Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!


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1 story 4 u! :lol: once opon a time Erika (thats me!) wore here tama on a lanyard in claas :nazotchi: (bad girl) The evil demon who hated erika(5th grade teacher) took it and left it on her desk :mametchi: :blink: :wub: i got it back at the end of prison(school) i looked at it and he died right in front of Erikas eyes :mimitchi: :unsure: :lol: :mametchi: RIP sally (sally is a :) )

Well,I have never got my Tama ttoken away by a monster teacher but I left it in my desk,my teacher saw it,and,SHE PLAYED WITH IT!She earned me 8000 points overnight!She even took care of it,fed it,praised it,played with it,I was amazed she wasn't mad at me....She even gave me a star slip,for what reason,cause she thought Tamagotchis were cool.She even bought one for herself and got all the rare charecters,she even connects with us.Cool!

my teacher once asked what was hanging around me and my friends neck and we told her and she thought it was pretty cool and she didn't care that we brought them to class every day it was cool then the next year after i was out of that teachers class i went to go say hi to her on my way to class and she saw that I had a new one on so i thought it was pretty funny that she didn't care that we brought our tamas to class but this year i have man teachers so i have to be more careful when i bring my tama to class but usually when the teacher is not looking or is out of the room i play with my tama and i usually take a peak at it when there is nothing hugely important to be done in class

These are my tips:

1. Don't take it to school if they are banned!

2. Keep it in your bag with the sound turned off and check up during lunch time

The best thing is to just keep it on pause at home, if you take it to school and get caught once, getting caught twice will be REALLY bad, so just don't if you are not allowed. ^_^

Wanna' hear the best tip? Don't bring 'em to school. You're there to learn, not to play with your digital creature. They designed the pause button for a reason, so use it. Honestly, if you're going to spend your time at school with your whateveritchi, you might as well not go to school at all. And since society frowns on that entirely, you're better off with them at home.

Besides, you can't really enjoy them anyways when you're at school. After reading everything you guys've said here, you're clearly spending more time keeping the teachers from knowing you have them, then you are playing with 'em.

That being said, kids will be kids, so don't listen to me. At your age, life is about breaking the rules and causing a bit of anarchy on the playground. Go nuts.

That being said, kids will be kids, so don't listen to me.  At your age, life is about breaking the rules and causing a bit of anarchy on the playground.  Go nuts.
Your post made me laugh. It's like, "I'm sixteen, I am an adult! But gosh, I remember what it was like to be a kid!"

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Keep your Tama in your purse (or pencil pouch if you don't carry a purse) with the sound off. Check on it in the bathroom between classes, and during lunch unless you have crazy lunch monitors. Unless you have a really cool teacher, don't play with it during class, don't even try to sneak a peek at it. Honestly, teachers are usually nice enough that if you don't mess with the thing during class, they don't care if you've got it with you. However? Lunch monitors, recess monitors, and just about anything that ends in 'monitor'? Take sick sick pride in snatching your various beeping electronics.



< /repressed hall-monitor hate >

I just stick it in my lunch box, go to some really quiet and lonely place in my break and play with my two tamas (make sure you mute them! You don't know who could hear them). At the end of break, put them back in my lunch box, put my lunch back in my bag, and no-one ever knows. I've been doing it for a couple of years now. :) :angry: :angry:

But basically, I have 3 rules I go by:

1:Never play with tamas during classes/periods

2:Only play when you have muted your tama and are positive no-one else can see or hear them

3:Whenever you are not playing with your tama, it should be paused and muted

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You really don't need to bring it to school... Instead of pauseing it just setthe time to night and let it sleep. Then when you come home place the time back to normal. This lets the tama grow and prevents it form dieing!

i just got my tama v3 and i dunno no really anything but how do u turn the sound off??????  :D
You just press A and C together and if done right a screen saying 'Sound' will come up select 'On' or 'Off' and press B.

I heard some of my friends say that my teacher last year thought Tamagotchi was a swearword. o_O
Hehe.. proves how old you have to be to pass a teaching exam :D

Last year, me and my friend kept our tamas clipped to our belt loops on our pants, and took them out when the teacher wasn't looking. I got mine taken away, and I quick switched it to the clock screen and almost got a detention anyway. My teacher talked to the principle and I was off the hook because they thought it was a watch!


P.S. At my new school, the teachers allow tamas as long as the sound is off. Now everyone is wearing them to school on the lanyards, including me!

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I keep mine in my pockets and if I play with them I do it under the desk. I always keep the sound off too.

it wuz a good idea to post this! u have good tips. if it wuznt against the law, i would go all rebelius against tama consfication! :( B) :( :( ;) :( :) :) ;)

Okay...........I have gotten my tam taken away once or twice (or maybe thrice)and I know it is not fun. Here are some tipps

If a teacher asks what it is, put it on clock mode, cover up the "tamagotchi connection" symbol, and show it to them. (NOTE) this may only work on teachers who DON'T know what tams are

If you have a REALLY mean teacher then just don't play with it during her class.

Play with it during a movie. No one will notice.

Girls, bring a purse or small bag to keep them in. I have a black bag thing meant for IPOd

's, but it can fit around three tams.

Remove the Keyring for less noise when playing with it during class.

Some teachers won't mind. My lang. arts teach doesn't care, since his daughter has one.

We show him them sometimes. My friend even named one after him!

If you don't have a purse (or are a guy) then you can just bring a wallet and hide then in there.


Hide it in your hand for quick checkups. My classmates are really mean and try and tell on my friends and I. They yell "OOOOHH, TAMAGOTCHI!"



Usually P.E. teachers & lunch ladies don't care, but the lunch monitors do!

During recess, go out some where and then play with em'

Those are all my tips fo' now. Have fun. I Gotta go, so PM any questions to me, kay"
Great tips, I play with my tama all the time!
