jasen221's log!


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Hey, Kirbii likes being a Dreamtchi. He also.... I'll tell you later.

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Dreamtchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 3

Weight: 31 lbs

Tone: 737

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: The band manager gave Kirbii 10,000,000 Gotchi Points! He now has 13,667,300 Gotchi Points!

Rock & Roll is Kirbii's favorite genre.

Toy: Bandai Cube

Instrument: Dream Microphone (That is what I wanted to tell you later.)

I feel like a cat in this costume.

It's the Mocha costume, It's supposed to feel that way.

Kirbii is living his dream! ('Cause he's Dreamtchi, get it?)

I have the mega drums!

This website is how I got the mega drums. (*Open the item list in new tab/window)

I want to ride in the UFO.

Geez, OK.

*Rides UFO*

Talking jellyfish.

Gray is an uncharted person for now.

Hello! Welcome to our beautiful land!

*Comes home*

Now about Kirbii's band:

Kirbii (Dreamtchi) sings the dream mic.

Lydia (Maidtchi) plays the wild guitar.

Paul (Androtchi) plays the mega drums.

Oh, look! Kirbii is practicing the Dream mic!


Dear journal, I love my life. I have everything I ever wanted, exept Lydia. The mega drums, my Mom's support, jasen221's support, Being a rare charactor, all my dreams have come true. (Exept marrying Lydia.)

He likes Lydia! Bye! :)

Hey, Kirbii loves his new life!

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Dreamtchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 4 (I don't think He can marry yet. :D )

Weight: 30 lbs

Tone: 809

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: The band manager gave Kirbii 10,000,000 Gotchi Points again. He has 23,667,100 Gotchi Points.

Hip-hop is Kirbii's favorite genre.

Toy: Bandai Cube

Instrument: Dream Microphone

Can I marry today?

No, you will be able to tomorrow.

Lydia's gonna knock on my door and marry me!


*Knock on door*

Come on in.

Hey, Kirbii. Me and Paul thought we would come over.

Well, I, um, OK!

Hey, is this your caretaker?

Yeah, jasen221 takes real good care of me.

Yes, I do. He was KuroMametchi, but I got the destiny star.

So, let's relax. Can I sit on the couch?

Ok, I'll make some juice.

(Kirbii making juice?)

Hi, Lydia. Kirbii talks about you alot.

He does?

Here is the juice!

Mmmm. This is good. What's your recipe?

I use top-quality lemons mixed with orange juice.

It's pretty good.

Yes, I like it.

Since we are all here, how about practicing?

I didn't bring my guitar.

I didn't bring my drums.

Kirbii has extra instruments.

*Practices music*

I loved your preformance in New York yesterday.

We try our best!

How about showing me around your house?

Sure, I'd love to.

.....And the storage room is right there.

I like your house.

Time to go!

Bye Kirbii. Me and Paul are getting our instruments fixed.

They broke?

No, we are just tuning them up.

OK. Bye Lydia!

*Lydia and Paul leave*

*Knock on door*

I'll get it!

Mail for Kirbii?


It's poop!

Eew, let's clean that up!

*Cleans up poop*

I'm hungry. I'm gonna eat.

OK. How about some juice?

I'd love some.

*Both Kirbii and jasen221 are gone for a short time*

Juice is ready!

Just a minute, my food's not ready.

*Kirbii waits for jasen221*

I'm waiting!

It's almost ready, Kirbii!

Here I am!

*Eats food and juice*


Dear journal, Lydia came over to see my house. I think she was making sure her stuff would fit! She wants to marry me! I hope she moves in tomorrow!

Thanks for reading this! P.S. Don't tell Kirbii I looked at his journal.

Hey, I go to bed in a few minutes, so here are Kirbii's stats.

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Dreamtchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 5

Weight: 39 lbs

Tone: 917

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 23,660,440

Hip-hop is Kirbii's favorite genre. He won the hip-hop award at his 5:00 concert I think.

Toy: Bandai Cube

Instrument: Dream Microphone


Kirbii is tired. He's had a rough day.


Dear journal, I had a rough day. At least I'm marrying Lydia tomorrow. I'll be 6. *Yawn* Good night journal.

His journal entries are getting shorter. Bye!

Hi, how's it going? Hey, you got fan mail!

The only thing to do is to publish it here!

your tama blog is AWESOME!I read it all in 5 minuets.(thats a good thing)


Hi,Lydia!(kirbii likes you!)

