Kajah995's Awesome log of Amazingness


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No color on 3DS...

So, Treble evolved into Ichigoitchi. D: not chamametchi...

Stats and speech in next post... Also, I have had no band requests yet... maybe no band this generation? That would be cool!

See y'all next post!!

Fans: WHY NO UPDATES KAJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: Nothing's happened. I've neglected Treble a band, but she WONT DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! I'll have to get her--

Treble: Band Band Band! I WANT A BAND NOW!!!!! GAH!

Me: Yep... so, stats:

Treble: Ichigotchi

Age: 1

Skill Points: 423 Tone, 428 Rythm, 447 Original

Weight: 44lbs

Generation: 7

Points: 28380

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurences: Band.

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Welcome the Korras into (soon) stardom!

The Korras consist of:

Treble the Ichigotchi on trombone.

Toby the Kikitchi Bass Drum

and John the Hinotamatchi on accordion

Treble: Ichigotchi

Age: 1

Skill Points: 423 Tone, 428 Rythm, 447 Original

Weight: 44lbs

Generation: 7

Points: 28380

Recent Occurences: Band.

Future Occurences: Adult Evolution.

I awoke to a crying baby girl who I decided to name Treble. But first a shoutout to-


Me: Yep. so, anyway, Treble will evolve in school, unfortunately...

Treble: BOO! SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Treble: Petitchi (girl)

Age: Skill Points: 249 Tone, 249 Rythm, 249 Original

Weight: 5lbs

Generation: 7

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: Birth

Future Occurences: Toddler Evolution.
Jasen221 has stopped following, on account of an argument we had. It was a stupid one, but because of it, he decided to stop...

Super bad news........

Treble has died.

Fans: HUH? WHAT? *sob sob*

Me: She's in Tama Heaven. The next boy I get willl be named Ace, in homage of my Tama Ace that was Taken away from me. My next girl will be named Treble, In homage to Treble. I will NOT reset my tama, but I'm pressing A+C now. An egg and threee present boxes are bouncing around (Well, at least the egg is)....

Alright, the egg's hatchin... a baby boy... Ace it is... He'll take the same color as my other v6.

Ace: Wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll also try to have longer poosts, so it won't look like I'm lazy...

Ace: Petitchi (boy)

Age: Skill Points: 0 Tone, 0 Rythm, 0 Original

Weight: 5lbs

Generation: 1 :(

Points: 3000

Recent Occurences: Birth

Future Occurences: Toddler Evolution.

Id've posted last night if I had TIME!! WAH!

Anyway, Ace evolved into Kuchitamatchi, and I've put my focus this gen. to keep the stress down!

Ace: you're not doing a very good job now!

Me: Wah! uh... crud, 35........ uhm...

Ace: Viewers, heres the stats.. PLAY WITH ME CA--- er-- KAJAH!!!!

Me: you'll evolve today, which iis a good thing.

Ace: Kuchitamatchi

Age: Skill Points: 22 Tone, 23 Rythm, 21 Original

Weight: 15lbs

Generation: 1 :(

Points: 3000

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution/Band. (I'll be getting a band every gen. It's essential to evolution.)


You are always able to PM me suggestions to help mylog get better,and you can post it on my profile!

I'm sorry for not posting yesterday, but I was grounded.. Ace became a Nonopotchi, then a Tarakotchi this morning.

Ace: Tarakotchi

Age: 2

Skill Points: 49 Tone, 43 Rythm, 47 Original

Weight: 30lbs

Generation: 1 :(

Points: 5000

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurences: Pro Debut

Short post, but still grounded.

Ace has also gone to the land of the dearly departed. Yes, he's died also. I realize now that school takes too much time away from EVERYTHING I want to do, even Tamagotchis.

So, That's Three deaths so far in tis log, and I ;hate themn alll... Pressing A and C now... The chil'd gender will determine the name. Girl: Treble. Boy: Ace...

The chil'd gender is...a girl... I won't give her the default toy and instrument, buit the ball and trombone... And so, Treble is born. Aim this generation: TO MAKE IT SURVIVE!

Edit: FAIL! forgot the stats:

Treble: Petitchi (girl)

Age: 0

Skill Points: 0 Tone, 0 Rythm, 0 Original

Weight: 5lbs

Generation: 1 :(

Points: 3000

Recent Occurences: Birth

Future Occurences: Toddler evolution.

