.:.Kuromametchifan123's Tama Log.:.


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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2010
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Hi!!Welcome to my tama log!I'm running a v5 and begining on Christmas the TMGC iD!I had my old yellow cotton candy v5 in my closet and i decided to put the battery back in and run it!

here's a picture of my v5: (photobucket rocks!lol ps i used my cell phone to take this picture!)


i'm going to put the batteries in as soon as i find my screw driver!

This is my omotuchi Jake


my mimifuwatchi Jason


and my futabatchi Lovelinlol!


They want to say something...and as i wrote this they pooped twice!

:D Jake:Hi tamatalk!!

Jason:huh what?Oh...yeah i'm the youngest...Jake is the oldest.

Lovelin:L-O-V-E-L-I-N Lovelin!!I am so going to be a singer! :D

more posts tomarrow!Or on friday! :puroperatchi:

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okay so my tamagotchis grew!!

Jason is now an aruthikuchi

Lovelin is now a tororochi

and Jake is now a mousechi!

i don't feel like editing pictures now so here's a character chart:character chart by tamazone :blink:

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I just caught Jason raiding or talking to the fridge:


Jason:but I was hungry!

me:your happy and hungry hearts were full!! <_< :rolleyes:


Happy hearts:<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

hungry hearts:<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

i'm going to put my v5s to bed now.Untill tomarrow bye!

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happy:<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

hungry:<3 <3 <3 <3

family bond:30%

family type:blended

50 gotchi points (i'm rich!lol)

I caught Jake raiding the fridge again! :D


and here's a picture of my tamas!


Jason:mousetchi Lovelin:tororotchi


i think the black and white photos (taken from my cell) look better.

Okay so I had to leave them on the travel channel (pause) all day.Let see what the had to say about it. ;)

Lovelin:UGH!We had to travel all day!The train was so stuffy!

Jason:Quit complaining Lovelin!It was fun! ^_^

Lovelin:Yeah,fun for you!MOM!!!!I don't want to travel ever again!!! :D


Lovelin:Why don't you bring us to school?Keep us in your locker?Check on us at training time!Or even better,do all of the training in the morning!

Jake:Yay school!

Me:I might...depends on your training times.

Lovelin:We'll be good!We promise!

Me:Okay...maybe i'll take you...but the only reason why I didn't let you sleep all day was because your family bond wasn't very high.

Lovelin:YAY!No more traveling!

Me:but I can't check on you guys that often and your sound will be off and-

Lovelin:Quit worying!We'll be fine!

untill tomarrow! B)

Happy friday!!!


hungry:<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

family bond:60%

blended family

1st generation

170 gotchi points

Banks family


When my tamas woke up,I saw a sun rise!It was so cute!I'll get pictures of that tomarrow! ^_^

I brought my tamas to school and I left them in my locker asleep.They haven't evolved yet :( .

I put in some passwords and played with them when i got home though.

I caught Jason raiding the fridge again (using the same pic):


and here are all of my tamas Lovelin,Jason and Jake:


There isn't much to say today.But hopefully,they will evolve tonight. ^_^

My collection of tamagotchis are: 1 v4 1v5 2v6 music stars 1 tama go

and soon...A TAMAGOTCHI iD FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

and my familichi wants to say something:


Jason:But Mom just played with us!

Lovelin:I'm still bored... :mellow:

Well,I think i'm going to go on to the v5 website!When i'm done,i'll edit this post and put pictures up!

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Good morning!I just realized that I talk too much and my discription for my tama log was cut off <_< but lol!My familitchi should grow soon.Here are the stats:

hungry:<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

family bond: 90%

490 gotchi points

blended family

It is 6:40am on my tamagotchi v5.they should grow soon!I'll post again if they do!

WE ARE FAMILITCHI!!! :wub: lol! =) I'll add pics if they evolve too!

Oh and yay!35 page veiws!!That great consitering I pretty much just started this log!Thanks for reading and veiwing this log! :D I'll keep posting!

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happy:<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

hungry:<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

family bond:100%

gotchi points:620

1st generation


my v5 grew this morning!!!!yay!!!!!all of my tamas now:


Jason is the middle one,Jake is to the right of him and Lovelin to the left of Jason.

now I want them to turn into an easy going family so i'll pick the 3rd option for training from now on!Here's what I want to happen:

Lovelin: itchigotchi to a hotteatchi or a watatchi!They are bolth cute! heres a character chart:character chart :blink:

Me:hey lovelin...when you're old enough,you are going to get married!