Hi...Im so sorry! ive forgotten your name!

bye now,

Pink Hippopotumas. :D
Thank you Pink Hippopotumas!

Now, about Kirbii.....

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Dreamtchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 5

Weight: 38 lbs

Tone: 996

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 33,627,440

R&B is Kirbii's favorite genre.

Toy: Bandai Cube

Instrument: Dream Microphone

Can't talk, gotta make room for Lydia's stuff!

He is sure he is marrying Lydia. :D


Dear journal, I am going to move stuff so Lydia's stuff can fit. I'll also need to buy extra food, snacks, and items! I need to prepare for a baby too! I'll see which toy I am letting my son/daughter use. Oh, I am marrying Lydia today, hopefully! I'll be 6 later today. Let's hope I don't mess this up! B)

Kirbii never wanted kids! I think he is going a little overboard with this whole Lydia thing. I do hope he marries her so he'll stop talking about her all the time.


Bye! Don't tell Kirbii I looked in his journal. :eek:

Hey, I activated one of my V5s. Now, Kirbii first:

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 The hidden ones: <3 <3

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Dreamtchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 5

Weight: 45 lbs

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 33,628,520

R&B is Kirbii's favorite genre.

Toy: Bandai Cube

Instrument: Dream Microphone

I made friends with the Wray family today!

Yes he did, they are on full friendship levels

I needed social interaction.

He was very nice to the Wrays.


Sorry, there is so much about the Wrays I'm cutting this bit out for now.

Now, about the Wrays:

Family name: Wray

Bonds: 10% (How in the world did it get up there?)

Generation: 1st

The siblings:

Jessie the Belltchi,

Matt the Mattaritchi, :kusatchi:

and Jill the Sakuramotchi.

Gotchi points: 550

Parents: None

I'm the oldest!

Can I have a different color?

Stop complaining. I'm squeezed between two sisters.

(I'll have coffee, then I'll start parenting.) ;)

Jill, I could not find a different color. I'm sorry.

Meanwhile I got pink.

*Eyes Jessie* I'm gonna........

I'm off to Tamagotchi Codes for some items! Bye from...





And Jill!

Hey, I paused Kirbii and activated my V5.5. Here are the stats:

V5 familitchi

Family name: Wray

Bonds: 90% (IR Connection)

Generation: 1st

The siblings:

Jessie the Belltchi,

Matt the Mattaritchi,

and Jill the Sakuramotchi.

Gotchi points: 550

Parents: N/A

V5 celeberty

Family name: Meme

Bonds: 40% (IR connection)

Generation: 11th (I downloaded it)

The siblings:

James the Hoshitchi.

Gotchi Points: 1,630




I like purple! It's much better than brown.

Hi, I'm James.

It's Jessie....

And James....

Jessie+James: We're Team Rocket! And we're in your face!

LOLOLOLOLOL!!! (I watch Pokemon DP: Galactic Battles.)

What about Meowth? Whose Meowth?

Nobody is.

Hey, can I just say the fact of the day?

Sure, let's tell the people a fun fact!

The bee should not fly, yet it still does.

I told him that.

He's SO smart........

Are you OK Jessie?

I'm enchanted.......

OK, then. jasen221, tell them.

Alright, I have some fan mail to publish!

Im sorry i think ive already PMed you but i just LOVEyour log.

Thank you Ripped Jeans! Now, let's take a look at the word of the day!

The word of the day is "Jessie".

*Jessie is dreamily staring at James*

Jessie, I think you should stop following me everywhere I go.

That's all! I'm moving this week so I'm putting them on pause while that's going on. Be prepared for non-updated days.

P.S. I'll be getting better Internet so I'll probably update more often and with more stuff for you to read. Bye!

Hey, no fan mail today. I am so exited to see what the triplets evolve into!

V5 Familitchi

Family name: Wray

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 1st

The siblings:

Jessie the Belltchi,

Matt the Mattaritchi,

and Jill the Sakuramotchi.

Gotchi points: 360

Parents: N/A

V5.5 Celeberty

Family name: Meme

Bonds: 60%

Generation: 11th

The siblings:

James the Hoshitchi.

Gotchi Points: 670




The fun fact, James?

2 negitives make a positive but 2 wrongs don't make a right.

You do algebra?

You told me that. You overheard that off of your brother's lesson.

