kuchipatchi.is.blue's log of random tamaness


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you guys never stop amazing me. wow! the views are going straight up! thanks!

and this will be my last post...maybe.

:( i've gotten kind of attached to you...

aw. thanks. but i want to get married RIGHT AWAY, just like my dad.

okaaay. fiiinnneee.

what do you think of my new hairstyle? *fluffs hair*

it *snicker* looks r-real g-g-g-good. *snicker*

hmph. i can tell you are very jealous of my beautiful afro.

n-not at all. so, erm, i woke nino up and we did some boring things.

what blue meant is that she put me on a table and ate leftovers and had hot chocolate while reading case closed.

thank you for telling people about my day. so, i promised you guys that i would give you the boring story of how i got into logging just to fill up space? so, one day while i was still newly introduced to tamagotchis again, i was looking for tamatown help for my v4.5. and, one of the results was a tamagotchi log. i started reading it and fell in love with logging, so i searched it up on google and found tamatalk. i began reading various tamagotchi logs on tamatalk, up to the point when i liked tamatalk so much that i created an account and here i am now, typing up this monologue while nino sits beside me sucking his thumb. ;)

*quickly pulls thumb out of his mouth* whaaa?? i did not!

it's pretty hard to disguise your habits to me, nino.

you've only known me for a few days!

but i am pretty observant, yah?

<_< i guess.

tonight you will get married. and i am too lazy too busy to take photos so you'll just get married.

i like that. a quiet, private ceremony without you squealing and taking photos of me and my wife on our PRIVATE date.

can i help it bandai put those scenes on the iD L?

i just want to unlock the henshin jo for my kid.

you know what i just realized? getting a perfect care, for me, is basically the only kind of character i can get with the care i give my tamas.

that's nice. yet i am an AVERAGE CARE CHARACTER.

well you would have been just like your dad and not unlock the henshin jo, which would've made me extremely unhappy. so, i decided on your grandpa, but care misses are hard to control.

i guess that's reasonable.

i wish that i could get you married in the morning. then i wouldn't have to wait for your kid to evolve. i hate waiting.

that's very promising. i can't wait to leave my kid with you.

you sound just like mark! like father, like son.

EDIT: i'm a very curious person. :p i suddenly thought "ohmaigosh i wonder who else reads my log?" so, if you can and would like to, please make yourself known to me as i feel that when i do shoutouts, it's like i'm personally thanking you (e.g thanks to *insert name here* for reading! i hope you keep reading!) instead of doing a general shout out like "thanks to everyone who reads my log!" because to me, the words feel a bit empty. (i write a lot, what can i say? :p ) obviously, if you're not a member, you can't PM me or anything, but i hope you enjoy reading. so...make yourself known to me, at least. feel free to tell me if you don't want a shout out. thanks for reading!

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:eek: page 5 already???!! wow.

ahem. would you like to introduce me already?

oh yeah. this is mariah. (i don't like mariah carey, if you're curious. <_< )


and what?

aren't you gonna blabber about me?

who told you i was gonna blabber about YOU? besides, i don't blabber. i talk.

saammmee thing.

<_< anyways, this morning nino got his last happy symbol as my battery died on sunday. :( then, i promptly took him to the matchmaker, where he married lovelitchi, as i thought the other girls were kind of ugly he only had eyes for her. then, mariah hatched! i plan to make her into a lovelitchi, just like mom ;)

;-: i wanna be a perotchi!!!!!!

it's not my fault you evolved into a paletchi and i'm not capable of controlling care misses (you guys saw what i did....) and i keep your sound on ALL THE TIME so i might as well guarantee a perfect care. i'm pretty careful during school.

*sigh* okaaayyy.

shania, the first gen, was a perotchi! besides, don't you wanna be princess lovelitchi?

*perks up* PRINCESS lovelitchi???!!! that i agree on! okay! make me a lovelitchi! NOW! AT ONCE! IMMEDIATELY!

hey hey. i have to take perfect care of you to get a painaputchi, so you become lovelitchi. that should be fairly easy. BUT, i'm watching a game tomorrow, so i might accidentally give you a care miss. you'll be painaputchi by then, so you might be a meloditchi and look all pretty as well.

O_O i didn't catch any of that except for lovelitchi, might be a meloditchi, and care miss. and pretty.

