Lily's Tamagotchi-Diary


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Okay, I take everything back I said about Peintotchi before! Acutually he is pretty cute^^' Now that I got him, I looked at him more accurate and noticed he doesn't has weird hair, like I thought before, he has colour brushes in his hair^^ And a little canvas set in his hand *.*


He's the worst care character starting from Hanikamitchi, but it doesn't suprise me, because I had to work long yesterday and hadn't much time to look after him. But it's not sad, because he's really nice ;)

We worked on his happy stamps today. His favourite food is an Ochazuke from the Restaurant, his favourite clothes is the Overall from Tama Mori and as you can guess it, his favourite toy is the canvas set from Tama Depa ;)


Peintotchi inspired me for the decision to renovate all rooms XD I changed all the rooms into the built-in walls for 5.000 Gotchi Points.


Living room (it looks like a class room), kitchen, toilet, bath room, and the bedroom

And what a suprise: After I changed all rooms into the same motive, the facade of the house changed into a school XD


I wanted to feel a bit nostalgic, so I decided to turn on my Music Star and I still love it! ♥♥♥

After I popped the batteries in and chose „download“ I continued with a Memetchi on the 13th generation! I was really suprised, because I haven't known that I had such a „big“ amount of generations on a Tamagotchi before^^'


So I have 3 active Tamagotchis right now and I'm anxious to get them alive for a veeeeeeeeery long time ^____^

Sorry for not posting over a week, but I had a house guest the whole last week and my parents had their silver wedding yesterday and I had to bake a lots of cupcakes for this ocassion.

But I will catch up the last 2 generations since the last post.

Peintotchi married on the 19.01.2014. The possible brides were Uwasatchi, Moriritchi and Watawatatchi


and he chose Moriritchi.


They got a little boy. He grew from a Nittobotchi, into Furutsupantchi, then Happabouyatchi and finally into Bokutchi.


I really don't like Bokutchi, he scares me >.< He reminds me on Mighty Guy or Rock Lee from Naruto, because of his bushy eyebrows. I really like them both, but Bokutchi has creepy teeth^^'

I can't stand the sight of his face, so I teased him a little bit and set him a face guard on, so I wouldn't see his face XD And I dressed him in a dress – but the strange thing was, he liked it and didn't freak out. What a jerk XD


Anyway, to get his happy stamps he had to wear the school cap, eat a steak from the restaurant and play with the car.


After Bokutchi got his last happy stamp, he married on the 23.01.2014. The candidates were Nachuratchi, Agetchi and Pitchipitchi.


Bokutchi deciced for Nachuratchi.


The weird couple got a little boy again. He raised from a Nittobotchi into Furutsupantchi, then into Bokuhoshitchi and for adult into Gozarutchi ^____^


I already liked Gozarutchi before, on the older Tamagotchis and I still do ^^

He got his happy stamps by wearing an afro, eating an Ochazuke from the restaurant and using the scroll from TamaDepa.


He will get his last happy stamp during the present day, which means he will marry later.

Gozarutchi married already 4 days ago, which means I already have an adult, but we don't want to pre-empting. At first the marriage and the, like always, beautiful brides ;)

It were Meloditchi, Madonnatchi and Watawatatchi.


I combined a ninja with a musician and decided for Meloditchi XD


After 3 generation with boys only, I got a girl ^^

Baby Yurapatchi evolved after one hour into Kingyobotchi, after one day into Painaputchi and finally into Chamametchi.


I was a bit suprised, because I only know Chamametchi as a teen, from the Tamagotchi Music Star, but she is soooo cute. I'm happy she's an available character on the iD L^^

Somehow I have the feeling, that she is more needy than the other adult characters. Or could my mind be influenced by the knowledge, that she is actually a teen?


