jasen221's log!


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Well-known member
May 5, 2008
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Here is Pumpkin's stats:

Name is Pumpkin. My Nana came up with that name. He is a boy. He is 10 years old. He is a Ojitchi He has 999 on all skill point thingys. He is 8 gen. He is into Rock & Roll. He is in perfect health. He has a microphone and the Bandai cube. He is a street musician so far, can't pass the auditions. He still has 30661420 Gotchi Points. He is in a band with 2 Rexitchis. The band name is Sorley. Pumpkin sings, Dino plays Guitar, and Louis drums. Oh! I plan to make a bed for Pumpkin as soon as I get that box that my Father has. It is going to be fantabulus! I need to see the size of the box though.

Sorry for not posting in so long. Anyways, my precious Pumpkin is back on Tama Planet. Here is the link to his grave. If you see it, please come in and leave a flower bouquet. Pumpkin had a baby which grew into a Mimitchi. Here is her stats:

Name: Angie Kalida Wray. (Wray is pronounced "Ray".)

Hunger: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Stress: 00

Years old: 3

Weight: 99 lbs. I'll try to get it to 70 lbs & under.

Tone: 524

Rhythm: 785

Original: 519

Generation: 9th.

Money: 818270 Gotchi Points.

Hey Angie, let's go to the shop.

Sure Daddy!

*Goes to the shop*

All they have is food!

Now Angie, I'm sure the shop will have more than just scones, cheese cake, sausage, and oranges tomorrow.

*Comes home*

*Sighs* OK I want to play with my mirror.

Alright, I know you are upset after not passing the auditions today.

Are you writing down what we are saying?

Yes, it is for my journal.

Ooooohh! Hi people!!! I <3 you all!

Angie, the people ouytdgdgjodtuhfjoifxkop;jhotfijryfj

No, not in public! You're embarrassing me again!!

No messing with the keyboard.


Good. You are....

Somebody's at the door!

*Answers door*

An audition. Let's hope she passes.....

Oh no.....

The meanie judge wouldn't let me pass! I was so close!

It's OK, how about a ride in your UFO?


*Rides in UFO*

I didn't know jellyfish cou........

That was SOOO fun!!! Can I go again?

Maybe tomorrow.

*Yawns* I'm tired.

OK, Angie's tired. Bye everyone!


Aahhhh. I'll get some rest too.




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Hey everybody! Thanks for reading this, I'll probably update later. Here is Angie's stats:

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Angie

Character: :eek:

Stress: 00

Years old: 3

Weight: No! Don't put my weight on here!!!

(It's 99 lbs, I'll try to get it down.)

Tone: 536

Rythym: 845

Original: 537

Hip-hop! Whoo!!!

Her instrument is the Microphone and Her toy is the Book.

Money: 81,6350 Gotchi Points.

Oh I forgot to mention the username!

POP S (Wanted to put "Pop Star" but it stopped me.)

Angie's band name is literally ???????? and Angie plays the Mic, a Togetchi named John plays the guitar, and a Dorotchi named Louis plays the drums.

EEWW. Clean up that poo, please.

EEWW is right.

(There is coughing and gagging in Angie's apartment.)

EEWW. That was nasty.

Dad, you're embarassing me again!

You know, the UFO is fueled and ready to go!


*Rides UFO*

Wow, I didn't know Jupiter was THAT big!

Angie is speechlessly looking at Saturn.

Angie? Hello?

I gotta go. Bye everybody!!!!!!!

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Angie

Character: :eek:

Stress: 00

Years old: 4! Now we'll celebrate with snacks!

Weight: 93 lbs. (I got it down a little, didn't I?)

Tone: 576

Rythym: 935

Original: 674

Hip-hop is still Angie's favorite music.

Oh no, she didn't pass the auditions, get ready for a moody Mimitchi!


Ignore her.

*Eyes jasen221* Sorry people.

Now, how about a trip to the shop?

OK Daddy!

*Goes to shop*

Angie, I'm leaving you to browse here for a while.

Hum, hum, hum.

Angie? It's Time to go! Angie I got the food we needed.

