Letter to the Editor


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Jul 22, 2005
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Hi folks!

I was upset by that ridiculous politician who wants to ban Tamagotchis here in Australia. Honestly the guy must not have a clue, he wants to ban poker machines too. If they ban them people will still bet on the horses, or the football, or keno or whatever.

Anyway I just wrote a letter to the Editor online to The Australian newspaper so we will see if it gets published. Personally journalists are on the look out all the time for this sort of rubbish. The tamagotchis are popular and they will jump on these sort of comments. It also makes parents look irresponsible if you let your kid have one and it gets everyones emotions going if you start saying parents are doing it all wrong.

So I did something and I feel better now. I can go play with my tama.javascript:emoticon(' :unsure: ')

Hmm...maybe we should all send them a lettor, than he will stop his wrongs...

well maybe we can write a petition-like thing and get as many tamatalk members as we can to sign it (not sure how'd you'd actually go about it).

it was funny cos my dad read it out this morning from the newspaper - he said "oh well - its a new version - you won't be getting that" and i just laughed to myself cos i have two V2's!

it really is ridiculous - just look at all the gambling games on neopets!

finally some1 has taken a stand! is there anything i can do 2 help? if you succeed, tamagotchi owners all over the world will thank u and admire u 4 what u have done. DOWN WITH... that politician who wants 2 ban tamas!!!

well maybe we can write a petition-like thing and get as many tamatalk members as we can to sign it (not sure how'd you'd actually go about it).it was funny cos my dad read it out this morning from the newspaper - he said "oh well - its a new version - you won't be getting that" and i just laughed to myself cos i have two V2's!

it really is ridiculous - just look at all the gambling games on neopets!
yeah. they should be banning neopets, not tamagotchis and I think we should have a petition, so then they might listen to us... i dont know how to do 1 though.... :angry:

well maybe we can write a petition-like thing and get as many tamatalk members as we can to sign it (not sure how'd you'd actually go about it).it was funny cos my dad read it out this morning from the newspaper - he said "oh well - its a new version - you won't be getting that" and i just laughed to myself cos i have two V2's!

it really is ridiculous - just look at all the gambling games on neopets!
yeah...[SIZE=14pt]mad idea!![/SIZE]

Should this be a petition where we should have to state our age? This crazed man in Australia is going to think we're a bunch of little children...which is NOT true.

I think this petition idea is the BEST idea TamaTalk's come up with yet. Hopefully we can overrun the anti-Tama groups to ensure that V2's will be safe.

Let's do it. :angry:

Out of curiosity, who is this politician?

In any case, I wouldn't think the Australian Government would really ban Tamagotchi nation-wide. It's such a minor thing, they have much more important things to target at the moment - terrorism, ASEAN, climate control. Pieces of entertainment that have been reclassified as unsellable include Manhunt and GTA: San Andreas, relating to murder cases and very adult themed scenes. They're not going to ban Tamagotchi just because they beep. There'd be a huge outrage anyway - from the Tamagotchi lovers, who don't want their reliable sources of Tamagotchi taken away, and from political watchers - they'd be furious that the Government would be wasting Tax payer's money outlawing Tamagotchi - Something they don't want to risk (that would play a role in the next election...).

Honestly, Tama-lovers, nothing to worry about :angry:

EDIT: Googled it, the MLP's name is Nick Xenophon, and his contact details are here, if you want to chuck him a kind email or two :mimitchi:

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Hi folks!
I was upset by that ridiculous politician who wants to ban Tamagotchis here in Australia. Honestly the guy must not have a clue, he wants to ban poker machines too. If they ban them people will still bet on the horses, or the football, or keno or whatever.

Anyway I just wrote a letter to the Editor online to The Australian newspaper so we will see if it gets published. Personally journalists are on the look out all the time for this sort of rubbish. The tamagotchis are popular and they will jump on these sort of comments. It also makes parents look irresponsible if you let your kid have one and it gets everyones emotions going if you start saying parents are doing it all wrong.

So I did something and I feel better now. I can go play with my tama.javascript:emoticon(' :angry: ')
Good work! I would love to see if it made it in! :mimitchi: Hope it does.

