.:.Kuromametchifan123's Tama Log.:.


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iD estimated delivery date:Wed. Jan. 5 and Wed. Jan. 19

:angry: CRAP!!I wish it could be here by christmas! :angry: oh well!

KMF123 countdown to iD!

by jan 5th:19 days and counting! ^_^

Guess what I got for christmas?MY GREEN TAMAGOTCHI iD!!!!!!! :eek: :D MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!when I opened the gift,I was all "OHMIGOSH!!!!!!!!!"and I started doing a happy dance it was so funny!So heres what it looks like in the box:



and heres a video of me starting it up:


sorry for the bad quallity and the audio my cell phone isn't the best at videos and pictures :rolleyes: lol

so i'm going to log my iD instead of my v5,i took the batteries out

at about 12:30 pm my baby boy evolved into a hanepatchi!

here he is outside,in the snow


here he is inside,so cute! :wub:


btw i have no idea what is wrong with my pictures I resized them to 'medium' on photobucket and I have no idea why it won't show up with the changes.I even replaced the code when I resized them! :rolleyes: oh well!



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I just realised a bunch of new places opened up to my tama!

when it was a baby,it could only go to the park and the game center but now that it's a child,it can go to...

Game center

gotchi interior

convenience store



Tama Depa!

AND you get gotchi points for evolving! :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: !!!that really helps since the highest amouunt of GPs you can get from a game is 200!I got 300 GP from evolving this ti

so todays doughnut is:itchigo doughnut!(strawberry doughnut)


rice bowls:3/4

happy bar:green

gotchi points(GPs):520

friend stamps:0


weight:64g (eh heh...(*goes to door and plays 19 rounds of the catch game* lol! :D )

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guess who evolved just now?

now hanepatchi is a kalatchi (i think thats how you spell it)but...

ITS A DUDE AND HE'S PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

lol!!hes on the tama go too.He looks awesome in color!


todays doughnut is:An doughnut (some kind of doughnut with bean paste in it)

new destinations:

tama cafe


and heres what the weather looks like:


i think its solposed to be cloudy today.Its funny because thats how it looks outside now!lol :p

i got 400GP for evolving this time,but I spent 500GP on tama cafe and resturant food lol! :D

on tama-zone,I found some tama-id.com downloads!So I can have more games,backgrounds,items,meals and snacks on my iD!My Dad said he had an old palm PDA with infa red that I can use so i'll transfer the files today! :D I'll post when I do that!

KMF123 B)

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i knew I said i'd update when i send the files but I have a quick update...

its raining!I had the eco bunnies come out and plant flowers too:


so I know with the level of care i'm giving my tama right now he'll probobly evolve into a mametchi,something i don't want but oh well!If i get a girl next generaton I should get a lovelitchi!

i'll post again when I transfer the tama-iD files (from tama-zone) to my iD!

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YAY!!!My dad's HP iPAQ pocket computer works!I have more games now!!!!now i just have to save up for a new background...

and i was right i got a mametchi! :(


but i got his To from the hat!

doughnut of the day:mango doughnut


Ta Ma To Mo:To

rice bowls:3/4

GP for evolving:800!!! :D

happy bar:purple

GP total:400



new destinations:

photo studio

accessory shop

and my new background:


i'll get a picture of mametchi's photo studio pic tomarrow,my camera's being stupid lol! :p

more tomarrow! :lol: B)

(edit:and I forgot to resize the photos again! :hitodetchi: whoops!oh well they look okay...right? :unsure: )

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hello!I have userbars now!i made them at userbarmaker.com its free! B)


rice bowls (aka:hungry hearts):4/4

happy bar:green

GPs:6,220(I played alot of games yesterday ^_^ )

Ta Ma To


years:3(Mametchi should get married tomarrow,when he gets his "mo")

friend stamps:0(you get friend stamps when you get all of the Ta Ma To Mo letters)




i did figure something out though! :hitodetchi: SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hitodetchi:

mametchi can get his To from using the scrub brush(downloaded item)

no pictures today since nothing new happened,more tomarrow!

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hey long time no see!happy new year everybody!




so mametchi married makiko yesterday and they had another boy.He evolved into hanepatchi>kilalatchi and I gave him a care miss (on purpose) and he should evolve into a kuromametchi!

rice bowls 4/4

happy bar:green (full)

gotchi points:3,820

friend stamps:mametchi (1)

2 yrs

99g (we didn't get to play yesterday)


2 generation

i'll post pictures when he evolves!

