awsome! i got my 4.5 finally!!!! i noticed something about it though, if you have a version 3 or lower put your ear up to the back of it, hear anything?you should get faint beeping noise but on the 4.5 it doesnt beep! i dont even know what the beeping noise is(i dont have v4 so i dont know if that version beeps)
Well, V4.5 has arrived in toronto, at a Toys R' Us... The abyssaly stupid thing is that they're not on the floor, or behind the electronics counter! They are behind an aisle of my little pony junk, on the end closest to the wall. There are about 70 there, and they are literally covered in dust! They should really advertize them better, huh?
for my b'day i got a heap of money and i heard about v4.5
i went to like every shop that stocks all other tamas and
we asked them all
"do u have v.45 tamas?"
and they said
"are u talking about v.4 tamas"
and i said
then i stomped off
way to spoil the week!
that was actually in august anyway a few days ago we went shopping and i saw the v4.5 wif pc pack but all they had was the world style but i got it anyway.
oh wait i didn't cause i had to lay-by it because i didn't have the money!
Yeah...have you seen the commercials?? They're the new version of Tamagotchis...leading up to the fabulous V5 coming out in...December I think. Funny...that's when my b-day is.
Since the V4.5 (or V4plus as it's called in Europe) has been available for a while now, and we are only a few days away from the V5 shipping, we don't need any further comment in this topic.