Kinz Means Family


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I felt sad for Claire and that her life had to be that way, never knowing her real dad. But it has a very happy ending about her Webkinz.

Cool story,Squiddy! Your a great author! You should write more! :(


I've written a lot in my life, but so far, I'm in a little pinch of a writer's block.

Sometimes I can sit and write right through a story, sometime I need to take a month's break.

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I love your story. I like how Clarie thinks that Sadie is in Emily. That is very cute. I love the ending with all the new webkinz.


Oh ya i forgot to say yesterday, I HOPE you write another story. You are very good at it.


It was a beauteful story,I have never heard anything like it.

Pinkcloud (my pink and white cat Webkinz) says Hi!

So it can't be sequeled, huh? We'll see about that....! You could do a sequel with all the Webkinz on Webkinz World! Maybe though. Or Caitlin's (WAS it Caitlin?) new life!

First of all, her name is Claire.

Second of all, I love the ideas, it's just that these are just one of those stories where a sequel just can't be made. I'd love to, but this story is about Claire's family life, and how her Webkinz became a part of that. I would like to keep this story as about her family life, and the only way to do that in a sequel is to either get rid of a family member, introduce a new character (which I would not like to do), introduce a new Webkinz (I'd like to keep her collection small), or to get rid of one of her Webkinz, which is what I can't do to Claire.

I'm sorry but, to me, there's no way I can sequel this story or create something like that to this story without getting off the point.

I'd love to do a sequel, especially with those ideas, I just can't right now.

But if you want to take a peek at Claire's new life, you should check out The Cat Trail to Texas...


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