Just sent this to Nick Xenophon:

Dear Mr Xenophon,

This week, I joined many Tamagotchi players in the activity of rolling their eyes at their television screens during Channel 7's report of the MLP calling for the OFLC to reclassify the latest version of Tamagotchi to the threat of "gambling addictions" it posed. If you are so concerned about the "gambling problems" these small pixel-based toys pose, where were you when Nintendo's Pokemon games, which also feature gambling references, were released? According to your biography, you formed your "No Pokies" campaign in 1997, correct? Pokemon games have been in Australia since 1995, and games such as Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver, which have gambling games, were released in 1997. And even then, Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire were released in 2001, still involving gambling references (for which they received the G8+ rating). And they have many more features of gambling compared to Tamagotchi, most notably with their improved graphics thanks to the Game Boy Advance screens (compard to the Tamagotchi's pixel LCD screen). And Pokemon Emerald was only released only 2 months ago, also with gambling games. I am stressing my point extremely here: Where were you when these games came out? Of course, I have no problems with the Pokemon games themselves. I have been a player of Pokemon since 1995, and I played the gambling games, but I'm not down at the Pokies pouring away my life's savings. The only concern I have is why you are only targeting Tamagotchi, and not approaching Nintendo about their Pokemon games. Honestly, even the Pokemon Pikachu toys, very similar to the Tamagotchi toys, had gambling features. In fact, the gambling game was the ONLY game on the Pokemon Pikachu. And it went out of fashion about 4 years ago. If you were honestly concerned about kids being trained to gamble, you should have researched a little more. Why you are only targeting Bandai is quite a legitimate question, so I will ask you - why Bandai alone?

According to The Australian (https://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,16139305%255E1702,00.html), you want an "R" rating imposed on the toy line. Surely, as an MLP joining the band wagon of the nation's anxious parents, you should know that the OFLC's classifications for video games, including toys, only range from G to MA 15+ (https://www.oflc.gov.au/special.html?n=175&p=134). In their recent revision of the classification system, the OFLC have still not included the R rating for video games. Strange, considering every politician seems so concerned with protecting their nation's children. An R rating for video games would certainly protect children from purchasing games such as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (which was recently reclassified, and taken off retailers' shelves as of last week), and inform parents to make the right decisions when purchasing games for their children. And in the end, to think, you want to place Tamagotchi, a pixel-base, pet-raising game that teaches children about responsibilities, on the same moral, and legal, level as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, a game that involves gangster themes, violence, drug use and, more recently exposed, sex scenes (fully clothed, mind you).

So Mr Xenophon, if you truly want to fight the Pokies, take a step back, have a deep breath, and review a humble Australian citizen's advise: leave the innocent kids alone to enjoy what fun and games they can before the nation's anxious parents decide that all toys and video games are evil and focus on the adults who are already addicted to gambling and supporting the families who are already affected by it.

Catherine Ring

Frustrated Tamagotchi Owner, Video Game Player, and University Student.


That was a very welll composed letter. Well done. I had no idea there were so many other toys that had references to gambling apart from someone else here mentioning neopets. My knowledge of the 'toy' market is quite limited, due to my age and my kids ages.

I worry that these kind of stories will prevent kids from having this kind of toy, due to their parents misguided efforts. I don't really watch channel 7 or 9 and I noticed that the story was featured on the Channel nine Today show website as well.

The whole thing will blow over very shortly. Don't worry folks!

Thanks guys :gozarutchi: I've also emailed this to Nine's Today:

Dear the Today crew,

After being told of MLP Nick Xenophon's campaign against the gambling functions in Tamagotchi (Generation 2, in particular), I watched your video on the interview, and could not believe how uninformed this MLP was. He is making a serious campaign against an innocent toy line that should, really, be left alone.

