Hey guess what?my camera is acting stupid!!!I can't upload my photos onto my computer because for some stupid reason,my camera says 'no memory card inserted' when there
is one in there!then,it can only hold one photo because it has super limited memory in the camera itself!!and iPhoto is just messing everything up because when I try to copy the one photo my camera can hold to the iMac,iPhoto won't import it!

so no pictures until I figure out what's wrong,I hope you guys understand
Tamagotchi iD
So when I was trying to figure out that stupid camera,my tamagotchi grew a lot.he turned into a matteratchi.I gave him a care miss on purpose

and he evolved into a monpatchi!he looks like a banana lol

then today he turned into a kutchipatchi!!!!

He is so cute!
Game wise on my iD,I put a new game on it today!its really fun,the animations are so cute!I forget what the name of it is it's like,lovelitchi's cookies or something like that.what happens is,lovelitchi bakes
x cookies (let's say 4).then a costumer comes among and orders
o cookies. (how about 3)
Then you would subtract 4-3 (in our case) and get 1.then another screen pops up.I can't read Japanese but it should say how many cookies does she have left or something.You would enter 1.

it took me a while to figure out though
I'll try to post again tomorrow!