<_< this is a new trait. tama deafness. well, let's get out the hearing aids. *searches in box*

!!!! nooo i can hear just fine! you said "this is a new train. tama deafness. well, let's get out the hearing maids."

*snicker* close enough.

what are you snickering at?


can you give my room a reno?

sure. let's go to the interior shop.

*at the interior shop*

hello. welcome to the interior shop, where you can find all your interior design options from our professional designers.

hmm...*flips through the choices* i like this one!

that will be.....$500000 gotchi points, with tax.

!!!!! nooo it isn't! it's $1000 gotchi points, and we don't have tax!

but little girl, don't you want a nice room? you have to pay lots for that.

i'm not a little girl, mister! and i'll tell you that i wouldn't get a reno from you unless you lower the price! NOW! AT ONCE! IMMEDIATELY!

hey! what's going on??

*begins to cry* this mean man is trying to r-rip me off!

*looks offended* i'm offended! what kind of mean man will rip off such a sweet, innocent little girl?

you, that's who. now, i'll make you a deal. *whispers in his ear*

*eyes bug out* okay okay! take the design for $1000 and leave me alone!

*builder man and his talking hammer renovate room*

thank you for choosing gotchi interiors. you come back and get another design and we build for you, yah?

er...okay. thank you!

*builder man and talking hammer leave*

what did you say to mister meanie?

just something.


no sir. now, let's post this.

hey! you still haven't answered my ques-

EDIT: I saw a hole in a piece of fabric shaped like ichigotchi today. And the fabric was red. xD

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this morning mariah evolved into a painaputchi!!! yaaayy!!!

i can't wait to be princess lovelitchi!!! yaaayyy!!!

i also took mariah to an event at my school and she enjoyed it.

it was fuuunnn....especially the skittles!! yum yum. ^_^

it was NOT fun for me, as i ripped the bag open with too much power and a huge rip went down the middle. -_- so now all my skittles are sitting in a gas station plastic bag. :(

but it was sooo cold.

tell me about it. i was looking for my mittens and i couldn't find them. i had to use a brand new pair and when i came home, what did i find?

oh oh i know!!! a giant, chicken headed shoe!! :D

uhhh....no. i found....the pair of mittens i was looking for this morning. :angry:

haha! it was snowing all pretty in iD L land.

:rolleyes: whaaatever. boring day today, except for evolution this morning. i think i took good care of mariah so i'll probably be getting lovelitchi. or meloditchi.

i want to be lovelitchi!!!! she's so pretty!! and i'll look just like my mommy!

mariah...i'm sorry. i have a weird craving for pineapples all of a sudden.

:eek: nooooo!!! meanie!!! *starts crying*

i'm sorry. hawaiian is my favourite kind of pizza. xD

nooooo!!!!!!!!!!! is it no wonder why this log's rating dropped???!!! you like eating pineapples, that's why!!!!

it's because your father or grandpa got onto the log. (not really. it was just around the time. :p )

eewww!! what's that horrible screeching noise??!! it makes my ears bleed.

that is yet again, someone on american idol who thinks they can sing but they can't. and people film it and put it on tv just for the heck of it.

well i can sing very prettily! just like lovelitchi! laaaa!


what??? is it BAD???!!!

no...it's actually...pretty good.

owww!!!!! what note was THAT???

the "i can't hit any sort of note" note.

that's a nice note. and here's a C: laaaa!!!

that was a D. well, good night tamatalkers! let's hope SOPA and PIPA don't get passed, yes?

and an F to end your night! laaaa

that was an F sharp. tsk tsk, too high.

<_< any more comments, J Lo?

EDIT: just 'cause. just kidding, used wrong emote. :p

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mariah evolved today! i looked a little weird going to the bathroom every 2 minutes to check on her because i got to school early :p

i'm a pretty lovelitchi now!! yay!!! i can become princess lovelitchi!!

let's go to tamamori right now!

*at tamamori*

hello dahling. what are you looking for? may i suggest a lovely soft pink, to complement the white tones of your skin?

oooh!! that's perfect!! i'm looking for the princess dress, and it's in pink! yay!

:) i'm very glad you found what you're looking for. are you a member of the tamamori club? you get discounts on your purchase.

discounts? yes! *signs up*

that will be 4000 gotchi points. have a nice day!

thank you! *returns home* whatcha up to, blue?

picking all the red skittles out of my bag of berry explosion. they taste like medicine. blech!

