.... hope that's helpful)

Well, I not quite sure if anyone's ever specified if readers can post in group hatches, but I'm sure you both wont mind.

Firstly, for anyone wanting to read Raiden's log, it can be found here (I stumbled across this awhile back, before it was announced). Secondly, once my Hanerutchi finally arrives I'll be joining you both (I told Rorys_Tamas this, but I hadn't told you yet, UMR). As for names, Rorys_Tamas gave some very good suggestion and all I can add is that if you want to add a longer name but can't fit it in, you can take out vowels. Some combinations naturally imply a vowel, such as writing "snuggle" and "sngl", "rumble" as "rmbl", or "pilfer" as "pilfr" (I used that as nickname for one tama). It does look a little weird, but you can always write the name out in full elsewhere (this strategy was born after I played an RPG that only allowed four letter names).

Another thing I would like to add is that "Heading" is a great game for when you are short on time and you either need to reduce your tama's weight or up their happy hearts. It only requires hitting the ball 20 times and is quicker and less unpredictable than "Flag" (remember to always return back to the center so that it is one button press away from where the ball is heading). Also, if you catch at least 35 musical notes in "Get", one happy heart will be filled.

Well, I not quite sure if anyone's ever specified if readers can post in group hatches, but I'm sure you both wont mind.

Firstly, for anyone wanting to read Raiden's log, it can be found here (I stumbled across this awhile back, before it was announced). Secondly, once my Hanerutchi finally arrives I'll be joining you both (I told Rorys_Tamas this, but I hadn't told you yet, UMR). As for names, Rorys_Tamas gave some very good suggestion and all I can add is that if you want to add a longer name but can't fit it in, you can take out vowels. Some combinations naturally imply a vowel, such as writing "snuggle" and "sngl", "rumble" as "rmbl", or "pilfer" as "pilfr" (I used that as nickname for one tama). It does look a little weird, but you can always write the name out in full elsewhere (this strategy was born after I played an RPG that only allowed four letter names).

Another thing I would like to add is that "Heading" is a great game for when you are short on time and you either need to reduce your tama's weight or up their happy hearts. It only requires hitting the ball 20 times and is quicker and less unpredictable than "Flag" (remember to always return back to the center so that it is one button press away from where the ball is heading). Also, if you catch at least 35 musical notes in "Get", one happy heart will be filled.
So glad you'll be joining us Knighttitchi's Ballad! I just hatched a cute lil' baby boy named Bilbo! (Thanks Rorys_Tamas!)

After I hatched him I went to eat dinner and I'm not allowed to take care of tamas at the table so he got five poos and 2 sicks.

I have a feeling poor Bilbo won't last long. I'm such a bad V3 mom. :( :(

And still making it through is Raiden! He's like our team mascot or something! Thanks so much guys for the participation, I mean, that's what group hatched are all about, yeah! Here's for some good luck to everyone! :) Have fun!

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Well, I not quite sure if anyone's ever specified if readers can post in group hatches, but I'm sure you both wont mind.

Firstly, for anyone wanting to read Raiden's log, it can be found here (I stumbled across this awhile back, before it was announced). Secondly, once my Hanerutchi finally arrives I'll be joining you both (I told Rorys_Tamas this, but I hadn't told you yet, UMR). As for names, Rorys_Tamas gave some very good suggestion and all I can add is that if you want to add a longer name but can't fit it in, you can take out vowels. Some combinations naturally imply a vowel, such as writing "snuggle" and "sngl", "rumble" as "rmbl", or "pilfer" as "pilfr" (I used that as nickname for one tama). It does look a little weird, but you can always write the name out in full elsewhere (this strategy was born after I played an RPG that only allowed four letter names).

Another thing I would like to add is that "Heading" is a great game for when you are short on time and you either need to reduce your tama's weight or up their happy hearts. It only requires hitting the ball 20 times and is quicker and less unpredictable than "Flag" (remember to always return back to the center so that it is one button press away from where the ball is heading). Also, if you catch at least 35 musical notes in "Get", one happy heart will be filled.
Thank you for advertising my log! and I look forward to your hanerutchi! ( hint I am ~80% sure that you can donate gotchi points to the gotchi king from the notebook and if you donate 1000 gp you will get a code and if you enter this https://www.tamatalk.com/pixelmood/gotchi_king.htm code in you will get the poop cleaner!! again only 80% It works on my akai and I haven't tested it on my hanerutchi yet)

@UMR - You're welcome! My dad gotten upset with the sound on my tamas so I mute them in his presence. He first told me not to use them when the family ate together (which was quite awhile ago). I'm not sure if what happens in the baby stage is very influential growth-wise, but I wish you luck.

And still making it through is Raiden! He's like our team mascot or something! Thanks so much guys for the participation, I mean, that's what group hatched are all about, yeah! Here's for some good luck to everyone! :) Have fun!
Yep XD I should try making fan art some time later down the road. Also, one of the appealing aspects of this hatch is that we are going to be a small but dedicated group, the best kind.

@Rorys_Tamas - Thanks for the tip, I'll try using it ^_^

@UMR I like the idea of Raiden being a mascot! And as far as I know babies don't really count towards anything, they can't die, it's toddlers and up that count (and playing blind button mash games on silent was the best way and still is the best way I know to maintain weight when I am busy.. I do this with the sprinting game with Raiden as I can push to start and set him down and do my own thing. On my V2 I button mash bump in one hand and work on something else with my other!

@knighttchi's ballad your welcome! I use that site for almost all things Ketai, the games on the hanerutchi are pretty much the same mechanics as the ketai (just you are catching 9's not music notes, the ball game is pretty much the same, and I think the sprint game is also the same. There are some exclusive items though... and you are making me want to run my hanerutchi!)

And a short recap on Raiden, well after I passed my defense we celebrated and we have had the same level of care he as been accustomed to. Friday I injured myself.... and we have been editing and getting back into pokemon moon (I know lame I am still not done... almost I got to after the legendary but before the league) and that's about it he will be 45 tomorrow and we are excited
