.:.Kuromametchifan123's Tama Log.:.


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Oh my gotchi I think I have Fangirl-itus! XD My Mom just let me bid on an iD-L 15th ver. in royal purple, now I keep checking eBay. :p That is my Christmas present, I'm somewhat confident in winning the bid as there are 4 days and a few hours left and I'm the only bidder. :) ...*dances*.

I'm in the car on TT mobile going back home from my Grandma's, excuse the typos! :)


Yesterday, Teruaki and I harvested something that looked like a fruit roll from (I think) the Old Fashioned Candy Seeds. He ate it but didn't get a happy symbol. Then, I thought of how similar Kuromametchi and Mametchi are and used one of Mametchi's happy symbols from last generation (The Harajuku cards) on him and I got his blue happy symbol! Only one more left, maybe it's something from the Tama Mori? ;)

-Nicole and Teruaki

Very long story short, sorry for not updating, my teachers gave us a ton of after break homework and projects in general. You know that bid for the iD-L 15th ver. that I talked about in the last post? Well I lost. :U Someone else bided at 3 am (When it ended, thais is Japanese time. ;) ) while I was sleeping. Oh well, I bet as soon as I buy it then a new Tamagotchi will be released. XD I'll wait until the next version. :) And off topic, my Mom and I are learning how to crochet. :) It' easier than I thought, I'm thinking of making her a scarf for Christmas, I found a pattern online. :) Sadly, since it's 11:30 pm here, I don't have any pictures. Hopefully I'll be able to update tomorrow, I'm going to a sleepover and one of my friend's concert. (Bleh, bad grammar. :p )


Teruaki and I went to the Henshin Jo on Monday and got his new coustume. :)  

We also got his last happy symbol.

Surprisingly the overalls from the TamaMori. XD
We just relaxed when I got home, I was crocheting on the couch with Teruaki in his little Tama Box next to me. :3 

Sorry for the short post, I have to get up at 7 in the morning for dance class. T_T 

-Nicole and Teruaki [Tired]

Who's back? I'm back! I had a very busy week and weekend last week filled with sleepovers, concerts and endless homework. This week will be different hopefully. ;) I miss logging everyday with pictures, I have pictures tonight! My camera and camera case mysteriously vanished from my desk today, only my memory card and adaptor were there. I took pictures last night (thankfully) so I actually have something to talk about. :p


Teruaki got married yesterday! I tried my best to cut down on all of the pictures in hopes of not doing a two part post. XD I have 11 pictures, hopefully it'll all fit in one post.


Haha, I was really excited about seeing the snow, I haven't paid that much attention to the weather recently.


After a brisk walk through the cold, Teruaki and I finally reached the Matchmaker.


The Matchmaker talked to him for a bit and let his three choices introduce themselves.


It was love at first sight for Watawatatchi and Teruaki, after a few dates they married.




And Kiyoshi (Which means bright) was born! Tired from all of the excitement, Kiyoshi fell asleep. Teruaki knew it was time to leave. I said goodbye and told him i'd be visiting him soon.


Soon after he left, Kiyoshi woke up startled. I fed him and bundled him up to play some games at the Game Center. As soon as I opened the door though, he hoped out of my arms and bounded happily into the snow.




After an hour, Kyioshi started to glow. He evolved into a Furusupantchi and fell asleep. (I don't have a picture of that, I'm not sure where my camera went. I'll find it for tomorrow. :) )

-Nicole and Kyioshi

I went to Barnes and Noble after school today and bought a crochet book on amigurumi. :) It has the cutest pattern of an ice cream cone made of chains and single crochets, who couldn't resist that? XD Once I finish it, I'll post a picture. :)


While I was looking at the crochet books, Kyioshi started to glow, he was evolving!




Happabouyatchi! Adorable! :) To celebrate, we put on our coats and walked through the snow to the Tama Depa.



I let Kyioshi pick what he wanted, he made a beeline to the Popular Cake Seeds.



After we checked out, Kyioshi ran straight home to plant it in the courtyard.



I wonder what it will grow into? :)

-Nicole and Kyioshi

Ack! I haven't updated in a whole week and a day! D: Over the weekend, I had a tempature and I wasn't feeling well at all. And today, my Mom checked my tempature and now I have a fever. T_T I still don't feel that great but I am determined to update! :)


I gave Kiyoshi a bunch of care misses (So many I stopped counting) after he evolved into a teen so I wouldn't get the same character. It worked! Kiyoshi looks like an adorable acorn. :3 He evolved into...(Bad quality iPod picture because I'm not up to using the computer so I'm using the iPad...)