*twirls around* well i got my pretty princess dress!!! i'm gonna try it on right now!! *goes to dressing room* ta daaa!

ooh! pretty. uh? hey! you got one of your happy symbols!! yay!! it was so not an accident! :p

<_< it so was. let's go to the henshin jo! and no humans are allowed, so stay here and narrate the log for me. *leaves for henshin jo*

well, she's gone. yeah, i looked pretty stupid running back and forth to the bathroom this morning. i took mariah sledding with some of my friends and we had a blast. mariah enjoyed it, except for going backwards. :p (don't ask)

i'm baaack! introooducing, the lovely princess lovelitchi/mariah! *twirls around* whatcha think? i have my crown and a pretty dress!!

you look very pretty, mariah!

that's PRINCESS mariah to you, peasant! go and get me a glass of pineapple juice!

uh...we don't have pineapple juice.

then get me a strawberry cocktail! hold the alcohol!

would you like to see our extensive beverage menu? we have water, milk, and toilet water.

humph! terrible service and no pineapple juice! what kind of place is this?

your home. now, stop being all stuck up.

no way! the readers love me. yes? *strikes pose*

<_< but maybe other tamas think you're obnoxious.

i'm princess mariah! i can act any way i want.

sigh.....well, PM me with...whatever! questions, comments, criticism, a letter telling me how terrible my log is... ;) whatever! (i haven't posted a message like this for a while. :wacko: )

and don't forget: i'm princess mariah!!

EDIT: I feel so boss right now I just got Mariah another happy symbol from letting her play with the microphone. Lovelitchi can play with the microphone properly and she had mamapatchi and majorite watching her dazzling singing. Then she got a happy symbol. I'm so proud of myself, discovering these happy symbols on my own. :) bye!

Another edit: :eek: wow!!! 700 views already??? Only this week I was talking about over 600 views!! You guys are amazing! Keep the views, 5 star ratings (you know you want to) and followers (well no followers yet...ah well) coming!!

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:eek: i don't believe what just happened.

breathe in and out, princess. it's just meeting shania.

don't tell me what to do, peasant!


so, like the lowly peasant said, i went over to the tamatomo meal, hoping to see my great grandmother. but when i came, what did i see? i saw my great great grandmother! and she was so sweet and gave me a volcano cake that was simply divine. and this morning i visited my father and he made me sad, because he had a sad look and didn't get me anything to eat.

i wonder if that's a glitch. lemme try again.

...huh, nino gave mariah food today. that's weird. anyone know why he didn't this morning?

he was just simply stunned from my royal beauty and forgot how to cook.

well, i saw your "royal beauty" and i remember how to microwave leftovers.

that's not the same! and peasant, i would like some cranberry juice. garnish it with strawberries, fresh picked, mind you. i know it won't be perfect coming from a peasant like you. chop chop, get me the cranberry juice already!

we don't have any cranberry juice. would you like to see our beverage menu exclusive to royalty?

no, i would not. it's full of PEASANT drinks.

how about i take you to get your happy symbol?

yummy! heart parfait ice! happy happy happy happy happy!!!

oh goody, you got your happy symbol. :)

HAPPY!!! and now i'm not because it was dark and pouring rain and could've ruined my dress!

but it didn't.

<_< peasant, why are you smarter than me?

because i'm human and humans have big brains. your brain is this: :babytchi:

!!! oh-fended!!! that is no way to treat your princess!

that is no way to talk to your care taker.

fine, you win. how un-princess like.

well, let's get you a pet. how about doremitchi?

yes! she will be my loyal subject, unlike you.

<_< that's nice.

she will help me carry my purchases home!

you mean be your pack mule.

set the time and take me to the park already.


well we're back! with my lovely doremitchi. i shall name it....doremitchi!

very creative, your majesty.

thank you peasant.

yup, nothing happened today except for what i just logged about. i plan to get mariah married tomorrow.

and today, this morning, i had to celebrate bokutchi's birthday. uuugh! he scares me. and it's all because this EXTREMELY SMART PEASANT got the date wrong.

i was just too lazy to set it right. and now, say good bye to our readers. i'll be taking you to the henshin jo to make you a peasant (not really. ;) )


EDIT: i was playing on google translate and it became this: My Little Pony My beautiful, my Tamagotchi ate after stealing a smacker on my lips, throwing a banana smoothie, played with it. It then threw my shoes, because there was Mika Mika, we, after I died, died from what was singing gold.

