Is this FAIR?! O.O !?!?!?


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Usually guys take their shirts off to show off (like people have been saying) their bodies, although I have seen some guys with no muscles walking around.

A lot of women leave their shirts on because they're embarrassed about their bodies or breasts (Some think they're too big, some think they're too small). A lot of guys also get "turned on" from a woman without a shirt, even if she's wearing a bra. It's mostly the woman's choice to leave her shirt on, not a matter of fairness. There are nude beaches for people who are comfortable taking their shirts off in public. If it's hot and you want to take your shirt off, go right ahead.

I guess it may be "unfair" because they are for feeding babies and men don't have that, just like women don't have something that guys have *ahem*.


LOL when I am bored I walk around the house with my bra on lol!!

I don't really care if my family members think it is right or wrong as i say "FREEDOM ALAS!"

Don't call me weird I just like to express myself!

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I just thought about this...(Well not really, but it's been on my mind for a while.)How come its alright for guys to walk around with no shirts on?!

But its not ok for women! D:

Sometimes it can even be disturbing to even look at some guys body... @.@ (No offense)

I personally think it's not very fair at all, epically when its a hot day.

And it's not like breasts are even a sexual organ or anything! -.-

Besides we would be having our bras on anyway, so it'd be alright. o_O


Does anyone agree or disagree with me? =O
I agree with you fully! ;)

Why can't we take our shirts off? :p

But, we'd still keep are bra's on.

I mean really we sweat and get just as hot as men!

hmm..guess Toronto is far less conservative..but thats already been proved many times before :p Topless is the way to be.
Well, I think she ment like sports bra thats ok, And by bra I meant sports bra to.

I do agree with you! O course we'd wear bras but still some guys might like it.That is one of the many reasons I think boys have it better than girls.(sorry if I'm bumping this) I think it is kinda unfair cuz even fat guys who look like they got ****s walk around with no shirts.They even do it on cartoons! Take the simpsons,all of the men on there are fat!(even Otto and Ned)

If we want I think it should be ok. But honestly in order to see me with out a top on you would have to bust into my bathroom while im in the shower. Girls have more parts of themselves they feel they need to hide than boys do. I would be seen in a short top or bra/bikini top if it was getting too hot but never top naked.

Yea I guess girls have moe to hide. It must be the feminin(again can't spell) this with us. But yea it is unfair cuz judging by the reveiws in TV Guide magaine a lot of R rated stuff has topless girls.

I just thought about this...(Well not really, but it's been on my mind for a while.)How come its alright for guys to walk around with no shirts on?!

But its not ok for women! D:

Sometimes it can even be disturbing to even look at some guys body... @.@ (No offense)

I personally think it's not very fair at all, epically when its a hot day.

And it's not like breasts are even a sexual organ or anything! -.-

Besides we would be having our bras on anyway, so it'd be alright. o_O


Does anyone agree or disagree with me? =O
Half Agreed, Half Dissagreed.

Disagreement: Well, if you think about it, what would the males do. 0.o;; They'd be all staring, and that would be kinda sucky and embarassing. I wouldn't like to have anyone staring at me all day.

Agreement: Ehh. Your right also, it's not fair, but you can always wear shirts that go to right below your breasts, they help alot. Otherwise, we should be able to... I guess...

i agree. also why is it ok for women to go around in sports bras or bikinis but not bras and underwear?? bkinis are even more exposing. it rediculous

In Ohio, where I live, it is legal for women to be topless.

So I take advantage of that as much as I can.

It is only equal rights, anything else should be considered chauvanistic and immoral.

Take your tops off, free the nation!

i think us girls have to waer shirts cuz we hav somthin htere that they dont but i agree on a hot day i wish i could take my shirt off(plus we would be wearing bras so ya it would be ok and its no diffrent from seeing us in a swim suit!) :)

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