Well-known member
I am going to try are start a petition and i will write i few letters to the editors in my local pappers I am going to try and starter a petition i will let you all know if i get this up and running
I sooo agreeeOk, Ban_Tamagotchi, you're a dunce. Sorry that I gotta be harsh, but I am.
So what if it has a Slot Machine Function? Not only do so many other kid's games and toys do, but there are 3 other games on the Tama. You don't HAVE to play the Slot game.
We never said that gamblig was good. I for one honestly don't care about it. If stupid adults wanna waste their life away throwing allt their time, money and effort in front of a machine that is as boring as hell, let them. And how are you so sure that you're the only adult here? There could be somebody here OLDER than YOU.
Yes, I know gambling is a community problem, but in reality, it means nothing to us. We honestly don't care abbout how adults run their lives, He just care on how they run our OWN.
Look, if Tamagotchis were gambling products, they'd defidently have more casino-styled stuff on them, and maybe on the back have "Sponsored by the Las Vegas Casino Dept." or something like that.
Kids don't learn how to gamble from plastic eggs, nor will they play ot one and say "Hey Mommy, Daddy, can we go to Las Vegas? I just feel kinda lucky..."
And why in the world should their be a WARNING on the Tamagotchi for one little thing in the programming that you honestly cal overlook?
I know slots are bad for kids, why do you think they don't GO THERE?!
Oh god, you honestly don't know anything about the Austrailian Government do you. I'm American and even I probrably know more than you.
Austrailia has banned a lot of things. GTA, Russian Imports, blah blah de da blah, but banning plastic eggs is the last straw.
Why would parents be concerned? Besides, they play slots all the time, and if a kid hears about it for one second the parent flips.
You can't remove the slot game. There are already at least over 100,000 V2s out there, and kids are playing them. What are you gonna do, raid their homes and steal their pets and crush them with your foot?
Look, how much stuff do you plan on banning before you gotta lock your kids up in grey, depressing schools forcing them to do schoolwork 24/7 and have no whatsoever?
I tooky our two cents, bought a gumball with it, then threw it at your head and knocked you out.