Yeah, I did. Now, what do you think of Jessie?

She kinda freaks me out.

Do you like her?

Yeah, I like her.

I mean like like.

Yeah, do you like me?

I, um, I, just, well, you know......

I see. You only like me as a friend.

I don't want to talk about girls.

Ok, if that's how you feel.

James is a little overwhelmed by Jessie.....

Oh! I have to tell the readers something!

I wanna tell!

No, me!

No, me!

No, ME!

I'M telling them.

All: OK.

We are going to tell them about the growth plan.

First, I want Mametchi. I have gotten every type of family exept the Mame family. I am also aware that James will grow into Jeweltchi. Jessie or Jill will marry him. Then, with 100% bonding, Mametchi will marry a Chantotchi. I'll have a pure Mame family. Then, I will have had every type of family on the V5 Familitchi.

And that's the growth plan.

I wanna marry James......

We all know that.

Oh, and the kids are not teens yet because they were on the travel show. I needed a break from Tamas.

Bye! Have fun with your Familitchis! :mellow: :p :huh: :( :eek:

Hey, I'm busy today so I'll only post once.

V5 Familitchi

Family name: Wray

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 1st

The siblings:

Jessie the Belltchi,

Matt the Mattaritchi,

and Jill the Sakuramotchi.

Gotchi points: 580

Parents: N/A

V5.5 Celebrity

Family name: Meme

Bonds: ???

Generation: 11th

The siblings:

James the Hoshitchi.

Gotchi Points: ????




James was invited on a trip around Tama planet for his celebrity job. He's going to be back on Wedensday.

James! He's GONE!!

Sorry, She's very angry at me-

Because I wanted James to stay here. YOU *Points at jasen221* WANTED TO GET RID OF HIM!

Not true, after this trip He'll be huge!

What kind of huge? Has James been working out?

No, he'll be huge celebrity wise.

Bye, and all of my posts will now be in blue.

Hey, I didn't update yesterday. Sorry!

V5 Familitchi

Family name: Wray

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 1st

The siblings:

Jessie the Chantotchi,

Matt the Mamekatchi,

and Jill the Ichigotchi.

Gotchi points: 2,150

Parents: N/A

The triplets are due to evolve to adults today!

V5.5 Celebrity

Family name: Meme

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 11th

The siblings:

James the Mikazukitchi.

Gotchi Points: 1,450




James is back early from his trip, he broke his arm.

If you want to sign my cast do it via PM.

James, what is the fun fac-

Of the day?

:eek: < has three names. Furawatchi, Flowertchi, and Violetchi.

Eew! James, let's not soil the floor.

PLEASE don't put that on your blog!

He will, believe me.

Please sign James' cast.


Oh, Romeo, why can't we be together?

We can't because we were meant to be apart.

What does that mean?

It means this is...... Goodbye.


Family trivia:

James secretly loves Jessie.

Jessie likes Kirbii even more then James.

Jill likes James more than Jessie.

Matt hates ice cream.

That's all for today! Don't tell the Tamas I know their secrets! :D

Hey, I'm running Kirbii now. His stats will be first.

Kirbii's color is orange.

James' color is red.

Fan mail is here, let's see it.

can you please talk about kirbii too?i just love hearing him i wonder who he marries....please can you log both tamas???

btw love your log
Thanks kuromimitchi12! BTW Kirbii is asleep, we won't be hearing from him.

V6 Music Star

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Dreamtchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 6, I think He can marry.

Weight: 55 lbs, I'll get it down tomorrow.

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 43,546,620

Asian Music is Kirbii's favorite genre.

Toy: Bandai Cube

Instrument: Dream Microphone

V5 Familitchi

Family name: Wray

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 1st

The siblings:

Jessie the Chantotchi,

Matt the Mametchi,

and Jill the Hotteatchi.

Gotchi points: 1,810

Parents: N/A

V5.5 Celebrity

Family name: Meme

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 11th

The siblings:

James the Jeweltchi.

Gotchi Points: 770





Dear journal, Lydia is liking me. She went :) at me. I can take a hint. But I also like Jessie and Jill. Which one? I have no clue.

That's all. I'm tired. I moved everything from my old house to the new one today and I'm unpacked. Don't expect an update tomorrow. :)

EDIT: Color error.

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Hey, this is my only update today.

*Yawns* I'm tired.

Hey, you're not the only ones.