Awww OK.

*Comes home*

I gotta go Bye!!!!

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Angie

Character: ;)

Stress: 00

Years old: 4

Weight: 25 (I really got it down, huh?)

Tone: 648

Rythym: 999

Original: 999

Hip-hop is still Angie's favorite music.

I just saved Angie from certain going on the floor practices.

She is practicing her instrument!

We gonna rock the world without someone named Myrtle.....

(Don't worry, they were just looking for rhymes.)

Oh, Angie is bathing. Sorry for the short post! Goodbye!

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Hey everybody! Angie will maybe be able to marry today!!! She still has not passed the pro debut yet, she will soon!

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Angie

Character: :mimitchi:

Stress: 00

Years old: 5 (Happy Birthday to Angie!)

Weight: 25 (Still here!)

Tone: 710

Rythym: 999

Original: 999

Angie changed genres! Rock & Roll!

Gotchi Points: 73,6910

You probably see I don't like Sing A Song. I don't know why I don't like it.

I play TONS of games to keep Angie's weight low. I just don't like a fat Tama.

I'm reading my Book.

How about a ride in the UF..........


*Rides UFO*

Ancient ruins! Cool!

Look at the painting!

{ 0 }


It looks like the music judges, but the left one with the X.

*Comes home*

Oh, look. Mail.

Nothing important.

Daddy, can I play that CD that we got at the store earlier?

Sure, go ahead.

*Plays CD*

Weird. I thought Asian CDs went different.

That is all for this post! See ya tomorrow!

Hey everybody! How's it going? Here is Angie's stats:

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Angie

Generation: 9th

Character: ;)

Stress: 00

Years old: 5 (She will turn 6 soon.)

Weight: 25 (Ok, I played alot of games before posting this.)

Tone: 752

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 73,1970

Still, Rock & Roll is the genre!!

Toy: Book

Instrument: Microphone

I need some people's opinion! Which toy should Angie use?



Bandai cube





Doll house

The 1st person to PM me which toy Angie should use chooses the toy!

???????? is a good band, not much more to say about them.

Let's ride in the UFO!

Let's go!

*Rides UFO*

The ancient story of how Tamagotchi came to be.....

Put it in your profile!

Great idea!

*To see how I believe Tamagotchis began, go to my interests in my profile.*

Angie SHOULD be able to marry today, We'll see!

Bye people!

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Angie

Generation: 9th

Character: :lol:

Stress: 00

Years old: 6! She can marry!

Weight: 25 lbs

Tone: 752

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 73,9670

Rock & Roll is STILL Angie's favorite genre.

Toy: Pirate Ship (Read on to find out why!!!!! :D :p :pochitchi: :nyatchi: :nyatchi:)

Instrument: Microphone

Exellent news! First, Angie got Pro Debut and won the Rock & Roll award! Now, for the best news!! Angie got married to a MAMETCHI! They are the perfect couple. They had a BABY BOY! It's wonderful! A new generation! I'm glad that Angie got Pro Debut because She set a very good example for Kirbii! (Pronounced Kirby, I like to spell names different.) I love new


I wanted a girl.

I was neutral.

Me too, Mametchi.

Can we go in the UFO? Please, please, please?

I don't see why not.

*Rides UFO*



Kirbii! Don't touch!

Why not?

They will sting you, don't touch.

Yes sir.

*Comes home*

Practice quietly, I'm writing in my blog.

........Then you just make the music sound right! Like, We're gonna rock the world without someone named Myrtle........

My Sister is named Myrtle.

Oh, sorry.

Let's play with some stuff!

*Plays with Celeberty Wear, Cap, Tooth Brush, Sunglasses, 2 Pencils, 2 Plants, Shovel, Wig, Bow, Make-Up, and 8 CDs.*

Whew! How fun was that?


Lots and lots!

Lots and lots and lots!

Good to see you are all having fun as a family.

That's all for this post! Please wish Angie, Mametchi, and their baby Kirbii a happy life!

EDIT: I messed up on some things.

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Hey everybody! Here are the stats:

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Angie

Generation: 9th

Character: :(

Stress: 00

Years old: 6

Weight: 25 lbs (OK, games were played.)

