Kajah995's Awesome log of Amazingness


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Me: Gold EVOLVED into a Hitodetchi! ay, STARFISH!!!

Gold: Clarification, I am not a dumb starfish who's friends with a sponge...

Me: :lol:

Gold: I'll evolve tomorrow, and... and... uh... Ms. Chill came!!

Me: Frill.

Gold: Gill?

Prime: FRILL!

Gold: Pill?

Me and Prime: YOU'RE A PILL!!!!!

Gold: Wah!


Gold: Hitodetchi

Age: 0

Training: 3

Skill Points: 8 Funny, 3 Gorgeous, 6 Spiritual

Weight: 47lbs

Generation: 2

Points: 0 (I HATE THE BURGLAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > :( )

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution/ Ms. Frill came

Future Occurences: Teenager evolution.

Prime: Kunotchi

Age: 3

Skill Points: 396 Tone, 393 Rythm, 387 Original

Weight: 27lbs

Generation: 6

Points: 18,000

Recent Occurences: Adult evolution.

Future Occurences: Matchmaker (3 days.)


WE GOT TO PAGE 2!!! uh... W00T!

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Well, lets kick this day off with a log!

Nothing special hapenned ye--


Me: Yes, but that was yesterd--

Gold: the burgular took 100 points away from my 0! HA-HA!

Me: *time-out*

Prime: THANK YOU!!!!!

Me: *time-out*




Kajah, Prime, and Gold.

Short post, I know, however, Gold's gonna evolve today, Stats:

Gold: Hitodetchi

Age: 0

Training: 3

Skill Points: 8 Funny, 3 Gorgeous, 6 Spiritual

Weight: 54lbs

Generation: 2

Points: 0 (I HATE THE BURGLAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > :( )

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution/ Ms. Frill came

Future Occurences: Teenager evolution.

Prime: Kunotchi

Age: 3 (somehow, still)

Skill Points: 436 Tone, 437 Rythm, 411 Original

Weight: 27lbs

Generation: 6

Points: 18,000

Recent Occurences: Adult evolution.

Future Occurences: Pro Debut.

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a quick visit to tamatown netted me 3000 points for Gold, and I got 2 movie posters.

Short post. No change in stats. HOMEWORK :(

No color on my 3DS...

so, Gold evolved into Crackertchi of the Meme family... will i be constantly getting Meme family characters... like, forever?

I'm hoping for a UraTogetchi, so I'm raising spiritual points with Mr.Canvas.

Me: Prime, Kick it off with your great news.

Prime: I. Got. A. Pro. Debut. YES!!!!!!

Gold: Good job Prime!

Prime: Thanks!

Gold: The king gave me a bouquet... whats it do though?

Me: I dont know..... here are the stats though!

Prime and Gold: Yay Stats!

Gold: Hitodetchi

Age: 0

Training: 6

Skill Points: 8 Funny, 9 Gorgeous, 6 Spiritual

Weight: 79lbs

Generation: 2

Points: 3400

Recent Occurences: Teenager evolution/ school

Future Occurences: Adult evolution.

Prime: Kunotchi

Age: 4

Skill Points: 544 Tone, 529 Rythm, 531 Original

Weight: 35lbs

Generation: 6

Points: 28,000

Recent Occurences: Pro Debut.

Future Occurences: Matchmaker.

WOW! mega fail!

Crackertchi is of the Mame Family, not Meme!!!!!

Me: Well, here we go!


Me: No need to rub it in!

Gold: I did evolve, however, into the adult Matsuritchi. I Should... well, upcoming occurences should be in the... kajah... KAJAH...

Me: Huh? uh, right... STATS:

Gold: Matsuritchi

Age: 2

Training: 8

Skill Points: 14 Funny, 9 Gorgeous, 20 Spiritual

Weight: 99lbs

Generation: 2

Points: 3900

Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurences: Job Letter.

Prime: Kunotchi

Age: 4

Skill Points: 632 Tone, 605 Rythm, 619 Original

Weight: 36lbs

Generation: 6

Points: 56,000

Recent Occurences: Pro Debut.

Future Occurences: Matchmaker.

Gold: There was a mistake last post, but since Prime never talke this post, I'll let her tell.

Me: That's very sweet of you, Gold.

Prime: Yeah, thanks! So, Kajah said Gold was a Hitodetchi. Not true. He was a Crackertchi. Also, Kajah, the bouquet...

Me: Yeah, I know... it does NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gold: Also, the king brought me a LOVE POTION!!!!!!!!

Prime: The king gave me a BUNCH of points!

Me: I love how days like this turn out.

