Lily's Tamagotchi-Diary


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I finally managed it to test the travel destination tickets^^'

  • Kizuna fortuneteller

  • New Year's fortune present

It's very nice to get money from the Gotchi King, everytime ;)

Actually I wanted Sunopotchi stay for a while, because I like the little penguin so much. But after he got his 4th happy stamp today, I decided to let him marry just before bedtime.

This time, we chose Watawatatchi^^

Furawatchi, Ponpontchi and Watawatatchi.

I finally did it to take a picture of the proposal-scene with the ring as gift ^___^

And in the end, Sunopotchi got a little daughter – A Momoirotchi the second time.

And after an hour, she evolved into a Paletchi again (like in the 1st generation).

Before the little girl went to bed, I decided to pay the interior a visit and change the complete apartment.

It each follow the before and after pictures:

  • bathroom

  • kitchen

  • toilet

It didn't worked to take the before picture. dang phone-camera^^'

  • bedroom

And as you can see, the little sweetie is already sleeping in the new bedroom. I like the clouds. It's certainly heavenly to sleep in it XD

But I'm missing my sweet little penguin :( ...

I had a weird dream. I dreamed I would dreaming and woke up because of the attention yelling from my Tamagotchi.

When I looked at the screen, my Tamagotchi was a baby and flew through the outer space ?_?

It was in hyperspeed-mode and raised in a very high tempo to an adult - some strange octopus^^'

And suddenly, a bright ray of light appeared, the Tamagotchi turned around, waved goodbye, his ufo appeared ... and he went to his planet, what means as much as that he died :(

And just because of the stupid hyperspeed-mode, which I wasn't able to stop. I could only sit and watch it happens.

I was so sad, because I take so good care of my beloved friend and don't want that he dies >.<

Immediately after this scene I really woke up because of the real yelling of my Tamagotchi and when I scared looked at it's screen, my little Paletchi was just sick. Bad too, but not as much horrible as the dream ^^

This morning Paletchi evolved to a Sabosabotchi right after the awakening^^

She is so cute and my little sister said „She looks like Maya the bee in a kiwi-costume“ XD

It's now 5 days before christmas and the Tamagotchi is preparing for it with such an adorable christmas-tree ♥ I love it that everything have this typical „Tamagotchi-face“ ^___^

Sabosabotchi got a Kendama from the daily planted seed. This time it came out of a retro seed.

Tomorrow she will raise to an adult and I'm hoping for a Perotchi, because I'm obsessed with cupcakes at the moment and bake them every weekend XD

I got my Tamagotchi Friends today. I was so excited and couldn't wait for the courier. Especially when you wait for something, then the courier always comes to late ò.ó But it's so much easier to get it from the post than drive personally to the custom office -.-

I was a bit disappointed at the first moment when it started, because it's very difficult to see something at the screen, but maybe that depends on the fact, that it was already dark outside.

But another point is, that it sounds quite different than the old ones or the iD L. The sound is much shriller and really annoying. My little sister have one too and say the same things.

Well, let's see how it gets tomorrow when it's light outside again.

When I woke up this morning, Sabosabotchi already grew up to an adult. I was a bit suprised, because I took good care of her, so she actually had to evolve to a Perotchi, but when I saw at the screen, she evolved to a Pichipitchi.

But that's not bad, because Pichipitchi is so an adorable character. A little mermaid with blue hair, just like me (the hair, not the mermaid-thing XD)

As you can see, today it's the birthday of somebody. I was very curious to see, which character are the lucky one and at 12:30 my beloved Sunopotchi appeared at the screen ^___^

It's sunny outside, so Pichipitchi went to the Donut Park and become friends with a Puchiberitchi^^

To get her happy stamps, she had to do the followed things:

  • eat a frappe at the Tama Café

  • play with the ocarina from a retro seed

  • and wearing a pearl tiara from Tama Mori

I bought a blue dress earlier and since she already has blue hair, I dressed her up with that blue dress. She looks like a real princess ♥

… zZz ...

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On sunday, Pichipitchi married. She chose Sunopotchi between him, Kuchipatchi and Shutotchi.

I have chose Sunopotchi because I like him so much. But later I recognized that Sunopotchi was the father of Pichipitchi, so it acts like some weird daddy issues^^'

*hem* anyway, they got a little Nittobotchi again.

An later he evolved to a Kaubotchi.

Yesterday was christmas eve and while we waited for Santa, playing Monopoly, Kaubotchi evolved to a Bokuhoshitchi.

He's my little lucky charm, because I won the game^^

I started crocheting for a week ago and I made fast progress. So I tried to make a little bee for my mum and little sister for christmas.

It's not perfect yet, but have a look.

It's quite cute although^^'

Yesterday evening, we already lay in bed …

… then suddenly at midnight a big „merry christmas“-banner appeared at the screen. I was a little shocked, because I was close before sleep^^' So it took a while before I could fall asleep.

And just now I had to change the batteries.