V6 Music Star

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Dreamtchi

Stress: 14

Years old: 6, I think He can marry.

Weight: 55 lbs, I'll get it down tomorrow.

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 53,534,620

Asian Music is Kirbii's favorite genre.

Toy: Bandai Cube

Instrument: Dream Microphone

V5 Familitchi

Family name: Wray

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 1st

The siblings:

Jessie the Chantotchi,

Matt the Mametchi,

and Jill the Hotteatchi.

Gotchi points: 2,020

Parents: N/A

Woah! They evolved to Metaboritchi! I fixed that with the mirror.

V5.5 Celebrity

Family name: Meme

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 11th

The siblings:

James the Jeweltchi.

Gotchi Points: 770




Pudding alert! I fixed James though.

My parents are fat.

Hey, my parents left me when I was a Petitchi.

We don't even have parents.

*Sigh* Please stop.

I will. About them, I'm not sure.

Bye! Have fun with your Tamas!

Hey, I'm replying again. BTW I deactivated James and activated 2 V4.5s. This decision is final.

V4.5 light blue with flowers

Name: Abby

Gender: Girl

Lbs: 98

Years: 0

Generation: 1st

Points: 0

Training: 3

User name: JASEN

Skill points:

Top: 18

Middle: 6

Bottom: 10

Limited edition earth model V4.5

Name: Jimmy

Gender: Boy

Lbs: 99

Years: 0

Generation: 1st

Points: 300

Training: 2

User name: JASEN

Skill points:

Top: 12

Middle: 12

Bottom: 4

V6 Music Star

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Dreamtchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 6

Weight: 60

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 53,530,770

Asian Music is Kirbii's favorite genre.

Toy: Bandai Cube

Instrument: Dream Microphone

V5 Familitchi

Family name: Wray

Bonds: 100%

Generation: 1st

The siblings:

Jessie the Chantotchi,

Matt the Mametchi,

and Jill the Hotteatchi.

Gotchi points: 2,080

Parents: N/A


Dear journal, I might be able to marry tommorrow. jasen221 wants me to marry Jessie, but I don't. He'll force me to. I have time, I can steal my toy and get far away, I'll catch a car coming down his street. Then I'll get to the airport. I'll fly to Japan and start a new life as an oldie. I'll get someone who will marry me to somebody I want to marry...



They sleep early.....

I want to marry Kirbii now!

Oh, no.....

I can't marry yet, and neither can you.

At about 11:30 AM tommorrow I will.

*Groans* Not now!

Fun facts!

Let's hear the fun fact of the day.

Music is very soothing at times and also very angering at times. It depends.

Bye! V4.5 rocks!!!

P.S. Expect update tommorrow.

Hey, it's going well. let's see stats, hm?

V4.5 light blue with flowers

Name: Abby

Gender: Girl

Lbs: 99

Years: 1

Generation: 1st

Points: 0

Training: 7

User name: JASEN

Skill points:

Top: 18

Middle: 8

Bottom: 10

Limited edition earth model V4.5

Name: Jimmy

Gender: Boy

Lbs: 66

Years: 1

Generation: 1st

Points: 2,780

Training: 4

User name: JASEN

Skill points:

Top: 22

Middle: 30

Bottom: 16

V6 Music Star

Kirbii married Jill! Kim will be all alone tomorrow.

Her color will change to purple tomorrow.

Name: Kirbii

Generation: 10th

Character: Dreamtchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 8

Weight: 69

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Gotchi Points: 73,496,650

Jazz is Kirbii's favorite genre.

Toy: UFO

Instrument: Dream Microphone

V5 Familitchi

I have had every type of family on the V5!

Family name: Wray

Bonds: 0%

Family: Mame

Generation: 2nd

The siblings:


and Chamametchi

Gotchi points: 2,350





Dear journal, I am leaving Kim tomorrow. jasen221 will take good care of Her. I hope she becomes a Mimitchi and then Dazzletchi. I am very sad to leave Kim but I must.


Dear diary, I am so sad to leave but I have no choice. I must.... move on.


I want to grow!

Bye, have fun!

EDIT: Color error.

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I am blogging in my blogagotchi now. I am closing this and if you want updates, go to my Blogagotchi. P.S. I will still import fan mail from Tamatalk.

Sorry I could never leave you guys! Well, I can't post now, my brother wants to play Bye!