Firstly, Mr Xenophon stakes his concerns on the issue of gambling in toys. Mr Xenophon has been making this No Pokies campaign since 1997. What comments did Mr Xenophon have to make when the Pokemon games, all ranging from 1995's Red and Blue versions to the latest Emerald version, featured gambling? None, if I recall correctly. If he really is concerned about gambling, he should make allegations against Nintendo for incorporating gambling games into their Pokemon series, and should be giving the OFLC a bit of a smack for only giving it a G8+ classification when he wants all references to gambling to be given R ratings (according to The Australian: https://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/commo...5E1702,00.html), when the OFLC's classifications on games and toys only range from G to MA15+. Of course, it must be taken into consideration, that Pokemon has many more features of gambling than Tamagotchi can ever have, with the Game Boy Advance screen is capable of 32,000 colours compared to the Tamagotchi's boasting of 2 colours, and has a much bigger screen than the pixel-based toy. Oh, and Mr Xenophon, you cannot, repeat, CANNOT, exchange points between two Tamagotchi. You can have two Tamagotchi become best friends, swap presents, fall in love, and have children, but you cannot exchange the points earned on each individual Tamagotchi.

Secondly, Mr Xenophon mentions the recent merge with "the company" that makes Tamagotchi with "another company" that makes Pokies machines. Yes, it is true that Bandai (Tamagotchi makers) merged with Namco (Poker machine makers), but this only happened in May, well after the Generation 2 Tamagotchi were put into production. Because of this, there is no way Namco could have influenced Bandai's addition of the Slot Machine game in the Tamagotchi. This logic is also flawed as well - Konami, also producers of Poker Machines, also produced the hit dancing game Dance Dance Revolution (Or the Dancing Stage series for Playstation 2 and Xbox) that is battling obesity in children head on. So should we be banning such dancing games as well?

I am a disgruntled and frustrated university student that has grown up with Tamagotchi and Pokemon. I played Pokemon when it first came out. I, very occasionally, played the Pokemon gambling games to win certain Pokemon. This was part of my life for nearly 9 years - I am not sitting in front of a gambling machine wasting my life savings. Instead, I'm sitting in front of text books, tutors and lecturers striving toward a university degree. I have also been playing Tamagotchi since they came out in 1997, and I still have some of my old toys from back then, which I keep for fond nostalgic reasons. Pokemon did not teach me gambling was good. If anything, Pokemon taught me how to use my brains for strategic and fast thinking, which has improved my quick decision making today. Tamagotchi has not taught me to gamble. Tamagotchi have taught me to take my own responsibilities on board, to look after and nurture creatures around me, and with a hint of emotional attatchment, pet's lives cannot be ended with the Reset button just because you are sick of a particular creature.

I have already emailed Mr Xenophon about this, as I am hurt and frustrated that, instead of parents communicating more effectively with their children and deciding whether they want their child playing a particular toy or game for their own family's benefit, they are more willing to simply campaign to ban the whole toy line in the name of "good parenting," and ruin the fun and games for us all. Several members of popular Tamagotchi forums are already expressing dismay at their favourite toy being taken from them. Surely, mums and dads of Australia would rather their child be happy than taking a fun toy from them, just because it may cause gambling addictions. Mr Xenophon needs to focus on the parents that are already abandoning their children for the Poker machines rather than preventing children from learning about responsibilities. Mr Xenophon needs to stop trying to suppress the social aspects of Tamagotchi and our nation's parents need to research more into the products they buy for their children if they truly believe that their children can be influenced so easily.

My name's Catherine Ring, I'm 19 years old, I love my Tamagotchi, and I'm glad millions of other children do too. My email is cmer@southsky.com.au, and I don't want this to be the last message to parents that they simply cannot ban a toy in the name of good parenting.

Kindest regards,

Catherine Ring

Thanks guys :chohimetchi: I've also emailed this to Nine's Today:
Dear the Today crew,

After being told of MLP Nick Xenophon's campaign against the gambling functions in Tamagotchi (Generation 2, in particular), I watched your video on the interview, and could not believe how uninformed this MLP was. He is making a serious campaign against an innocent toy line that should, really, be left alone.

