Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!


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Tamagotchi V3 are like...the latest thing, and almost all the kids have them hanging around their necks. Most teachers let us keep it there if it doesn't distract us.

we aren't allowed tams at school but i pin it to my pants and no one notices. once i was playing with in plain sight because i was tired of lang. arts work(not a very smart thing to do but i took the risk anyway!)and my lang. arts teacher didnt even notice it. once i got caught in science but i thought of an excuse just in time! my friends got it tooken away in lang. arts one day(they got it back) and GUESS WHAT?! THE TEACHER STARTED PLAYING WITH IT!!! i was cracking up! :mimitchi: :mametchi: :wacko:

:( hey i never get my tama token away! i sit in the back so my teacher doesnt notice. the luch peaples dont care if i have one during luch but the vice princible does. she took mine and my friends tama away and gave it back to us in 3 min!! i said that my mom will sue if she keeps it so she gave it back :furawatchi: so my friend was like what about mine i a=said right here and i told you it was a bad idea to connect during luch!!! <_<
thats really horrible! :p you must really be mad! :p dont worry though! :( just play with it in a toilet or somewhere private.

it works you know! :huh: :eek: :D :D :p it works! :p trust me!my old school was like that and thats exactly what i did.

I've got a tip. It's mostly for high school students, I think. Or anyone who has their own locker.

Just keep your Tama in your locker during class, and attend to it during passing period. Depending on how long your classes are and what stage your Tama is at, it may never lose a heart during the day.

Of course, if it's a toddler or teen, you'd probably miss out on most opportunities for discipline.

And if you absolutely MUST have your Tama with you all the time, you can just keep it in your pocket, and when you need to get something from your backpack, move it from your pocket to your backpack and play with it then.

Heres another tip get a chain orm something and attach it to those little things under your shirt (the one nearer to the pocket) hide the tama in the pocket and there I can get away with playing it at class

I have a chain, and I put it around my neck. I had my Tamagotchi on my desk, but my ditsy teacher didn't mind. She only cares about her smelly self.

Three people in my class have them, and we all mute them. She only minds if they make sound.

I dont think my principal or teacher knows what they are! i told my friends about it but we moved desks and i didnt say anythink but i just put it in my pocket

I don't have lockers and I am in middle schol. All my teachers are really mean, exept my social studies and math teachers! If my lang. arts teacher sees it she will take it away AND SHE WON'T LET YOU PAUSE IT! My Social Studies teacher syas, "Kimberly, put it away. Next time I see it I'll take it away, okay?" My math teacher(she is actually the best teacher in the whole school! she explains it in kid language so I can understand it!) says,"Kimberly, I better not see that in 3 seconds, unless you have one for everybody in the class." My science teacher just asks what it is, then he takes it. For PE we have lockers and my periods are only 45min long, so I keep it in my locker, when I come back it usually has a mess, is missing 2 happys, and 1 hungry.

EDIT: I always keep it in my back pack. I use a little jewlery box with padding on the topand bottam to muffle the sound, but I keep it on mute, and every period we have a 4min break and I check on them then. I have two tamas!

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yeah, i've experienced this all. there's this anoyying guy named Robert and whenver he sees a tama he sings Tama-tama-gotchi-Tama-tama-gotchi at the top of his lungs!
and my friends never turn their sound off and they always say, " that was my watch."

and at lunch me and my friend Nicole had our tamas out and the lunch moniter saw nicole's and she was like, "is that a tamagotchi?" and she took away nicoles! but when i saw her coming, i hid mine in my pocket. anyway, so she took nicoles and she had a bunch of tamagotchis in her hand from all the other people tamas. it was freaky.

and another time, my friend elizabeth had her tamas sound on during math CSAPS!

i always tell my friends to turn their sound off but their like, "whatever"
Your so right :(

Aww i got my tama tooken away (becuase of my stupid friends) and it almost died at the end of the day when i got it back >< i will be sure to follow these rules next time :(

my school doesn't allow tamas!!!
my school dosn't allow tamagotchis either :blink: but i bring it anyway and put it in the front pocket of my bag and check on it at lunch and recess and i dont get in trouble! :huh: :huh:

Hm. I don't think tamagotchis are banned at my school. But then again, I'm probably the only one who brings them to school with me. :huh: Tamagotchis aren't very popular where I come from.

But those really are some sneaky techniques, and I've used just about all of them. Just to be safe. :blink:

my girl teacher will take them away til our next brake and my other teacher will

step on them. [ he has never steped on one before but thats what he said he will

do if he saw one.] :nyatchi:

I'm already out of school, so I don't have to worry about it getting taken away.

I'm more concerned about leaving it at home, or forgetting it when I'm out in town or something.

Back when I was in Elementary School, and Tamagotchis were really popular here in America, our school tried to ban them from the kids so that they could concentrate better in school.

I still brought my Giga Pets and Tamagotchis with me, but kept them hidden and stuff.

When I was in High School, no one really seemed to care if you had one or not.

I played with my V3 in class when I had a few minutes, and some of the other students even wanted to play with mine too so I let them.

I think that most of the people here that have responded to this topic are basically all smaller children still in Middle School, so the maturity level of their classmates is still very small.

At any rate, just remember to be sneaky, and use the tips and tricks other members have already posted and I'm sure you and your Tamas will survive each school day ahead of you. :nyatchi:

My boyfriend( hey i am a 7th grader) and i both have 10 tamas. And tamas are banned from our school but we bring them anyway its not like the teacher is watching us every second. Here are our tricks for keeping them unknown.

1) We turn the sound off. then we put 5 of them i our school jackets and the other 5 in our bookbags and during lunch we put the 5 that where in our pockets and put them in our bookbags. Then we put the one that are in our bookbags in our pockets.

2) One of our teachers has 1 ( don't know y) but it is hers she got it with HER MONEY! and she likes them but she got fired for haveing hers

he he( that was my boyfriends fault) he told the principal our principal HATES tamagotchis and miss walker was annoying so we could not restist. I am actally in class right now my teacher thinks i am writeing a report.He he.

My boyfriend Keith has 8 tamas (duh i am a 7th grader too)we bring them to school to he he. we connect during lunch some of my friends bring them too.

Here are some ways to keep your tamas safe from mean lunchladies:

1) iF YOU HAVE A JACKET on and the lunchladies walk by if u have them out put them in your pocket.

2) :angry: :angry: :huh: :angry: or TURN OFF THE SOUND! then put it in pocket

3)if u get caute OH WELL