Hey, I have not posted for a while here. Well, Tim is the offspring of Kim. I won't use colors because there are not enough colors to supply 12 tamas at the most.

Red jewel Familitchi

Family name: Stain

Bonds: 30%

Gotchi points: 1040

Family type: Blended

Generation: 1st

The siblings:

Obadiah the Ahirukitchi1 (Obadiah Stain! Iron Monger! RUN!!!!!)



V5 Celebrity

Family name: Water

Bonds: 30%

Gotchi points: 160

Family type: Blended

Generation: 1st

The siblings:




V5 Familitchi Sing A Song theme

Family name: Wray

Bonds: 40%

Gotchi points: 90

Family type: Cheerful

Generation: 4th

The siblings:



V6 Music Star

Name: Tim

Generation: 12th

Character: Kikitchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 1

Weight: 86 lbs

Tone: 460

Rhythm: 557

Original: 434

Tim's band:

Tim plays the Dream Mic.

Chamamtchi named Penny plays wild guitar.

Hinotamatchi named Ryo plays the mega drums.

Gotchi Points: 38,356,580

Hip-hop is Kirbii's favorite genre.

Toy: Bandai Cube

Instrument: Dream Microphone


Dear journal, I was very shocked today when jasen221 took the batteries out of Jimmy and Jax. I was VERY shaken when I saw the tamas hatch. It shook me to my very core. I am a new Kikitchi.

Tim: I am so happy!

jasen221: He's been like this ever since the egg hatching.

jasen221: Tim, the fun fact?

Tim: "Cou de crayon" means " Pencil neck in French.

Tim: It's pronounced "Coo dey cra-yon".

That's all! Have lots of fun and hope for an update tommorow! :ichigotchi:

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I really need to update more often. Skipper is my current Music Star. Meme family is my red jewel familitchi.

You have 2 fan letters.

Really? Let me see.

I dunno if i already PMed you but your log rocks (mai socks)!i really like it!

so keep it up :]

~Cleosaurus > <_<
Hey i like your log :unsure: its awsome :3im thinking of making a log >.>

but i always forget it :ph34r:

From silver92 :3 ( Aka: A lover of ur log :wacko: )
Thanks everybody!

Red jewel Familitchi

Family name: Stain

Bonds: 10%

Gotchi points: 300

Family type: Meme

Generation: 2nd

The siblings:



V6 Music Star

Name: Skipper

Generation: 1st

Character: Kuchitamatchi

Stress: 00 (It's always 00 when I post.)

Years old: 0

Weight: 17 lbs

Tone: 32

Rhythm: 64

Original: 16

Skipper's band:


Gotchi Points: 0

R&B is Skipper's favorite genre.

Toy: Helicopter

Instrument: Guitar


Dear journal, I am a Kuchitamatchi. I love my life and today's Friday! I love Fridays. Exept jasen221 wants me to watch the Lizzy Mc. Quire Movie with him. I'm not sure, but I was born yesterday. What do I know?

Hi people of Tama Talk!

Hey, Skipper wants to watch the Lizzy Mc. Quire movie with me!

Me too!

Me three!

Yup! It's going to be exiting!

It's a chick-flick I think!

jasen, aren't chick-flicks for girls?

Um, we'll talk about that another time.

Memetchi, I want to make roll cakes with you.

Let's start!

*Memetchi & Imotchi make roll cakes*

Thanks for reading! Have a good Tama day!!!

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Hey, I got fan mail!

i really like your log. keep it up!!!! :p

Red jewel Familitchi

Family name: Stain

Bonds: 70%

Gotchi points: 440

Family type: Meme

Generation: 2nd

The siblings:



V5 Celebrity

Family name: Water

Bonds: 80%

Gotchi points: 400

Family type: Artistic

Generation: 2nd

The siblings:



V5 Familitchi Sing A Song theme

Family name: Wray

Bonds: 70%

Gotchi points: 0

Family type: Blended

Generation: 1st

The siblings:




V6 Music Star

Name: Skipper

Generation: 1st

Character: Kikitchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 1

Weight: 39 lbs

Tone: 143

Rhythm: 170

Original: 135

Skipper's band:

Skipper plays the Dream Mic.

Chamamtchi named Veronica plays guitar.

Hinotamatchi named David plays the boom box.

Gotchi Points: 130

R&B is Skipper's favorite genre.

Toy: Bandai Cube

Instrument: Dream Microphone


Dear Journal, I am having fun right now. I am in Arkansas for the day. I hope we go back tomorrow.