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oh!I forgot!Here are some pics from the v5 website!





:blink: i'm going to play on it now

Happy Halloween!!!! :puroperatchi: :kuribotchi: :kuribotchi: :kuribotchi: :puroperatchi:

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Okay.I'm just going to tell you this.M Y v 5 B R O K E . . . :( :( :( :( I haven't dropped it!I was playing a game and then it reset itself.Five minutes later,it reset again,then again and again... So...

I T O O K T H E B A T T E R Y O U T.

I'm tottaly bummed.But,I have a back up plan...i'm going to log my tama go.But,i'llrt that on friday.So now,to make you laugh untill then...



Mametchi:Howdy!Did you notice,with my arms up I look like a golf tee?(head:golf ball body:golf tee!lol!alot of people never noticed that!)

mimichi:ha ha!You do!

me:Okay this is stupid so...see you friday!


Me:BYE!!!!!! :D :lol:

lolz see ya friday with a new tamago log!

bye bye Jake,Lovelin and Jason I will miss you all..... :(

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I'm going to ask my mom and dad for a new v5! :D I'll let you know how it goes!In the meantime...

I need new tamagotchi names!!!I was thinking the opposite of Lovelin,Jake and Jason's names,or just using those names again.I'm not going to log my tama go!On friday,I will start up my v5 again with a new battery!It's an old tamagotchi so it might need to rest. :furawatchi: I'll put up a video about it. :)

Hello!I talked it over with my parents,they said to rehatch my v5,put a new battery in and if it doesn't work after two days,I can get a new v5! :lol: so i re hatched it.Now,I have two baby girls and one son.After loseing Jake,Lovelin and Jason,i've decided to name them that again.But since I have two girls and kind of a girl music theme going on,here are the new names...

age baby gender name text Color


oldest----|omutchi-------| daughter-----| Lovelin---|Pink-Lovelin---|

middle----|futabatchi----| daughter-----| Melody----|Purple-Melody--|

youngest--|mimifuwachi---| son----------| Jake------|Green-Jake-----|

oh!As I wrote this they fell asleep!Awww!Good night little cuties! :wub:

oh!And they just woke up again!They are so cute! :wub: They should evolve soon!Now to decide who's getting married when they are adults.hmmm...Since Lovelin was going to get married last time...Oh well!I don't know yet!It will be eather Lovelin or Melody.

Lovelin:It's me right?

Melody:No it's me!





Jake:Ugh!Mommy Lovelin and Melody are fighting!

Me:I'll decide when you are all teens! :blink:

i'll post when the evolve into toddlers! :kuribotchi:

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Heres a pic of my evolved tamas!

yay!from left to right Melody(left),Lovelin(middle) and Jake (right)aww!!They are so cute! :wub: I'll post more tomarrow!

okay.if you've seen my profile,I have a cold.I feel horrable!None of my pictures are comming out right too!So,please look at this character chart:character chart and look for shelltchi (lovelin) korokochi (Jake) itchigotchi (melody)

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I'm over my cold!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

okay so over those few days,my tamagotchi v5 evolved!Melody turned in to memetchi,Lovelin hottechi and Jake kutchipatchi!

And...LOVELIN GOT MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 otumutchis and 1 futabatchi.I was so shocked when i got another tororotchi and aruthikutchi.I have 2 girls,one of the otumutchis and the futabatchi.I don't know what i'll name them though...i'll think of something...

but i'll post a picture of the new family.

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okay!I know what the new names are now!!!!




I am so excited for winter!





blended family

3rd G people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

i dono the names yet but Winter evolved into a chantochi so i married her to mametchi!I got 2 mimifuwatchis and a futabatchi (there might be some meme in there from Lovelin's husband. :blink: )

pictures tomarrow! ;)

hello!Guess what?I ORDERED A GREEN TAMAGOTCHI iD FROM E-BAY LAST FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :kuribotchi: :kuribotchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My v5 has been on pause from the day before thanksgiving eh heh..... because i've been looking for english instructions for the iD! B) Sooooooo my v5 will remain paused with the sound off for a while...i'm going to log the green iD instead of the v5 when i get it.I promise I will add pictures!!



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