He's totally cute, he got his last happy symbol yesterday, I haven't gotten the other three yet. Short update, I have some homework to finish. :)

-Nicole and Kiyoshi

Hello everyone! Sorry for not logging for nearly a week, turns out my fever was pneumonia (I was taken to the doctor on Thursday). I got to stay home on Thursday and Friday and spent the whole weekend doing nothing. :/ We only had a two day week this week because of our winter break so i'm on break now! :) And that means I can log more often and I might make two posts everyday to make up for all of the lost logging. :) Yesterday, my Mom and I went to Target and did some Christmas shopping for my Dad and Brother. :) When we went into the Christmas Decor isle, I saw the cutest thing to buy and put on my desk. (Which I did ;) ) A mini Christmas tree, skirt and a little star to go on top! My Mom let me buy a pack of 18 battery opperated (AA not those huge batteries ;) ) lights for it and I gave it a name. Karl. :p It was the most random unfitting name I could think of for a mini tree. XD For some reason, the name Karl makes me think of glasses so I went on the internet and cut out a picture of them to go on Karl. XD Here he is:


And yes, that is a "Hello my name is" tag on him. :p The little box in the back holds the batteries and has the on/off switch for the lights. So now Karl is happily sitting on my computer desk in my bedroom. LOL


I have two good quality pictures of Kiyoshi. :) A little Christmas tree that opens and closes it's mouth popped up this morning! Cute! :)



We got a bunch of his happy symbols a few minutes ago. The first one we got from the restaurant.



Maidtchi waiting your table...that's so fitting. :) Because I don't want to spoil all of this character's happy symbols for everyone, the pictures of what he ate are under the spoiler button. ;)


EVerything in the restaurant is 50% off because Kiyoshi and I got the special item from the ecostitchi (Spelling, names?) last month.

He enjoyed it a lot!


We got his pink happy symbol from that.



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Afterwards, we walked to the bakery for a snack.



And what he ate is in the spoiler...




And we got his blue happy symbol!


We have all of his happy symbols but one. I couldn't get that one because my camera ran out of batteries when I took the next picture. :/


-Nicole and Kiyoshi

Now I can finally say I got all of my Christmas shopping done! That was why I didn't update, I was out and about. :) Now I have to wrap everything and get it under the tree. (Ugh, I hate wrapping XD) I got my Mom a book she wanted and some lavender scented soap and lotion from Bath and Body Works yesterday. :) It took forever to get inside our Mall, it was even worse in Bath and Body Works. You had to stand up against a wall to look at the different things they had for sale because it was so crowded. XD I also found my camera charger so my camera if fully charged. :) Okay, I'm done rambling, let's log! :)


I found the pattern to crochet an iD-L cover online, i'm going to make one as soon as i'm done logging with the pretty blue yarn I have. :) Kiyoshi got married on the 21st, I don't have pictures of that though because my camera wasn't charged and I didn't think about my iPod. :p And I got all of his happy symbols before that (Then my camera died right after :/ )


See his outfit? I found a bunch of downloads to dress him up like Santa Claus, I thought that would be cute and Christmasy. :) I think the top is actually a dress though...

He married a Ponpontchi and they had an adorable Momoirotchi!(Baby girl that looks like a pink eraser with a matching bow :3 ) Her name is Mikachu like from the original Tamagotchis. :) After an hour she evolved into Paletchi. (Which I have pictures of)



And yesterday afternoon she evolved into the adorable teen Painaputchi! I'm going for Meloditchi so it's perfect. :)



She should evolve later today.

-Nicole and Mikachu

It's Christmas Eve and I haven't wrapped a thing. XD My Mom and I were out yesterday getting the ingredients for Christmas Dinner and the homemade cheesecake we make every year. :) I still can't cook but I can bake! (somewhat :p )


Yesterday while I was out, Mikachu evolved into Meloditchi!


I took that as an opportunity to dress her up in the Santa costume but I didn't have her put on the hat. (Because I takes off her hat and the Santa hat doesn't fit over her ears all the way so it looks weird. XD )


And when I dressed her up for the first time while I was out (in the whole costume, including the hat) she got two of her happy symbols from it and I didn't have my camera or my iPod on me. T_T


(I'm about to play some games to get her happy bar back up. ;) )


This morning, we strolled to the Bakery for breakfast.


