yummy. hot chocolate. *takes gigantic sip*
yum-hey!!! that's my hot chocolate you're drinking!!!
*does spit-take* ewww!!!

that's really nice, shania.
well, you're kind of sick. and it's all cold. blech.
<_< you said it was yummy a few lines ago!
well that was before i knew it was yours.
sigh. never mind. anyway, i know all of you have been waiting for photos! so here they are!
here are cole, kelsey, and tyler as teens.
cole looks a little weird. i like tyler's character the best.
and here's my iD L in the box, all brand new right before i tore it open. (just kidding. the packaging is easier to open than the connection tamas.)
you took too long to put my batteries in!!
well, i was taking pictures.
and here's shania in the egg!
and shania proudly posing with her plant.
i watered it every day. but it didn't grow because blue kept switching the time back and forth before finding out that the plant grows at seven in the morning.
i haven't gotten a new tamagotchi since my v5! cut me some slack!
and shania as perotchi, which she is right now! i'm sorry, i don't have any pictures from when she was a teen, because i couldn't get to the camera and we were really busy.
i like that photo.
shania walks everywhere, unlike me
i'm totally healthier than you!
o.o but i take care of you....
harapparatchi followed shania home that day!
he helps me with the garden.
and carries your stuff from shopping all day home as well.
a friend of mine gave me that charm and it was lying around, so i decided to put it on my iD L!
*turns around, trying to see* ugh! ugh! i can't see it!
and here's all four of shania's happy symbols! she just got her last one about an hour ago!
now i'm in the book, to be immortalized forever! mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
<_< moving on.
and here are cole, kelsey, and tyler as adults. cole is a kuromametchi, as you know. why aren't they talking? well, i took the battery out this morning. school starts again this week so i decided to just run my iD L.
sob...now the only person i have to talk to is you, blue. ugh!

well that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
well, i guess i could talk to my future kid...but it would go like this:
me: ugh! blue forgot about me!
kid: goo goo.
me: can't you speak english???!!
kid: goo.
me: i forgot. you're a baby.
kid: goo goo goo!!! *poops*
me: eeewww!!!!!!!
that sounds like a very fulfilling conversation. *snickers*
you know what i mean.
so. anybody you're crushing on? i'm gonna get you married this week, because i don't want you turning into an oldie.
maybe that nice mametchi i saw at TamaDepa. or that kuchipatchi who was at the arcade.
what about that kikitchi (spelling?)?
well. now i know how you feel about monkeys.
well i just realized on christmas eve, i would be on tamatalk for one month!
how significant. <_<
oh shut up or i'll forget you on a chair in the library. (just kidding. i would be in huge huge trouble if i did.)
nooo please don't!!!!!!
well. i have to figure out what i'm going to do tomorrow. i guess i'll put you to sleep and wrap you in a spare shirt, then let you sleep in my bag. i guess.
why can't i be sneaked???
you are waaay too big to be put into my pocket.
don't worry. maybe next year. if i'm still into tamas, which i probably will be, because tamatalk helps me stay that way.
time to end this post. i'm gonna try and change my avvie. and please rate my log!! even if you think it's one star worthy!!!
no waaay!! how can it be one star worthy if I'M in it???!!