Kajah, Gold, and Prime


Gold: I got a job at the bakery!

Me: Yep, and not to mention that Prime's 5... so......

Prime: I wonder who he"ll bring.... huh? oh, the matchmaker... uh-huh...

Me: She's... lost in thought...

Prime: *sigh*....

Gold: Matsuritchi

Age: 3

Training: 8

Skill Points: 14 Funny, 9 Gorgeous, 20 Spiritual

Weight: 99lbs

Generation: 2

Points: 3900

Recent Occurences: Job Letter.

Future Occurences: Matchmaker.


Prime: Kunotchi

Age: 5

Skill Points: 632 Tone, 605 Rythm, 619 Original

Weight: 36lbs

Generation: 6

Points: 56,000

Recent Occurences: Pro Debut.

Future Occurences: Matchmaker.

Me: Prime's 6, but i cant make the matchmaker appear for the life of me...

Prime: So... you want me to end you?


Gold: :lol: I'm now 5, so matchmaker tomorrow... I guess...

Prime: Yep! We'll have children at the same time!

Gold: Mine will turn out to be a beautiful/handsome child... depending on the gender.

Prime: Mine will look amazing :)

Gold: Not as amazing as mine!

Prime: Why you little!!!!!

Me: *double time out*

Now that that's over, here are the statistics.

Gold: Matsuritchi

Age: 5

Training: 8

Skill Points: 20 Funny, 9 Gorgeous, 20 Spiritual

Weight: 99lbs

Generation: 2

Points: 4330

Recent Occurences: Job Letter. (last thing that happened, even though it was a long time ago.)

Future Occurences: Matchmaker.


Prime: Kunotchi

Age: 6

Skill Points: 838 Tone, 785 Rythm, 856 Original

Weight: 38lbs

Generation: 6

Points: 755,800

Recent Occurences: Pro Debut. (A long time ago... but still, last AMAZING thing)

Future Occurences: Matchmaker.

Kajah, Gold, and Prime

I swear to god, my tama's glitching.

Gold is a boy, and the matchmaker came... but he offered a Mametchi!!!!!!!! WTH??? Mametchi --> :newmametchi:


Me: It would be funny :)

Gold: Then my new baby boy is a byproduct of.... *shudder*

???: wha, dady?

Gold: uh... n...nothing!!!

Prime: so, what are you naming your new boy?

Gold:... uh... I dont know right now.....


Kajah, Gold, and Prime

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Me: I named him Ace, after the movie "Ace in the Hole"

Ace: .........

Me: He's paused in the baby stage so he wouldnt evolve before now... i'll npause him... My main focus with this generation will be skill points... unpaused!

Ace: Hiya world! gagagagagogogogogogagagogogaga...

Prime: Ugh... the matchmaker wont come... ever... *sniffle* WAH!!!!

Me: *praises* it'll be okay...

Ace: Ita be okayayay.....

Me: *facepalm*

Ace: *poops*

Me: *double facepalm*

Ace: Baby boy

Age: 0

Training: 0

Skill Points: 2 Funny, 8 Gorgeous, 10 Spiritual

Weight: 11lbs

Generation: 3

Points: 7989

Recent Occurences: Birth.

Future Occurences: Toddler evolution.


Prime: Kunotchi

Age: 7

Skill Points: 938 Tone, 977 Rythm, 957 Original

Weight: 35lbs

Generation: 6

Points: 2,755,800

Recent Occurences: Pro Debut. (A long time ago... but still, last AMAZING thing)

Future Occurences: Matchmaker. (COME ON!!! :angry: :angry: )

So, Ace evolved into Tamatchi. Ms. Frill came! w00t

Ace: Toddler-time!!!


Ace: Tamatchi

Age: 0

Training: 2

Skill Points: 2 Funny, 8 Gorgeous, 10 Spiritual

Weight: 47lbs

Generation: 3

Points: 5389

Recent Occurences: Preschool Letter.

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.


Prime: Kunotchi

Age: 7

Skill Points: 938 Tone, 977 Rythm, 957 Original

Weight: 35lbs

Generation: 6

Points: 2,755,800

Recent Occurences: Pro Debut. (A long time ago... but still, last AMAZING thing)

Future Occurences: Matchmaker. (COME ON!!! :angry: :angry: )

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Unfortunately, I have had to pause Prime because my dad took her, so for now, she's put away... she wont be logged... for now...

Ace: I'm now a CRACKETCHI of the MAME family!