Ace: Tarakotchi

Age: 2

Skill Points: 49 Tone, 43 Rythm, 47 Original

Weight: 30lbs

Generation: 1 :(

Points: 5000

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurences: Pro Debut

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Me: Treble became a Hi--


Me: *time out* Gosh....

Treble: Hitodetchi

Age: 1

Skill Points: 55 Tone, 33 Rythm, 87 Original

Weight: 10lbs

Generation: 1 :(

Points: 3000

Recent Occurences: Toddler evolution

Future Occurences: Teenager evolution.

EVEN WITH ALL MY INTENSE CARE, TREBLE IS AN ICHIGIGOTCHI... AGAIN... Also, the Tyrants! have become a band (there IS an "!" after their name!"

Treble: Ichigotchi

Age: 2

Skill Points: 120 Tone, 121 Rythm, 153 Original

Weight: 39lbs

Generation: 1 :(

Points: 450

Recent Occurences: Teenager evolution

Future Occurences: Adult evolution.


Because Treble ran out of battery then became MASKITCHI!

I hate how they never give you enough money for your tama to be anything but horrible care at the start ... :(

Treble: Maskitchi

Age: 3

Skill Points: 248 Tone, 255 Rythm, 286 Original

Weight: 46lbs

Generation: 1 :(

Points: 2050

Recent Occurences: Adult evolution

Future Occurences: Pro Debut.

Treble has died.

Fans: This has become periodic...

yep, I can't keep a tama more than a generation because of SCHOOL!!!! Also, they only give you 3000 points in a music star to start, you can't make money 'til you're an adult, and you're pretty much garunteed a horrible care on generation 1... I think I'll go one more time. When it dies and it's NOT on... anything higher than the third generation, I'll quit this log. I know, sad. Instead of names in homage to past tama characters, I'm going to borrow the names of friends who were very inspirational to me. If it's a boy, his name will be Barton. If it's a girl, her name willl be Rylen. If either of you read this (and can tell me about it) Thanks for all the help in the past :)

It's a...




*2 hours later*



She has a panda and a trumpet... right after I named her she immediately started playing trumpet... Oh boy... er... girl...

Rylen: petitchi (girl)

Age: 0

Skill Points: 0 Tone, 0 Rythm, 0 Original

Weight: 5lbs

Generation: 1 :(

Points: 3000

Recent Occurences: Birth

Future Occurences: Toddler Evolution.

Rylen: When will I evolve?

Me: In about an hour, but I might not be there because MY DAD WANTS TO SET UP PARENTAL CONTROLS!!! GAH!!!

Rylen: I wanna be something good! Oh, Kajah, am I gonna be in your siggy?

Me: The one I tend to forget?? Oh, yeah!

Rylen: YAY! Kajah, what will I do when I'm all grown up?

Me: You really don't need tto know about the matchmak-- DOH!

Rylen: Whazza matchmake?

Me: put an "r" at the end.

Rylen: Matchmaker? What is it??

Me: You'll find out in 6 tama years.

Rylen: NO! NOW! *screams*

Me: *time-out*

Kajah and Rylen

Rylen hasn't evolved, but i DO have a message. Rylen?

Rylen: Okay, so, Kajah and I are going to be doing something new. It's called... um...

Me: I... don't have a name... but it IS similar to what Jasen221 is doing with his log: https://www.tamatalk...._fromsearch__1 (sorry for link, but BBC conding is FAILING now...) ... A Fan-Mail Corner... kinda... sorta...

Rylen: Ooh! I got a-- ZzZzZz

Me: Oh great, evolutionary sleep as I call it... I'll call it... The Kajah-n'-*name of tama, in this case Rylen* Fan-Mail Palace, or just, "The Mail Palace" for short... So, we'll begin when I get mail. I will be responding to any relevant mail, and I WILL include your name UNLESS you say otherwise ;)

See you when my girl evolves, and FOR REAL this time!! :lol: lol

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Rylen has become...

Rylen: A hitodetchi!

Me: Yep, a teen evolution should come tomorrow!

Nothing more to say, so I'll end it off with a status... thing...

Rylen: Hitodetchi

Age: 1

Skill Points: 3 Tone, 1 Rythm, 3 Original

Weight: 10lbs

Generation: 1 :(

Points: 3000

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.