Tone: 812

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: The band manager gave Angie a hefty 1,000,000,0 Gotchi Points! She now has

1,072,347,0 Gotchi Points!

Rock & Roll is STILL Angie's favorite genre.

Toy: Pirate Ship (For Kirbii)

Instrument: Microphone

Angie, Mametchi, and Kirbii are doing good! You probably think Angie and Mametchi are leaving tonight. WRONG! I'm keeping them here so Angie will earn more money for Kirbii.

I mean, Angie and Mametchi are taking half of the money! That's only 5,361,735 Gotchi points for Kirbii! He needs at least 1,000,000,0 GP.

I'm gonna be rich!

Yeah, I wish GP could be converted to real money.

Hey, how about a ride in the UFO?

Sounds great!

OK, what better things do I have to do?


*Rides UFO*

More jellyfish.


Don't touch!

Don't touch!

Um, let's go home.

*Comes home*

Kirbii wanted to touch those jellyfish! :mellow:

Don't post that!

That's all for now! Happy logging!

Hi! Kirbii said Encyclopedia as His first word! Smart boy. :(

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Angie

Generation: 9th

Character: :mellow:

Stress: 00

Years old: 7, She grew a year!

Weight: 25 lbs

Tone: 865

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 1,070,052,0

The Wrays are taking a bath.


*In melody* La la 4x5=20x50=1000 divided by 3=33.333333.....

What's that? It's full of holes and feels soft....

It's a sponge. They wash you.

Oh. Dat makes sence.

Iv'e been forgetting to say things about the band!

Angie plays the Mic.

Togetchi named John plays Guitar.

Dorotchi named Louis plays Drums.

They have 2 trophies, one for Rock & Roll and one for Hip-hop.

They also have 485,978,845 fans.

Will I get a band?

Yes, if possible, I will try to marry You to a band member.

Kirbii will enjoy a few more days than usual with his parents.


Angie wanted a Girl.

Kirbii wants the Mega Drums.

Mametchi is not as smart as he is made out to be.

Angie wants a second child.

Mametchi never wanted kids.

Kirbii likes girls already.

Mametchi hates his big ears.

So does Angie.

Kirbii writes a journal.

So does Angie.

So does Mametchi.


Dear diary, I love my son Kirbii and my husband Mametchi. I want to stay with them forever, but I know I have to leave Kirbii all alone. jasen221 (Real name not said) will take good care of Kirbii, I hope he is Kuromametchi. Kirbii will not want us to leave, but we must. Every tama knows that.


Dear journal, I heard that my Mum and Dad are leaving me all alone with this crazie in a few days. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME WITH THIS CRAZIE!

Mametchi's Journal;

I don't know what to say.........

That's all and don't tell the tamas I looked in their Journals and Diary.

EDIT: I forgot to add the skill point and Gotchi Points meter.

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Hey, what's up? Oh, thanks everybody for over 80 views! Let's get right to Angie:

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Angie

Generation: 9th

Character: :rolleyes:

Stress: 00

Years old: 7, She will grow to 8 today.

Weight: 25 lbs

Tone: 872 (It's taking FOREVER to get tone to 999.)

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 10,698,020 (Guitartchi has not come yet.....)

Just caught them about to poop on the floor. Put them on the toilet before that happened, though.

Angie probably is not getting payed because I paused Her last night to keep them here.

Pausing made me get a headache.

Me too!

Me too, please don't pause us tonight.

On Friday I'll let you sleep.

Why are you pausing Us at night?

We'll talk about it some other time.

Can I go in the UFO?

Sure. Go right ahead.

*Rides UFO*

Wow, space is.........Beautiful.

Angie's Diary:

Dear diary, jasen221 is pausing us so we won't leave Kirby Kirbii until Friday. He wants to see us leave because I heard him say that Tamas should spend more time as family with their kids. I don't blame him.

Kirbii's journal:

What is going on with the pause? I no like being paused. It not fun. I get frozen like statue. WHY MUST I BE PAUSED WHY???????