After inserting the new batteries, I had to choose between download and reset and of course I chose load^^

Today it's boxing day and later we are going to my parents house for lunch. I got a experiment kit from my little sister to grow crystals and we both want to try it out.^^

Bokuhoshitchi will raise to an adult later and I hope for a Kuchipatchi.

As I hoped, I got a Kuchipatchi, yay^^

I used to not like him, but now, with the coloured sprites, he's so cute ♥

He was for dessert at his great-great-grandma^^' And I accidently found out, that the Ice Heart Parfait is his favourite candy and he got his 1st happy stamp.

I sent some files via infrared to the Tamagotchi and tried some accessories to Kuchipatchi.

And again I found out by coincidence, that the dinosaur hat is his most wanted XD

And here is Kuchipatchi with an afro and frog-hat^^

He gained his 3rd happy stamp by playing with the candy cloud.

With the 4th generation and all of it's four happy stamps, I unlocked the travel destination „Henshin Jo“. Luckily Kuchipatchi is one of the characters, which can transform at the Henshin Jo and here he is … Patchizaurusu. Isn't he adorable *.*

Oh yeah, he must wear the dinosaur hat to transform ;)

And oh, I forgot to mention, that I changed the walls of the living room in the chocolate design. Yummie^^

A little summary of the previous generations:

I decided to send my Tamagotchi Friends back, because I'm really disapointed of it and exchange it for a P's. I already ordered it and it was shipped today via EMS. I'm very excited and hope it will arrive as fast as possible and this time, it will getting through the custom office without any problems.

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Kuchipatchi married today. And his choice fell on Agetchi.

This time, the candidates were Uwasatchi, Agetchi and Pichipitchi.

Luckily I got a Choribotchi for the first time and not Momoirotchi again. I hoped for that so much^^'

But sadly the little girl fell asleep right after the she evolved into Kingyobotchi, so I couldn't took a picture of her, just at sleeping. But I will take one tomorrow.

Kingyobotchi evolved to a Sabosabotchi the day before yesterday (It was the 29.12.2013 and Meloditchis birthday) and right after the awakening to a Perotchi this morning.

Finally I got my little Cupcake-Gotchi ♥

She went to her dad for lunch and for dessert to grandma Pichipitchi ^^

To gain her 3 happy stamps, she ate a Fruit Sandwish from the Bakery, wore the Cat-Ears and played with the Kendama.

(I took the picture at the wrong moment ^^')

And of course Perotchi already has a pet – the little dog Chitchi ;)

The 2 Tamagotchi P's for my little sister and me already arrived at germany yesterday. There are at the customs office now. They will delivered via express, so I hope I will get it at least until friday/saturday and it won't take 2 weeks at the customs again -.-

I made my first own crochet-pouch for the Tamagotchi, or rather for my sisters P's. I wrote my own pattern for it and I'm a little proud, because it fits really good and my sister really likes it. I think it's cute as well^^

Perotchi is wishing all of you a happy new year ^^

I was a bit disapointed to see, there was no fireworks at 12am, but this morning, the Kagami-Motchi appeared at the screen in the living room.

It's a traditional japanese new year decoration, that consists of 2 mochi and a bitter orange on the top.

When she went to the Donut Park, she met the Eco-Usatchi Triplets (Look at the letters E, C and O on their heads ^^). They appear on the first day of each month between 10 am – 2:59 pm.
I helped them out to clean up the park and got a reward – the eco-fork. With this item I will get a 50 % discount off snacks from the Tama Café.

It's great to do something good for the environment. And with this good feeling Perotchi is now sleeping.

I made a crochet-pouch for my soon arriving Tamagotchi P's, too ^^

It always reminds me on a Digimon and when I showed it a friend of me, he said it looks like a Koromon and he's totally right XD Apart from the fact that Koromon is pink ;)

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Today was my first working day for this year and of course my Tamagotchi accompanied me ;)

Perotchi got his 4th happy stamp yesterday evening, so I decided to let her go to the matchmaker while I was working.

She could choose between this handsome 3 guys ^^


Gozarutchi, Guriguritchi and Shinshitchi … aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the chosen one waaaaaaaaas … *drum roll* ...


… Guriguritchi ^^

They got a little boy, my first Yurapatchi.


And after an hour he raised to a Nannokitchi.


With him, I already have every male characters from the baby to the teen stage. For the girls only the teen Hineonetchi is missing.

I'm on the 7th generation now and I think I never had such a „big“ amount in a row.


The little boy is already sleeping since 7 pm. Because he's a toddler and needs a lot of sleep^^


Nannokitchi evolved to Hanikamitchi yesterday and to Mametchi again this morning.


I really hoped for a Kuromametchi and I'm 100% sure that I had 2 care misses to get him, but for an unknown reason it didn't worked :(

It's a little sad, because I wanted to have a different character on every generation, to get all stamps and unlock every features.

Well, it's not going to change. But a good thing is, that I can transform Mametchi into Prince Mametchi ;)


Is he really sitting on a horse? XD

By the way, I got my Tamagotchi P's today and decided to start a second log, so that everything is seperated.