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Mariah got her fourth happy symbol this morning, so I decided to take her to the matchmaker. There, she met a kuromametchi who noticed her looks and instantly fell in love. ;) ah, young love....

Anyway, they went on a date where Mariah gave him a giant ring! Funny, I thought that the guy was supposed to give her a ring, seeing as she is "too lady like to give a ring to him" xD

Now she's left her daughter with me, a.....I forgot the name. -_- oh well! I'll update later and introduce you guys to mariah's daughter!

EDIT: she evolved into....Rolutchi. I think I'll aim for Maliko. Or furawatchi. :huh:

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OH. MAH. GOSH. is that a little '1' i see next to the 'follow' button?? is it really?? yes! yes it is!!! yaaayyy!!!

<_< stop spazzing out. what's so special about a 1?

it means someone follows my log and wants to know when i post something new?? how is it just a number one???!!

really???!!! it means someone is following the log because i came, right??? go see who it is!!!!!!

it's....CheesyNoodleTama!!! Thanks for following my log and giving me my first fan mail ;)

your first fan mail? i thought it was ONLY piece of fan mail! bah hahahahahahaha!

what a great sense of humour.....

yup. i'm being sought after by people to entertain.

anyway, i have a surprise for you guys!! a picture!!


oh yeah...i forgot to introduce you guys to lindsay! since there was nino, then mariah, i decided to go backwards in the alphabet. and is it just me, or is my iD L following a girl girl boy boy pattern?

it can't, genius. it's just random, right?

your mom was even nicer than you.

*sniff* i'm sorry...it's just that...i'm nervous being on the log!! waaaaaa :(

awww! *pats lindsay on the back* don't be nervous! just talk to me! the people who read this log want you to!


good. now, back to business....

i annoyingly woke up early today...a saturday..... -_- so i decided to get mariah married. we had to go to the date place 5 times because all four times before the guys were really ugly because she couldn't find the perfect man. so, she picked kuromametchi. funny, unlikely match: heavy metal rock star with dainty, polite, gentle princess.

get to the real business: what character are you going to make me?

mmm....makiko. or furawatchi, if i let your care misses go wild and almost kill you

<_< how encouraging.

i just want you to be a unique character. and i'm looking for an iD/another iD L, so i'm thinking about getting the princess spacy. but i dunno, i have until my birthday to decide.

when's your birthday?

one of these months: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december.

that's stupid! that's all the months!

:p exactly. i have to be born in one of these months, don't i?

but won't you report when my descendants celebrates your birthday?

oh yeah. -_- i forgot about that. hmmm...............well, whatever.

so...is this enough as a post to introduce me?

i guess...is there anything you want to say?

your hot chocolate was yummy, i laughed when you got your shot, and i want to know what you want for your birthday.

thank you, a relative gave me the recipe. hey, that's mean! how about i give you a shot to your arms (which are basically 3 pixels in a row) and laugh? i want a palm treo for downloads and an iD/another iD L, 15th anniversary or princess spacy.

how organized is that? and also, your homework is boring. play with me!

i know that. blame it on all the teachers that like to break my back with textbooks. can you believe i have art homework???!!

it's just a sketch.

and you don't have to draw it with your 3 pixel arms, do ya?

i'm so tired. i dragged myself to type up this update. i have a family dinner so i can't talk long.

i evolved into...sabosabotchi!!!!! but now blue keeps me away from everything so i don't poke it. :angry:

it's for your own good! anyway, lindsay had a fun day out today with me going to a special breakfast, hanging out with my friends, making dog treats, and now we're at a dinner. like i said, i'm really tired so i'm gonna end this update here because i took some allergy meds (i had a reaction today) and it made me sleep like a rock. except rocks don't sleep. they just sit there. :huh: :wacko: whatever. bye!

and i better become makiko because blue neglected me so much today!!! :angry:

i've noticed ratings went down when i said i was taking a break from photos. so, i've decided to bring them back (and i like to take photos besides) but only major events, i can't take any of lindsay and others just having fun. :( so, here's lindsay!


she became a makiko! just what i was aiming for! i can control care misses after all. ;) i was too impatient (she was supposed to evolve while i was in class but i put her to sleep) so i checked on her at lunch.

i feel so...girly. it's...killing me. uuuggghhhh

^_^ it's okay. you'll get over it.

and memetchi tried to pick a fight with me! over curls! who does that? not me.

makiko does. haha!