Mametchi's journal:

I assesed it with science and found out that jasen221 does not want me and Angie to leave! I wish we could, I want to go back to Tama Town to act my job as a double agent (Double agent?) once again for my family. Kirbii wants us to stay, but we must leave. He will be so sad........But I know that jasen221 will take good care of Kirbii (I hope) and I'll be home in Tama Town.

Don't tell the Tamas that I looked in their Diary and Journals.

Hi people! I'm Kir....... Shh! Don't let jasen221 know it's us! Please, He'll find out anyway. Not if We are discreet in our efforts. OK, go ahead and tell them. Tell them what? Listen and you will find out. Hi Tamatalk people! You probably know who we are, but we are not giving names. Anyways, We are not supposed to say that jasen221 is desperately waiting for fan mail. If you want to say you like the blog PM jasen221 and we (jasen221's Tamas) will give it to him! Great, now you really blew our cover. Oh, and if you like the blog but don't want your user name written here, tell us and we won't write it here! Thanks, and..... JASEN221'S COMING! EVERYBODY, BACK IN THE HOUSE! POST ON THE FORUMS...... KIRBII! jasen221's Internet is taking a while to post....... *Kirbii is picked up by Angie and ran into their house*

Hey! Sorry for not updating yesterday. But, the real news is that Kirbii is on his own. His parents left earlier during the 1:30 Pokemon:DP Galactic Battles. I made them leave because I saw Kirbii was independent. Anyways, here are Kirbii's stats:

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Kuchitamatchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 0

Weight: 15 lbs

Tone: 255

Rhythm: 295

Original: 478

Gotchi Points: 5,212,720

Ms. Frill gave Him a horse. I brang Kirbii to Ms. Frill like 15 times.

He is expected to grow into Kikitchi.

Hey everybody. I jump-roped against a Hitodetchi a lot of times!He's not lying, that Hitodetchi was persistent!

Can I ride in the UFO?

OK, Let's go!

Um... I don't know how to pilot it yet......

it's OK. How about sliding on the slide?

Let's go!

*Slides down slide*

That was FUN!!!


Dear journal, my mother and father left me today. I was sad at first but jasen221 helped me get over it. Now, I'm in preschool and I beat Hitodetchi like 13 times. The other times I jumped rope with other Tamagotchis. But I kinda liked the Hitodetchi.

The link to Angie's grave should be available tomorrow. Bye!

Hey, this has to be quick. I'm going places, so I can't be on here for long.

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Kuchitamatchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 0

Weight: 18 lbs

Tone: 264

Rhythm: 331

Original: 622

Gotchi Points: 5,214,520

Kirbii has not evolved yet, he will soon.

Sorry about the short post! Gotta go!

NEWS! Kirbii evolved! I was watching the whole time. I got the best teenager on the Music Star!

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Kikitchi!

Stress: 00

Years old: 1

Weight: 20 lbs

Tone: 358

Rhythm: 495

Original: 930

Gotchi Points: 5,208,340


Kirbii is sleeping. I'm staying up all night tonight. (Hopefully)

Kirbii's band!

Kirbii, Microphone.

Chamametchi, Lydia, plays guitar.

Hinotamatchi, Paul, plays drums.

Sorley won the school game lots of times.

Kirbii's journal:

Dear journal, I met that Hitodetchi again! She was a HOT Chamametchi. I hope I marry Her. I also evolved into Kikitchi! Lucky me! jasen221 says that Kikitchi is the best teenager in the Music Star. I sure made him happy!

Hey, what's up? Kirbii wants to say his stats! Oh, here is the URL to Angie's grave. Please visit if you get time!

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Kikitchi!

Stress: 00

Years old: 1

Weight: 31 lbs

Tone: 400

Rhythm: 609

Original: 988

Gotchi Points: 5,206,340

He is expected to grow into Kuromametchi.

Gotta go! Um, no you don't. Shh!

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Hey, this is my last post today.

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Kikitchi, He'll evolve soon. :blink:

Stress: 00

Years old: 1

Weight: 20 lbs

Tone: 430

Rhythm: 630

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 5,196,200

Kuromametchi is on his way!

