Japanese on iD L doesn't match with Google Translate?!


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Dec 13, 2009
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Title says it all - I've read the word Henshin Jo on my iD L, I type it in English into Google Translate to translate to Japanese, and it comes out with something TOTALLY different to my iD L! Why is this? Neither ny Tama or Google Translate seem likely to be wrong, but one must be...

~ Dazzmina ~

You have to know what the meaning of Heshin Jo is in Japanese, or else it would translate random sentences.

EDIT: I think you got this: Heshinジョー

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google translate is wrong sometimes. also, since some words on the iD L might not be used in regular japanese, google translate might not get it.

What we translate is phonetic (Spelling??), meaning the sounds of the Japanese word; However, this isn't the real meaning.

Also, have you ever tried translating a Japanese site into English? Exactly, the grammar is bad and you really have to think about what they're trying to say. It's the same with Japanese.

i think you should just start with recognizing characters from japanese, since there are 3 (4 if you count romaji) dialects: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. kanji isn't used in the iD L (it's so complicated.....-__-' think chinese characters) with "henshin jo", the phonetic sound of the characters is "hay n shi n jyo". (that's just the phonetic sound of all the characters separately) it's way easier to start recognizing characters than trying to interpret what it's saying, so if i were you, i'd start by looking up a hiragana chart and saying all the characters out loud. ;) good luck!

i wouldnt trust google translate as far as i could throw- wait...

it's not very reliable for me

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