<_< meanie.

live with it. soon you'll be as girly as ever. (not that you ever were)

eewww....i want to paint my nails.....and put on make up and go to tamamori and raid the store. nooo!!!!!!! i hate nail polish and make up and especially CLOTHES!!! AAUUUGHH!!!! please excuse me. *leaves room*

poor lindsay. i'm sure she would've liked being a furawatchi/violetchi. :furawatchi:

i would've!

<_< sooorrryy.

well....it would mean a lot of neglecting. and almost dying. *makes sound that sounds like neeeugh*

lindsay, please don't go over budget today. if you go to tamamori.

okay. i feel better. i'm back.

that's good. so, i've been (trying) to learn how to crochet, and i thought of making an iD L cover! so i did. and....it turned out too big, all because i started the first few rows the wrong way. i didn't want to unravel it, so i kept it and decided to make it a tama basket, where the tamas i'm running sleep. here's a picture:


i'm making a new one, correctly this time. :p

it's so cozy...it's just like your bed!

you...tried out my bed...?

of course! it looked so comfy and i was tired so...

um. okay. that's odd. :wacko: and now for more news: i got lindsay an accidental happy symbol today! it was the exact same scenario with her mom: i put the princess dress on her, because she looks nice in it. and then what do you know, she gets a happy symbol. and i have no access to a camera. :angry:

but the dress is nice. especially since it was my mom's.

yep. hmm...let's see if i can get you into a henshin jo character...darn! you have to get a download item to become a henshin jo character. :angry: but i'm gonna ask for a palm treo or look around for an infra red phone so..maybe.

probably not, you just want to unlock the next destination.


are you gonna get another iD L?


that's not a valid answer. please try again.

i'm gonna end this post.


EDIT: lindsay got her other two happy symbols! but what i'm surprised at is that the tama zone topic didn't list the princess dress as one of makiko's happy items (i didn't read through the whole topic though) can anyone tell me why? a PM or comment on my profile would be nice. thanks!

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Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was really busy and I had no access to a computer. :( but I'll update later, and introduce Lindsay's kid! Let's see if the girl girl boy boy pattern happens.......stay tuned!

well, lindsay is out of the house. she got married to a lovely kuchipatchi! unfortunately, i couldn't get any photos of them together as i have really bad timing with cameras. :angry: but....i have photos of her with her pet and her girl!


i forgot it's name. *facepalm* but he followed her home this morning!


playing ball with her daughter, who i name keira


keira by herself


and keira again, as a paletchi! i'm hoping for a meloditchi this time around. now, say hi, keira!

hello! i'm so glad to be on the log!

yes it's great-aaaagh!!! get your charcoal fingerprints off the keyboard!!!

;_____; but i like art...and i was drawing...

yes, but you should wash your hands!

okay. *washes hands* there. all better!

good. now, is there anything else you want to say?


...okay then.

will you take me to the art store?? pretty please??

okay let's aaagh!

*drags blue out the door* bye!

well, keira is refusing to evolve.

nuh uh! it hasn't been exactly 24 hours yet!

<_< exactly. 24. hours.

relaaax, blue. i'm gonna evolve in half an hour!

no. 15 minutes.

<_< i'm still technically a child. i don't know everything, like humans think they do.

pop quiz! what is an innovation?

......*draws fiercely in sketchbook* uhh....what?

not listening again. tsk, tsk.


moving on......OHMAHGOSH!!! aw.........

<_< i know, i know. i'm a sabosabotchi.

um...yeah. how did you know?

carrie knows how to use facetime.

figures that you talk to carrie, of all people. i guess i'll neglect you a lot and make you furawatchi.

fun fun fun looking forward to the next day.

you will thank me for this. you will.

i won't.

yes you will. when you're all mature when you're an adult you'll go "oh thank you blue so much for neglecting me and making me a furawatchi so i am one step closer to giving patchi onsen to my descendants"

i won't. now, let's hit the post button.


evolve now!!! i command you, keira!

no!!! i dun wanna!

pleeeaaaseee???? i went and bought you all that stuff and played with you until my thumbs fell off last night. *makes pouty face*

you gave me all those care misses!! you made me go hungry!!!!

it's for your own good!

to make me into furawatchi??? ....actually that's kind of a legit reason.

see? i win. humans rule.

:angry: i didn't surrender for your bragging rights!

well now i have bragging rights. the battle is won. you may remove your helmet, sir knight. (shrek xD)

that's MISS sir knight to you.

that doesn't even sound right!

aren't you supposed to be doing your homework?

;____; i'm sorry mommy *not*

<_< go and look up your homework info! now!

i'm not gonna get bossed around by a sabosabotchi! but i will. because i'm cool like that. ;)

.....okay i'm done! yes, a care miss! you are SO gonna be furawatchi and be super cute.

*pouts* but furawatchi is all obsessed with flowers and gardening, not art.

but you'll still be you....wait. you could get into flowers and gardening, because your mom went through a personality change. *shudder* weeeiiirrrddd

sigh. i guess i'll do all the planting and what not.

good. the seeds will love you. i guess i'll post a photo of one of the sabosabotchi's i've had, as you all look the same...or not. stupid computer. :angry: oh well. see you guys later, when keira evolves.

i'm gonna be real busy for the next few days, so these updates will be short and not that sweet. :p yesterday, keira evolved into furawatchi! i got three of her happy symbols this morning and i am just waiting for the next one. there's nothing much to report, other than i'll be getting her married tomorrow. see y'all then!

psst! i might sneak on and do a good update when blue's not looking this week. wish me luck!

:eek: wow! Over 800 views already????!!! Yay!!!! Thanks for making the numbers go up, everyone!

and let me tell people what we did today. I got my fourth happy symbol, and blue's waiting for tomorrow morning to get me married. So there probably won't be any pictures. :( sorry!

And i see....this log is still rated 4 stars. Do I have to stoop low enough to rate my own topic? I think not. So, if you think that this log is totally 5 star worthy, rate it!!! Rate it!!!

i have *drumroll* a picture! yes! do you not believe it?


that hat is nice. i like that hat. i'm wearing it right now. isn't it beautiful? *strikes pose*


:) aw. thanks

so...today i did something that is either incredibly stupid or brilliant. i snuck my iD L in today and wasn't caught.

yeah, it was boring. just scratching noises at first and some talking, then more talking and something about "la toasty". then it was super quiet and then it was really really loud. then i got banged around for a bit then there was even more talking and singing. blue fed me at lunch, where there was even MORE guess what? TALKING. and then...it was quiet. and peaceful. i slept for a bit. then there was more talking and scratching noises then...i saw blue while she searched for something in her pencil case, where i was hidden under some pens. and let me tell you, it's hard to hide under a pen.

i did that so no no0bs would steal you and hate on me. so...english, PE, math, lunch, test, socials, and art. i did have to hide keira under a pen, and let me tell you, it's not easy. :p

yeah. but it was fun.

i might sneak you again tomorrow, but i don't want to risk anything.

it's comfy just sitting in your bag reading your nerd book.

that 'nerd book' is my planner!

well it's nerdy.

<_< meanie.

you're the bigger meanie!

you're the biggest meanie!

fine. i'm the biggest meanie. you win. now, why didn't you get my help for art? you need a lot of help in art.

<_< yes, i know that. and to answer your question, a ) you're a tamagotchi, and you can't talk to me. you just stare at me and smile. b ), guess who was around me? mr. "a tamagotchi? a tamagotchi. i had one of those when i was like, 6." and i really don't want to go through that again. c ) i would get into trouble, and d ) haters would hate on me. and i was sitting next to one. :( so, no, i can't consult you when i'm in art, as much as i would like to.

oh. okay.

i wish i could make you into majokko furawa, or at least get you married. but i'm participating in the groundhog day hatch, so i can't. :angry: but i want to participate in a group hatch, so here i am!

why don't you download stuff then?

i don't have a cell with infra red, and i haven't exactly gotten a response from the parents about getting one. i wish i could though, i know exactly which one i want.

which one? oh right a palm treo. answered my own question. ^_^

that's boss.