It broke my heart when I saw it :( she cries like a little kid >.<

Anyway, to get her happy stamps, she had to do the following things:

  • eating a fuwafuwa castella from the bakery
  • playing with the skipping rope, which can be get from a retro seed
  • and wearing the wing hat from TamaMori

Chamametchi is one of the transformable adult characters. So we went to Henshin Jo, wearing the wing hat and look into what she transformed:


Now she is called „Hapi Chamatchi“

On the first of february, It was time for the eco triplets. So we went to the park and met them. After we cleaned up the park, we sadly got an eco-fork again, just like last month.


I noticed a new travel destination at the door icon. It was unlocked by having 12 unique adult characters, which were raised up to Tamatomo level.

I tried it out and was really suprised. Apparently Chamametchi used a plane for traveling. After I searched a little bit on the internet, I found it is the Melody Land, where you can meet Meloditchis parents and on rare occasions, the queen of Melody Land – Joou-Sama. And take a look, we really met her on the first try XD


I gained a second changable toolbar with the twelfth different Tamatoma character. It's my favourite so far. Of course, because I'm a musician and I like everything what is designed with music notes or other music based themes ;)

After we met such a important personality, Chamametchi wanted to marry^^ Let's take a look at the possible grooms.

There were Kikitchi, Guriguritchi and Shinshitchi.


Say hello to the nice couple – Chamametchi and Kikitchi.


I think they are a good couple, because Kikitchi is a teen on the Tamagotchi Music Star, just like Chamametchi.

I know it's random, but it's a bit annoying that I almost only gets boys -.-

But it doesn't bother me so much that I would lose interest ;) I'm still loving it ♥


Okay, we are starting from the 14th generation now. The little boy evolved like usually from Nittobotchi into Kaubotchi, later into Bokuhoshitchi and finally into Shutotchi.


As you can see, I changed the wallpaper of the living room with a downloadable design and it was the birthday of Gozarutchi (02.02.2014).


Along with Shutotchi, I have now all the adult characters which can grow starting from the teen Bokuhoshitchi.

So I won't have to try to get the right character when I will get my next Bokuhoshitchi and I don't have to keep an eye how many care misses I already have. Because it's very annoying.

To make him happy and collect his happy symbols, he had to eat the fish 'n' chips, drive the car and wear the afro.


When he got his last happy symbol after being and adult for 48 hours, he went to matchmaker and chose Watawatatchi out of her, Furawatchi and Pichipitchi.


The marriage was yesterday and I ended up with Bokuhoshitchi again. The same growth process like the generation before:

Nittobotchi → Kaubotchi → Bokuhoshitchi.

I really want more girls :(

I'm so sorry, I know I'm not really up to date in the last few days/weeks, but I decided to catch up my highschool graduation and I have to do a lots of things for that >.<
But I'm so excited and happy if it will work ♥

Okay, we stopped at Bokuhoshitchi on it's 15th generation. He evolved into Kuishinbotchi for the second time. I already have every adult starting from Bokuhoshitchi, so I don't have to count the care misses and yay, I got the best care character. I'm not really suprised XD Because if I'm not forced to, I don't neglect my lovely Gotchi ^___^

To maintain my current method, I will explain how to get the happy symbols, even if I already had this character earlier.

For Kuishinbotchi you have to feed him with a jumbo gyoza, let him play with the candy cloud and dress him up with the overall ;)


Kuishinbotchi married a Ponpontchi on the 09.02.2014. The brides were Ponpontchi, Shigurehimetchi and Nachuratchi.


It was a born a little girl, named Yurapatchi – on the same day like Gozarutchi ;)


Yurapatchi then involved into Kingyobotchi, later into Painaputchi and in the end into Memetchi *.*


For gaining her happy stamps, I fed her with a smile cookie, let her play with the canvas set and dressed her up with a blue dress and a matching hair jewelry.


After he got her last happy stamp, she married a Kikitchi today. Suitable for Valentine's day.

The possible grooms were Kikitchi, Shinshitchi and Kuromametchi.


I got a Yurapatchi and Kingyobotchi again. I never had a Rolutchi before. Could anybody say wether there's a way to get her?

I made a new crochet cover for my ID L in the matching colour ;) Okay not really the same color, but I had no other blue^^'


And here's a updated list for all previous generations:

