I completely disagree with / / Shooting S T A R S above me...
Firstly, her personality brings out the best in me and many other fans and with her WONDERFUL & SPECTACULAR personality, she influences us to be ourselves and not give a crap of what others think of us and how we should like ourselves for who we are, not who we pretend to be
And secondly, she isn't doing it for fame, thats the way she is!! She is a talented theatrical woman hence all those marvelous clothes she wears which is a work of art itself!! But back to my reasons why I <3 GaGa
She is amazing live!! Even though I still havn't been able to attend one of her concerts, I've seen footage on YouTube and her voice is like a drug, it makes me happy xD Yes, even though i'm a guy at 13, she is my idol. Not in the sexual way and what she wears, but her personality

To me, everything about her is fabulous and I seriously want to kill those stupid paparazzi idiots for even making up that stupid rumour that she is a man T_T Coz obviously, she isnt!! Theres proof of that in the telephone, bad romance, & alejandro music video etc. etc. when she's wearing underwear. If she was a man, i'm pretty sure u'd see something there

lmao bahahah xD but yerr....LONG LIVE GAGA MY MOTHER MONSTER xx <3
I'm one of Lady GaGa's little monsters and I don't care what you or anybody else thinks about that <3