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I was a very strange kid. I called ants "Shh" and I was afraid of the Simpsons for no apparent reason. xD Once I asked my mom "Are David Spade and Dennis Quade the same thing?" (Don't ask how I knew who those people were back then... O_O) Once the whole family was looking at one of my dad's old school yearbooks for some reason and I pointed to this one kid and said "Oh! I know who he is! That's Johnny Wallet, right Daddy?" I have no clue where that one came from. I also thought the world used to be black and white and I thought you could use a marker to color the air because on one episode of Dragon Tales Ord did that. xD Oh! And I thought if you smashed to TV the characters would come out and talk to you. My brother was also kind of weird. Once he asked my mom "Mom, are turkeys insects?" Oh yeah, I also had a habit of asking my mom, "Mommy, is this a dream?"
I would always get little plastic frogs and snakes and bugs and stuff and put on a movie with them. My brother would occasionally come in my room and pretend to fall asleep on my bed. It annoyed the heck out of me! Oh, another funny thing... :3 Once me and my brothers were pillow-fighting (Another little thing we did) and one of my brothers, Mitchell, got "stuck" under a matress. My other brother, Jack, said "Oh my god Coo..... (my nickname) you killed Mitchell! I believed him and burst into tears. I tryed talking to Mitchell but he wouldn't answer. My mom and dad were out on a date. When they came back home, I burst into the kitchen with Jack following and screamed to them without explaining what had happened,"Jack did it!!!" It was so funny. xD
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