*bows* thank you. and why won't you run another tama to keep me company?

ugh, i have to take more photos and i'm pretty stressed right now. :angry: i want to run my v4.5, though.

oh. i was thinking more "get another iD L and then connect us so i have something to do and someone to talk to when you're boring yourself at school". ain't that a great plan?

how about you lend me $100, and we'll follow up on that. how much do you have?

uh...exactly 23230 gotchi points. hey, why don't you post a picture of my new room?

oh yeah! i completely forgot! i was super bored yesterday and remodeled keira's room! then i discovered that you could sell stuff at tama market so now i want more kendamas. (red star seeds)


argh! photobucket's being stupid again. :angry: so no photo of keira's new bedroom. maybe tomorrow.

well...let's post.

sigh. i guess.

another boring day in the boring life of keira. :(

my life isn't boring! meanie.

tell me how it isn't boring.

well, today the eco triplets gave me some chopsticks so i get 50% of everything at the restaurant because the clock is messed up. and i had a very early dinner with mark.

ah! :eek: amazing! *not*

<_< you're nice.

hmm...how long has it been since you were born....? 6 days! almost a week! yayz. ^_^

i'll be around for MORE than a week, thanks to that group hatch you're so obsessed with. get me married already! :angry:

*whines* but i want to participate in a group hatch, keira! and i'm way older than you, so i get to boss you around. ha! beat that.

oh yeah? well i'm an ADULT, and you're not. HA! beat that!

you've been alive for 6 days! and i've been alive for *censored* years! haha! beat that!

well i've...i...i.....uh....

i win! yes!


please don't cry.

oh-okay. but, to make sure i don't, will you give me a strawberry sundae? *makes puppy face*



fiiiiine. *leaves*

mwa haha, i have control over the computer! power is mine! i will rule the world!! mwa hahahahahaha! my life isn't really that boring. i woke up and chewed some of blue's gum and i had fun in her bag. but shh! don't tell. ;)

*comes back holding a "sundae"* get off the computer. here's your sundae. *throws it on table*

ew! it's just a scoop of vanilla ice cream with a strawberry! no syrup? no cherry? no whipped cream/??!!!

you wanted a strawberry sundae.

this is garbage! you eat it! *pushes it away*

*takes huge scoop and eats it* okay. i guess you don't want stewert's philly vanilla ice cream, which is the best in the world, topped with a california grown strawberry.

*snatches bowl away* gimme thaaat! *licks the rest of the bowl*

and this is the violetchi/furawatchi that said, and i quote, "this is garbage!"


tsk tsk. judging a book by it's cover. not a good habit to start.


now, who wants to get off the log already?

i don't!

what's that? did keira say that she wants to end the post? okay, let's end the post. bye!

hey! wait! stop-

as promised, i've got photos! so, if you like photos and not conversations, just read the beginning and rate my log five stars jk jk i'm not really that desperate ;)


keira's bedroom! very royal and princessy, yeah?


rubitchi followed her home last night! she helps carry keira's stuff home from the shops.


i was pretty bored, so i bought keira a kimono and she looks adorable in it! :)


and, a relative bought me a deco-ratchi kit!! yay!!! too bad i don't have a running connection to put the cover on, and i want to keep the package looking all pretty for a while.


a close up of the case....i think it's the violetchi family kit. not sure. :p

that sure is pretty! i wish it fit the iD L. ;___;

it's okay! as soon as i get some better yarn and a new crochet hook you'll be warm and cozy in a crocheted iD L cover.


so, as you guys know, i'm participating in HippyFish's group hatch, and i have to log one generation in the topic. SO, since i don't want to do any tama conversations in the topic (as a courtesy to others) i'll be posting A LOT of photos in it. photo lovers, it's your lucky day! of course, i'll post in the log too with the photos, so if you want to skip conversations, just read the group hatch topic. (i'll post the link tomorrow)

finally, i can consider marriage partners.


i want either peintotchi, maisutatchi, or kuchipatchi. ah, love peintotchi :wub: <3

hmm...let's figure out why keira likes peintotchi...oh i know! he likes FROZEN YOGURT! YEAH! XD :D

no. two more guesses.

he......he...he's a computer geek! yeah! B)


no no i got it...he likes arrrttttitechture! yeah! i'm boss like that!

no no no no no! he likes ART! ART, i tell you! A-R-T!!!!!!!!!!!

i know how to spell, rememeber, i'm *censored* years older than you!

<_< but you guessed wrong, when it's so obvious!

that's the fun of messing with tamagot-hey, what are you writing?

i'm writing rules and warnings in my sketchbook to my future child so he/she won't be fatally traumatized by your ways.