And we both had (what I think is) a bagel.



Afterwards, I downloaded a new snack onto my iD-L called melody shaved ice. I just knew it was one of her happy symbols, it has the word melody in it. :) We walked to the Tama Cafe to try it.


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Lovemamalitchi (Lovelitchi's Mom) greeted us and gave us a menu. The picture of the melody shaved ice is in the spoiler. ;)


She really enjoyed it!




And that is the last happy symbol that I have to get, the other one comes automatically after 48 hours. :)


And this is what Meloditchi looks like without a costume.



Cute! :)

-Nicole and Mikachu

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Tama Talk! I'm updating really late because since it's Christmas, I was doing family stuff all day. :) There isn't really anything to update about, Mikachu was really quiet all day. At 12 am last night, there was a Christmas animation on my iD-L, I stayed up late to see it. :) What happens is Santaclauchi flys past on the screen in his sleigh then Lovelitchi, Meloditchi and Moriritchi walk on dressed in Santa outfits and pose. And finally, Rednosetchi/Deertchi comes on followed by the iD-L Christmas tree and "Merry Christmas!" written in cursive in yellow. All of this happened over a dark blue background with a yellow star that said "Happy Magic!". Cute! :) I plan on having pictures tomorrow, sorry for the boring update.

-Nicole and Mikachu [Merry Christmas! :) ]

(Edit: Forgot the sign off :) )

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Hello! After 5 days, I'm back! :) Sorry for not updating, I've been really busy, out shopping and stuff. :) My Mom and I are making a cheesecake again for New Year's! Now I can officially say I can bake (somewhat) but I can't cook at all. :p I was just thinking about how New Year's Eve is tomorrow (Yay!) so why not make some New Year's log resolutions? I'll add to them until the New Year, if I think of anymore after this. ;)

New Year New Log! Nicole's New Log Resolutions!

  1. Try to update everyday, unless i'm home sick or something.
  2. Do my best to have pictures everyday.
  3. Have a short story/random blabbing at the beginning of my log posts.
  4. Try not to break any of these resolutions :p

Fantabulous resolutions? (A combo of fantastic and fabulous) Not yet, if you have and suggestions to how I can make my log more fun to read and such, either PM me or post a comment on my profile, I don't bite!


I'm planning on marrying Mikachu on the day of the New Year's group hatch, on New Year's Eve. That's why i've been waiting so long. ;) Yesterday, I finished crocheting a cover for my iD-L! I couldn't have finished this without the help of violetchilluvr3 who makes and sells iD/iD-L covers in tBay here on Tama Talk. :) Check them out here: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/178186-id-and-id-l-covers/ This is my cover: (I took the pictures yesterday, that's why all the Happy Birthday stuff is there)


The brown things on the side are these mini brown flowers I bought at Joann's. I had to sew them on, it took me a few more minutes but I love them. :)


I left what's called a chain space on the back for the spot to put charms on on my cover so I wouldn't have to take of my flower charm.


Now, I've started another project. It's Tamagotchi related but it isn't a cover. And, it's a secret. ;) I'll try to finish it soon, I'm really excited to share it.

-Nicole and Mikachu

Happy New Year's Eve everyone! Lots of firsts today, this is the first time I've gotten a Tama married so late and the first time I've gotten a Tama married on New Year's Eve. :) I'm watching New Year's Rockin Eve right now,waiting for the ball to drop, I'm planning on staying up until midnight! :blink:


Before she got married, Mikachu reminded me that she hadn't transformed into Melody Hime at the Henshin Jo yet. We made a quick trip there...






Isn't she cute? :) Right afterwards, we walked straight to the Matchmaker, Mikachu was really excited.(I have tons of pictures but I'm going to make this quick because midnight is almost here...)

She chose the one in the middle, I forget his name.




HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!! :D Her baby is a Choribotchi who I named Tomomi after the character in the Tamagotchi! anime. :) She evolved into a Paletchi around 11 pm and fell asleep right after. :) Happy New Year everyone, 2012! :D I already hear fireworks going off. XD

-Nikki and Tomomi, wishing you a Happy New Year! :)


I drew that picture of Kizunatchi earlier, I put it on my Deviant Art gallery, there's a link to it in my siggy. :) Happy New Year everyone! I can't believe it's 2012 already, it feels like it's still 2011! I stayed up until 5 am today, watching movies with my parents after the ball dropped. :) The first post in my log of the New Year! :)


When Tomomi and I woke up this morning, we saw something in the living room.