Here you can find it → klick me

The handsome Prince Mametchi started his week with his own marriage ;) Of course not before after he got his 4th happy stamp.


The 3 sweeties were Memetchi, Ponpontchi and Furawatchi. It goes without saying that everyone wanted to be his wife, the future „princess“, but only one of them could be the happy one.

Mametchi's choice fell on Ponpontchi^^


The happy couple got a boy. It's the 8th generation now and my 5th boy. You see the male genes outweighs a little bit.


So it was a suprising day, with the new baby and it was Perotchis birthday, too ♥


Anyway, after I own 2 of these precious Tamagotchis now and getting better in crocheting constantly, I made a little bag for my treasures to carry them around^^


The little Nittobotchi evolved into Furutsupantchi, then into a Bokuhoshitchi and finally into an adult this morning. I got a Kuishinbotchi.

My first thought was „weird“ but now, I actually really likes him. With his curled cheeks that are looking like hearts and a lilly pop in his hand XD


He already got his first 3 happy stamps. He gained them by

  • eating a jumbo goyza from the restaurant,
  • playing with the candy cloud
  • and wearing an overall.

I had to buy the overall from the TamaDepa, because I didn't owned it yet.


Here you could see his pet - an Onsenmoguratchi.

I really don't like the overall on him, so I bought an afro and tried it out and take a look, I think he's really cool with this hairstyle XD


Oh boy, it's hard to write an entry every evening, at least on the working days. It was so much easier while the holidays and vacation^^'

But I won't forget any growth stage + generations and will post a list of the previous generations regularly.

Kuishinbotchi got his last happy stamp last friday, so I let him marry after I came home from work.

He could choose between Nachuratchi, Meloditchi and Moriritchi.


This time we chose Meloditchi.


I know, they look like a realy strange couple XD But these one are the best sometimes ;)

They got a little girl named Choribotchi. She grew to a Kingyobotchi, then Sabosabotchi and finally into Furawatchi *.* I love her ♥


I'm working on a crochet-bear for my sisters birthday at the moment, so I will work on Furawatchis happy stamps later and will post it tomorrow.

Okay, it's time for a new summary update:


I was a bit scared yesterday, because every time I connected my iD L with my P's, the screen of the iD L began to flicker and then it went totally white o_O ?!

I thought it would be broken, after just a month!

I took out the batteries, inserted them again and everything was ok. But that happened on every connection :( And after that, the screen was very grey and it looked like a interruption.

But I luckily found out what the problem was: I only had to change new batteries. Because a few hours later, the message for empty batteries appeared on the screen^^'

I'm glad it's not broken and just a batterie problem^^

Last to mention for today, I made 2 new crochet bags for my sister and me, to carry our Tamagotchis around. I made these two bigger, for the case I want to start one of my older Tamagotchis, too, so that all of them are fitting in it.


The colours are orange/blue and pink/turquoise. I like it to use complementary colours ;)

Okay I finished the crochet-bear for my sister's birthday. Take a look:


I know the eyes are too small, but I only have 8 mm safety eyes^^'

What do you think, is it worthy to give away?

After that, I started to collect Furawatchi's happy stamps. Her favourite things are:

  • a fuwafuwa castella from Tama Bakery
  • the flower hat from Tama Mori
  • and the Kendama from a retro seed.

Isn't she adorable with her shiny eyes ♥

I will wait until she got her last happy stamp and then let her marry my sisters Kuchipatchi^^

Before Furawatchi married, she got her last happy stamp and with them, I have 8 different characters which raised up to tamatomo-level and that means, I unlocked a new travel destination – Patchi Onsen.

Furawatchi took a bath with a funny character, which is looking like a bear, and after the bath, I got a new toolbar. The houses and trees are changed for apples^^


It's very cool. The Tamagotchi looks always brand-new with all the changable wallpapers, toolbars ect. It is so much fun ♥

Unfortunately the marriage of my Furawatchi and my sister's Kuchipatchi hasn't worked, but there is the chance of the matchmaker luckily ;)

Let's see the possible husbands:


Shinshitchi, Hirotchi and Kuromametchi …

… and the lucky devil waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas … *built up tension*

… Kuromametchi ;)


Okay, my 10th generation is starting with a boy – a Yurapatchi.


The little boy involved into a Nannokitchi after one hour and at 6 pm into Hanikamitchi today.


He will grow into an adult tomorrow. The possible characters starting from Hanikamitchi are:

  • Mametchi
  • Kuromametchi
  • Shinshitchi
  • Peintotchi
I'm really hoping for a Kuromametchi! I already had a Mametchi twice and I dont't like how Shinshitchi and Peintotchi are looking >.<

I need 2-3 care misses to get him, but sometimes the care missing-thing doesn't work?! Because when I got Pichipitchi, I'm 200 % sure I hadn't had 5 care misses.

Anyway, let's see which one I will get tomorrow ^^
