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Hey, I'm kind of new but I'm a HUGE rp-er

Name: KuroMametchi

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Kind, Sweet, Caring, Loves to help people (Especially his female friends), a bit of a social outcast

Likes: Lattes, scarfs, playing guitar, romantic comedies, techno-pop music, writing songs, giving advice, sleepovers

Dislikes: The "popular" crowd, plaid, country music, rude people (Doesn't everyone)

Special talents: Okay singer, plays guitar, great at giving advice, makes great coffee and tea.

From: Music City

Occupations: Barista for the cafe in Music City, sings there on "Open Mic Night"

(Wrote this on mobile tell me if I forgot anything please :) )
FINALLY someone who's gay. And it's fine, we can have two KuroMametchis. Accepted :3

Hime's tea cup started shaking slightly. She was already nervous, and now she was getting anxious, too. She took a big gulp of tea, and proceeded.

"Um...Meri sure seems to l-like you..." Hime was beating around the bush, and it was very obvious. Her cup started to shake more violently, so she set it on the coffee table.

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"I know.." Len sighed and reached up with his right hand to scratch his head. "It's a pain having her flirting with me at least 30 times in a typical school day. One of these days, I think I'm going to just tell her to go find somebody else to bug." He didn't notice the extreme shaking of Hime's hand.

Hime tucked her hands into her kimono sleeves. "O-oh...so, you...aren't...interested?" Hime was starting to sound stupid now. Even she realized this, and she mentally kicked herself for even thinking that she should try doing this right now.

"Nope. Not one bit, I'd rather swallow a million needles than ever date her." Len didn't seem at all bothered by the question. He took a swig of milk and then set the glass back down on the table. He licked the milk mustache off his upper lip.

Hime closed her eyes. It was now or never. Time to throw it all into the wind.

"Len, I...you...would...wanna..." She couldn't bring herself to ask him. Hime was stuttering like a fool, and she was shaking like a leaf. "I have to go!" She yelled. She stood up suddenly and ran out the door.

Hime kept running. She was such a coward; how could she not confess to Len? She'll never get another opportunity like that. And on top of that, Hime just ran away; it was her way of getting away from everything. It wasn't a good one, but it seemed to help. Len probably thinks that she's such a weirdo.

Hime tripped and fell into a muddy puddle. She didn't even notice that it was raining outside. But she didn't care. Hime curled up and tried to cry away her sorrows.

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Len ran after her. "Wait, it's raining outside!" But it was too late, by this point, she was out of sight. Shrugging, Len shut the door and headed back in before any papparazzi tried to catch him. Unsure of what to do, he went back to his room, and sat down to think.

Meanwhile, Miles was asleep.

"Oh no!! Hime!! Are you ok!!??" Miku ran up to her holding her umbrella

"What happened!?" Miku hugs hime; trying to make her feel better

Hime clutched Miku close to her body, grateful for Miku's compassion (and her body warmth.) After some time, Hime stopped crying. Her eyes were all puffy, and she was all wet and muddy. She looked horrifying. **sniff** "I was over at Len's house, and I couldn't bring myself to tell him how I feel. I'm so embarassed; I made a fool out of myself, you should have seen me! It was a catastrophe. And the worst part is, I'll never get another opportunity like that again. Never ever." Hime sighed, and leaned her head on Miku's shoulder as they walked back to her house.

Although Mora didn't know Hime much, she ran to Miku (Her Best Friend) and Helped Hime. Hime was Dizzy and suddenly, Hime turned into Shikuren! Miku and Mora stepped back Quietly. Hime said "It's Okay! Just don't tell anyone". Miku and Mora Agreed. Miku and Mora walked each other home. Mora went to bed with no Supper. It took Mora 30 Minutes to go to Sleep. She called Miku and she was-Surprisingly-awake. They Talked and went to Sleep. They acted calm and finished Tamaschool. They both went to the Cafe. Tennyo and Melodi asked for their Order. They both asked for a Smoothie. Mora and Miku Talked until Closing. They walked home.

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Although Mora didn't know Hime much, she ran to Miku (Her Best Friend) and Helped Hime. Hime was Dizzy and suddenly, Hime turned into Shikuren! Miku and Mora stepped back Quietly. Hime said "It's Okay! Just don't tell anyone". Miku and Mora Agreed. Miku and Mora walked each other home. Mora went to bed with no Supper. It took Mora 30 Minutes to go to Sleep. She called Miku and she was-Surprisingly-awake. They Talked and went to Sleep. They acted calm and finished Tamaschool. They both went to the Cafe. Tennyo and Melodi asked for their Order. They both asked for a Smoothie. Mora and Miku Talked until Closing. They walked home.

Um, please don't RP like this. Only control your character, not anyone elses. And, if you did some reading of previous posts, you would have seen that Miku is Hime's best friend, and already knows that she is Shiguren. And Hime doesn't just transform into Shiguren. She's not Sailor Moon -_- The events in your post did not happen; please RP realistically and responsibly.

Although Mora didn't know Hime much, she ran to Miku (Her Best Friend) and Helped Hime. Hime was Dizzy and suddenly, Hime turned into Shikuren! Miku and Mora stepped back Quietly. Hime said "It's Okay! Just don't tell anyone". Miku and Mora Agreed. Miku and Mora walked each other home. Mora went to bed with no Supper. It took Mora 30 Minutes to go to Sleep. She called Miku and she was-Surprisingly-awake. They Talked and went to Sleep. They acted calm and finished Tamaschool. They both went to the Cafe. Tennyo and Melodi asked for their Order. They both asked for a Smoothie. Mora and Miku Talked until Closing. They walked home.

Also, this is WAY too much information in just one post. It's quite spastic; if you don't know how to RP properly, I advise to quit now.

Ick. First not being able to auditiion for tama-mia, which Kuromametchi thought was one of the best musicals ever next to "Les Misergotchis" and "My fair Tama". He sadly didn't audition because of the ridicule it would cause, he was made fun of enough already.

Now he had to cover the late shift at the music cafe, which added to the horribleness of it all. Nobody ever came at night and Kuro was dead tired! He let out a hefty sigh and scrubbed some tables, hoping a late night customer would come in.

Also, this is WAY too much information in just one post. It's quite spastic; if you don't know how to RP properly, I advise to quit now.
That post was also quite annoying to read... as the whole thing was underlined... -_-

Miles walked into the late night music cafe, thirsty. He really wanted a coffee. He sat down at one of the tables and then waited for service.

Len was confused by why Hime had simply just ran off like that (Yes, he can be pretty dense). "Wait a second.. Girls don't run away from boys unless... Nah, that wouldn't be the case."

Finally somebody walked in, it was that boy - Miles was his name? That always hung out with that hottie Len, who was by far the cutest boy in school.

Kuro walked over to Mile's table with his little notepad and pen that wrote in bright-green ink.

"Hello, may I take your order? Our famous cherry pie is our special today it's 100 points off"

(OOC: Are points what we are using as currency?)

"Oh hey, um, Kuro," Miles said, as he remembered the Kuromametchi's name. The kuromametchi was in some of his classes, but he didn't really know the guy too well. "Well, I'm not really hungry, I think I'll order a double hot tall mocha with caramel syrup and whipped cream and nonfat milk that's decaf. Nahhh, just kidding. I'd like a non-fat latte with whip."

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