It's a seasonal event for New Year's, I'm not sure what it is though. I think I see an orange on top? Anyway, we decided to bring in the New Year by planting a seed in the courtyard. It's snowing in Tama Town, lucky Tomomi! :) We walked through the snow to the Tama Depa.




I let Tomomi choose, she picked the Popular Cake seeds. As soon as we got home, we planted them.




I wonder what it will grow into? :)

-Nicole and Tomomi (Happy New Year!)

Hello! Sorry for not updating yesterday, I had some homework to finish. Sadly I go back to school tomorrow (Bleh!) but that won't stop me from logging! :)Quick post though, I have to get in bed.


Yesterday, Tomomi evolved into the adorable teenage Tama Sasabotchi. I don't have pictures of her as a teen though. Knowing that if I didn't give her care misses, she would become Perotchi, the cute character that I got a million times so I gave her tons of care misses. She evolved into Furwatchi!



Cute! :)

-Nikki and Tomomi

Hello! Sorry for not updating, on Monday, my Math teacher told our class that midterms/exams were next Wednesday. BLEH. :p And because of winter break, I forgot some stuff so I've been studying for that after school. But I'm here now with pictures! :)


Lots of new stuff with Tomomi! When she woke up today, the whole house was a mess.


We cleaned up until every room sparkled. :)





As a reward for cleaning the house so well, I fed Tomomi the berry cake that we grew from the Popular Cake seeds I mentioned two posts ago. :)



(Sorry this picture is kind of blurry, I was nudged by my dog who scared me, making me jump. :p )

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Sadly no happy symbols from the cake. :/ Tomomi, being a Furwatchi and all wanted to do some gardening. We had bought the Study Friends download seeds from the Tama Depa yesterday, she planted them in the courtyard.





The little seed sprouted almost right after we planted it, Tomomi is a good gardener! :)


Later in the day, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful night sky and take a walk to the park. Both of us were wondering if anyone would be there so late, our question was answered! (Tomomi fell asleep right after I bought the seeds so I changed the time to 10 am to plant them. That's why there isn't a plant in the courtyard. ;) )





One of the adorable pets your character can take home from the park came from the bushes to play soccer with Tomomi, so cute! :) If we see that pet again, I want to keep it, it's so cute! :3


Next, Terulin from the Tamagotchi! anime appeared. In the show, Terulin is Lovelitchi's walking, talking cellphone that acts exactly like a real Tamagotchi but like cellphones, needs to be charged. She has a charging cradle chair that she sits in shaped like Lovelitchi's head. :) In the anime she's much smaller and can fit inside of Lovelitchi's purse. :)

-Nikki and Tomomi

So sorry for not updating! My internet has been out, it was doing this on off thing for a few days, I think Its back now. Exams are over, I have so much to log about! Yesterday, I got an awesome idea. I learned how to crochet last year and I thought why not make a Tamagotchi plush? Meet Crolitchi. (Cro coming from crochet and litchi from Lovelitchi's name.) The unfinished (so far) crocheted Lovelitchi plush. :) I'm crocheting her ears right now, I should have half or her finished by the end of the day.



Her eyes are made of felt (and the rest of her face), they took forever but I like how they turned out. :) I have a 4 day weekend, MLK day is tomorrow and I'm not sure why we get Tuesday off. Okay, I'm done blabbing, let's log!


Tomomi and I got one of her happy symbols today, the happy symbol pics are under the spoiler. ;)



As soon as we got home, Tomomi tried on her new flower hat. :)




And got her pink happy symbol from it. :)


I had gotten her orange one a few days ago from keeping her for 48 hours. :) I really need to get her happy bar back up!

-Nikki and Tomomi

Soooo sorry for not updating lately! My teachers decided it was a great idea to assign two projects and tests in every one of my classes on the same day for the past two weeks. :rolleyes: I'm back now with a nearly homework free weekend! :) I have a lot to log about with picture but I am determined to type it all! :)


I got Tomomi's last happy symbol yesterday by accident, I managed to take a picture.


Today, Tomomi told me she wanted to get married. We walked down to the Matchmaker, she fell head over heels for an adorable Kikitchi. :)









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