Bye! Have fun!

P.S. Memetchi can marry!

Hey, everybody! I got fan mail!!


Keep up the good work jasen! You've got a great log! :D

This is memetchi's blog. Read it, it's good!

Skipper evolved! And Memetchi got married to a Mumutchi. :lol:

Red jewel Familitchi

Family name: Stain

Bonds: 0%

Gotchi points: 440

Family type: Blended

Generation: 3rd

The siblings:

Belltchi 2



V5 Celebrity

Family name: Water

Bonds: 90%

Gotchi points: 400

Family type: Blended

Generation: 2nd

The siblings:


Mamekatchi (The future King of Tama World) <It's bold for attention.

V5 Familitchi Sing A Song theme

Family name: Wray

Bonds: 80%

Gotchi points: 0

Family type: Blended

Generation: 1st

The siblings:




V6 Music Star

Name: Skipper

Generation: 1st

Character: Shimashimatchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 2

Weight: 39 lbs

Tone: 188

Rhythm: 267

Original: 486 (I like sound block)

Skipper's band:

Skipper plays the Dream Mic.

Chamamtchi named Veronica plays guitar.

Hinotamatchi named David plays the boom box. (Soon to be drums.)

Gotchi Points: 10

R&B is Skipper's favorite genre.

Toy: Laptop

Instrument: Dream Microphone


Dear journal, I am very happy. jasen is taking me to Music City after he is done updating his blog! Word is, He's inviting people via Tama Chat.

That's all I can do today. I'll se all of you later, and I'll try to make conversation between them next time.

More fan mail!

Yay! Memetchi married Mumutchi! :D Keep up the good work! :D
OK, I'll tell everybody.....


Skipper's a Dreamtchi!!!

Skipper: I love being Dreamtchi!

Red jewel Familitchi

Family name: Stain

Bonds: 30%

Gotchi points: 240

Family type: Blended

Generation: 3rd

The siblings:







V5 Celebrity

Family name: Water

Bonds: 100%

Gotchi points: 400

Family type: Blended

Generation: 2nd

The siblings:


Tamastatchi (The future King of Tama World) <It's bold for attention.




V5 Familitchi Sing A Song theme

Family name: Wray

Bonds: 90%

Gotchi points: 0

Family type: Blended

Generation: 1st

The siblings:




V6 Music Star

Name: Skipper

Generation: 1st

Character: Dreamtchi

Stress: 00

Years old: 4

Weight: 57 lbs

Tone: 488

Rhythm: 856

Original: 902

Skipper's band:

Skipper plays the Dream Mic.

Chamamtchi named Veronica plays guitar.

Hinotamatchi named David plays the drums.

Gotchi Points: 10,469,550

R&B is Skipper's favorite genre.

Toy: Laptop

Instrument: Dream Microphone


Dear Journal, I am Dreamtchi. I hope I can spell in the conversation that jasen is listening in on. (How does he know that?) But, I want to marry Memetchi. She is H-O-T. I hope she marries me. But what about Makiko? She will be UBER cute. I like Makiko more than Memetchi. jasen221 taught me that.

Skipper: Hey, I am the best tama evur!!!

Sukatchi: you cant spell

Skipper: You don't use corect gramer.

jasen221: OK, now let's let Chantotchi state the fact of the day!

Chantotchi: Skipper & Sukatchi are Both idiots!

Skipper & Sukatchi: Wee are gunna hurt yoo.

jasen221: You NEVER hit girls. Understand!?!?

Skipper & Sukatchi: Yes sir.

jasen221: Good. Because if you ever hit Chantotchi, be prepared for NO MUSIC CITY/TAMA & EARTH EXPO!!!

Skipper & Sukatchi: *gasps* You wouldn't!

jasen221: Try me.

Skipper: Rather not.

Sukatchi: Me either.

*sighs relief* Now Skipper is taking his bath.

Skipper: Don't look!!!!!

jasen221: Just checking on you. You still have trouble using the faucets.

Skipper: Don't tell them that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Memetchi marries Mumutchi at 100% bonds.

Tamastatchi marries Princess Tamako.

Skipper does not marry until after the Gotchi King family. (I am keeping that for quite a while.)

Ichigotchi, who is expected to evolve to Wattatchi, becomes Makiko and marries a Sukatchi.

That's all! Have fun everybody!