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guess who evolved 2 minutes ago?KILALATCHI IS A KUROMAMETCHI!!!


his tamatomo is so expensive,off to the game room!

EDIT:yay!i fixed my pictures!i had edited them in photobucket and when you click save a copy,it takes you back to the OLD UNRESIZED PICTURE INSTEAD OF THE NEW COPY :rolleyes: pretty stupid huh? :rolleyes:

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Hello! Long time no see!school started back up for me,we were on winter break.


Soooo... 3rd gen. Gozarutchi!.......yeah....I got a lot of care misses from forgetting to let him sleep,while i was at school THREE TIMES!once when I had kuromametchi, once when he was a kilalatchi and once today.I had to use the clover ALOT.


Ta to

Rice bowls 4/4

Happy bar:pink


89 grams (oopsies)

I'll update again with pictures

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Gozarutchi just got his mo so he just got married to a furwatchi and..............

GRRRR!THEY HAD ANOTHER BOY! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I'm on my fourth generation and I haven't gotten a girl yet!I want lovelitchi so bad she's so cute!oh well next generation!(next week,it takes 5 days for a tama to change into an adult on the tamagotchi iD)I'll update again tomorrow! With pictures I promise!! :lol:

Hey guess what?my camera is acting stupid!!!I can't upload my photos onto my computer because for some stupid reason,my camera says 'no memory card inserted' when there is one in there!then,it can only hold one photo because it has super limited memory in the camera itself!!and iPhoto is just messing everything up because when I try to copy the one photo my camera can hold to the iMac,iPhoto won't import it! :wacko: so no pictures until I figure out what's wrong,I hope you guys understand :blink:

Tamagotchi iD

So when I was trying to figure out that stupid camera,my tamagotchi grew a lot.he turned into a matteratchi.I gave him a care miss on purpose :unsure: and he evolved into a monpatchi!he looks like a banana lol :D then today he turned into a kutchipatchi!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: He is so cute!

Game wise on my iD,I put a new game on it today!its really fun,the animations are so cute!I forget what the name of it is it's like,lovelitchi's cookies or something like that.what happens is,lovelitchi bakes x cookies (let's say 4).then a costumer comes among and orders o cookies. (how about 3)

Then you would subtract 4-3 (in our case) and get 1.then another screen pops up.I can't read Japanese but it should say how many cookies does she have left or something.You would enter 1. :D it took me a while to figure out though :)

I'll try to post again tomorrow!

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longgggg week at school!I had homework everyday and no time to update!I'M SOOOOOO SORRY! :(

but guess what?I took my old TMGC v4 out of my tama box!Now i'm logging that and my iD!YAY!And in other news...

THE CAMERA IS WORKING AGAIN!!!YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Tamagotchi iD:

ANOTHER BOY!!!I'M GOING TO SCREAM!!!! :wacko: it evolved into a kilalatchi today.we all know what that looks like but I wanna post a picture anyway:



Tamagotchi v4:

this is my v4.My very first tamagotchi,EVER.


I loved this thing so much.I remember when I first got it...at Target.There were only 15 or 18 left so I sorted through the rack and I picked this one.When I hatched it,it was a girl.I forget what toddler and teen it turned into.But I do remember it turned into a mimitchi.Then,I killed it. <_< Yeah...I had no idea what a "floating egg" (what the screen shows when it dies) was doing on the screen so I just left it there <_< BUT THATS NOT GONNA HAPPEN THIS TIME!!! :lol:

my little girl just turned into this thing:


whats stupid is it doesn't say what character you have on the stats screen. :huh:

v4 stats:

hungry 4/4



name:Leila (the name of one of my BFFs in real life)


and there are a few icons i don't recognize.I think they are skill points.

I'll post when both of my tamas evolve tomarrow!

mini update:

Leila just got her first fourtune cookie!




so Leila proboblly (did i spell that right?)won't get sick today.

mini update 2:

and Leila just got the [!] for preschool.I think i'll aim for a memetchi. :blink:

more tomarrow when my tamas evolve! :D

(EDIT:I just realized something!All of the tamagotchis I have are green except for my music stars!)

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