;____; that makes me want to cry

:ichigotchi: in your face! *has no idea why ichigotchi is there*

i can beat that! :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: ichigotchi and kuribotchi! beat that!

oh yeah? i've got...you know what? the community won't let you post this with all the smilies.

oh yeah. i forgot. *facepalm*

oh well! bye! ....oh snap. we have too many smilies. reduce the number, blue!

reducing...okay! now it should post. .....darn! still too many!

...okay, post, post!

EDIT: I've been pondering for a while, so I'll see if you guys can help me with a decision.

I have some extra money, and I've been eyeing another iD L and a palm treo for downloads. However, I can only get one of those two with the money I have, and I don't know which one to get! What do you guys think? A PM or a comment on my profile would be nice. Thanks!

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A shoutout to kuromametchifan123! thanks for reading and i hope you enjoy future posts!

i promised you guys the link, right? if you want a break from conversations? the link is here! i'll be posting every day. ;)

well, today keira left me today. *sob sob* she ditched me for masutatchi! all because he has nice hair! *bawls* ;) just kidding, i got her married as soon as i got home from school for the groundhog day hatch.


maisutatchi immediately fell for her, probably because of her art skills and lovely kimono.


how rude, making her propose! :p


keira with her little baby, momoirotchi! i've decided to name her jenna, what with the backwards alphabetical theme and all. ;)




and here's jenna, a little paletchi! perfect for what i'm aiming for: meloditchi! perfect for the next destination: melody land! although with my luck i'll somehow get two care misses and get sabosabotchi. :p

hello! i'm jenna!

*facepalm* i forgot to introduce jenna. oops.

well, now i'm here. so hi, everyone!

jenna desperately wants to see keira's old sketchbook she left with me. hint hint <_<


if you prove to me you can read this sentence, you can have it. here's the sentence: the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog and died.

tuh...tuh...tuh...huh...huh...huh....i don't know! i can't read! i'm only 3 hours old askdhfs

so you can't have keira's sketchbook, as you'll need to know how to read in order to understand what she wrote and drew for you!


here, how about you draw a nice picture for her with the pencil crayons she left for you?


pleased so easily. wish i was like that. :rolleyes:

ta da! *holds up drawing of keira gardening*

it's very pretty, jenna.


would you like to say anything else?


okay, so in my last post, i invited you guys to tell me which i should get: iD L or palm treo. so far, here are the votes:

iD L: 0

palm treo: 1

send me a PM or comment on my profile to tell me which one! that's all for now!

Happy 100th post!!! aaaahhhh!!!!!

i can't believe it! 100th post AND 6th page!! squee!!

yaaay! i'm the lucky tama here for the 100th post! lalala yay! *dances*

i'd like to thank all of you guys who read and told me you like my log ;) you guys are the fuel for this car of a log! (bad metaphor :p )

-_- stop...you're embarrassing me...

AND...i'm finished writing up stuff for science fair!! yaaay!!!

yay!!! now you stop obsessing!

uh no. i have to print, do my board, and *shudder* do a PRESENTATION. dun dun dun

last year it was a disaster.

then just take me along!



because you'll die from boredom

oh. ewww, boredom.

so...i don't have a camera nearby :angry: but it doesn't matter because jenna still hasn't evolved yet. painaputchi, painaputchi, oh please painaputchi painaputchi iD L!!! PAINAPUTCHI PAINAPUTCHI PAINAPUTCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


fine. <_< and i saw an affordable palm treo on ebay, which i will ask a parent for tonight! then i might actually have downloads! yay!


but if i make you into meloditchi, i won't need downloads to make you into melodi hime.


oh right....i can download new games and stuffs. happy! ^_^ and you know what else makes me happy? long weekend! yes!

yay!! i don't have to be put to sleep!

i'll post later when jenna evolves. (sorry for the terrible spazzy post, i've nothing to write today. :p )

EDIT: i swear, my iD L is glitched up. (or maybe it's because i had momoirotchi...probably.) i got ZERO care misses, and guess who stared back at me? SABOSABOTCHI AGAIN AAARGH!!!!! i can't get her again next gen or i'll smash my iD L into a wall :( so here's a photo:


an old picture, but sabosabotchi looks the same anyway. bye!

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