Psh! I finished Days for the second time over the weekend! I didn't even get knocked out at that big battle.

Oh, and for the heck of it, I got my Zero Gear (It's actually a Kingdom Key +) and fought the last battle again in the same day. The ending to this game always makes me sad.

Note: After you're done that battle, get ready for some cool cutscenes! 8D
Oh oh oh! And I finished Kingdom Hearts late last night too! My eyes were stinging. So many times during the ending I was going "Nonononono!" Like when Sora had to shut Riku behind the door and when they looked at each other for the last time, Riku just told him "Take care of her." Then you see the words across the screen telling Sora he is the one who will open the door to the light, and I'm all "Whaaaa? So they purposely didn't 'end' the story in the first game?" Oh, and when he says "Kairi, remember that promise you made me? I'm always with you too." and then SPLIT goes the ground between them. I had another round of "Nonononononooo!" in my head. And then they show the scene of Kairi walking into the cave and looking at the drawing they did of each other when they were little. I really felt like crying.

And I changed my mind, I don't mind Kairi anymore---I WANT the two of them back together!
Oh, and since I collected all the Dalmatians, locked all the keyholes, and finished the Hades Cup, I got to see a special mini trailer at the end of the game for KHII 8D The one with Riku and Roxas. They have that scene later in Days and I can't wait for you two to GET THERE!!

Lol, except on the PS2 it's all crisp graphics compared to the DS. But during the trailer when I saw the hooded boy I was like "ROXAS! IT'S ROXAAAS!" It's all so dramatic! 8D Especially when he finally says one thing:
"Where's Sora?"

I can't wait to get KHII! I hope GameStop has it...
Oh, and my big brother suggests skipping CoM 'cause he says that SE put a lot more effort into making the actual sequel than the in-between game. So it's gotta be better. And that the battle card system sounds really dumb. Oh well. Leastaways I got a decent amount of background in here. *taps head* And playing Days twice helps too.
P.S. I'm thinking I might get a new username, I don't really like the Warriors series anymore...what say you girls?