Me: His dad told him about my fail last time... :(

Ace: Crackertchi

Age: 1

Training: 2

Skill Points: 20 Funny, 12 Gorgeous, 10 Spiritual

Weight: 42lbs

Generation: 3

Points: 6389

Recent Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

Future Occurences: School letter.

Ace: So, what am I gonna be?

Me; I'm trying for UraMametchi, then Hyottokotchi... SECRET!!!

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Me: I played a whole lot of games, so my skill points went way up, weight is down, and Mr. Turtlepedia came. Any words sir?

Mr. Turtlepedia: Yes, yes, erm... your son cut yesterday's science class... but is doing extraordinary in all other classes...

Me: *time out*

Ace: Why sir??? Why???

Prime: Hey Turtley!!!

Me: Whoah, Prime!

Mr. Turtlepedia: You were paused, were you not?

Prime: I dont age, but i still talk!!!!!

Me: Yus!!! :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :kusatchi:

Ace: Crackertchi

Age: 1

Training: 2

Skill Points: 77 Funny, 13 Gorgeous, 30 Spiritual

Weight: 31lbs

Generation: 3

Points: 12489 (Genie in lamp FTW!!!)

Recent Occurences: School letter.

Future Occurences: Adult Evolution.

I'm trying to get that Secret character!!!

So, here are the stats, (i played lotsa games.)

Ace: Crackertchi

Age: 2

Training: 5

Skill Points: 143 Funny, 32 Gorgeous, 52 Spiritual

Weight: 33lbs

Generation: 3

Points: 5339

Recent Occurences: School letter.

Future Occurences: Adult Evolution.

I have some sad news. Ace, I'm sure, will die soon. My teacher took him away from me. One of my favorite tamagotchis. She even refused to give it back with no good reason. Prime is back, so I can still log her, but my v4.5 who I put a lot of effort into, is dying, probably right now. I will make A link to a tamagotchi Memorial --> "]https://www.tamatalk...._fromsearch__1] . He evolved into UraMametchi before the tragic incident...

Prime: Kunotchi

Age: 7

Skill Points: 938 Tone, 977 Rythm, 957 Original

Weight: 35lbs

Generation: 6

Points: 2,755,800

Recent Occurences: Pro Debut. (A long time ago... but still, last AMAZING thing)

Future Occurences: Matchmaker. (COME ON!!! :angry: :angry: )

Ace: Probably dead

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Prime: Young Whippersnappers!

Me: Yep, she's an otokotchi now! Bleh! Marrying age for oldies is... Prime?

Prime: ZzZ... huh, 23!

Me: no, 12...... Oh welkl, the domos are now transformed into rexitchi from Androtchi and ojitchi from Kuchipatchi. SUPERSTAR OLDIES!

Prime: Okotchi

Age: 8

Skill Points: 999 Tone, 999 Rythm, 999 Original

Weight: 56lbs

Generation: 6

Points: 8756600

Recent Occurences: Oldie Evolution.

Future Occurences: Matchmaker. (COME ON!!! :angry: :angry: )


It's a babygirl. I've decided her toy will be globe, and the instrument will be the trombone.

Prime: Hello daughter!


Dorotchi (husband): I'm so lucky to be married to a superstar!

Prime: Okotchi

Age: 8

Skill Points: 999 Tone, 999 Rythm, 999 Original

Weight: 56lbs

Generation: 6

Points: 8756600

Recent Occurences: Matchmaker. (FINALLY!)

Future Occurences: Departure.

(I keep forgetting this...)

Kajah, Prime, ??? (name revealed later), and Dorotchi.

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I awoke to a crying baby girl who I decided to name Treble. But first a shoutout to-


Me: Yep. so, anyway, Treble will evolve in school, unfortunately...

Treble: BOO! SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Treble: Petitchi (girl)

Age: Skill Points: 249 Tone, 249 Rythm, 249 Original

Weight: 5lbs

Generation: 7

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: Birth

Future Occurences: Toddler Evolution.


I apologize for the late update... but, Treble evolved into Tamatchi.

Treble: Ms. Frill came for me, and school is ACTUALLY fun!

Me: Yep. Teenager evolution will be tomorrow *prays for Chamametchi*

Treble: *Wants to be Chamametchi*.

Treble: Tamatchi

Age: 0

Skill Points: 249 Tone, 249 Rythm, 249 Original

Weight: 15lbs

Generation: 7

Points: 0

Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution and School letter

Future Occurences: Teenager Evolution.

No color on 3DS...

So, Treble evolved into Ichigoitchi. D: not chamametchi...

Stats and speech in next post... Also, I have had no band requests yet... maybe no band this generation? That would be cool!

See y'all next post!!