Hey, I want the mega drums.

You have to marry a V5 for the mega drums.


*Knock on door*

*Kirbii opens door*

*Lydia walks in*

Hey, what'cha doin'?

Lydia, what are you doing here?

Me and Paul want to go practice at school.

OK, I'm coming.

*Practices at school*

We played good!

That's no surprise. You are very good, especially with original.

I guess I am.

Kirbii just got mail from Lydia! It was a heart! :wub:


Dear journal, I think Lydia likes me. We were practicing and She said She really liked practicing with me. Then she went like this ;) at me. And She sent me a heart in the mail. I think that means She likes me. I want to marry Her someday. I want to be like this :wub: and She say She likes me like right out there.

Bye and Don't tell Kirbii that I looked in His journal. ;)

P.S. Kirbii has not evolved yet. <_<

Just a quick update, Kirbii evolved into Kuromametchi! Sorley also got OOO on THEIR FIRST AUDITION! That is amazing! I'm keeping Kirbii until He grows into (An almost absolutley confirmed) Rexitchi.

Kirbii is awake now, here are his stats.

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Kuromametchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 2

Weight: 38 lbs

Tone: 579

Rhythm: 846

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 5,705,900

I'm not sure about the Rexitchi, the growth chart I'm using says that even generations grow into Rexitchi but Pumpkin was 8th generation and grew into Ojitchi. It might have something to do with care. The chart says it's all about the generation.

Do I have to talk?

Yes, I know you are a loner, but you gotta talk to people.

Hey, I'm Kirbii.

Tell them a little bit about yourself.

OK. *Eyes jasen221* I'm a 2 year old Kuromametchi with the spot costume. I have an offical band with the name Sorley. I sing, Lydia, (Who is a Maidtchi and who Kirbii loves. Hey!) plays the guitar, and Paul who is an Androtchi plays the drums

Good, now the people know a bit more about you.

I made 500,000 Gotchi Points today.

Tell them about your parents.

Now wait, I talked more then I ever wanted to, so I'm out of here.

Excuse me?

I said I'm outta here.

Would You go if I said you can pilot the UFO now?

Alright, I'll go.

*Rides UFO*

Me and your Mom used to go to these ruins all the time.

*Groans* Don't start on stories!

OK if that's how you feel.

*Comes home*

Bye, I'm practicing my Microphone.

Kirbii is very shy, sorry everybody!

Kirbii's journal:

Dear journal, I found out today that the Spot costume feels wierd. I also am fed up with jasen221 trying to get me to open up. I feel violated when He tries to get me to open up. When is he going to realize that I don't want, nor ever will open up to Him. He is forcing it upon me! I wish I could get some private time besides my journal time. I also think He is publishing my journal into His blog. That is an invasion of privacy!

That's all for now! Enjoy your Kuromametchis!

Hey, I got a bunch of stuff from Music City! Now about Kirbii.......

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: ........

Stress: 00

Years old: 3

Weight: 30 lbs

Tone: 647

Rhythm: 979

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 5,683,700

Kirbii evolved, but not into an oldie. He evolved into:

[SIZE=21pt]I'm a Dreamitchi![/SIZE]

Yes you are, my little rock star.

He was so happy when He got that destiny star.

Yup, I was.

He got it with-

SSHH! The people know how I got it, OK?

OK..... Chea-

SSSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!! They know, OK!?!?!?


I'm not a loner anymore, I'm very open since my reputation cannot be broken because of my character.

Yup, that's daddy's little-

I am a mature adult.

Mature people don't interrupt.

*Eyes jasen221* OK.

They don't eye people, either.

I'm putting in backbreaking toil with my job.

(He is kind of prideful because he is Dreamtchi.)


Dear journal, I am Dreamtchi and I like it. I am the most rare Tamagotchi with Dazzletchi. I still hope I marry Lydia, She is HOT. She lookes at me like "I like you alot." I look at her like "Hello, gorgeous." She gives this feeling off that soothes me.

That's all! P.S. Don't tell Him I sneaked a peek at his journal while He was in the shower.