Firstly, Mr Xenophon stakes his concerns on the issue of gambling in toys. Mr Xenophon has been making this No Pokies campaign since 1997. What comments did Mr Xenophon have to make when the Pokemon games, all ranging from 1995's Red and Blue versions to the latest Emerald version, featured gambling? None, if I recall correctly. If he really is concerned about gambling, he should make allegations against Nintendo for incorporating gambling games into their Pokemon series, and should be giving the OFLC a bit of a smack for only giving it a G8+ classification when he wants all references to gambling to be given R ratings (according to The Australian: https://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/commo...5E1702,00.html), when the OFLC's classifications on games and toys only range from G to MA15+. Of course, it must be taken into consideration, that Pokemon has many more features of gambling than Tamagotchi can ever have, with the Game Boy Advance screen is capable of 32,000 colours compared to the Tamagotchi's boasting of 2 colours, and has a much bigger screen than the pixel-based toy. Oh, and Mr Xenophon, you cannot, repeat, CANNOT, exchange points between two Tamagotchi. You can have two Tamagotchi become best friends, swap presents, fall in love, and have children, but you cannot exchange the points earned on each individual Tamagotchi.

Secondly, Mr Xenophon mentions the recent merge with "the company" that makes Tamagotchi with "another company" that makes Pokies machines. Yes, it is true that Bandai (Tamagotchi makers) merged with Namco (Poker machine makers), but this only happened in May, well after the Generation 2 Tamagotchi were put into production. Because of this, there is no way Namco could have influenced Bandai's addition of the Slot Machine game in the Tamagotchi. This logic is also flawed as well - Konami, also producers of Poker Machines, also produced the hit dancing game Dance Dance Revolution (Or the Dancing Stage series for Playstation 2 and Xbox) that is battling obesity in children head on. So should we be banning such dancing games as well?

I am a disgruntled and frustrated university student that has grown up with Tamagotchi and Pokemon. I played Pokemon when it first came out. I, very occasionally, played the Pokemon gambling games to win certain Pokemon. This was part of my life for nearly 9 years - I am not sitting in front of a gambling machine wasting my life savings. Instead, I'm sitting in front of text books, tutors and lecturers striving toward a university degree. I have also been playing Tamagotchi since they came out in 1997, and I still have some of my old toys from back then, which I keep for fond nostalgic reasons. Pokemon did not teach me gambling was good. If anything, Pokemon taught me how to use my brains for strategic and fast thinking, which has improved my quick decision making today. Tamagotchi has not taught me to gamble. Tamagotchi have taught me to take my own responsibilities on board, to look after and nurture creatures around me, and with a hint of emotional attatchment, pet's lives cannot be ended with the Reset button just because you are sick of a particular creature.

I have already emailed Mr Xenophon about this, as I am hurt and frustrated that, instead of parents communicating more effectively with their children and deciding whether they want their child playing a particular toy or game for their own family's benefit, they are more willing to simply campaign to ban the whole toy line in the name of "good parenting," and ruin the fun and games for us all. Several members of popular Tamagotchi forums are already expressing dismay at their favourite toy being taken from them. Surely, mums and dads of Australia would rather their child be happy than taking a fun toy from them, just because it may cause gambling addictions. Mr Xenophon needs to focus on the parents that are already abandoning their children for the Poker machines rather than preventing children from learning about responsibilities. Mr Xenophon needs to stop trying to suppress the social aspects of Tamagotchi and our nation's parents need to research more into the products they buy for their children if they truly believe that their children can be influenced so easily.

My name's Catherine Ring, I'm 19 years old, I love my Tamagotchi, and I'm glad millions of other children do too. My email is cmer@southsky.com.au, and I don't want this to be the last message to parents that they simply cannot ban a toy in the name of good parenting.

Kindest regards,

Catherine Ring
I agree too!!!!

Yea! Tell him off,lol. I am a bit afraid of sending him a letter,lol. Once I complained to the president of Petco for not taking care of his animals wicth i saw in a vet's website, and he gave me a call on the phone(I dont know how he got it, must be because i but my whole name in that letter lol)and complained. then, he said he would take better care of his company lol. Um...if anyone wants i have his address, but i dont know why anyone would need it,lol. Hey! This guy does not have contact with all the presidents in the world, does he?!? I hope he has'nt contacted Bush! Then maybe one of us would have to find his address...I have a question..do presidents live in the white house or do they live in there homes and be presidents? do they ever visit there homes? Sorry,lol. getting to out of topic.

yea im american to,lol. so..um...are you new? want to be my frien? sorry,lol. I'm in a good mood for no reason at all,lol.

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